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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2076599 No.2076599 [Reply] [Original]

Why are (most) women so bad with money?
>be me
>still live at home because student and university is very close to home
>made $150k
>all of a sudden my mom, both sisters and gf want a few grand each to buy shit with
>sister wants a new car
>gf throws a tantrum when I don't give her what she wants
>mom uses the classic "I'm your mother, I taught you how to use a spoon bla bla bla"
What the fuck do I tell them, I want to save most of it, invest some of it, and spend none of it.
>inb4 show proof larping faggot
I have no proof, I'm just looking for advice

>> No.2076606

You shouldn't have told anyone.
Now you have to prove your worth as a man and just tell them no.

>> No.2076609

Because they are stupid, low iq, sub-humans

>> No.2076615

Say no.
There is nothing wrong with being selfish.

>> No.2076618

>she will never whisper into your ear as you're falling asleep
should I end it now or later familia?

>> No.2076619

>not teaching them how to multiply your earnings
>make them believe it generates a certain amount over time
>while your system really puts in 50% back to your account
man, you're pretty stupid

>> No.2076620
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>trying to get free shekels without contributing nothing
>bad with money

>> No.2076621

They assume will foot their debt at about 30 years of age. They think they don't need to save.

>> No.2076624

>telling them you made that much
you fucked yourself, desu

>gf throws a tantrum when I don't give her what she wants
LOL drop her ass

unless you loaned them money, you don't owe them shit.

>> No.2076627

*They assume a man will foot their debt.

>> No.2076631

Because women are generally stupider than men. It's been scientifically proven, they have smaller brains than us. Plus they're more emotional, whereas we're more logical and tend to make smarter decisions with things like money. Never trust a bitch, anon

>> No.2076634

Haha, your family thinks you are their slave. Think of how you worked for your money and what you have sacrificed already to get it. Even a "few grand".

>> No.2076638

You told your family about your gains? KEK. Good luck living like a NEET now.

>> No.2076643

>be you
>kill myself
>no longer create shitty threads

Hey, maybe you don't need to start greentext stories with "be me", you think? Retard.

>> No.2076656

Basically this. My mom died last year (because I didn't reply to a post on /b/, you ask? No she had ALS) and as the only child I got everything. I had no idea how much it was until I spoke to the lawyers. Believe that no one - not my extended family, employer, or significant other - knows how much it really is.

Suffice it to say your 150k is trivial to me and now I trade in shitcoins with mom's money. Debating walking away from my 125k/yr telecommunications job.

99% of people are shitty with money. It isn't unique to females.

>> No.2076668

Women are bad with money because its feminine nature to spend.

The biggest consumer base in the world is women, not men. Women are geared to spend and consume because its their job.

It's a man's job to produce and to provide. In fact its literally in your genes and your reproductive system. Men constantly produce sperm and give that sperm to women. Women absorb that sperm.

Yeah I know, you never thought of it that way huh? Men are literally positive energy and women are negative energy. They absorb the energy men give off.

>> No.2076675


I keep everything hidden about myself and play mind games with my girlfriend, she has no idea how I really make money aside from working with a friend, my friends have no idea what I do.

I use to be very generous with money and buy not ridiculously expensive but nice gifts to make past girlfriends happy but always realize they are a waste of money.

I have an office I lease downtown in a highrise that no one knows I go to, I've lived with my gf for 2 years and she still hasnt caught on

I like to pretend I'm poor now it's funny, she has a car parked underground I make her think I take the bus but my fuckin car is a few cars down from hers.

At the grocery store yesterday I made sure we bought the sliced cheese that was on sale to save 30 cents

Its funny

>> No.2076736

>Why are (most) women so bad with money?
They are bad with everything
Don't let them tell you what to do

>> No.2076754

they're not wrong to assume
men are pathetic

>> No.2076756

>What the fuck do I tell them, I want to save most of it, invest some of it, and spend none of it.
Tell them you have debts that you need to settle and you literally can't give it to them. If they pursue further either throw a tantrum like you're "stressed about money/livelihood" and mumble about "you have no idea how hard it is keeping all these balls in the air"

>99% of people are shitty with money. It isn't unique to females.
So many industries are dependent on this little insight.

