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20798299 No.20798299 [Reply] [Original]

>"Thanks for showing interest in the job as Software Engineer at [THE WORK I APPLIED]."

>"After carefully reviewing your profile, we are sorry to inform you that we have chosen to proceed with other candidates."

>"We wish you luck with your jo-"


>> No.20798346
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at least they replied

>> No.20798353

You unironically need to submit hundreds of applications. Make sure your resume is on point too. Even if you’re very qualified and experienced, you’ll be skipped if your resume is shit

>> No.20798405

Use a bot. I applied to over 400 jobs before I got an offer. Good luck bro

>> No.20798409

i can't believe it's the case with software engineer. how in the world would you need to send hundreds of applications with a cs degree

>> No.20798438

just say that you are black next time you apply

>> No.20798454

Companies usually have extremely specific software needs and someone else’s year of experience might be exactly in that
t. I beat 4 other candidates because I had fucking Visual Basic on my resume

>> No.20798474
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is this one really bad?
What can I do to improve it? This is my first CV I pass around for IT jobs.
I was pretty lucky to get the job at the startup due to good relations with the CEO so I didn't have to provide any special resume

>> No.20798481

A lot of job postings are just companies collecting data. They have a fat stack of resumes to pick and choose from whenever they want. Where do you live? Some cities are booming with developer jobs. Be grateful you did CS and not mechanical engineering like me. I want to kms for not doing CS

>> No.20798495

This is why I decided to become a nurse instead of a CS major.

>> No.20798505

also I have probably applied for 20 jobs atleast. There aren't many entry-level jobs being posted in my area even if I live near the capital where the bulk of the IT jobs are found

>> No.20798509

I don’t like the layout/formatting personally but the content is good. There are good Latex templates you can find (I found on Reddit years ago) that look incredible. Just google

>> No.20798524

Fuck you retard
ME best field
We rock.

>> No.20798539

>wash sick people for 12hr shifts
>work from home and make twice as much money
Wow anon you definitely made a good choice

>> No.20798560

>There are good Latex templates you can find
cool I'll look for those.
But good to know that the data is good. I feel like the summary of me could be better. English is not my first language and I'm not good at describing myself with 1 sentence.

>> No.20798578
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Why are normies so pressed to work?

>> No.20798589

what uni anon? teehee

>> No.20798590

I liked what I learned but fuck man, these jobs suck. Boomer infested traditional workplaces with mind numbing tasks (CAD bullshit, reading specs, stamping pointless shit) that I can’t do from home. Everyone I know in IT and software makes double what I make and they fuck around all day from home. Keep coping idiot

>> No.20798654

remove the interests ffs, it's just generic cringe and doesn't add any value to a resume

>> No.20798668

just to get experience desu

A kinda well-known one but far from the best.

>> No.20798688

what do I fill that blank space with then?

>> No.20798706

Not everyone's mom pays for their internet, kiddo

>> No.20798712

Create a shitcoin with logo, just a couple of triangles and a circle, then shill it here, post a few copy and paste "WOW! I'M IN!" "Easiest 100x!" and "How do I buy this? I've not used uniswap before, lol" posts, no matter how many people call your coin "utter shit" and ask for use cases, always reply in a happy manner about how great it is
Then, wait a suitable length of time, then split with the eth you just made

>> No.20798732

You can't. You'll have to lie.

>> No.20798736


>> No.20798781

Hell, you dont even need to do that, its just optional fun if you want. People will see it on Coingecko and buy out of sheer "ALTS GON MAKE ME RICH" energy.

>> No.20798785

you dont need to fill the space. you can put everything down a bit

>> No.20798807

Remove interest lol
>oh my god this guy can have an accident coming to work an then take a long medical sick leave! don't hire this guy!

>> No.20798816

MechE never appealed to me cause I was afraid of being an AutoCAD monkey, so I chose ChE and could only manage to find a fucking lab rat job.....

>> No.20798833

>take an education in the most oversaturated field since the 90s

>> No.20798849

>t. I beat 4 other candidates because I had fucking Visual Basic on my resume
Jesus fuck. Tell me that was .NET VB.

>> No.20798856

Sadly, remove interests no one cares least of all HR

>> No.20798859
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>ITT: Just apply for 500 jobs bro
Give me one reason why I should not just check out of society until World War 3. It would honestly be less competitive, and its probably time for a culling anyways.

