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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20790869 No.20790869 [Reply] [Original]

How much have you made or lost since you started using this board? Be honest.

>> No.20790882

maybe 4k, but im poor i started with only 600

>> No.20790892

Lost about 1k usdt, won about 6k

>> No.20790925

Up $81k in 2020 because of this fucking place. I can’t relate to sane people anymore though so not sure it’s been worth it

>> No.20790942

about $200 and a pack of bubble gum

>> No.20791009

6 million
initial 3k

>> No.20791016

it's hard to tell, because I pull my profits from my account. But my account's still up at least a whole btc since 2018.

>> No.20791058

Up about 140k in unrealized gains

>> No.20791064

Up 380k, but have not realized any gains because I'm never fucking selling. My linkies stay stinky, hairy pussy redhead gf end of year!

>> No.20791094

Up 30k

>> No.20791313

I got back into crypto and robinhood about 4 months ago during the ESH /ghost hype. I started with $150 in crypto and $25 in RH. My first two cryptos were ESH and Buidl, I sold ESH during the dump and Buidl at .16C. I learned so much from those 2 trades that I consider it priceless. Im now up to $550 in RH and about $5000 in crypto. If I would've held Buidl I'd be up $16,000 so I feel dumb AF even though I've 25× my money.

>> No.20791354

Doubled from 60k to 120. Didn't sell, currently at 100. Came on 4chan 10 days ago.

>> No.20791379

started investing in late may. broke even right now. orignally bought the meme "value" stocks like airlines and restaurants. they kept losing money. now i just buy hype and sell news.

>> No.20791382

Initially lost 450 chasing the same shit everyone else was. Then I started betting against 4chan and winning.

>> No.20791454

Haven't been here that long, but been around crypto for a while. People here really know their shit, unironically. The fun part is sifting through the shit and mud to find the gems. People will fud their own project for their own benefit. People will shill a shit project to drive attention away from the project they're accumulating. Being able to differentiate a genuine shill from a ponzi pnd campaign with the same sales pitch - it's an art. I think it goes without saying that biz has opened my eyes and will be the reason I went from normie to semi making it.

>> No.20791476

Made about half a million.

>> No.20791485

6 million

>> No.20791511

Indeed one of the best things to have learnt from biz is to read between the lines

>> No.20791539

400k give or take

>> No.20791552


>> No.20791570

>one week
>up 300 off initial 3.5k

>> No.20791571

I'm 19 y/o, have my own apartment and £25k to my name thanks to programming and /biz/
Thank you anons, I am grateful. One day we will see millions, if not already. Godspeed.

>> No.20791578

About half a million unrealised.
Bought a car during 2017 pump out of profits, for about three times what I put in

>> No.20791594

Came here 2017, starting with $100 dollar. Current crypto value is $30k so its fine I gues. Everything here is about scamming each other over but from time to time there is a based anon that will give you good advice.

>> No.20791641


>> No.20791652

430K since 2017 from my bizbros

>> No.20791665

Currently $141k with an investment of $5k.

>> No.20792199

5k to 44k to $50 now back to 17k thanks to HEX

>> No.20792216

I'm all outta bubble gum.

>> No.20792280

Same trades but didn't 'fuck up: as bad on ghost. Check out DMG my fellow non-retarded friend. Defimoneymarket.com

>> No.20792303

10k on 10k initial investment since jan 2020
Nice lil 2x

>> No.20792372

>3 weeks into crypto
>$4500 USD put in ($6000 for me because cdn)
>Up nearly 2 grand

Thanks, /biz/.

>> No.20792443


$158k from an initial $5k with $12k added in $2000-3000 chunks, in 4 months or so

I have gotten retardedly lucky

>> No.20792460

put in 18k, up about 210k (basically all unrealized gains though)

>> No.20792512


>> No.20792609
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About 1.7 million from 10k since the Spring of 2017. All in Link now. Hoping to retire within a year or two.

>> No.20792643

Started with 600. Have lost money on a couple of trades but doing pretty well made 6 grand in the last 2 months of alt season.

>> No.20792711

Current crypto value is about 7 millions from a 50k investment back in 2016
Cashed out about 3 millions as well in january 2018

>> No.20792742

Sure it is. Mine is 6 gorillion from investing 10 dollars back in 1956.

