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20837062 No.20837062 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy a duplex or a condo for a first time home? I'm a single male, late 20s, just shy of 6 figure salary, don't want kids, dont want a wife, I don't want to live too close to niggers in the city but if Im way out in the suburbs that'll fuck with my work life

>> No.20837095


>> No.20837109

>just don't want kids

>> No.20837113

Fuck imagine fucking a girl over the rail on the second floor and then throwing her down

>> No.20837123

I'm not having kids with (((family court laws))) in the USA.

>> No.20837130

Only if you want to live in that area for at least 5 yrs. Also that interior design is depressing

>> No.20837131
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>> No.20837164

Condos are the most overpriced pieces of shit there are and you can almost always hear your neighbors. try bringing a girl home and having the family next door bang on the walls when you're trying to rail her good and you'll see what I'm taking about.

>> No.20837172

Neither, share a 1 bedroom with a roommate, and save up for a downpayment on a multifamily (5+ units).

Much less competition in the 5-32 unit space, and more opportunity to add value if you buy in a really good area.>>20837062

>> No.20837197

Oh no, the jews will hate that

>> No.20837247

If the choice is between marrying some thot who will divorce me and take my kids way who will grow up to be fatherless degenerates, or not reproducing, I'm choosing the latter. Sorry tradcuck. I tried leaving the country already but covid shut those plans down.

Fuck the us

>> No.20837275

Based living requirements OP

>> No.20837279

Those are not the only options

>> No.20837312

Kill yourself nigger. Fucking yourself for life just to stick it to kikes is the most retarded bullshit I have ever heard. There is also no reason for the federal government to weigh in on my relationships

>> No.20837320

If ur gonna go with the single life style u should get a huge plot of land a build a small house with a bunker underneath it. Ur probably thinking “but muh bachelor pad” but in reality casual sex is as cucked as marriage as because you’re even more likely to have some chick try to ruin your life. In the modern era the only way for a man to be comfy is to completely avoid any kind of courtship and only go to hookers for sexual release

>> No.20837361

How about a shack in the woods? I imagine hiding bodies difficult in a condo complex.

>> No.20837388

Let me guess. Find a good girl who believes in Jesus and marry? Why are there so many christcucks on this website? Where did you come from? The only viable option is to leave the us, expatriate and have children somewhere that doesn't hate families. That is not an option for me, so I'm going with the next best thing. Go be a Bible tranny somewhere else.

>> No.20837405

What metro area are you in OP?

>> No.20837575

One of the east coast giants.

>> No.20837648

but but muh jewsus!

>> No.20837769

Kill yourselves, today, please.
You miserable middle-aged married fucks are just angry that some guys aren’t willing to tolerate the same level of bullshit that you’ve signed up for.
I bet you’re the guys who drive minivans at 120mph on the highway and you’re constantly raging at men in sports cars too. Jealous faggots.

>> No.20837849

>Not having the family next door cheer you on as you rail her

>> No.20837877
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>Find a good girl who believes in Jesus and marry?
I don't believe in divorce, neither should she.

>> No.20837922

I wouldn't plan to stay in the city longterm anon. If you're in New York you can move up somewhere along the Hudson in Westchester or Putnam county and take the Metro North into Manhattan every day. I'm sure the other Northeast cities have similarly quaint suburbs that are less than an hour commute each way.

>> No.20837993

>share a bedroom with a roommate.

Ewwww he isnt 12 pleb.

>> No.20838207

>depending on a woman upholding her personal convictions
if her own family isn't willing to disown her for divorcing you, if she doesn't literally fear for her life if she fucks around, she can't be trusted

>> No.20838231

>Kill yourself nigger. Fucking yourself for life just to stick it to kikes is the most retarded bullshit I have ever heard.
Virgin /pol/ vs. Chad /biz/

>> No.20838290

Are you me from the past? I’m the future you?
Had exact same thought and was going to post until I read the past me had already done it.

>> No.20839143


>> No.20839154

Found the loser cucked by his own children

>> No.20839330

>falling for the vaginal jew

>> No.20839333

Hey anon, don't get a condo. Buy the duplex. It will be easier and cheaper to buy as a first home. I am a licensed mortgage loan originator, if you are serious about buying send me an email at mortgageanon@protonmail.com. I'll work you up an estimate and get you pre-qualified

>> No.20839404
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britbong here, can someone explain what the fuck a "condo" is

>> No.20839440

Can I get a 2.25% loan? Then sign me up.

>> No.20839453

Condo for sure. Probably a good time to buy right now too

>> No.20839469

I would go as cheap as possible. Prioritizing location and size of the lot. A small house is better than a condo because of HOA bullshit. Duplex might be cool but personally i wouldnt mess with it. Too big of an investment to mess up if you arent experienced with valuing real estate.

>> No.20839480


It's what all of you live in. Rowhouses, basically any attached house.

>> No.20839567


Man its like i recoginize that its a major problem that people arent having children. And i feel like its the biological imperative and the most important thing a person can do to contribute to the world if they have high IQ genes. I get it all but still, fuck that. Its like giving up your life in a war. I know it needs to be done but I wouldnt do it. My life is too precious to me.

>> No.20839590

I might be able to. Send me an email and we'll talk. Obviously your rate will depend on your credit and debts ect.

>> No.20839610

>believes in false dichotomy
>presents third option anyway
>”waaaaah i don’t like it”
Can’t please anyone

>> No.20839612


It's not that hard to find a controllable woman if children are your only priority in a relationship. She can be a dumb, doting type that would follow you off the edge of a cliff.

>> No.20839745


The problem is you dont want children with half their genes coming from a dumb, docile woman. If anything its the wild bitches that will take all your money who are going to give you Chads for sons.