>> No.20798864

I can already see two spelling mistakes. You need to triple the work experience/projects and half the education (oh wow you did OOP like every fucking other guy who studied code) it adds nothing.

>> No.20798865


>> No.20798870

Wait, those actual "I made some shitcoins, who wants them? List eth address please" threads made money for the people making them?
I'll still make a logo though, just incase anyone thinks it's not a real project.

>> No.20798885

I have become ESL from reading so many shill posts

>> No.20798887

Go ahead pussy, less competition for me and my children

>> No.20798896

You're good bro you will find another job. Keep at it. Life is a journey. I believe in you, you believe in you too.

>> No.20798912

>Cant even program
>become developer for big energy company

It's terrible but the money is nice

>> No.20798922

I majored in accounting and I had a really hard time getting an internship in college. I eventually got lucky with an industry internship and used that to get a full-time public accounting job. I stayed there almost three years and hated it. Now I’m back at the company I interned at.

>> No.20798927

If you have a stack and can survive or are a neet at home then you absolutely should. Fuck corporate waging its awful

>> No.20798934


This, programming can be fun, and a good way to make money if you're doing your own projects, but holy shit is there a massive number of people going into the field.

Just be a dummy like me; do IT work, and then pick databases/security/telephony/etc. Get your feet wet as a help desk nerd for a year or two, and then specialize. Less work, not quite as well paying, but you wont have to submit 500 resumes for a fucking gig.

>> No.20799051

I'll remove it then
thanks, I'll rework it a little. I also have a current project which is kinda the same as my first one but on a little bigger scale with more backend work.


>> No.20799072

No, it wasn’t even .NET. It turns out they run all their automated scripting through excel sheets using VBA, and they had hired a guy to make a suite of tools for them that they later fired, and this suite of tools was all spaghetti made in visual studio 2003/2005 in purely basic. Hilarious

>> No.20799109

You have to check the box labeled: African American.

>> No.20799111

Spearfishing chad. But for a professional resume remove interests and add achievements.

>> No.20799114

>he fell for the cs degree meme

>> No.20799167

it's the best degree to have out there, im not CS btw i wish i had one

>> No.20799170

Hahahah there's hope for me then. Years stuck with shitty VBA code that's doing stuff it was never meant to do. And this is at a Fortune 500 company.

>> No.20799220

Could "figuring out an algorithm to compute more accurate node networks" be an achievement?
I haven't participated in any Kaggle competitions, sadly.

>> No.20799232

Lol, you beat me to it. They can never call you out for saying your black and you'll definitely have a better shot at getting an interview at least.

>> No.20799263

People live their excel sheets man, I think people somehow appreciate code inside excel more than standalone programs, at least non-coders in my location do

>> No.20799354

As a Soft engineer myself with 2 engineering diplomas,

I can tell ya finding a job is not that immediate as you would think.
The market is not saturated, but spammed with pajeet-like people that are barely developers.
Companies don't know how to differentiate a random who knows C++ and an actual software/system engineer.

The data bubble is one of the causes for sure.
All those indians+pakis+chinese in my country love to pretend they are data scientist when they barely know shit.

The skilled software engineers will be very valuable in the future, after the data bubble settles or collapse.

Fuck pajeets "They took our jobs!"

>> No.20799401

Everyone is already going after you about the interests so no need to mention that. My only question is what are you looking to apply for? The content and how you format your resume is 100% dependent on what you're applying for. I handle interviewing and hiring at a software company and my red flag would be the lack of work experience. You probably want to add some supplemental work (contributing to an open source project or any type of freelance work) if you want a mid level or at some companies even an entry level position

>> No.20799407

Thing is some things have really regressed since 1997. I could create a very simple script in 5 minutes with VBA in any computer with Excel but with Python I need to ensure a bunch of stuff is working properly before I can start. And most programmers don't want to create a GUI, they will just go for a console. Normalfags detest that black box.

If your environment is 100% Windows/Office then VBA wouldn't be such a bad choice if MS hadn't completely abandoned it. VBA 8.0 or 9.0 could've been comfy.

>> No.20799429
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>What, you realize the soul crushing cycle of modern wagecuckery is no sustainable? Pussy!
See you on the frontlines, cunt.

