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20768907 No.20768907 [Reply] [Original]

My cat has fluid in her lungs and it's gonna be a pretty penny to get all the tests and medication necessary to treat it.

As such, What is the absolute cheapest meal plan I can do for the next couple months?

Ramen, Rice, and beans? Got any good recipes anons?

>> No.20768963

Kill the cat and don't be poor buy a new one if you like it that much

>> No.20769107

What’s the recovery like for the cat? If she’s gonna suffer a lot and not live long it might not be worth it bud. Otherwise, unironically, check out /r/eatcheapandhealthy. Basically comes down to dry rice and beans, with some vegetables and maybe a protein source if you can afford it (chickpeas if you’re really poor). If you have a pressure cooker or slow cooker you’ll have an easier time

>> No.20769134

Hello Chang

>> No.20769190

It's not as bad as it sounds I'm just a dumbass gambling addict who is down this month and my cat shouldn't have to suffer because of my actions.

She has fits of asthma a few times a month and when she purrs it's crackly, shes not suffering but if I don't fix this asap she could be in the future.

>> No.20769889

ask /ck/

>> No.20769901

forgot to say, hope your catto is okay

>> No.20769957

Let this be a fucking lesson to always keep a base level of cash (at least $1K)

>> No.20769999

BASED Anon. Look after that cat.

>> No.20770383

Unicist homeopathy works well on animals
(Pharma shills: kill yourselves)

>> No.20770440

Based cat loving fag.

>> No.20771253
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wishing your cat the best

>> No.20771455

>recommending almost purely empty carb goy chow with supplemental veggies
Should just be r/eatcheap. You could get the same or better nutrition from high quality dog kibble.

>> No.20771543

yeah I'm a retard for not following that rule of thumb. I thought "oh my crypto hodls can pay emergency affairs" but there is no way I can withdraw that shit easily.

>> No.20771605

"Fluid in lungs"
Easy indicator of heart failure. the heart loses pumping power and thus it can't get rid of excess fluid , a main place where it starts heaping is the lungs obviously.

Save the cat from the shitshow, it has mere months probably, do not make it worse.

>> No.20771679

Based and responsiblepilled

>> No.20771684

I think I may have jumped the gun its probably asthma but I keep researching shit online and thinking it's worse. The old WebMD meme has got me but I really am scared it could be that bad for her.

>> No.20771970

Get some sack of flour and learn baking bread, do your own pasta , pizzas, and whatever you can learn. If you do it right you'd be even able to sell some.
Get some bones from a butcher and cook lots of stew, with cabbage, potatoes, corn and carrots. It's really cheap to get a big pot full of it, delicious indeed.

Forget ramen shit and just cook stuff that can last several days

I hope you do well OP, good luck with your cat.

>> No.20772070

Oh, and of course get potatoes by the sack, it's always cheap and they can last quite long. My tip : always get the potatoes that come covered in dirt, not the clean ones.

>> No.20772238

Rice, beans, oats, bananas, apples, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, eggs, chicken

>> No.20772240
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Unironically soup, anon. Get some carrots, some lentils, some onions, some stock and slow cook it for hours. It'll keep a few days, it's cheap, and it's healthy as fuck. Look after your little kitty anon, she deserves the best.

>> No.20772557

Well you can but you just don't want to :) I feel you though.

Maybe consider also taking out a credit card with 0 percent apy to help you deal with shit like this and just get a new one at the end of the promo period. It's what I did. When you have someone who depends on you, always keep a baseline of cash. I think 6k is enough for most people. That's 3-6 months of expenses give or take.

>> No.20773247

he didnt say eat the cat

>> No.20773331

>empty carb
Ask me how I know you’re a faggot with an atrocious body

>> No.20773640

dude let the cat die. have you even considered if it wants to stay alive? it's a cat. it doesnt understand the value of its life in objective terms. its not afraid of death like a human is. the only thing it understands is that it is sick and in pain.

>> No.20774493

Potatoes are cheap and easy to make taste good, too.

I hope your cat gets better. I'm glad you are taking care of her.

The primary reason I have savings at all and haven't dumped all my cash into crypto is so that I have enough in the bank for cat emergencies. The last one was a 600$ anal gland surgery and the one before that was 2500$ to find out my 16 yo cat was riddled with cancer and have her put to sleep after a stroke.

>> No.20775259

hello cat friend :3
I like chef johns Curry recipe, v cheap, tasty, hearty, and easy to make after the first time
About an hour/hour 15 minds of prep tho with chicken thawd out
Don't worry about the spices you cant find in walmart, will taste fine with the main ones (cumin, paprika, coriander, cayenne, turmeric)
Get bulk chicken breast/thighs and that will make this a cheap dish, you don't have to have cilantro, I use bell peppers and onions only as added veggies
Also do not get silk coconut milk, get the shit in a can that's not refrigerated from like fiesta or wherever
Pesto Pasta is another great dish, go look up how to make pesto, boil pasta and bake some chicken to shred and add to it.

>> No.20776068

Hi subhuman nigger