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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2077984 No.2077984 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why everyone isn't talking about this right now. This could be ETH big someday.

>> No.2077999

So why it and not Eth?

>> No.2078022

Yes please tell me why I should buy this?

>> No.2078023

>ETH supply ~100,000,000
>WAVES supply 100,000,000
>ETH cost ~$90
>WAVES cost ~$1.30

ETH is great but WAVES seems extra cheap right now.

>> No.2078046

It's an undervalued cheap coin like >>2078023 said

>> No.2078099

Waves will moon. Remember when everyone thought mETH was expensive at sub 5 bucks.

Just one kickstarter hosted on waves will make the currency moon hard.

>> No.2078117

Ohh and mobilego will be dual blockchain on waves/eth....it might even beat ETH for the most money raised in an ico.

>> No.2078232

I'm waiting for bank transfer to go through before moon

>> No.2078246

just look how charts look, its pretty obvious that sudden pump will occur, besides euro gateway should come tomorrow

>> No.2078258


nah it's bout to dump now. don't get in now anons.

>> No.2078330

we will see in several hours

>> No.2078336
File: 9 KB, 675x94, No coiners going to cry again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screencap this

>> No.2078337


>> No.2078343

recen Q&A from Sasha Ivanov aka CEO of waves

>> No.2078468

The charts show: waves is currently in the center of an M pattern. If you faggots knew anything about technical analysis you would know that its about to drop. buy tmrw or the next day

>> No.2078477
File: 23 KB, 450x450, faces-sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this guy looks like he has down syndrome

>> No.2078503

That's not nice. Post a photo of you and let's see what anons say about it.

>> No.2078512

How do I buy it, never bought a shitcoin before.

>> No.2078516

Vitalik looks like an aids patient and he is the ceo of ETH

>> No.2078546

I will gladly buy into this coin, but only when it is $1 or below.

>> No.2078861


>> No.2078864

It's just too high right now. And we all know it's going to dip.

>> No.2078867

Someone give me the quick rundown on waves.

>> No.2078873

Poorfags are always waiting for the dip.

>> No.2078895

I've seen $1 coins go to 40.

>> No.2078902

There's a thread for every shitcoin saying the same thing. How about you at least explain why you shill?

>> No.2078908

This, ETH had a strong support because was made by professionals, that one looks a shit coin.

>> No.2078951

that's why you research, not just looking

>> No.2078961

I still remember just a year ago, people in this board calling out ETH a scam. Looks how it turns out today. I bet those who were just looking by are gonna regret to the rest of their miserable lives

>> No.2078965

What you can tell me about him?

>> No.2078974

none, I have better shit to do.
Do your own research https://blog.wavesplatform.com/

>> No.2078993
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>that one looks a shit coin
You obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.2079006
File: 23 KB, 351x428, tumblr_nocbgkHMGU1uvuwdlo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is talking about it, because nothing significant has
happened yet. They will be still working on everything until
September. Not until then will they be dumping money into
marketing. Then people will be talking about it.

The microsoft azure news wasn't a big deal, but people
creamed their pants when they saw "microsoft" the other day
on the waves blog, so they started buying like crazy that day.
Anybody can tie into microsoft azure like waves did (you don't
even have to be a company, if some guy in his basement made
software that automatically estimates how many pubic hairs a
person has can tie into the microsoft azure platform like waves

The price should return to "reality" in the next couple weeks
(below 40k sats). Wait until then. Buy more shares, and then sit
on it until September.

Screenshot this.


>> No.2079011


Indeed, I just said that people prove me wrong and to convince me to buy that shit.

>> No.2079089

You said this but it doesn't seem as though people are realizing that the Azure thing doesn't mean anything

>> No.2079093

Jesus. You are literally shopping pics now. Shilling skills/10.

>> No.2079169

Vitalik gave a talk at Waves HQ. Not shopped

>> No.2079371

While you are using what you know to make an explanation, you do not have the entire story. The ascent began before Azure. I have been in Waves since the Pre-Announcement and ICO. I will tell you that it was roughly one year after Waves was released (Last spring) the developers started to add functionality to the lite wallet. They got the community bustling again, the wallet suddenly has token creation, a waves btc converter and leasing, all within a week. Sasha the developer also left to China right before this coin hit the one dollar mark. Waves sat at .50 for a LONG time. Leasing is what got the volume on this moving. They will also discontinue Mining for MRT in three weeks, and distributed limited edition WCT. The actions I mention are what got the ICO holders engaged again, as well as more transactions on the blockchain. I have been watching this carefully, and even the volume doesn't suggest Azure had responsibility for the recent climb. Do not time the market. The discontinuation of MRT and WCT will get this moving.