>> No.20799443

lots of entry level jobs are getting outsourced to asia because they’ll do the same work for a lower salary. my buddy barely landed an entry level job with a CS degree and all of his coworkers are out of state

>> No.20799470

All degrees are a meme. I'm in finance and most of the people around me do not have any finance qualifications. As long as you have a degree it's possible to walk into any job role if you have the charisma.

>> No.20799538

>be first year CS student
>get a job straight out the gate
LMAO git gud
I bet you didn't even build a nice GitHub.

>> No.20799570

Lol that's retarded.

HR and hiring managers are fucking retarded such a high % of the time

>> No.20799615

Jobs aren't as easy to come by in this industry as people think. I got into the industry back in 2010 and I ended having to take a job that paid me half the going rate for an entry level developer (not far from minimum wage) for two and a half years just to get enough experience to leverage it into a position that most folks are told they would be handed post graduation. Take it from someone that's made a lot of these mistakes. Take nothing for granted and take every opportunity you get. You'll likely have to apply to a ton of positions to just get a few that'll interview you. Then out of those you might get one or two that'll hire you if you interview well enough. Good luck in your search! Don't give up, grit and determination will garner you an opportunity

>> No.20799640

Nobody cares if you're a loser, just don't go thinking being a loser makes you better than anybody

>> No.20799645
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Rahul's getting your job anon..

>> No.20799655

Yes they are. Having to interact with some of these characters on a daily basis I can attest to this

>> No.20799669

>Take nothing for granted and take every opportunity you get.
awful advice, that's literally the reason why you settled for a shitty underpaying job for 2+ years, lmao

>> No.20799686


>> No.20799690

Entry-level is saturated, but the jobs are usually very comfy. Mid and senior level positions are less competitive given you have all of the qualifications, they're also less likely to be outsourced to poojeets.

>> No.20799701

build a nice, tryhard LinkedIn. update your status there, add a shit ton of people, look for recruiters. it took me a week to get a job in IT with a biomedical engineering incomplete diploma

>> No.20799873

In addition to the previous feedback remove languages as you are applying for programming jobs and not Foreign affairs

>> No.20799912

You're probably right, I should've just bought a bunch of bitcoin and could've saved myself years of wasted time

>> No.20799951

No projects outside of work and this young? You're competing with Asians with no life. Put something up on your github

>> No.20800033

I am in Finland and I basically get interviews like 90% of time when I apply. I think I failed like 1 interview because didn't have much JS knowledge back then.

The competition in Europe is much lower than in the USA but salary is lower too. Still I make much more than most people here and can invest a lot per month + 100% work from home if I want to.

In the USA the entry level is extremely saturated, and it will be here too in like 5-10 years as it's following the same path. They want to teach fucking coding in like kindergarten

>> No.20800066

Get a good job then you retard
ME is the best engineering discipline
That's why I chose it over CS.
You are just a complete idiot that thinks the grass is greener on the other side.

Chem is good too. Grind until you make it anon.

>> No.20800096

I can’t.
If you are qualified and more to the point skilled, but still competing with so many that you have to run a fucking numbers game then it’s time to check out until all the HR parasites and “safe hires” are in the bread line.
What’s the alternative? Play the dickhead game and become king dickhead?
I would rather fucking starve than take a CS degree and compete against utter fuckheads for a website moderator position or some other utter bullshit for peanuts.
Smart people don’t grow on trees, as my Law prof told me 20 years ago. Let these stupidity tanks bubble over and have to rightsize another 5000 “highly valuable” people into unemployment

>> No.20800184

If I have shitty gpa and have no related work experience, is it wise to lie about an internship? Or random programming languages I don’t know how to use?

>> No.20800275

This guy >>20798864 has some solid advice. I interview at a tech company (meaning i'll see resumes before the interview but i don't screen them) and anyway I feel like this resume is kind of thin for a grad. I mean your two "projects are also just two out of the three bullets for your work experience. It just feels like you could use more. And even though this is COVID times you want to strongly convey somehow that you are good at working in teams and even showing some leadership capabilities.

But don't worry you're on a good start; good resumes are ones that are reviewed and revised

>> No.20800454

What’s your job like genius? Moving things on a 15 year old design 1mm on solidworks? Cope harder

>> No.20800513

>tfw somehow blagged my way into a SE grad role and have been cosy ever since.

