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File: 996 KB, 540x960, 1588978576728 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20834579 No.20834579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok guys looks like I'm really going to make it from chainlink. however, after 2 weeks of being on this forum the overwelming take-away seems to be that best investment is to have children. my question is, what happens if I have a daughter & she turns out like this?

>> No.20834815

What the fuck? Don't have kids.

>> No.20834820


Thats a man

>> No.20834889
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Another INCEL thread, sad

>> No.20834896
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The only way to do it is to raise your kids far far away from modernity. Raise many as well so they spread out and take over the Earth.

>> No.20834909

Not bad.

>> No.20835084


>> No.20835309

You wouldn't last a day without modernity. Stop larping.

>> No.20835408

These memes always make cringe incredibly hard. My friend has turned into a pagan larper causehead who is always onto the next flavour of the month meme ideology and buying the associated merchandise. These memes are genuinely made by right-wing ideologues who think that their worldview isn't just that, another ideology. Same shit with people making fash-wave images of the feds from the portland riots. Imagine thinking that federal agents are based because they are sent out to prevent rioting which will damage federal buildings.

I think most people are incapable of handling the age of information.

>> No.20836093
File: 89 KB, 720x1280, 0FA0EC43BA774D98B4626EC1F9888F46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is someone's daughter

>> No.20836224
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I can't wait to have a daughter

>> No.20836348

have sex

>> No.20836466
File: 204 KB, 405x532, arc of deliverance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't call me daddy for nothing

>> No.20837362

Unironically my plan. Minus the pagan larp faggotry of course.
Every single post of that nature is pure projection every single time. Sad!

>> No.20837416

Then I guess a lot of guys on the internet will fap to her videos and give her money

>> No.20837456

Have more than 1 and raise them right

>> No.20837469

I'll never understand this. Who gives these thots money at all and for what purpose? don't they know they can watch porn for free?

>> No.20837531

Fuck knows, maybe it's the only way they feel any female attention

>> No.20837670

ok boomer

>> No.20837687

I theorized that it's all the putting women on a pedestal thing combined with the generic browbeating of 'those poor little women are so unequal abloobloo', e.g. brainwashing, but I'm not sure that's enough to cause this.

>> No.20837842


>> No.20838012
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>> No.20838030

The wide availability of porn has created an army of soulless incel coomers. People like >>20837842 for example. Regular porn no longer excites the so they get into cuckoldry and trannies and shit

>> No.20838034

I'm in my early twenties vro. Me and the guy started off basically just right wing but he was incapable of thinking critically and ended up joining a cult and even getting all kinds of shit pagan tattoos lol.

Why does "honouring your ancestors" have to consist of being a mud-eater and praying to dolmens in the middle of nowhere? Also why don't pagans realise organisations like the ADL have basically no problem with people practicing pagan traditions - it's because it doesn't threaten the power structure in any way because only a very VERY small minority of people would ever be attracted to such a barbaric way of life and most likely have something majorly wrong with them for "wanting" to do so.

>> No.20838057

bbc is king, trannies should be hanged

>> No.20838080

When i make it i dream of getting some good starter girl like this and making her go bimbo mode for me, gain weight then get fat transfers to keep getting bigger tits and ass, lip fillers, botox. Make her a complete depraved fuckbag.

>> No.20838086
File: 123 KB, 975x451, vikingsweregay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paganism is a Jewish psyop to turn white men away from Christ.

>> No.20838106

actually its the exact opposite you fucking retard

>> No.20838108

I only agree if you have mental/physical problems or you’re ugly. When you’re 50 years old and lonely, you’ll regret not having kids.

>> No.20838109
File: 487 KB, 1200x1458, coomerdevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-my deranged fetish is better than your deranged fetish!
Kill yourself

>> No.20838111

what, turns out hot? oh noooo anything but that

>> No.20838136

>Imagine thinking that federal agents are based because they are sent out to prevent rioting which will damage federal buildings.
They're neither based nor cringe. They're simply doing their jobs, protecting federal property from feral niggers and mentally ill commies.

>> No.20838137
File: 30 KB, 1067x275, pagansaregay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing queer boy, which is why Jews hate Christianity and constantly attack it, but don't care about paganism either way.

>> No.20838243

....who do you think you’re talking to on here? Beautiful Chads with pure Aryan blood? Most of us fall into that bucket.

>> No.20838285

What a titcow.