>> No.20792747

Started with $12k
Sitting on $3m.
Thanks ETH and ICO craze
Thanks bizbros

>> No.20792762

Made 250k from link since 2017

>> No.20792782

Turned like 2k into 50k

All in on BSV

>> No.20792801

Started with £200. Made it into £10,000. Sold it all at the foot of the 2017 bull run. Still hate myself to date.

>> No.20792821

fuck off nigger

>> No.20792832

This is entirely possible on those numbers, even if he is lying

>> No.20792859

Up 500 dollars. All in on xrp from link then etherium then bitcoin now xrp. If xrp goes back to 20c im down 600 bucks

>> No.20793107

Bro get into low caps if you’re not playing with much money. High risk but very high reward.

>> No.20793158


>> No.20793207

about 10k feels like shit

>> No.20793307

around 55k, invested around 2k.
thank you bizbros for shilling link, this board literally changed my life.

>> No.20793357


>> No.20793449

Regular office job/poor. Started with $300 and am up to $1600 in 11 days.

>> No.20793510

Up about $200 thanks to RLC dumping hard on me. If that rallies I'll be up about $1200, which is ~25%.

Only be at this for a week or two.

>> No.20793713
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>All these anons making gains
/biz/ is the most blessed board
Bunch of neets absolutely crushing boomer rocks and stock "gains"

>> No.20793819

i made 3% in 3 years. It's ridiculous. However i mostly didn't follow your advice frens. I must appologize.

>> No.20793884

Lot of millionaires in this thread. You are talking about rupiahs, r-r-right?

>> No.20793908


>> No.20794575

2017 fag, over 600k profit trading alts and using bmex.

current folio from largest to smallest eth, link, snx, yfi, btc

>> No.20794612

I’m up $26k at this moment

>> No.20794632

"Invested" 20k AUD during Jan 2017 till November 2017.
Lost it all, getting cocky. If I cant make money in the golden bull run, index funds are for me.

>> No.20794647

Started three days ago, still waiting for cuckbase to let me onto uniswap. Starting with 2800, haven't lost or made anything. So much to learn

>> No.20794721

Get metamask wallet, you can transfer your stack in to that and access uniswap directly in-app

>> No.20794752

So far I'm up ~$5000 this month. Pretty happy but pissed off that I only bought 500 Link last year despite having literally $17,000 in checking. Even more pissed that I wasn't paying attention when BTC dumped in March and missed out.

>> No.20794781

Started with ~1000 in jan 2018 (rip) up 10k

>> No.20794821

Up $120k, started with something like $4k years ago

>> No.20794869

7 Month 2500 to 4800

>> No.20794875

made 2k on link and pnk

>> No.20794917

$60k starting

>> No.20795029

Thanks guy, but already on it. Cuckbase won't let me move neetcoins into metamask for another 4 days. 10 days for eth fsr. Wth. Probably wells fargo being bastards

>> No.20795121

Started with 5000 in 2016/17. Cashed out 250k, still have 250k in crypto. Thank you /biz/ for shilling me LINK just before 2018 bear market

>> No.20795122

I honestly have no idea

>> No.20795153

That sucks, do they need to verify you before instant wallet transfers?

>> No.20795157

I think i invested around 3k in 2017, it went up to 10k and I lost it, and I invested around 2k this time around and I’m up around 7k so in total I’ve made about 2k from 5k invested which I guess is better than nothing, for some reason when I filed my crypto taxes though it says I have negative capital gains so I assume the loss from 2017/18 carries over and I technically don’t owe and taxes yet cause of it.

>> No.20795174

I had to take a call from their admin girl before transferring to my wallet
Made sure to fud Link in her survey

>> No.20795189

No idea what's up. Calling the transactions "pending." Let me convert and sell, but not send. Already sent them my dl

>> No.20795197
File: 117 KB, 960x528, A6BBFA93-264E-47B2-BC6F-9C86A5A0592D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was down a lot until biz shilled me pnk at half a penny. This placed saved me unironically

>> No.20795216


>> No.20795254

Yeah they called it "Onboarding" but basically a level 2 id check. Instant transfers after that though.

>> No.20795270

Up probably $8k in 2 years. Kek

>> No.20795280

Survey? Why fud link in particular lol

>> No.20795291

Keep lurking, keep learning, dyor. Develop emotional management. You'll make it bro

>> No.20795332

I made $1.1 million from OTM SPY puts at strike price 200 back in March. Lost it all because I got greedy and wanted more...now just left with $500....

