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File: 15 KB, 529x148, curio_456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20815966 No.20815966 [Reply] [Original]

Man, if you don't get into Curio at these dirt cheap prices, what are you even doing

>> No.20816003

Give me the qrd

>> No.20816105


>> No.20816406

There is CUR and CURV.
CURV holders get car tokens as dividends for voting on new offerings.
CUR holders get nothing.

The virgin CUR v the chad CURV

>> No.20816694

CUR holders get moon, while your CURV ratio will go to shits after the voting.

>> No.20816755
File: 417 KB, 402x413, 1595795583979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? CURV get divvies for life. If someone dumps CURV holders get even more. Then can swap back for CUR and enjoy those gains as well. What is fun is that CUR is shitting the bed and CURV is at all time high.

>the virgin CUR v the chad CURV

>> No.20816960
File: 250 KB, 736x960, 1595903287594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top holder is getting $9,000 in divvies assuming the next offering is worth $1 million (he will probably get more as the devs are indicating there will be an insane reward system for CURV holders). That's $1.8 million he will get during the first car offerings (500 cars worth over $200 million)
If you own 1% of the CURV supply which is currently about 273k then you get $500. over the life of the first offerings that is $100,000.
CUR can lick my balls.

>> No.20817053

There really shouldnt be this fucking CUR vs CURV shit. Both will do well. Both will see gains. All of us will shit on pajeet fuds while they shine our shoes.

>> No.20817067

Calculations based on basis that CURV holders get 5% of every offering. Remember, those tokens will appreciate in turn and can be piked off on an exchange for more gibs.

>> No.20817132

If you ever want to realize those CURV gainz you better hope CUR does great bc youll have to swap back into it to get out. Both are ripe for moon.

>> No.20817140

This is true. The huurrr durrrr CUR is king cuck pissed me off though. No you are not going to be able to vote your way into a similar profit sharing scheme.

>> No.20817227

If you hold CURV you get car tokens (then wine, real estate whatever else). Why would I swap back to CUR if I am getting insane divvies for the next 20 years? You don't have to swap anything. Just vote and collect more and more tokens.

>> No.20817274

Do you have to vote to see divvies or just holding CURV is enough?

>> No.20817345 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 740x834, CURV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you must vote.
If you hold CURV and vote you get asset tokens.
I don't see why anyone would hold CUR. If the yield curve gets dumped to shit, total CURV tokens decreases in step, your share increases as does the divvy you receive. Given the small circulating supply and the high worth of each vehicle (just imagine when houses worth multiples, maybe even tens of millions are listed!) dividend is pretty fucking good.

>> No.20817372
File: 79 KB, 740x834, CURV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you must vote.
If you hold CURV and vote you get asset tokens.
I don't see why anyone would hold CUR. If the yield curve gets dumped to shit, total CURV tokens decreases in step, your share increases as does the divvy you receive. Given the small circulating supply and the high worth of each vehicle (just imagine if houses worth multiples, maybe even tens of millions are listed!) dividend is pretty fucking good.

>> No.20817462

alright ill buy a bag anons where do i buy?

>> No.20817518

Probit or IDEX

Probit has best volume

>> No.20817530

Probit worked for me.