>> No.20838288

Made for big black cock

>> No.20838298


>>20838086 is correct, you should read KJV and understand who killed Christ and why. Why would a religion/ collection of disparate localised beliefs (paganism) which practices polygamy, drug use, homosexuality, conquest through miscegenation, worship of the material world, exclusion vis a vis skin colour instead of actions and behaviour - threaten the current hegemony in any way?

>> No.20838952

nobody likes black men except black women (as it should be)
someone post the dating site preferences stats if you got em

>> No.20839034
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>> No.20839038

Literally DESIGNED to worship the BBC

>> No.20839122
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>black male

>> No.20839186

That's also widely available for free, and furthermore absolutely not the kind of stuff people are paying for. See shit like gamer girl bathwater or even op's video: that's the kind of shit that makes money.

>> No.20839205

Are you asian?

>> No.20839238

Black males don't post on incel websites, who the fuck cares. Any half decent black man is fucking any white female whenever he wants. They love the black bull

>> No.20839259

Paying for bathwater and other non-sexual stuff like that is a form of cuckoldry. The people who pay for that get off on giving their money to girls simply for existing.

>> No.20839287
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>t.black male posting on an incel website

>> No.20839300

>get off on giving their money to girls simply for existing.
That's the question: why/how/what?
Paypigs are a thing of course, but this is clearly different. Also the amount of mass appeal is too high for this to be fetish-tier.

>> No.20839307

These girls are made for BBC. Big BOOMER Cock

>> No.20839337

Basically this whole website and Reddit

>> No.20839360
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>> No.20839448

Women do what works, meaning women do what men allow them to do.
For each of those things this bitch listed, there is a dude who allowed this cunt to do it.
Men are weak.

>> No.20839468
File: 154 KB, 1054x698, nigger btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blobs of adipose tissues aka a nigger boy and aunt jemima aren't desirable

really makes you think

>> No.20839484

No, that’s somebody’s son

>> No.20839493

>Paypigs are a thing of course, but this is clearly different.
Is it? I don't see how, aside from one being more subtle.

>Also the amount of mass appeal is too high for this to be fetish-tier.
Talk to people in real life. The vast majority are just as baffled as you. But on the internet even very tiny minorities can make a big mark. Even if 0.5% of the male population was into that shit that's still millions of lost souls with billions of dollars to give away.

>> No.20839559

I'm gonna need a name on this one

>> No.20839626

>tfw no NVG trad waifu gf

>> No.20839629

Hog Wild mode engaged

>> No.20839779

The only thing cringe is your comment, faggot. Like it's a bad thing to want to get away from a decadent society? No I want to raise my daughter to be a Tik Tok whore. Obv you have no kids and never will. You are a pathetic incel loser.
>I think most people are incapable....
Look at this guy! I bet you can't even do a push up champ. And I bet you're fat.

>> No.20839834
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>Just turned 23 today
>Fat neet, laid off from a decent job due to Chinese flu
>Still never had GF but not a virgin
>tfw clock is ticking on how long I could fuck 18-20 year olds like this without feeling weird

>> No.20839888

they all look german

>> No.20839917

Your "pagan" daughter is far more likely to be a tiktok whore than if you were to raise her in Orthodoxy, mormonism, evangelicalism, hell even Amsih...

4chan Paganism is the right-wing equivalent of white girls claiming they're Buddhist because they do yoga and say Namaste a lot. It's a completely vacuous and narcissistic belief system that only serves the purpose of dividing and conquering.

>> No.20839971
File: 1.59 MB, 1656x1243, 1595789030414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brah there are dudes in their 40's and even 50's (not black males obviously) fucking 18+ girls and having relationships with them. Society has ruined your mind. Most mid-20's girls would happily marry an older guy (not a black older guy).

>> No.20839977

But trannys getting impaled by multiple bbcs is my favorite

>> No.20840060


>> No.20840085

I am a half-black mutt, bro. And I guess I am talking about the disconnect in terms of life experience. 18 year old girls all seem like fucking idiots to me even now. 18 year olds in general do. Hoping I can get a 20 year old GF or something by 25, which is the age Ive decided to end things if I cant turn shit around.

>> No.20840133
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Lol just a string of ad hominems without actually defending your stupid cult. I never said it's a bad thing to want to get away from a decadent society. But here's the thing, I've lived in the country my whole life and adore the pastoral lifestyle but not once have I felt the need to jump into a pile of poop with a bunch of historically illiterate retards who ignore the past 2000 years of cultural and moral development/ Christian influence on the western world. People that actually work the land look at pagan larpers like the deranged self-obsessed weirdos they are.