If they create a fiat gateway soon, anybody on the sidelines will be left behind. A fiat gateway is the news people should be waiting on.

Azure news was just as inconsequential as waves wallet coming out for IOS last week...

>> No.2079377

Azure is basically a red herring. People with money are investing not because of Azure, but because of the fiat gateway, and the discontinuation of these founder coins.

>> No.2080134

>and the discontinuation of these founder coins.
So those coins are miner rewards and WCT?
Probably good to stock up on them, but what would make them valuable, besides the fact that they are "limited"?

>> No.2080145


10-4 was going to put two in but that post is radiating will wait

>> No.2080219
File: 40 KB, 640x412, mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is similar to the DAO for etherium.

You might consider it to be some sort of DAO with enhanced security through a certain degree of centralization.
The Waves Community Token (WCT) is intended to provide a tool for community assessment of crowdfunding campaigns launched on the Waves platform and incentivize long-term holding by providing an additional income stream for WAVES token holders in the form of regular asset distributions. WCT will be a virtual community organization. It will be launched in several stages based on the technical maturity of the Waves platform.
Projects launching tokens on the Waves platform can request different services, exchanging these for a certain share of their overall token issue, which will be distributed to WCT asset holders as rewards.
Services include
- Business side verification
- Proof of Concept verification
- Token specs advice
- Help with testing
- Help with product and services integration
- An introduction to community
Based on current functionality the first stage of asset implementation will be as follows:
WCT will be distributed in stages over a period of 9 months to all Waves holders excluding exchanges. Distribution will take place on the 15th of each month based on a snapshot of WAVES balances. 20% of all WCT assets will be distributed in the first month, with 10% distributed each subsequent month. In this way WCT will constantly add value to all active holders.
The next phase of WCT operation will involve using the upcoming voting functionality. WCT holders will be able to vote for different projects. This will provide some level of community-based KYC and screening.

The second is the Miners Reward Token (MRT), which is distributed to miners with every block created. This can be used to vote on certain network issues that affect miners. It will also be used as a means for new token issuers to reward nodes for processing transactions, using their own token as a fee.

>> No.2080237

its not listed on yobit

>> No.2080250

Haha, google yobit waves and see what they were doing. Yobit bought ICO waves and were selling them at a hugely inflated price.

Anyway, people should read


it compares waves to some other coins so you can understand it better.

>> No.2080251

Why gives a fuck about any of that shit? That technical nonsense doesn't drive the type of demand and speculation which is responsible for pumps. What's going to hype it to normies and make the price is explode?
Are the Koreans, Chinks or Japs going to dump billions into it?
Is it going to be listed on polo soon? Because if it doesn't become available on the biggest exchanges then it's not going anywhere.

>> No.2080265

Why gives a fuck about any of that shit?
>People who want to know about their investment.
That technical nonsense doesn't drive the type of demand and speculation which is responsible for pumps.
>No, these are perks and can be sold for BTC

What's going to hype it to normies and make the price is explode?
>Fiat gateway fucktard
Are the Koreans, Chinks or Japs going to dump billions into it?
>If they implement a gatewa,y sending money will be nearly free, and millions of people can trade forex on this.
Is it going to be listed on polo soon? Because if it doesn't become available on the biggest exchanges then it's not going anywhere.
>it is the 11 HIGHEST MARKET CAP of all cryptos you dumbfuck.

>> No.2080266
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>> No.2080277

>Distribution will take place on the 15th of each month based on a snapshot of WAVES balances.
So I'll get some today?
Sounds like an interesting concept, but I don't really see the value in it. I suppose you can also buy and sell them, and thus you could also buy yourself voting rights?

>> No.2080283


>it is the 11 HIGHEST MARKET CAP of all cryptos you dumbfuck
It's 15th and it's market is 138mil. As a point of reference, DOGE is 126mil you dumbfuck.

>fucking up greentext so badly

>> No.2080285

Yeah, soon it'll be airdropped. I know it sounds underwhelming because cryptos are fascinating, but not exactly exciting. This is a high caliber project compared to the top 10 cryptos based on market cap. It is the natural evolution of crypto, it fills voids created by the other cryptos. If you know enough to compare the blockchain tech you will see this.

>> No.2080291

>retard thinks DOGE isn't going to be the next big thing
Laughing at your life nocoiner. I've been holding $50k in doge since 2012.

>> No.2080304
File: 366 KB, 1600x860, wavess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took this screenshot just now. You might be counting assets other than crypto or something, but you have no idea what you are doing/taking about.

Who cares about slightly off greentext? Are you bleeding out your pussy little buddy?