>> No.2076759

You're being manipulated, just cut contact. Throw some cash at me ,I'm making 300 bucks a month, not at those parasites

>> No.2076811

Set aside a small amount for them and tell them they can use it if they will do something useful with it. That'll get them to shut up quick since women don't create shit. (if they actually do something at least they be completely wasting the money)

>> No.2076814

To be fair, less and less are willing to give anything to females. Asking for money does however show the shamelessness of typical women.

>> No.2076821

Easy solution. Say, "I don't have money."

If push comes to shove, say, "Shut the fuck up."

>> No.2076822

Dunno that feel, told my mother i made 90k on ethereum and she never asked me for shit. My GF knows as well and doesnt ask me for anything either.

Likewise with my whole family. You just have a shitty family m8.

>> No.2076826


Damn. This level of Jewishness is impressive.

>> No.2076827

Hahah, don't be giving them a fucking allowance motherfucker. You are not their dad, and they are not 8 year olds.

>> No.2076830

Its easier said than done you fucking moron, come back to me when you've made 150k plus fag
If you care that much about what thread are on 4chan then you really need to rethink your entire life you fucking neet
This sounds like the best answer
You're not tempting me by calling my family parasites you moron

>> No.2076853

>less and less
really? let's see the marriage statistics once millennials have fully entered their 30's, I 'm willing to bet it won't be any different

beta providers need to be sent to gulags

>> No.2076858

Sad fact is most women aren't raised to really think about money as something they need to earn, save, and use. They usually think of it as something provided by others, even if they work, simply because it's culturally normal for them to do so.

This isn't so much their fault as a societal issue, but they do need to learn at some point. Especially now when single provider households are becoming rarer and rarer.

It's very important to find someone who is intelligent with money and willing to keep separate accounts.

>> No.2076861

Just keep saying it's tied up. Say it's in funds and you'll be paying big fees to take it out etc. I use this line when people ask me to lend me money.

Also don't give them any down payments, they will just expect you to pay the monthly bill...

>> No.2076879
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Just say no.

If my friends asked for thousands of dollars I would tell them to fuck off. Maybe I'd lend them $100 but I would expect to be paid back.

If my family asked for money, maybe I would help my mom but not my brothers. They have their own jobs and their own money.

>> No.2077036

Tell them to fuck off. I learned the hard way when it came to helping family. A lot of the time. Family will never pay you back and most of the time they will not help you.

Got fucked over on a washer and dryer loan because of my sister. Helped her out because I thought about how my nephews and niece needed clean cloths.

I'm the only one that had good credit in my family and now it is slowly rebuilding after I moved to a different state.

My dad always bugged me for money. That fucker is on disability and at the time was getting more per month that what I was making.

Sister is a lazy fat fuck that doesn't want to work but never wants to watch her kids or stay home. Pulls that Im a mother of 3 or says shit like "Im going to kill myself" if she doesn't get money. Fuck she steals from her own family and kids for spending money when she hangs out with her crack head "friends" in their section 8 apartment. I got fucked over by my sister a lot from shit and money being stolen to her trying to get credit cards in my name.

My mom thought I can give her money out of my college grants to pay for her shit.

Just don't help family. Really, don't fuckin help any one besides your own kids.

Life is better for me now once I packed my shit up and moved out of state.

>> No.2077091

Well they are, I'm truthful.

>> No.2077161
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She looks like my ex...

>> No.2077178


Women mostly vote Democratic.
Women are more for welfare.

It's been proven by studies and people watching, that women are more prone to act unresponsible. As they're use to others around them solving their issues or doing it for them.

It's like spoon feeding, the person never actually learns.

>> No.2077191

Pretend you are stupid and it's all funny money if it's still in the exchange.

>> No.2077216

Yeah right, I have always been the one saving the money in relationship, spent max. 1$ a day for food and my bf always wanted to buy more. So all money I had, I gave to him.

>> No.2077227

Nahh, I spend all my money on my bf's needs, I don't have my own.

>> No.2077235

This. You shouldn't have bragged. "Look at how much money I have!" can be interpreted one of two ways: "Here, I'll share" or "I'm richer than you, cunt". Naturally your nearest and dearest assumed the former. Give them 5k each and watch them spunk it down the gutter, that'll teach you to be discrete next time.

>> No.2077292
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Luger has the sexiest action other than that rifle with the nearly identical one. Rifles being sexier than pistols.

