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File: 274 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200730-084809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20815676 No.20815676 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik no!
You said you were based!

>> No.20815855
File: 87 KB, 836x924, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum devs are all communist faggots

>> No.20815877


how dare he not hate poor people

>> No.20815879

Yeah I didnt say I liked niggers

>> No.20815887
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Also some people actually believe ethereum is a decentralized consensus lol
They can't even sync a node and they believe the lies of the devs.

>> No.20815916
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>> No.20815946
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>> No.20815953

Socialism and central banking destroys poor people though.

>> No.20815960

"Based"? Based on what?

>> No.20815972
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>buy ethereum world computer goy

>> No.20815999
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>> No.20816075

Based Austrian economics
The one on the right is best

>> No.20816082

yeah that's cringe, kinda making my steel hands melt

>> No.20816150

If you do heroin in the comfort of your home on an evening after work, other than yourself, who is it really imposing risks on?

>> No.20816225
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>> No.20816264
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>> No.20816287
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>> No.20816303

Vitaly is a fucking moron.

All Trump's doing is repealing an Obama-era order that tweaked subsidized Section 8 vouchers so blacks would move out of the cities and drive up the property values for wealthy landlords in gentrifying areas.

The problem was that it screwed middle-class suburban homeowners, because everyone knows what happens when blacks move into a neighborhood.

>> No.20816329

fuck that russian commie pedo faggot

>> No.20816336

Nobody wants to live around furniture-burning niggers

>> No.20816338

Are you sure you want to do this?
Ethereum developers know better than everyone else.

>> No.20816362

hope vitalik gets some section 8 in his neighborhood

>> No.20816385

I made so much fucking money when bch spiked that day. Wish I sold..

>> No.20816426

What's funny is ETH is basically the same price as it was that day as it is today.
Except now were what almost 3 years in the future and still waiting on ETH 2.0 kek

>> No.20816484

He literally looks , acts, talks like a faggot and you're surprised that he is an idealistic reddit tier globohomo shill ?

>> No.20816555

>poor people given things
>they squander it
there is a reason most poor people are poor
if they had any work ethic they could at least move up in the world no matter how grim their situation is
they obviously need help but giving them free nice shit is the opposite of helping them

>> No.20816632

>they obviously need help but giving them free nice shit is the opposite of helping them
Look into the difference between welfare and charity.
In welfare you reward failure without any guidance, but in charity you imprint your ideology on the failures so they at least have a chance in the future.

>> No.20816704

so what you are saying is they need some kind of stipulation to their free shit, like working for it

>> No.20816751

Yep at the very least submit to the provider not fight them.
Welfare just spins up a bunch of golem against the productive members in society.

>> No.20816791

lol yeah too bad most charities are just money laundering scams or we could actually help people

>> No.20816803
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>> No.20816935

True, also most charities are weak and fall for the same globohomo bullshit as the rest.
That god we have bitcoin and the final say in what happens with our wealth.

>> No.20817052

socialism is not the same as central banking

>> No.20817086

Checked and true. Fuck ethereum fags

>> No.20817198
File: 45 KB, 899x277, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vitalik knows what is best for crypto and Trump isn't

>pic related 1 of 2

>> No.20817231
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>pic 2 of 2 related

>> No.20817519

That guy always gave off weird vibes. Like Vitalik is an austist and all, but I don't think hes actually that fucked up. Gavin Wood is a fucking creep.

>> No.20817554

lol i was there

>> No.20817909
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reminder that Ethereum twitter said employees were marching in solidarity with BLM
commies get free helicopter rides. why are autistic tech faggots the most spineless pieces of shit? does it take a special kind of jellyfish to work in tech?

>> No.20817975


because taking down Trump will be the best thing to happen to crypto

>> No.20818027


>> No.20818087

And? He hasn't done shit. I'd rather Trump than Biden who says he's going to change the Federal Reserve mandate to pursue racial financial justice...like literally just give niggers money and jobs because they are niggers and fuck white people. Enjoy your crypto when my unit is going house to house clearing out commies and subversives and the people who enabled them and you don't have electricity or clean water because that's what a warzone looks like.

>> No.20818346
File: 161 KB, 989x483, fully based 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh anon?

What rock have you been living under?

>> No.20818416

Even Greyscale has said we're beyond the point where the government can stop it. Those moves are to catch tax evaders and financial crimes. There is no way they can ban it.