>> No.20840164

I wasn't talking to you faggot. I was talking to the knowitall.
>I'm in my early 20's and I know everything.

this faggot

>> No.20840220

>if you don't join my cult, that means you're ignoring history
lol fuck off, retard

>> No.20840257

lies and slander.

I'm on here and women aren't throwing themselves at me.

>> No.20840481

I hope things improve for you mate. If it's a mental thing, have a look at releasetechnique.com
You can drop all negative emotions and beliefs.

Yeh, it can seem that way. You have to be willing to take the lead and be able to problem solve everything if they're still immature which can be exhausting.

>> No.20840511

i feel your pain, black incel

>> No.20840519

>raise autistic as fuck kids in some wooden cabin
spoken like a true vargcel

>> No.20840565

Whilst I hate to give an american muttiloid advice i will. All girls are stupid, they don't get smart with age just jaded which gives an impression of brains but is unpleasant. Girls will shape themselves around you, especially if younger amd that's how you make a partner who you love. Find a young girl with good carfax, don't worry too much about her interests and fashion or w/e, that'll all change on demand.

>> No.20840670

Marry an Asian woman (Indian, Chinese, Japanese) who will be future tiger mom so IQ stays high. Notice much less % high IQ Asian thots in comparison to American thot population.

>> No.20840687

if you arent good looking you'll get some goldigger assuming you have enough money

>> No.20840691

Home-schooled kids are shown to be mentally superior in every aspect, even socialization, compared to school-schooled kids, everytime there is any research on the topic.

>> No.20840761
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you could force her to not do that and you would still be a cuck. if you cant get girls in a society that gives them freedom it just proves you are a cuck

>> No.20840807
File: 3.37 MB, 630x385, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah isolated kids aren't autistic retards. or better yet, put them on some muh masterrace isolated community


just lol

>> No.20840824

>peer-reviewed research
>ebin maymay i wiiiiiiiin xddd
Every time.

>> No.20840881

Golddiggers are underrated as women. Wanting a man for his ability to provide is much more of a love for his personality than a guy choosing a girl for looks, which we all do. Most women are whores but at least one aiming for a man who can look after her and being selective has got her head screwed on. Plus they tend to know their best role, they won't be absent mothers or off fucking colleagues at work conferences, they'll keep themselves looking good and keep in your favour. The attraction won't just be to your cash, they'll bond well and better than most relationships.

Honestly complaining about golddiggers is pretty bluepilled on women.

>> No.20840924
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>> No.20840942

>autistic studies vs real world evidence
keep coping

and get cheated on by poolboy

>> No.20841040

Unfortunately based, regretfully redpilled.

>> No.20841049

Golddiggers don't want a man for the ability to provide, and don't want the current man they're with. They use him as a platform to hop unto the next, richer guy's dick. They aren't women in any sense.

>> No.20841112

Any woman can cheat but you're naive if you think a woman is inclined to cheat on a high status man for a better looking but low status man. They aren't as visually turned on as we are, a good looking pool boy is basically repulsive compared to a popular, high status man. It would lower their social standing to be with one and that's literally what they base their life on avoiding.

>> No.20841113


They're so socially stunted. Komische Volk.

>> No.20841193

You could say that about literally any quality. A girl who goes for looks is just climbing for a hotter guy, a girl who goes for personality (doesn't really happen) is just climbing for a more charming guy etc. The reality is most aren't like that and especially in the case of securing a provider they know the work that goes into securing one and sustaining it. Being seen to be disloyal and jumping can leave them totally exposed and fucked. So once again whilst it can happen and does happen across all women it's actually less likely in 'gold diggers'.

>> No.20841233

>like this without feeling weird

there's your problem . why feel weird?

>> No.20841260

weirdest boner rn

>> No.20841277

>any quality
No, any quality of evil, such as going for looks or money or whatever of course yes. The reality is 99.9999999% are like that and the unicorn that's not is the only one worth getting. Gold diggers are the worst because money can go any way any time. What if your cousin didn't lose as much as you during covid? Bam. Looks rarely change.

>> No.20841403

Looks do change but also there are lots of good looking men. Women can also universally get much better looking men to sleep with them than they can date them, read: you will always be less attractive than what your gf/wife can get to fuck her.

Ability to provide is already not something so liable to change, a smart ambitious guy will always get by. Its also not something that a girl can cheat her way into more of, like the aforementioned looks for a fuck.

These are uncomfortable truths but the bluepilling everyone gets about women is uncomfortable to challenge.