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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20802112 No.20802112 [Reply] [Original]

I really made a huge effort to fud this coin down as much as I could... I felt like I had lost out and I wanted a cheaper entry.

I finally all-in'd once it got to $1.11 ... I want to say thank you (it's at $1.41 already) but mostly I wanted to say sorry to everyone who panic sold me their bags <3 Nothing personal

>> No.20802138

Your fud didn't work on me.

Great job though, I commemorate your work.

>> No.20802166

I fucking hate you, you stupid fucking jew. I sold at 1.11. I hope you go to hell

>> No.20802168

I lost every karma will destroy your bag just like it did mine

>> No.20802254
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Shut up homosapien

>> No.20802291

thanks for your hard work, added a lot to my stack at the bottom. i mean it was a bit over the top but i liked the new wojak variations

>> No.20802298

Thanks mate, I sold at 1,10.
Easiest -5k I ever made.

>> No.20802302

I all in’d at $1.15 ... fucking looooooovin life right now

>> No.20802617

I almost bought the fud and woke up this morning in a panic. Honestly I'm probably going to leave this place for a few months because it's not good for my mentality. I actually need money to improve my health and there are people here that want to capitalize on that. Go browse a board where people legitimately want you to make it instead of simply making their bags bigger.

>> No.20802664

Your fud didn't work on me you kike, you might have earned some short term gains, but gained a long term spot in hell.

>> No.20802696


Damage control, nothing but down hill.

>> No.20802787

I have done nothing but fud ampl for the past 3 days. We made it bro’s

>> No.20803176

You really upset me and caused me a lot of stress

>> No.20803613

this place is a shithole
get out while you can

>> No.20803658

I was in most of those threads pink wojak posting it up
good times

>> No.20803686


You still bought the top of a Ponzi

Kekekekekekekkkkkk Retard

>> No.20803719

Thank you for ruining my chance at making some money, just because you were jealous

You guys spent 7 straight days fudding like it was your job, really pathetic.

Congrats, it worked, now I can go back to having zero hope of making a nice profit

>> No.20803741

this is chink level insectoid behaviour. unironically kill yourself rakesh.

>> No.20803755

Still 10cents higher than target price. nice job anon

>> No.20803812

Beause of OP I lose 30% of my stack every 2 days :(

>> No.20803832

Meh, I held & knew it was shit tier jelly fud. Welcome aboard you filthy piece of subnigger shit.

>> No.20803877

samefagging retards gtfo

>> No.20803927

You fucking nigger, you have only forged my hands stronger, my eyes keener. These iron fists, fist now harder and deeper through your fud. My weary body is set ablaze by the gleam of fresh fud to fist.

>> No.20803972


If people actually believe the FUD threads for Ample on here are anything but people who've sold their ample and want to buy back in at the bottom...well...

They sort of deserve to get shafted.

>> No.20803988
File: 66 KB, 600x750, aplaceforfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have anything to do with this coin but this was a funny post. Cheers OP.

>> No.20804077

Hey newfags, always do the
opposite of what this shit hole does and your make it. If you see non stop shit posting about a coin thats a good sign.

>> No.20804117

kek, based, i fudded in your thread during the last 3 day

>> No.20804125

I knew there was too much FUD for it not to be coordinated

Thanks for shaking out the weak hands

>> No.20804147

I bought because of all of the FUD, but I bought too early. Now I'm down 25% in one night. I hope this shit goes back to $2 so I can get out with a small profit.

>> No.20804184

>mfw didn't swing the top

>> No.20804533



Thus always to glass hands

>> No.20804691
File: 41 KB, 800x483, 1552231606762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go browse a board where people legitimately want you to make it instead of simply making their bags bigger.
you play to win the game

>> No.20805000

You almost got me I assume this was yesterday afternoon there was 5-6 AMPL threads at once

>> No.20805280

you put all the work into fudding and than you didnt even buy the bottom at 1$- you are af ucking retard

>> No.20806410
File: 22 KB, 300x210, 1j6iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never, ever, ever, EVER, ever, ever, ever, ever sell anything, because biz FUDs you into doing so. This board is a hive of coordinated price manipulation operations.

The way to truly make /biz/ work for you, is to utilize it as a tool that sifts through all the different, relevant projects for you - where sometimes a good one actually washes up. Only invest because of strong fundamentals - never get shaken out.

>> No.20806464

Larping cocksuckka

>> No.20806552

Creative shill

>> No.20806592

I didn't sell, it just made me sad

>> No.20806661

The AMPL is a digital asset, like Bitcoin, but with a novel supply policy that translates price-volatility into supply-volatility. The protocol’s smart contract design allows the increase and decrease of supply to be automatically executed without any need for a transfer between peers, and without the need for a bank.
Since June, AMPL has grown from a $10mm market cap to a $338mm market cap with more than $22 million in 24hr trading volume. On average, the price of AMPL has oscillated between $1.70-$2.80, which has been the equivalent of a 6-17% supply expansion each day for token holders over the past two weeks.
This policy was originally designed to be the simplest direct solution to the supply inelasticity problem that limits assets like gold and bitcoin. Supply changes expand directly to wallets and contract directly from wallets, with no bank or marketplace in between. The project's founders later discovered that the AMPL solution could have the tremendous additional benefit of introducing a new asset movement pattern unlike any existing cryptocurrency or traditional asset. This became their primary topic of inquiry and has since been demonstrated under live market conditions.
The AMPL token’s non-dilutive supply changes introduce a fundamentally different set of incentives for traders because changes in demand are expressed by the number of AMPL held in addition to price. As a result, profit-maximizing actors are compelled to devise new trading strategies. This new behavior generates a step-function-like movement pattern that is distinct from Bitcoin and traditional assets.
The unique incentives, movement pattern, and monetary qualities of AMPL, make it ideally suited for the following near, medium, and long term use cases.
1. Near-Term – A Diversifying Asset
2. Mid-Term – A Decentralized Collateral Asset
3. Long-Term – An Alternative to Bitcoin

>> No.20806786

It also made me incredibly sad. I also didn't sell, but it hurts sometimes and I unfortunately don't have anyone I can go to for support.

>> No.20806883


NEVER BUY IN THE MORNING (atleast if your a burger on western time)

coins pump at night before bed. then they dump. and then they pump after breakfast

>> No.20806906

Bought more. But didn’t buy at the bottom. Ffs.

>> No.20806913



---fucked that up

>> No.20806962

im just pissed i slept through the dip. loaded up at $1.52 yesterday before rebase but i wouldve put in everything i have at $1.10

>> No.20807048

If you are trying to be intelligent do a proper time zone analysis (Asia vs America Vs Europe GMT)

That's where the trends are every 8 hours