>> No.20795396

For fun, out of habit. Told her my friend Nico is a crypto industry analyst and determined Link to be a long con.

>> No.20795533

started yesterday, jesus christ i don't know shit, what do you recommend for low low budget starting point? like 200€

>> No.20795582

Similar boat buddy. Youtube, biz.

>> No.20795645

had 20 usd long on x75 leverage on btc for 2 months, got that position liquidated because I hedged a position on link and zeus capital dropped the price to 6.9
those 20 usd could have been 300 by now, I'm gonna fucking murder simeon

>> No.20795694

>getting angry about literal lunch money

>> No.20795695

Got on this board for the first time in summer 2016. I remember Monero being shilled hard. Deposited $800 into crypto in May 2017. I made and lost money, but don't remember how much, until December 2017. from Late December 2017 to early January 2018, I turned my I think it was $1-2k into about $180k by hitting 10x shitcoins one after the other. If any of you guys were there you probably remember oyster pearl PRL, bounty0x, BBT, etherdelta, kucoin coming up and other stuff. Crazy days. It trickled down to about $10k by March because I had put it into my head that I wouldn't withdraw until I hit a million dollars. At that point, I just threw everything into Bitmex and ended up losing it all in the proceeding months. I deposited more and more later, but always lost everything. Crazy days.

>> No.20795703

I got my lunch stolen man, nobody steals my fucking lunch.

>> No.20795724

I hate to say it but that would probably rip me apart mentally

>> No.20795897


Probs more. I began again after a december rage quit, with $4k. now $250K. - taxes = $200k

i'm all in :

RUZE (hoping for 100x like AMPL)

>> No.20795911

It was very disappointing but it was easier to bear than I expected it to be. My family is financially well-off in the first place, so I didn't lose meals or a roof over my head over the whole thing, and I never screwed myself by taking out a loan like a lot of anons here did. The hardest thing was focusing on uni classes when I had spent the whole night awake worrying about my shitcoins. I'd check on them every 10-15 mins. I was pretty neurotic then. I'm a lot calmer now. It was a nice experience in retrospect. /biz/ was much funner then and we were all in disbelief over how much money we were making. The bear market memes, including the advent of bizonacci, were also very enjoyable. A lot of imageboard memes were born here on /biz/ in 2018. Unfortunately, /biz/ today is a shadow of its former self. I started visiting this board occasionally again during rona lockdown just to see how everyone was reacting to the stock market crash. Stuck around for a bit out of nostalgia, but this place has really lost its magic which is a damn shame.

>> No.20796005

Made 250k$. Thanks to Link

>> No.20796020

Made around 35k USD.

>> No.20796063

I’ve made about $100k in liquid assets since the first time I posted on biz.

>> No.20796144

All in link up 100k doing nothing

>> No.20796296

I have made ~-$4k AUD (AROUND NEGATIVE FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARIDOOS), thanks for the sound financial advice frens =]

>> No.20796377

>I'd check on them every 10-15 mins.
LOL yeah such an obviously destructive habit. Been having that issue come up for me already, and I got in this week after dropping it all 10 years ago

> this place has really lost its magic which is a damn shame.
Yeah all the big boards are saying that, and have been. Except maybe /a/

>> No.20796396

$0, I'm not getting in this shit, crypto is a scam

>> No.20796459
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I do the opposite of what this curryboard says.
Been doing that since 2016.

You are insane when you are buying PNK, AMPL etc

>> No.20796470

Not how it works hose.

>> No.20796476

>invested 90 dollars in eth when it was $14
>hold with fucking titanium hands
>make up to $6000 in the bull run
>it all goes down to 500 by the time i sell this year
>decide to buckle down and start trading my way up around a month and a half ago so i can pay for college
fuck i've only gone from 500 to 3.5k so far.... i feel like shit i've been in here since /biz/ started and i've only made this much, remember HODLing is a fucking meme

>> No.20796495

initial 13k
took out 30k
still have 50k in

10x'd my money in 2017, lost it all, spent some time underwater in the 2018 bear market. Got smarter for it and taking profits this time.
Also link saved my ass.