>> No.20818519

Yet, here we are. He is certainly putting billions trying.

>> No.20818623

Who's going to arrest the tax evaders if the police are de-funded and they have private security?

>> No.20818681

ask our president why hes putting billions upon billions along with expanding the department of treasury and homeland security with his proposal hitting close to 1 trillion by 2022

>> No.20818724

to specify 1 trillion for his anti-crypto project.

Dats a lot of money

>> No.20818750

That is I'm going to look into this more
What the hell are they thinking?

can you hit me with a link?

>> No.20818812

literally google-Trump and crypto, Trump Crypto homeland security, read his twitter, read white house statements, read Trump crypto and treasury.

I mean google anything with white house or trump and crypto.

I mean uhh... Trump is based

>> No.20818877

I am, and I can't find the specifics on the 1 trillion being dedicated to that.
Maybe it's apart of the multi-trillion dollar bill they created but I can't find it saying it'll be dedicated to crypto enforcement.

Also most of the time the government allocates that kind of money it's just being set up to line the pockets of the friends of the administration.
I don't think they'll actually be able to do much without looking like total assholes.

>> No.20819063

Without looking like asshole? Do you think that matters to him?

He is already has PR against it. The money of drug dealers, launders, and funds terrorism and crimes.

>> No.20819161

that's actually extremely based of him. incel hicks on 4chan get so fucking butthurt when a major figure turns out not to be alt right LMAOOO

>> No.20819334
File: 88 KB, 694x645, 3634B314-74B4-48AA-A5BA-0031F3A2EA0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. anti crypto? no fucking way. after he just crony’d up every single department position that matters? Brian Brooks, Judy Shelton, nixing Jay Clayton... remember how he gave some trucker 730billion and now he’s the head of the post office? oh and he’s trumps main fundraiser? oh and remember all the talk of Amazon vs USPS? and what’s that young asian lady that worked at ripple, imf, Swift? and she worked at what law firm as an intern?


>> No.20819665

and yet here we are with his budget proposals, his new expansion of the department of treasury and homeland security, his tweets, his white house statements, and with the next major expansion of another few hundred billion dollars next year.

>> No.20819757


>> No.20819795


>> No.20819848

bro xrp is the us government

>> No.20819908

I met vitalik at a restaurant once. He showed me a picture of a girl and said “Pretty hot, right?” I told him she looked a little young and he said “Haha yeah man... barely double digits!”

>> No.20819977
File: 294 KB, 714x430, BBB42B6D-AA7B-43DB-8A3A-3EA8311F9130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth 3.0 is here boys no worries

>> No.20820123

Yeah let's live in a town full of niggers blasting nigger music at 3am and going outside the air smells like weed.

This is why we have gated communities and suburbs. FUCK niggers in the ass. I hope trump nukes major American cities.

>> No.20820184
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>> No.20820201

This faggot almost makes me not want to go back to hawaii, this is a beautiful roadstop

>> No.20820209
File: 639 KB, 1440x1643, 20200729_085416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said by....

>> No.20820244

his interview about the dao hack he seemed quite charismatic but im autistic. i dont know whats worse, him being a pedo or him being so unselfaware as to blog about it kek.

>gets dabbed on by alexander the great
these people are retards

>> No.20820511

why do you think it’s about crypto and not mossack fonseca? the crypto market cap is 330 billion and topped at 800 billion. even If that was all in America and every single person evaded all their taxes they are looking at 300 billion missing at the absolute most, like if everyone rolled over their portfolios at the exact worst time. Realistically there might be 10-50 billion they’re owed right now as a high guess and there are a lot of newly rich people working through the minefield of documenting this shit with lawyers who have half paid and are in thr process of paying plus any late fees they are assigned. And I’m supposed to believe this 1 trillion is for crypto tax evaders not offshore structures in the traditional economy? Sorry, no. If anything to do with crypto all that would make sense is they’re getting out in front of crypto going to 10 trillion mcap so they can make sure people pay taxes then.

>> No.20820570

based and redpilled

>> No.20820615
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Ditch the Zero get with the Hero

>> No.20821521
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Imagine thinking that people who are trying to make it will want to continue to interact with the lower classes after dragging themselves from the pit.

>> No.20821532

He is based fuck trump

>> No.20821789
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They can team up with Joe Biden and the Federal Reserve.