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20804378 No.20804378 [Reply] [Original]

Not so fun anymore when shit get's real, eh?

>> No.20804571

This is the biggest problem with ‘being your own bank’ nobody has really thought about the fact that now a robber just has to break in to your shitty pvc back doors and hold a machete to your neck with probably no cctv about and get you to transfer funds to an untraceable account.

>> No.20804639

Good thing I've changed addresses multiple times since ordering my Ledger.

Comfy as fuck

>> No.20804746

You’re a lucky one. 95% will not be able to move.

>> No.20804775

I fucking dare someone to come and try steal my cones

>> No.20804795

Can someone eli5 what happened
My cousin got me a ledger for my birthday a year ago, I still havent opened it (box it comes in is still wrapped in plastic)

>> No.20804823

good thing i bought a trezor with monero and trezor deletes all my identifying information after purchasing

>> No.20804888

this is so stupid and unlikely you spaz, if anything at all happens it will be targeted social engineering and mass email/phone scams against people on the list. If you have a ledger just be wary about suspicious emails, simswaps due to a crappy provider, and linking your primary email to the same 2FA as your wallet. All shit you should already be doing

>> No.20804909

A fucking gang would grab you in seconds from behind, put a gun on your head and have you pissing yourself and transferring funds in minutes.

>> No.20804920

Your cousin hacked you, leave it in the box

>> No.20804942

>linking your primary email to the same 2FA as your wallet
just in case a casual reader can’t parse a sentence, I want to emphasize that you should NEVER do this

>> No.20804977

It’s not stupid. Gangs break in houses to steal cars, even steal dogs. You don’t think they going to buy a list of people that possibly have thousands of dollars just sat in their house and very easy pickings to steal and get away with?

>> No.20805074

>Implying blacks know how to work computers

>> No.20805139

Absolutely ridiculous

>> No.20805165

What do you mean by this? What email 2FA would you have linked to your Ledger?

>> No.20805188
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>> No.20805207

Paper wallets exist. So no effect

>> No.20805213

it's fine, i love the thrill of being hunted

>> No.20805231

How does ledger use 2fa email?

>> No.20805262

basically a free kill in my state. someone breaks into your home to commit a felony, you can use deadly force

>> No.20805310

This. Good luck robbing an American who owns a large amount of crypto. Any moderately wealthy American owns guns. Most poor ones own guns as well. The last thing you want to do to an American is break in to their home.

>> No.20805425

This is why I buy everything from Amazon.

>> No.20805465

fucking retard

>> No.20805491

>defund the police they said
>unbank the banked they said
>don’t buy shiny rocks they said

>> No.20805653

more of an issue for exchanges, just telling you not to mix your 2FA because it makes you vulnerable to simswaps, which you are much more likely to be attacked by than some psycho breaking into your house because they heard you maybe bought a crypto wallet x years ago

>> No.20805714

the point being that if an attacker suspects you have crypto, he would be way more likely to attack you electronically than physically

>> No.20805729

Doesn't sim swaps only affect sms based 2FA not time based like Google auth?

>> No.20805747

what does "mixing" 2FA entail?

>> No.20805787

I guess you mean using your main email as your Google auth ect account? I guess if you have a secondary email it's less likely to be spread around as a main one but either way it's still just as secure as either email is. Am I missing something?

>> No.20805796

You can have dummy accounts that appear as legit ones you dimwitted its called probable deniability

>> No.20805830

If more places accepted it I'd be using my Yubikey for everything, but so far only google does, not even protonmail accepts it

>> No.20805835

having google 2FA is alot more secure than sim

>> No.20805911

best 2fa is google authenticator (toptp)
sim? email? rofl... none of them are a good idea or secure.

>> No.20805939

*totp damn aka time based otp

>> No.20805994
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can you please write what you mean about 2FA in a coherent sentence? What are you saying not to do and what are you saying you should do

>> No.20806072

Same. My name remains the same, but I believe I only used my initials.

>> No.20806100

I don't think he even knows

>> No.20806174

I'm assuming you mean that 2FA exists also in email form? I was under the impression that it exists only as OTP app or is referred to as such... Not even a zoomer. Just never saw F2A mentioned in particular until smartphone OTP...

>> No.20806443

I always knew hardware wallets were a scam

>> No.20806444

>2FA exists also in email form
most retarded shit ever if you ask me

there is basically sms, email and totp or hotp (sometimes in physical token form) even a phone call version is out there.

>> No.20806467

feel like guys are being deliberately obtuse, 99% of you retards are obsessive and already covered, the point I’m trying to get across is that an attacker who believes someone has a wallet is much more likely to look for electronic avenues of attack,

one of which, and it’s a single niche example which is why I didn’t think it was necessary to have to describe it in depth for you faggots, would involve simswapping to 2FA into some idiot’s email account, then using that email and phone number to gain access to an exchange account for which they used the same 2FA and cleaning them out. They wouldn’t even attack this hypocritical person’s ledger, but knowing that they have one they would probe any exchange accounts they discover and try to break in whatever they might have there instead. At scale they might snag a couple and that’s worth it to whatever 3rd world bad actor is desperate enough to comb for this particular vector

Again. As I said in my original post, this leak isn’t going to affect any of your current security protocols since I assume you already practice common sense, no one is going to attack you with a machete you dumbasses

Now stop being autistic

>> No.20806473

i've been planning on buying one of these for three years
guess i dodged a bullet by being incredibly lazy

>> No.20806531


>> No.20806532

I don't live in muttmerica

>> No.20806577

Nothing in this thread really shows HW's suck though, except the robbery part

>> No.20806620

you write horribly

>> No.20806698

How does sim swapping someone get you access to someone's email account and not just their phone number? I thought the whole point was were they to receive an sms 2FA request they would see it.

>> No.20806740


fuck you faggot

don’t use the same phone number to authenticate both an exchange account and the email you’ve linked to it, that simple

>> No.20806857

>this is so stupid and unlikely you spaz
You're stupid for not realizing that we are all Indians.

>> No.20806892
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>Not buying it from third parties.

>> No.20806925

You have to go back.

>> No.20807057

It's very likely your cousin is dead, anon. Don't attempt to contact him, whatever you do.

>> No.20807672

BS comment

Well... they could break in... hold a gun to your head and force you to BUY crypto with your FIAT money...

No difference.

>> No.20807797

I went to the city hall to change my name and moved to my mom's house until things cool down, I will do what it takes to make it

>> No.20807858

You need to have facial feminization surgery and change your name into a womans name to be sure...

>> No.20807958

Jokes on you I'm a female but I took a gender neutral name in case I had to dress like a man

>> No.20807984

same bro

>> No.20808056

what the fuck is simswapping

>> No.20808129

The amount of salt you cause by 3 letters an a number kek. It's too easy with these retards. Basically, info got out about the owners address, and names.

>> No.20808136

Funds are safu
Emails subscribed to ledger new letter were hacked.
So what? They still physically need my ledger to steal it. What are they going do? Use my email to find me and hold a gun to my head? I dont get the panic.

>> No.20808248

I have more LINK than you do. Come live with me as my stay at home wife. You need to let me suck on your milkers daily though as well as make me tendies.

>> No.20808355

Post proof of linkies attached with a pic of a sharpie in your poophole

>> No.20808380
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My ledger was a gift, so it's not my address.

>> No.20808565

>White hands
Not believable