I don't know algorithms and I'm pathetically bad at Maths. I'm a few years out of university now and i'm pretty sure i'd get BTFO by a bunch of college grads these days. Thank god I don't live in America.

>> No.20800659

It's very sparse. You need to put down what your responsibilities are in your current role and exaggerate the achievements. What might be better is knocking up a quick static website with examples of your projects that you've done backed by public repos on Github.

> Non-CompSci Graduate who got a job in Data Engineering last year thanks to a public github repo and referencing that to the interviewers

>> No.20800668

No it's not, getting a job as a CS major is far easier than most other degrees. Applying for a job takes 5 minutes once you've got everything ready.

The only valid reason to be a nurse is to help people, otherwise you're being paid like shit and treated like shit. Stop rationalising that you knew anything about what OP posted about when you made that decision.

Also OP just get over your fear of rejection, keep applying something good will come your way.

>> No.20800707

It's a bad time to be looking for a software engineering job with your level of experience

I went to a top 3 CS school and work at a well known company with 3 years of experience. I got auto rejected at resume screen from companies like Twitter, Square, and Facebook because they're only hiring for senior level roles.

Try applying to Amazon, they're hiring heavily and I got an offer in about 3 weeks since first recruiter contact

>> No.20800742

I design a jet plane for the military lol
Now fuck off you idiot.

>> No.20800769
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>> No.20801049
File: 27 KB, 548x559, 53C56D90-E2EB-436D-9E2F-3C6DC0789003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone tells me to go the virgin engineer route
>decide on Chad business school route instead
>spend entire undergrad smoking weed and studying abroad
>one professor was a former CEO, of a famous company told us all “no one In the office gives a SHIT about your technical skill when hiring management positions. It’s all about personality. 1 point of EQ is worth 100 points of IQ”
>take his advice to heart
>graduate and immediately get a Fortune 500 job internationally despite not knowing shit because I schmoozed well during the interview
>been working for 3 years and now they’re making me a manager because I go drinking with the managers and they like me
>still don’t know shit, probably one of the biggest retards on the floor
Lmao sorry virgins.

>> No.20801127

Took me 11 months to find a job after getting mine.

Eventually, i started applying to lower paying jobs and even web dev in a bigger city. Got a $45k web dev job within a week of that and took it. Proved myself there and started doing the first React projects for the company. Left that Job and now i've been making 60k plus raises every year since.

Not exactly what I imagined, but not too bad.

>> No.20801139

Imagine going to school for business and not even wanting to start your own business. Lmao enjoy your promotions until death

>> No.20801158

>based chad socializer vs the virgin code autist

>> No.20802084

Probably a good idea not to go to the interview on a bike.

>> No.20802201

Even with engineering if you are likeable you will move up. It helps if you also are attractive.

>> No.20802248

explain how this is even possible. the software unemployment rate is like 4%.

>> No.20802278

lol tagalog.
Were you fucking a pinay or are you pinoy.

This is the most beta fucking resume I've ever seen.

Copy paste someone whose 2-3 years more advanced, cut the normie shit of hobbies, languages, etc and save that for bonding over the interview table.

Or just say you're a trans faggot and you go by they/them.

>> No.20802415

well that's the case with me. I live in one of your neighbors(no, not the budenovkas) and I've been told I have a good chance of landing a job here very soon.
I am just a little hopeless. I did get an email that I qualified as a candidate and MIGHT get onto an interview but looking at the application, there's so much requirements I have no experience in, especially .NET

>> No.20802469

>And even though this is COVID times you want to strongly convey somehow that you are good at working in teams and even showing some leadership capabilities.
I'm technically the project leader for these projects. None of the participants really bother to structure it much. I do most of the talking during the Zoom calls either way. The problem is, they are surely more experienced in programming than me.

>> No.20802734

I had a Pinoy as classmate when I was younger. He taught me alot, and we went there together(not specifically to fuck, but I did fuck some qt from a few times Bohol which I am still in contact with). Same reason why I know some Russian as a slav was my class mate too. Lost my virginity there to a blondie.

I just used a template, and some jobs require you to speak English. I just included the other languages I knew for fun.
I'll remove those too, and expand on my leadership skills. Those 2 projects were kinda structured by me, and the first one was mostly written by me.

