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File: 38 KB, 1200x704, cardano-shelley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20770425 No.20770425 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts about how could this event affect ADA coin price?

>> No.20770600

Seeing as staking will finally be possible, likely up.

>> No.20770618
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priced in

>> No.20770633

sell the news, it will drop

>> No.20770666

So the ADA logo looks like an anus and the Shelley looks like a ripped anus
>what did they mean by this

>> No.20770673

No chance, if it were only Shelley maybe 1% chance but with all the shit these following weeks? Fuck this is moon fuel for sure.

>> No.20770718

>He doesnt know what happened to Matic/Theta/Drep after their mainnet.

also, its fucking Cardano.

>> No.20770743

>its fucking Cardano
The future coin?

>> No.20770765

didn't know your future is bleak anon.

>> No.20771439

Wise advise

>> No.20771453
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>future coin

Cardano is too late. If it would have been up and running and rivalling ETH about 6 months ago latest it might've had a chance, but now ETH 2.0 is too close and no one is going to go trough the trouble of mass migrations to an unproven yet new platform

>> No.20771515

>no one is going to go trough the trouble of mass migrations
definetely but its not exactly what you are thinking

>> No.20771641


Meanwhile we have Polkadot and its myraid of ecosystem with cross-chain interpolarity when its still in its testnet.

What does Cardano have? Not even a fucking smart contract until Q4 2020 which will inevitably be delayed again LOL. Stay deluded Charles fanboy

>> No.20771889

this is the first fud post i've seen that accurately lists the timing of smart contracts. they're evolving!

>> No.20772037

q4 is 2months away
your fud is about to end

>> No.20772091


It's not fud if its fact lmao

Ok soooo please enlighten me what's the project gonna do from now till then when there's literally no dApp being built on it.

Even a scam like Tron has more scam dApps than this crap

>> No.20772223

>Voltaire rollout
>native asset rollout
>oracle pools
and dapps are going to begin testing in the background while mainnet is still being rolled out ($20M grant fund for this purpose)

>> No.20772941
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How the Shelley hardfork will progress.

>> No.20773072

Quality FUD
To be expected of an edgelord I guess

>> No.20773253

>native asset rollout
This shit is so exciting. ADA holder get transaction fee rewards in those native assets. You'll get fee rewards from any coin/token that is transacted on Cardano. This includes wrapped PoW coins and others.

>> No.20773439

ETH 2.0 is a 2 year process and the first phase, Phase 0, doesn’t address scaling AT ALL.

>> No.20773487

They have $25 million fund specifically for dApps and a focus on defi.

>> No.20773662

>24hours to mainnet
>Still trying to attract people to onboard it
Basically nothing yet kek

Also, every dying project like Mainframe Quarkchain SelfKey QLink and 88 other shitcoins have pivoted themself to Defi to get some pump-o-nomics. Cardano is just as good as these dying projects.

Sorry bros, this 'ethereum killer' meme might have worked in 2017, but we are way past that Layer 1 meme now.

>> No.20773739

The Cardano Shelly hardfork took five years to develop which was significantly longer than what was expected. Cardano investors including myself endured years of exhaustion and low moral. The ETH 2.0 update is going to go the same way. If they try to rush it out the door it is going to be an epic failure with a shit ton of bugs and underdevelopment. If they take to long they are going to release an obsolete product. The Ethereum development team seriously have their work cut out for them, The ETH 2.0 phase 0 has been announced in a haphazard manner and was clearly rushed out the door. Don't be fooled by Ethereums market cap and development. It's nothing more than the emperors new clothes on the blockchain.
Cardano is significantly more advanced and has a five year head start in terms of development. The capitulation from ETH to ADA is going to be spectacular.

>> No.20773833
File: 1.90 MB, 2560x1440, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano will be able to do everything Ethereum does but better so the ongoing reasoning is that "there is no need for Ethereum to exist", hence the "ETH Killer".
What people fail to realise is thats not how things work in real life. A prime example is the programming language "Java". It did not kill C/C++ and in turn, MS .NET Core/NodeJS/PHP 7 did not kill Java. As long as a technology exists and remains maintained, you will have a community willing to use it despite having access to better alternatives.
Cardano will kill ETH if Ethereum no longer innovates and/or becomes unmaintained. Until such a time, it's better to just learn from one another. The individual successes of all cryptocurrencies helps push this space further ahead and in the end we all win.
We are super early in this space and I have no doubt that Ethereum will put up a good fight.

>> No.20773885

Ethereum is the technology of yesterday and is completely obsolete in 2020. Thats why Cardano was created over 5 years ago, Unironically Cardano has a five year head start against Ethereum. Ever heard the story of the Hare and The Tortoise?

>> No.20774031

5 years to get it right with formal verification. It's on rock solid foundation to evolve.

>> No.20774250


That level of cope.
>Ethereum will put up a good fight
You gotta be kidding me bro LOL

Ada fanboys = c r i n g e

>> No.20774351

5 years of solid development is nothing to brush off as "cope" that just shows extreme ignorance and arrogance on your behalf.
If Ethereum wasn't worried about Cardano. If Ethereum has nothing to worry why are they developing an ETH 2.0. Even more so why did they announce phase 0 at the exact same time as the Shelly Hardfork? What you think these events are not connected?
Ignorance is bliss

>> No.20774428

those are some heavy bags anon. polkadot > cardano any day in terms of being an Ethereum killer anyway

>> No.20774579

My bags are up x3 (bought at $0.05) incase you can't do the math. Hardly heavy at all especially that a big part of my decision in buying was to stake to generate passive income.
I'm not selling.

>> No.20774700

brah everything else literally went up 3x since march, even bitcoin. What the fuck are you talking about LOL

>> No.20774960
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>hey anon, want to come over and watch the Shelley countdown with me?
what do?

>> No.20774988

I bought most of my Stack in May not march.. Had I bought in March I would have been up x6
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20775387

I’m going to live off my passive income generated by staking, probably will get about $3k a month at current prices.

Made it. Financially independent and 23 years old.

Alas. Now back to work. Building God’s kingdom is never finished.

>> No.20775636

>>He doesnt know what happened to Matic/Theta/Drep after their mainnet.
fud working

h-he is wrong, no?

>t. 200k ADA maximalist

>> No.20775804

how big is your ADA bag? I'm only at 100k but might increase to 200k since bitcoin has gone up.

>> No.20775807

Vitalik is trying to flex those arms. It's obvious though that Cardano is going to roll past ETH sooner than thought.

>> No.20776023
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on second thought - no one in his right mind would sell ADA after the 29th, because that's


bullish af

> long-year scam fud btfo'd with mainnet
>demand increases, supply decreases with staking
>staking rewards themselves

>> No.20776353

are we pumping tomorrow?

>> No.20776435

Is it considered a pump if it goes up, stays and then goes up even more?

>> No.20776545

mainnet realese tomorrow isn't it?
should pump a bit after