>> No.2080313

>I know it sounds underwhelming because cryptos are fascinating, but not exactly exciting.
I don't know too much about all the specifics, but as a somewhat interested layman, waves as a system is among the things where I am totally NOT underwhelmed!
If they get their fiat gateway working as smooth and "appy" as the rest of the lite client, this is going to be the thing that you can recommend normies to use, should they want/need crypto.
I definitely see some value in the whole thing.

>> No.2080323
File: 318 KB, 500x278, suffernotthenormietolive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares about slightly off greentext?

>> No.2080354

Anyone who gets 1k WAVES now will be able to retire in a couple of years

>> No.2080360

No and I have my doubts about it being on Polo, it would have happened already, but it has climbed to a market cap of 139 million without. So to say it is not going anywhere while it has surpassed many coins on Poloniex just makes me wonder why you are so butthurt. Fuck, at least I'm not making wild claims about it hitting 50 billion cap next week or making lambo posts. You are just butthurt that crypto is going mainstream and you can't pretend to be the obscure outsider anymore, the coin is just fine. it has no major flaws.

>> No.2080382


I'm waiting 6 hours and my BTC still hasn't arrived.
Don't moon now, not yet, my little anon.

>> No.2080398

I will pray for you

>> No.2080403

it's going up by minutes... I pray for you

>> No.2080416

fuck you guys

>> No.2080438

Missing the rocket ship because you didn't have btc on hand

>> No.2080467

Buy order was around 200 btc last week. Now it's 1200+
There are only 700k waves left for sale, better hurry or they are sold out

>> No.2080494

>A fiat gateway is the news people should be waiting on.
This is the moment it will take off correct? So you should buy in before this.

>> No.2080803

it keeps mooning

>> No.2080819

It's never gonna stop, look at the 1300btc buy support

>> No.2080977
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Not our fault. Contrary to common opinion /biz/ isn't the only group of people into crypto investing.

>mfw watching this coin go up, and up and up and never down.

>> No.2081009

thanks for posting this link, for all the "moon" threads and all the shill no one has bothered to actually explain what the fuck this thing is and why I should give it any attention over other cryptos

>> No.2081011

future steve jobs and bill gates right here, folks

>> No.2081085
File: 9 KB, 638x104, I told you so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you so, the longer you wait the less profits you will get its so simple

>> No.2081131

Damn. I was thinking of buying it when it was 50 cents. I'd buy more now, but the stuff I want to sell to get the money is in a dip. How long do we have you think before this moons?

>> No.2081174

Euro gateway should come this week if not today, who knows how much impact it will have, could have no impact at all or could launch it to 2$ easily. Imagine no waiting for your account to verified, euro in euro out in very short time, Its huge

>> No.2081183

>Imagine no waiting for your account to verified
I doubt that they can do it without verification. The various financial laws are pretty hard on money laundering, so if they just let anyone turn waves (or bitcoin) into EUR and dump it to some random BIC, they'll probably have legal troubles pretty fast.
However, I think there might be a loophole for small sums (50€/week or something) and I trust that they'll have a good and painless verification system in place.

>> No.2081292

Yea, we will see it once its out. Speaking of which turns out eur gateway will only be out tomorrow. Should come tomorrow at least

>> No.2081614
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Guys....... what happens every time a coin is being frantically talked about on here with words like "moon" and "don't miss out".....

People end up buying at an all time high, and then the price drops within a week or two, and people end up holding bags for a while.

Relax guys. Don't get FOMO.

>> No.2081680


Be fearful when others are greedy.

>> No.2081682

Waves will be back to 50000 before you know it. That's when to buy folks. Gateway won't add any value short term. Wait it out. I plan on dropping 2btc at 50000. The dump should be around the corner. Look at trends and the nearly 2000 pages from the ANN

>> No.2081686
File: 86 KB, 864x518, 271bb2_1609766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold my small bag of Waves (10k+) earlier this year and dumped it all into ETH. Good for Waves and that team.

>> No.2081698

>Waves will be back to 50000 before you know it. That's when to buy folks. Gateway won't add any value short term. Wait it out. I plan on dropping 2btc at 50000. The dump should be around the corner. Look at trends and the nearly 2000 pages from the ANN

Genuine level headed post.

Listen to this guy.

>> No.2081738

I bet you were scared shitless when eth hit $1

>> No.2082609

Crosslinking your own posts doesn't make them more valid you twat.

What about be greedy when others are fearful? Clearly people are afraid of the future of crypto, so what have you got to say bitch boy?

If people are uncertain they can just invest smaller amounts of coin to mitigate risk. We don't need a fucking basic ass kitten picture post to give advice.

>> No.2083775

Your common sense has no place in crypto