I've wanted to learn more JS, which I only know how to do the standard OOP shit and AJAX calls, but beyond that I am completely inept at it.
I wanted to make an Andreet app in Java but the creativity part of my 130 IQ drags it down from a potential 160 so that's a problem

>> No.20803067

lmao he has a degree in CS. what a waste.

t. 12+ year corporate IT professional with no degree, no certs, and no problem getting bankrolled for $120k/year salary

>> No.20803267
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just completed my first year in CS and made a GitHub. what should a retard who only knows the basics of java do with it?
t. no passion for anything and only do what im told to in life until i die

>> No.20803390

>I was pretty lucky to get the job at the startup due to good relations with the CEO so I didn't have to provide any special resume
That's great anon, but you learned nothing from this?

>> No.20803452

>t. 12+ year corporate IT professional
>$120k/year salary
uhh, no-college chads...

>> No.20803461
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Is your skin brown OP?

>> No.20803471

Fucking kek

>> No.20803624

Hey look, you're me

Personally I don't give two shits I don't even want to code. Just going for CS because it's the most difficult meme degree outside of physics or some shit. Maybe I'll even drop down to regular Information Technology, fuck it. I just apply to any job vaguely related to technology that pays more than twice minimum wage. I'm putting everything into crypto anyway so I won't be working very long

>> No.20803633

I’d say pretty much all F500 companies use Excel macros. There’s a major autist in my department who writes macros for everything and most of them are pretty good. The problem is they’re not well documented and the outputs are always pivot tables. Very frustrating for a lot of people who just want to follow formulas and see how things are being computed. We’re trying to use Alteryx for most automation instead of VBA.

>> No.20803811

This. Last job I applied for had me interview twice, once with the CTO and another with two lead devs. Then they gave me a take-home project that took me a few nights to complete. The fuckers tried to ghost me after - took 4 emails for them to finally respond and tell me they had hired someone else.

Do NOT let them ghost you

>> No.20804784
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Unemployed master race

>> No.20804877

Why are wagies allowed to post here? I'm worried I'll catch poor from them.

>> No.20805583

kek I've seen better CVs from pajeets on upwork.
remove the blue shit, the interests, and the buttons for languages, make it all black on white, make up some side projects even if you didn't do shit, remove the courses faggot everyone knows what CS consists of, also wtf is tagalog? some nigger language? You need to write more about what you did, for example "automated wev crawling scripts" should become "I suggested using an automated web crawling script to achieve Y, then implemented it using language X, etc."

>> No.20805683

btw I used to have a CV like yours but was looking for jobs at consulting firms in Paris and they all showed me how to make a better CV, I never gave a fuck about these things but once I took these remarks and tweaked those things, lot more jobs started answering.

>> No.20806066

Cut the interests, and consider trying to get some kind of extracurricular award or accomplishment at school if you can. Otherwise looks pretty good and you probably just need to fill out a few hundred more applications to see what sticks.

>> No.20806144

Too hard to read and all over the place. You need to make it as easy to read as possible.

>> No.20806228

This is why we need 100 million more immigrants

>> No.20806413
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>gets completely blown out by an engineer who has people skills
cya later, loser

>> No.20806756

in all honesty there’s more dignity in being a neet than hamster wheeling

>> No.20806816

I did, it improved my Python and general programming experience by tenfolds, and allowed me to practice with backend development and some frontend

>> No.20807258

because you're a retard and not smart enough to know basic programming

>> No.20807313

software development is a fucking drudgery

>> No.20807669


>$160k software engineer salary at a Fortune 100 company. no college degree of any sort.

>> No.20808228
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>mfw reading this thread with a comfy wfh 6 figure Python job when I have no CS background and am barely competent with Python

I do have skills in an adjacent data field that is my real specialty and a resume with some prestigious jobs/ projects... but still... I guess I should probably do some work today bros... holy fuck

>> No.20808279

Life lesson-- if they want you theyll never email. If they email and dont call, 9/10 youre fucked.

>> No.20808325

unironically having a mild panic attack reading your experiences I'm so fucked if I have to compete against competent programmers for a new job

>> No.20808363

stop being such a cuck and make your own business

it's what I did

>> No.20808396

You literally just need to start a patreon and make erotic novels/games

>> No.20808707


>> No.20808809

I have a feeling that the very limited amount of work I contribute every month to the startup is still more than what you re doing but being paid a fraction of it.