>> No.20796519

so far made 21k but lost like 1500 usd
but I started when I was basically leaving school and didn't have a job yet so I could only buy bit and pieces of shitcoins here and there and eventually dollar costed into link

>> No.20796521

Made 25k$ from 1.5k$
Rode XOR from 1k to 5k, then STA from 2k to 5k, then STONK from 5k to 20k. Avoided putting anything into balancer. Then XOR again, and couple of shitcoins in between, like BUIDL. Then almost all in ETH, XRP, and XSN. Now rebuying low cap gems like RLC, RSR, DMGm while still holding like 80% in ETH, XRP and XSN.

Could have made lots of money with XOR, but exited too soon. I'm happy nonetheless.

I'm basically doing opposite of what I did in 2017/18, and I take a break when I get too emotional

Btw. fuck LINK

>> No.20796577

>Yeah all the big boards are saying that, and have been.
Yeah but the magnitude with which it happened to /biz/ is much larger. There was a short-lived period of time where this board was the center of 4chan and not /pol/. No one one from any imageboard could believe what was going on here. Colossal times.

>> No.20796578

Ah, no, sorry, I forgot. I made totally like 35k$, but took out 10k around a month ago to pay my loans (taken in the 2017/18 bubble).

I'm a free man now

>> No.20796709

Invested a little over 2 grand since October last year. Lost 450 in stocks but doubled in crypto making 750. So overall I guess I've gained 300. I've tried everything I can to make up and break even in stocks and once I do (I know I will... someday) I'm pulling out of that and just investing in PM. Already took my crypto profits and moved them into silver and am just letting the rest of my crypto ride out on ETH on essentially house money.

Not sure why stocks always move against me no matter what, but at this point I could give two shits. I've got zen like patience, so I'm not losing sleep over it. Only invested what I was willing to lose, so the jew won't ever demoralize me there.

>> No.20796755

2017-2018: $400,000 in gains, followed by $375,000 in losses by the end of the year
2019: $10.000 more in losses
2020: $150,000 gains so far

>> No.20796762

Yeah they're just waiting for your bank to snail transfer them the money.

>> No.20796764

>zen like patience
>letting the rest of my crypto ride out on ETH

please please please do not fucking do this anon, you will make jack like this
i invested in eth at 14 dollars and in the end i didnt even make a whole lot, all the gains in crypto come from alt trading
please please do not fall for the HODL meme

>> No.20796772

Oh yeah, and I started with $5,000 on this board in 2016

>> No.20796817

/biz/ actually gave me a brilliant business idea which I'll implement in a year or two
meanwhile I hold chainlink $900USD worth ;)

>> No.20796854

I've turned 7.5k into 13k over the last month

>> No.20796862

Made 435k on a 15k investment

>> No.20796889

Made 14k off 600.

>> No.20796914

Nigger you held not even 6 and a half ETH. Of course you didnt make much.

>> No.20796915

I'm up a grand. Don't have a lot in. But being here has been more beneficial for my investments than anywhere else. Plan to keep investing

>> No.20796959

how much was your apartment and where do you live?

>> No.20796974

Where do you come from stranger

>> No.20796986

I'd get into alts more if I could find a better user friendly app than coinbase. Kukoin is just a giant mess of a UI. You have any suggestions?

>> No.20796989
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1 Million Pesos

>> No.20796999

WOW what the fuck

>> No.20797015
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Hey guys. You might wanna check Quadrus to get some more from this board. It is a digital shareholding token to structure fundraising, associate teams and to manage shareholdings.

I am still researching but seems like a nice idea to me. Worth a try.



>> No.20797228

Venezuelan here since late 2017. Started with around 400, sitting at 3k at the moment, but I have cashed out at least double from that and I haven't had to wagecuck since then. Still I make very slow gains since I trade with fear and pull out too soon. Maybe I should switch my strategy.

>> No.20797305

tell me your secrets?

>> No.20797317

I got 5k GDP, no job, how do I invest and make money like that??

>> No.20797349

In for 200k or so
Taken out 350
Book value 1.3mm
God bless Flannelman

>> No.20797737

tambien eres venezuelano?
onions venezuelano pero nacio en los estados unidos, que parte?

>> No.20797926

I started with $20.
I put it all in $COL four days ago (as in, right at the end of alt season).
I was just ducking waiting for a 2x-3x to get me started, even though I was promised a 10x minimum.

>> No.20798618

Wouldve done the same as you if I didn't pussy out of buying eth in 2016. Sitting on 800k rn...

>> No.20798850

started with $2800 a year ago, up to $11000 now. Hey, at least i'm not LARPING