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20773054 No.20773054 [Reply] [Original]

YFI bros we're breaking out! The votes should be in soon along with V2.

>> No.20773167
File: 18 KB, 650x435, 1595781029082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this under $1000 because of a meme that claimed it would match BTC. What does it do? I don't know, and I don't care. But I'm going to make a fuckton of money off it, and there's nothing you nerds can do about it.

>> No.20773216

Andre please pump my fantom bags

>> No.20773352

It's the new frontier and the hardest form of money known to earth. Check out the pic, it shows how much all the top coins would cost if they had equal supply to YFI. Yearn is a top 5 project.

>> No.20773363

whoa, every single bucketshop wash trading LMAO

>> No.20773376
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Around $100k.

>> No.20773427

I thought the token didn't do anything tho.

>> No.20773473

$100k will be easy during a bullrun where defi takes the top 20 positions.

>> No.20773489
File: 128 KB, 1200x788, 1595778387493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a meme by Andre

>> No.20773490

Implying that the crypto market doesn't grow... can this reach $1mm each?

>> No.20773499

We got a brainlet

>> No.20773607

Why is it hard money? Isn't it a governance token?

>> No.20773610

newish to trading, can someone explain to me if it's a bad idea to just dump 100$ into like 20 different cryptos and see where it gets me?

>> No.20773807

Diversifying your portfolio is always good, depends on what you get obvs

>> No.20773831
File: 61 KB, 1279x538, yfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally normal and organic defi chart here everyone, continue buying

>> No.20773938

if i buy this token, how do i farm it ?

>> No.20774051

Low IQ statement.

It's because of the governance vote ye brainlet. Everything's on pause currently until the votes are in. Doors will open up again once thats been passed.

>> No.20774141

When is YFI farmable again?

>> No.20774199

Put almost $13 into YFI yesterday, am I gonna make it?

>> No.20774223

Once the vote passes which should be any day/hour now, explains the price movement too

>> No.20774252

Can someone explain one thing to me?
How does yeld farming work?
I have 100'000 usd... I buy 100'000 DAO I stake them and get 6% per year... now how does yeild farming comes into the equation? What does it add to the table?

>> No.20774454

You'll need to a high iq genius to explain you that, try youtube

>> No.20774582

Yearn.Finance (YFI) is a quality of project that only comes maybe once every 1 to 2 years in crypto. Our vision is that eventually yStables will be used as the de facto settlement asset for all financial activity in crypto if not the world. Here’s an analogy. USDC is like keeping USD under your mattress. cUSDC is like putting your USD in a savings account at a bank. yUSDC is like putting your USD with a robo-advisor who then puts your USD in the highest savings account it can find and automatically rotates it to the best interest-bearing savings account across all the banks while charging you nothing. Currently, in the crypto space, stablecoins are used for transfers, margining, borrow/lending. They are used across DeFi and CeFi (exchanges and OTC). Anything USDT can do, yUSDT can do better. Why not trade FTX perps with yUSDT margin? Already FTX takes cUSDT as collateral. Why even have a BTC-USDT pair on Binance when you could have BTC-yUSDT? All that USDT OTC flow from China could be yUSDT. Lastly, why even borrow or lend DAI when you can borrow or lend yDAI (just think about that one). The implications are huge.

YFI is a share of the network. Only 30,000 people can ever own 1 YFI. It is more scarce than Bitcoin. I'm all-in, never selling.

>> No.20774584

>You'll need to a high iq genius to explain you that, try youtube
Please help

>> No.20774641

So 30k tokens is all that will ever exist for YFI? They're pretty much already all in circulation then?

>> No.20774736

>So 30k tokens is all that will ever exist for YFI? They're pretty much already all in circulation then?
yeah, they are all in circulation. only the top ethereum defi guys knew how to farm it. so the tokens are in strong hands

>> No.20774747

Seems likely a bump to 50k to keep the music going

>> No.20774822

>yeah, they are all in circulation.
I thought there would be a relaunch until 50k?

