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20768150 No.20768150 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not buying a suicide bag

>> No.20768160


>> No.20768192
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>> No.20768239
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This will be our flaming sword in the war with the grabbler goblins.

>> No.20768262

Literally this

>> No.20768269

Strapped in. Is 10k suicide and 100k make it?

>> No.20768754

yes. i have about 70K

>> No.20768780

i market bought 35k dethers

>> No.20768792

This might be the one that makes us rich

>> No.20768917

got 7k suicide stack

>> No.20769093

was on my phone checking price, 2.5 eth got me 15k dether. 20 mins later when I jumped on computer I picked up 10k for 2.7 eth. Damn shouldve been quicker

>> No.20769147

All these bullshit defi icos starting around $0.50 with 1bil+ max supply, and here we have the real defi gem, 100mil max supply and currently only $0.08. We are so lucky to be this early!

>> No.20769201

Its actually mooning, congrats. Marketcap still tiny so I guess 10x from here in a week or so?

>> No.20769293

1$ EOY

>> No.20769301

what is Dether and what does the token do?

>> No.20769358

You use 100 DTH to claim a geographic area where only you can sell crypto to fiat via the app. You pay a small daily fee to maintain that area.

>> No.20769601

This project is going to fall on its face. 2017 ICO and no telegram group

>> No.20769745

Basically you can buy and sell crypto for cash with no bank required, no centralized exchanges involved, no kyc, no bullshit

>> No.20769791

Its does have a Telegram group but the members are salty as fuck, as the project was delayed but its ready now and being used. 1 Whale just bought 2 million tokens.

>> No.20769864

there is no Telegram Group only a Discord according to the Team.

>> No.20769937

bullish. fuck telegram thats some reddit shit

>> No.20769990

Telegram group is called Dether Community

>> No.20770020

fucking lmao

mini cartels?
>get off my turf nigga

>> No.20771014

Biz never learns

>> No.20771223

what? kek

>> No.20771265

pretty useless without a link

>> No.20771587

Is 250k enough for suicide?

>> No.20771608

You must be pretty useless, if you simply cannot type in " Dether Community" in the Telegram search bar!

>> No.20771629

hahah more than enuff

>> No.20772396

So its a dex? How do I get the money?
I also dont understand the geographic part

>> No.20772451

same. how the fuck do i use this in burgerland

>> No.20772504

you cant lol

>> No.20772518

yeah ok, you're full of shit. Link the TG or I'm Dumping this scam

>> No.20772566


>> No.20772581
File: 24 KB, 818x506, dether shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 25x within a week and you want to shill us your bags? nice try pajeets

also, literally the dumbest idea i've ever heard

>> No.20772582

This is just like AMPL. Thousands of retards that don't understand how it works scrambling to buy it or fudding (but still not understanding it) before it explodes in price again. Just go to the site and read for 5 mins. This is extremely bullish.

>> No.20772658

You do not fucking deserve this project, you are too dumb to understand.

>> No.20772704
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Now stop shilling your shit.

>> No.20772792

Nevermind, some people cannot be saved. All the best.

>> No.20772878
File: 7 KB, 234x215, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't comprehend the project coming out 3 days ago and a massive price spike after liquidity starts going up

smfh, ngmi brainlet

>> No.20772953

>You do not fucking deserve this project, you are too dumb to understand

Let me guess, Dether "solves the X problem" and "enables Y through smartcontract interface apps for seemingless thrusted exchanges" like the 3000 or so other shitcoins out there?

>> No.20773016

imagine making your living out of shilling pump and dump scams at the top of the pump like a third worlder. oh wait you probably are an actual 3rd worlder.

>> No.20773093
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Dether solves the Problem of me beeing poor. Dether Token makes me rich.

>> No.20773154
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>3 days ago he said

chart literally says 2018 ...

>> No.20773199

>Hmmm coin hasn't pumped? Obvious shitcoin! Clearly nobody wants in!
>Hmmm coin has pumped? Obvious shitcoin! Has run its course!
The absolute state of biztards

>> No.20773232

The token has been out since 2018. They finished developing the protocol and dapp 3 days ago bc they have been hard at work for the last 2 years. Unlike other shit coins that literally do nothing and have a bunch of pajeets shilling them, this one is legit and the team isn't even shilling it, just a handful of moonbois.

>> No.20773239

this worthless shitcoin scam had a fucking volume of 5 bucks because you and your smelly tribe decided to start pumping it. kill yourself dirty indian monkey

>> No.20773273

not buying a 60x fag

>> No.20773324

Just download the app and see that it works perfectly and allows everyone on the planet except burgers to exchange fiat for crypto with absolutely no jew middlemen. BTW, the price is up another 15% while I was typing this.

>> No.20773328

>pumps another 15%

>> No.20773345

I will cap this and come by Burger King in a few days to watch you slave away to prepare my fries, faggot.

>> No.20773387

fuck 15%

6000% some fags made with this useless shit token

>> No.20773410

unironically this lol. Why are people enabling pajeets and scammers

>> No.20773426


>> No.20773482

The no argument just reply with seething post

>> No.20773525

Up another 5% while you replied to my seething post

>> No.20773541

God damm I hate Hotbit

>> No.20773556

This is FUD.
*Up another 8%

>> No.20773563
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>> No.20773597

While the idea behind dether could technically work, look at uber and Airbnb. I just started reading the white paper and the thought of trading money and crypto in person could be risky.

I think I will have to take a deeper dive this weekend before I make a desicion. This could be huge if implemented correctly but government will be on the devs in a few years for thier cut and users info.

I could do the same thing with craiglist and sitting in a police parking lot or front office. When I sell tools or other items my local police dept let's buyers and sellers use thier parking lot and front lobby.

Dether has a good idea but needs to be better. I dont know, I need to research more.

>> No.20773632
File: 9 KB, 250x202, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo those niggers bought ethereum at 48 cents!!! I don't want to make money if they've already done 8000% nooooooo

>> No.20773659

By using a percent increase, we can only assume they have gone from 1 user to 15 users.

>> No.20773673

Download the app and try it out. It's really easy to use. I think they will continue to improve it as it gets more popular.

>> No.20773695

>reddit spacing
Why even bother?

>> No.20773787

Those are called paragraphs you retarded faggot.

>> No.20773838


Lmao that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. No one is gonna use finance foursquare

>> No.20773865

>Two sentence paragraphs
Why do plebbitors try to sound intelligent when they are obviously retarded? Do you not realize everyone thinks you're a joke? Or are you just underage? Probably both. Now go finish year 2 of high school English.

>> No.20773867

You sound like a proper gaylord. If you read the whitepaper correctly, you would have realised the app is totally decentralised and is out of the hand of the devs and you do not have to input an private information.

>> No.20773895

Stopped reading at plebbitors.

>> No.20773899
File: 9 KB, 238x192, que.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say I live in a certain district. What's stopping me from sending my eth to coinbase to cash out

>> No.20773936

Did I fucking ask, Tranny?

>> No.20774068


Depends on whether you can get service from coinbase or whatever in your jurisdiction, how your bank will treat the trx, how anonymous you want to be, etc... there have been local otc crypto exchanges forever, just look at localbitcoins. It's never going to be a massive market, but there will probably always be a place for it.

However, this app is fucking stupid. "Let's artificially supress volume and inflate price by forcing sellers to build local monopolies, that will be sure to attract end consumers"

>> No.20774198

ICO was 3 years ago. They have been busting their ass for 3 years and it their project was finished 3 days ago. Stay poor