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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 163 KB, 1750x1050, soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20828468 No.20828468 [Reply] [Original]

How is he so powerful

>> No.20828534

He'll he worthless if he didnt have any money. Money buys POWER!!

>> No.20828621

It seems to me people make him out to be the boogie man. Let’s be real here I doubt anyone on the internet actually knows anything about this man.

>> No.20828771

You're right i dont know anything about this man. But i do know that money buys power and he has lots of them BILLIONS.

>> No.20828782


>> No.20828895

Spiritual pact with Lord Moloch.

>> No.20828960

I know he has a knack for quickly busing niggers and spics when shlomo needs a protest to film for the nightly news

>> No.20829878

Conservatives tend to believe in insane conspiracies and the internet perpetuates these theories at a speed that we have never seen before.
Don't be surprised if WW3 is fought over shit that didn't even happen.

>> No.20829920

Life itself is a conspiracy and you’re a dumb sheep NPC or a shill.

>> No.20829924

There's a certain intelligence threshold and when you fall below it you are just wide open. People can just hit you with 5G corona bullshit and your only litmus for assessing its validity literally comes down to whether it's a cool story or not.
That's something i've noticed about my hardcore conspiracy friends. Literally everything they believe is cool as fuck. There is no room for the mundane. That's what I find most unrealistic of all.

>> No.20830444 [DELETED] 

They believe everything they hear and you write all things conspiracy related off, which makes you better how?

>> No.20830471

Checked. No there are aspects of conspiracy stuff I completely 100% endorse. I mean conspiracy heads were on the Epstein thing years ago.
But my all-in friends who go for every single conspiracy are as absolutist as my "the evening news is gospel" parents.

>> No.20830598

In india he funds Greenpeace, PETA, radical muslims for rioting and murdering, christian missionaries for doing conversions of the poor tribals and radicalising them against the country

>> No.20830623

Check out the YouTube channel sting for more info

>> No.20830761

He is a trader for the Rothschilds. Literally, the Rothschilds are the biggest investors in his funds, on his boards etc.

But more importantly he understands markets in a very deep way. Read his book Alchemy of Finance. It is a goldmine. Reflexive market theory will change your view on everything when it comes to investing/trading.

>> No.20831305

You know that something must be up when people turn up and start dropping a bunch of newspeak buzzwords

>> No.20831381
File: 48 KB, 500x594, commieanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made his fortune seizing fellows jews belongings, while larping as a christian. Such a nice guy.
Also, he remembers that time as the most fun he ever had in his life. May I say, based.

>> No.20831430

Holy shit, the only finance book not on kindle. How jewish can you get?

>> No.20831444

He's just a bag man. Probably one of the lowest level toadies on the globalist ladder. Still little Georgie the Nazi collaborator kike, doing the bidding of his master for a shekel.

Go home and get ya fuckin shekel box, Georgie.

>> No.20832319

Mostly everyone would be worthless without money like Trump and most businessmen.

Elon prime, Gates prime, Bezos prime are the exception because they are cunning and at their prime with the sole focus of being rich. They built themselves from the ground up and legislators are bending knee to him.

Soros and Trump were handed wealth and never earned it. They were powerful by birth and money.

>> No.20832572

Wasn't Soros a humble shoeshine boy in Prague who got his start shining the Nazis' boots and pointing out fellow Jews?

>> No.20832646

Why hasn't he been assassinated yet?

>> No.20832660

Huge piece of shit, who wants to establish one world government in which he is the king.

>> No.20832665

Yea he tried to get it pulled once he realized how huge of a red pill it is.

>> No.20832733

Soros isnt a conspiracy , he brags about how many billions he gives to charites, what he doesnt say is he gives to his own charities in which he controls what the money is used for.

>> No.20832756

There is a reason I don't call him prime and lets be serious he wouldn't have gotten this far if he wasn't jewish