>> No.20774883

Never change biz

>> No.20774938

Owning the coins lets you farm at higher APR?
What happens when no more YFI can be mined?

>> No.20775005

he wrote that to keep brainlets away.
It's important for governance token to be held by smart people able to see through obvious bullshit.

>> No.20775035

>What happens when no more YFI can be mined?
the platforms continues to work and yfi holders earn fees.

>> No.20775119

>he wrote that to keep brainlets away.
>It's important for governance token to be held by smart people able to see through obvious bullshit.

>> No.20775153

Should I stake on the Y pool on curve again to get ready for the relaunch? Or will it be farmable somewhere else?

>> No.20775338

How does $13 million sound?

>> No.20775357

Has anyone audited the code?

>> No.20775370

YFI finds the best yields for you automatically.

>> No.20775497

Yes, samczsun.

>> No.20775520

>YFI finds the best yields for you automatically
what are my risks? As a staker?

>> No.20775544

And quantstamp

>> No.20775649


Thanks. Saw quantstamp's and read the multisig issue was fixed... looks like V2 hasn't been at all... But fuck it.

>> No.20775663

no samczsun reviewed the yvault code, he found a bug in the first version that has been fixed

>> No.20775708

as a YFI staker? none really. If the platform fails for some reason yfi would lose value, so there's no difference.

>> No.20775778

Amount of yearn dictates my collateral amount? How many yfi to put up, say 100k USD value?

>> No.20775813

What do you mean by collateral amount? You stake yfi and you get fees generated by the platform.
I don't think anything supports yfi as collateral for borrowing at this point

>> No.20775884

That's it, You just stake for ridiculous apy returns? No pooling, no nothing??

>> No.20775912

The YFI token is used to collect fees... you don't need YFI to yield farm

>> No.20775932

Yvault allows usdc deposits and has over 40% now.
Staked yfi gets a share of the fees and has an apy of 12.4% now.

YFI farming ended, it may go back once emission is determined by governance.

>> No.20776030

I’m now erect

>> No.20776098

Got it. In all likelihood farming will resume, yes? Comfy amount of yfi?

>> No.20776119

it's probably to be something like 5k-10k yfi in the first year.

>> No.20776122

10 yfi: retire in 18 months
3 is comfy.

>> No.20776163

I don't care about token price. Id like to earn 3-5k USD monthly.

>> No.20776175

where can i get a qrd on all the rules for staking and participating

>> No.20776222

He's talking about how much YFI will be released. Go DYOR you are dumb as hell

>> No.20776356

yeah, checked... will stop asking for spoon feedings. thanks.

>> No.20776373

scammer Andy dumping on suckers
same scammer involved with Fantom/Fusion and other scams

>> No.20776450

Dude you've got brain damage, I've already explained it here:


>> No.20776509

How significant are the fees that holding YFI itself is beneficial

>> No.20776603

you're trying to hard to find greater fools
a scam is a scam

>> No.20776634 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 2048x2048, jwk0mbE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed out on coins like snx and aave so i'm so lucky to have found this coin right before the defi bullrun. $100k per coin actually seems doable this year.

>> No.20776659

This is your chance for a moonbag to buy more linkies. It's that simple, and it'll only take a week. Screenshot this.

>> No.20777054

I am in pool 3.
How´s the voting looking? Will I get a YFI in pool3?
Rewards payment (bal,ycrv,) is weekly?
Would I get future CRV token?

>> No.20777094

Going all in.

>> No.20777103
File: 11 KB, 248x187, 49z2dts807e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys you've already showed us your level of intelligence. Facts vs muh scam. You don't deserve it

>> No.20777292

My collateral depends on the price of Yifi (which can also go down)?

