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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20831975 No.20831975 [Reply] [Original]

>21 years old
>signed full time contract in march
>company has since withdrawn contract 'due to corona' and i am now casual, working anywhere between 10-40 hours a week
>im struggling to find another job in my field

I have never applied for any form of government assistance as i hate dole bludgers, but im getting fucked here lads. there are cunts making more than me doing literally nothing.

what options do i have? do i qualify for any neetbux?

>> No.20832005

Check JobSeeker - you'll be eligible, but may get owned by asset test . income test. If you earn too much - you get nothing (which makes sense...dole is there for people who aren't earning).

t. Adelaide resident.

>> No.20832037

good luck fellow ausbro

>> No.20832069

You mean you haven't applied for scomobucks? Afaik the income test amongst a few others were canned earlier in the year but not sure if they still are. Just check the many links on the Centrelink site. If you care about a career you might as well look into entry level VPS jobs (including graduate programs if you're 21) which commence sometime next year. Some unis even have some pretty comfy "innovation" jobs in tech and whatnot if you want to just apply for some easy experience. Still, max out your time away from work this year since the wagie life is not fun at all.

>> No.20832221

surprised there hasnt been a massive wave of suicides desu

>> No.20832315

thanks anon

>entry level VPS jobs

im in wa, ill check if we have a similar scheme

wagie life is not comfy at all and im literally earning less than doleboys? reeee

>> No.20832326

sup cunt
I have always detested dole bludgers and worked my whole way though uni without taking a cent.
now i'm on the fucking dole and i love it.
never working again, have done more to better my life in the last few months than ever before.
quit and enjoy the neet life m8

>> No.20832422

fellow chinkbro here who is struggling as well without assitance, fuck these cunts on the dole eh, cant wait for the republic of ccp to throw them on barbies

>> No.20832549

Australia was a mistake

>> No.20832691

aus is so good.
free money from your tax dollars.
like i legit spend your tax dollars on crypto and make more money.

rinse, repeat.
ez life

>> No.20833095
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i am getting so much government money and after food and rent it literally all goes to crypto, fuck

>> No.20833125

You should have quit when they fucked with your contract on the grounds of constructive dismissal. Its not like quitting, you'd get full unemployment benefits.

>> No.20833133

how are you cunts doing it wtf

am i the only schmuck here who actually wagecucks??

>> No.20833190

checked, imagine wagecucking tho, im going to a top 50 in world uni in brissy, while npc goyims pay for me to get my 200k p/y degree which really means 180k of crypto per year LOL

>> No.20833319

TO BE FAIR though, i came from an extremely poor and retarded family, my path has been wrought with fire so this didnt come free, neither does living frugally in a shitty place, but it will all be worth it. also am white.

>> No.20833346

It's awesome. I'm on jobseeker too but also working casual. My hours affect my jobseeker payment so if I get more hours my payment is less. It has helped so much, I was able to pay all my bills and have left over for crypto. I've made 86k since March and feel like I'm just winning.

>> No.20833529
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>work at servo
>considered essential
>only earn 25% more than those on the dole when it got doubled
How is this shit fucking fair?

>> No.20833621

Don’t forget your taxes are supporting all these lazy cunts who don’t have to work. Thanks for your service dumbass

>> No.20833657

they are trialing communism

>> No.20833960

I'm not on government tendies but if your work is dicking you over and it's not going to actively further your career you might as well atm. Job market is totally fucked, I hardly knew anyone who wasn't getting actively exploited before Corona so you can only guess what a shitshow it is now. Scomo can keep crying N-NOOO YOU'RE JUST BEING LAZY IT'S TIME TO GET BACK TO WORK all he wants, Victoria's back in lockdown cunt. You reap what you sow you corrupt faggots, I only wish they weren't able to blame corona for the fucking mess they made.

>> No.20834091

Before corona when i was looking for a job, i was applying for everything entry level. on average 1000 others were applying for the same job. Now with corona everything is fucked, good luck finding a job, might as well get some help from the government.

>> No.20834440

>might as well get some help from the government.
Yessss, good goy the goverment is here to help you

>> No.20834550


You in QLD?

>> No.20834706

This year is redpilling so many people and creating a legion of eternal NEETS.

Most have never stopped working since school, and swallowed the lie that work stops you getting depressed.

In reality, not working while still getting paid is life on god mode. I haven't worked in 14 months, and the self improvement has been incredible. I'm literally twice the man I was a year ago.

>> No.20834851
File: 32 KB, 600x592, trentfrompunchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never applied for any form of government assistance as i hate dole bludgers
imagine caring about your morals and not taking advantage of a system you are paying into when you need it

>> No.20834985

>He doesn't take advantage of the system
Ngmi. I've literally making more money than ever getting Jobseeker and getting profits from crypto. When I told them about it, They said they considered it a hobby. The only crypto they know is bitcoin kek.

>> No.20835089

This too. I didn't have the energy to workout before but now I get to set a schedule and never worry about missing it.