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2074458 No.2074458 [Reply] [Original]

>was in in ETH back in late January 2016
>would have 9x if I just bought and held for a year
>could have bought a house and vehicle at 21 with plenty left over

I want to kill myself.

>> No.2074466
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All you had to do was simply hold. You literally had one job.

>> No.2074469

learn from your mistake and find the next mooning coin desu

>> No.2074481

You are literally a pussy and you don't deserve that money

>> No.2074503

It's a fucking guessing game you can't fucking know.

>> No.2074568

Nobody knows what will happen unless they have insider information

>> No.2074584

There are always hindsight fags in investing, you just gotta up with them. Regret is painful when dealing with money, I know.

>> No.2074606

cause you got weak hands
always hodl
keep tellin yourself that while we make dosh

>> No.2074616

I've dealt with this before but not at 9x. It feels like such a fuck up to think I could have like 200k right now at my age. And you just never know what's going to happen. It's this blind disappointment that I can't do anything about other than buy and hold early.

>> No.2074653

hindsight is 20/20
you could have lost everything also
I did the same with Litecoin
I also was thinking about buying BTC when it was just being talked about by ancaps. Just think of how that feels. Much more than 9x.

>> No.2074662

such a fucking drag. if I was one of those super early btc guys who got rid of it for nothing I'd fucking kill myself

>> No.2074672

I could have bought several houses if I didn't sell my fucking Xem and Xmr for pennies, instead I still rent and wagecuck like a DUMB CUNT.

>> No.2074685

Holding through earnings is just as scary as bagholding when you're in the red. Everyone is wondering whether or not to sell, just like you. It's impossible to know what to do. People who continued to hold with something like this just got plain lucky, quite frankly. At the time, with the information and judgement capability you had, you would've made the appropriate decision.

>> No.2074710

It really does seem after all of my experiences that the only people who are seen time and time again coming out on top are the ones that quietly bought when it was at its lowest or in the beginning and held through everything. Day trading and trying to time markets at all seems like a losers game, a total waste of time. We can't not make big sooner or later, right? No memes, I haven't seen anything else consistently work.

>> No.2074715

yeah I find deep breathing helps with that one

>> No.2074751


>house and car

Probably not after that 39% tax

>> No.2074771
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>simply hold

This is so fucking dead simple and effective, and yet so difficult for some people.

I sold my car in 2012 threw $3k into some random stocks. I only made like 4-5 transactions since. So far my roulette portfolio has outperformed most of the 'expert' analysts I've compared it to.

Basically I learned that even if you don't know shit about trading or investing, just buy and hold, and the gains will come to you.

>> No.2074776

this story is gonna repeat itself once ETH goes 1000 each in a couple of years.

>> No.2074800

Almost trips
>If only you had held onto your post a little longer

>> No.2075113

This exactly

I see all these retards in robinhood general who lose half their money in some stupid trade

I just invested in a decent combination of apple, tesla, microsoft, facebook, some banks, some fast food, and I make 30% yearly gains so far on autopilot

>> No.2075134

I put it 6btc when market cap was 30m then chickened out

>> No.2075155

This. Even I fucked up. I've held bitcoins and litecoins for years but shit like ETH, and others went right through me. They all looked sketchy and scammy and were totally uncertain.

Ripple too. I had a ton of ripple and just dumped it one day and forgot. Went up 30x now.

>> No.2075232

is that really possible?

>> No.2075397

U guys who are scared to hold are clearly putting too much money into this!

>> No.2075450

You should get a rope because obviously you are too retarded to live

>> No.2075459

Why are you alive then? You are a cancer lump on the balls of humanity.

>> No.2075468

>wanted to get into memecoins right after bitcoin price surge in 2013
>had a decent job, was determined to start mining doge coin and other altcoins (in 2013)
>also wanted to put serious effort into other avenues of passive internet income
>just got drunk every day for several years instead
>eventually lost job, went into debt from buying booze on credit
>now live at home as a neet with zero money

you win some you lose some

>> No.2075486

You should buy a gun next to kill yourself

>> No.2075497

I'm sorry your parents never loved you.

>> No.2075505

my desire is to make something profitable.

I want money but more than that I want some major accomplishments to be proud of.

>> No.2075507

>consistently work
Yeah, holding does. Because if you invested in something with value(which you should have) then you can just walk away and hope for the best. It's only because you think your investment doesn't have the potential for value that you're walking away now.
Yes, it's worth shit and it's not climbing. That's the point, you projected it would climb, but you can't tell when.
I think it's far better to hold something hold term for a good reason and lose whatever amount you put in due to time itself aging away your money rather than selling because you suddenly decided that whatever you invested in no longer has value.

>> No.2075717

Mate I'm in this boat too. I could have 100k USD (instead of some insignificant amount atm) if not for lack of commitment and disastrous trades (could have just held but tried to short). How much did you lose out on?

>> No.2075789

>I want to kill myself.

PLease do it. Trader cucks gtfo

>> No.2075809

When did you sell it?

The 2016 peak was only half of the current peak in BTC.

So you'd only have doubled your money if you held it.

>> No.2075944

>When did you sell it?

Because he is a nervous noob fag normie obviously.

>> No.2075951

Just look at Bitcoin. No one knew the price would reach 1000. There's some screenshots out there of people complaining about BTC's price being too high at 13 USD.

>> No.2076042

9x ETH is less than 1000$ right now. You will find it hard to get rich when you don't even know such basic things.

>> No.2076060

Try buying BTC when it was at 10 a piece and blowing it all on drugs

>> No.2076087

No one is going to become a millionaire with ETH buying now. But those who were smart could at some point. Besides, today the crypto market is a drop in the water. If ETH delivers the internet 3.0, 30 billion cap could soon be a reality.

>> No.2076296

How many eth did you have OP? Always hodl

>> No.2076494
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>No one is going to become a millionaire with ETH buying now

>> No.2076509

Difficulties reading anon?

He didnt say he had 9 eth

>> No.2076564

Underrated post

>> No.2076670
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He could have looked up the verb "nonuple".

>would have 9x if

>> No.2076850


>> No.2077062

That is a fact. You will be just a laggard loser buying now from early holder bags. Keep coping like a bitch, the ship has sailed, you missed your chance

>> No.2077070
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You'll be the one coping soon.

>> No.2077075

>You'll be the one coping soon.

What the fuck do you mean?

I bought 1300 when ETH was still like 4 bucks.

And I held like the proper person should.

I think people buying now are laggard idiots.

>> No.2077101

>t. larpfag

Post proof

>> No.2077129

>yeah, it iwould totally make sense and be logical for me to make up shit on an anonymous image board, that would totally be a rational and logical thing to do

Why the fuck would I lie? Just so you can cope more? Fuck you laggard pleb. You had plenty of options to buy ETH cheap, this is not one of them.

>> No.2077142

>Why the fuck would I lie?

Because you're an insecure faggot who wants to try and direct money away from ETH with your illogical FUD postings.

>> No.2077300

idiot get into humaniq now and hold