>> No.20777641

Current YFI staking yield is 12.5% in yCRV dollar pegged tokens for curve.fi platform y pool. This is with the reduced AUM since farming ended and v2 hasn’t officially launched. Expect this to go up as the platform grows and v2 vaults launch which is basically “yield farming for normies” which will also drive price up

The “use at your own risk” beta v2 yVault using usdc is currently around 45-50% APR. Gas fees are also greatly reduced as you only cover gas for deposit and the protocol moves your assets around between optimal yield farming pools to optimize return. Any incentivized rewards are automatically liquidated to usdc I the current iteration. Basically allows anyone to yield farm effectively without getting eat up with gas costs or require constant oversight and manual pool switching.

Early polls on the governance forum indicate LINK will likely be first asset that will be used for collateral with yvaults. Basically get collateral against link in dollar tokens which go into the above pool generating return. All without losing link exposure. If link price drops than portion of your yVault dollar coins will be liquidated to maintain right ratio

>> No.20778299

>Basically get collateral against link in dollar tokens which go into the above pool generating return. All without losing link exposure. If link price drops than portion of your yVault dollar coins will be liquidated to maintain right ratio
But my linkies are safe?

>> No.20778993

Yes. You’d get a yLink token in return for your deposit which is exchangeable for the original link token. If link was to crash, than your debt or “share” of the yVault would be liquidated to meet the necessary collateral. Assume it would be around 50% of your link usd value. You’d keep the yUSDC in excess of that theoretical 50% as yield

>> No.20779019 [DELETED] 

Anons, only 30,000 can ever hold 1 YFI. Buy 1 YFI, never sell.

>> No.20779079
File: 46 KB, 638x634, photo_2020-07-28_20-27-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mooning, the dates have been set

>> No.20779166

Anons, only 30,000 people can ever hold 1 YFI. Buy 1 YFI, never sell.

>> No.20779561

Can someone eli5 how important the governance token is for this defi yield farming ponzi
Do these smart fuckers care about the token price of YFI or does it not matter

>> No.20779634

>Can someone eli5 how important the governance token is for this defi yield farming ponzi
>Do these smart fuckers care about the token price of YFI or does it not matter
YFI holders can stake and earn fees from the network

>> No.20779674


>> No.20779730
File: 9 KB, 219x230, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pointless arguing with an idiot. You'll catch onto it in a years time.

>> No.20779787

Is it a fixed return? If so, why does the token price matter

>> No.20779898

>Is it a fixed return

>> No.20780280

pool 3 rewards: BAL, CRV, YFI
initially andre didn't care about the price at all, probably still doesn't, but it's used to vote for proposals that users put forth in the forums here:

>> No.20780905
File: 20 KB, 1000x916, 1528601772173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be integrating Link soon if I'm not mistaking

>> No.20780997

Proposal for future token release has posted. Needs to be voted in. Voting now is purely YFI based instead of the original BPT tokens from the governance balancer pool.


>> No.20781201

20k more tokens distributed over next 8 years. 25% for the DAO for audits and other expenses. 75% for liquidity providers/ farming

>> No.20781699


>> No.20782641

Why have I never heard of this before?

>> No.20782683

Anons I post this link as soon as it hit the proposal list. Hope you bought because it is mooning again now. The slow trickle of farm tokens will keep the price up which will keep the apr high which will bring more farmers and more rewards for yfi holders. It’s going to pass. YFI_whale is the representative of the largest voting YFI whale block around 20% or so

>> No.20782883

People it's not something that discord pajeets would shill on here 24/7

>> No.20782910

Wtf I saw this a few days ago at 800$. WTF BIZ.

>> No.20783061

>We have released YFI, a completely valueless 0 supply token. We re-iterate, it has 0 financial value. There is no pre-mine, there is no sale, no you cannot buy it, no, it won’t be on uniswap, no, there won’t be an auction. We don’t have any of it.

Anon is this some kind of joke? 1,000% APY?

>> No.20783094

I didn’t think yfi whale was a stable coin whale he’s got $yfi too?

>> No.20783115

Correction: I thought yfi whale was ONLY a stable coin whale.

>> No.20783195
File: 229 KB, 500x500, 89769D5C-718D-4FB0-9832-7AF4442D536F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is gonna rocket to 30k usd maybe 100k.

>> No.20783387

Obviously, because it's backed by Andre