>> No.2077305
File: 34 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tell them you put it all in Bitbean

>> No.2077323

>telling somebody you have a huge chunk of cash

>> No.2077389

Anon you are the literal incarnation of a jew kek

>> No.2077461
File: 28 KB, 500x498, 40010115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find it funny that people think it's a result of gender, as there are tons of cases of women who are very good with finances and have boyfriends who work part time and sit around playing video games all day, while being a financial drain on them.

It's not a problem that a specific gender has, it's just people who haven't learned the importance of money. It's probably more common for women to be financially unsound as they expect a 9 month period of being unable to work and whatnot, but women also tend to be more conservative financially once they do learn what money means.

It doesn't help that we as a society don't like talking about money. Like don't talk about your salary with others, and don't start talking about finances early in a relationship you expect to last, and don't do a pre-nup, and so on. It's stupid, and people really need to be ready to discuss finances and money, especially in a relationship because no one wants to get into a financial patch of quicksand that can't be escaped because the other person is irresponsible.

>> No.2077692

Its hard to hide when I live in the same house as them, they also know what I'd been doing for the past 3 years to make that money so it came as no surprise when they found out I'd sold my old ass tech company

>> No.2077728

>now I trade in shitcoins with mom's money

So you took your mom's life savings and are dropping it into autism monopoly money? Your ancestors must be proud

>> No.2078070
File: 44 KB, 710x577, pepedf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. Even in crypto-unrelated threads stupid nocoiners show up to cope.

>> No.2078125

Put a few thousand in a Vangaurd ETF and say you're going to make them rich. That way they won't waste the money and if she leaves you she won't get anything.

>> No.2078188

Why did you use a picture of ASMR darling on youtube? lol

>> No.2078198


>> No.2078230

You family is just garbage, ever thought about that. Don't lump all women in with you garbage genetic family tree.

>> No.2078259

wanna be my gf?

>> No.2078310

>>be me
>>be neet
>>won 6 million dollars in a local lottery
>>never had a job and no degree.
>>never had a girlfriend and friends.

>> No.2078315
File: 211 KB, 327x316, 1494439782243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your best mate

>> No.2078367

Tight cunt. Just fob em off with five grand each ffs.

>> No.2078386

Tell em to get fucked mate otherwise they keep coming back for more then maybe MAYBE later on down the track give them just a taste to ease the tension or just ignore the bludging pricks the rest of your life

>> No.2078387

it wasn't this way by nature. There was a conscious effort to make women into consumerists/materialists by the first marketers who wanted to capitalize on Freud's theories. See Century of the Self.

>> No.2078418

Please, while entertaining, Adam Curtis is an establishment hack.

>> No.2078449


Tell the gf no. If she insists for more than a week, dump her.

Tell sisters to fuck off.

If you still live at home, offer mom to buy something useful for the house or do some repairs that would benefit everyone including you, but that's it. If you don't live at home, you don't owe her anything.

>> No.2078478

That's the problem with poorer families. The second someone succeeds they're there going "me too". Don't let them drag you down, especially since you're so young in your career.

>> No.2078515

You have a really strange family/gf OP.

My mom has gone out of her way to provide opportunities for me to grow and develop as a person, doing it alone half the time. She remains as supportive even today and hasn't once asked for anything in return because "I RAISED YOU THAT'S A SERVICE RENDERED NOT JUST SOMETHING MOTHERS DO I EXPECT 25K PER YEAR PLUS TIP". Raising their kids to be decent human beings IS EXACTLY just something mothers do. Should strive to do.

In return, I go out of my way to ensure she remains out of trouble and has my support in turn whenever she needs it. And the few times she truly needed financial support due to the massive economic downturn and subsequent harsh job market, I gave her money, because I felt I had a duty to hekp out the person who had been mothing but a blessing. I had to tell her outright i didn't want her to pay back because she kept stuffing money in my hands every now and then.

I don't understand, where does the attitude come from? Are you American? Is it an American thing? Something else?

I'm from East Europooristan and while people here are comparatively poor, we still have some sort of ingrained morals when it comes to aiding people close to you. And it's like a badge of shame to not repay your debts even if the loan truster outright declines repayments. I don't understand your predicament. I can only read about it.

>> No.2078685

In America it's not a badge of shame to be indebted to someone else, people just don't care. They don't feel the shame

Your situation is different - your mother isn't greedy and taking advantage of you. The OP's mom does seem to be

No way in Hell I'd ever lend my sister money for instance, she'd literally waste it on makeup then not pay me back or even feel indebted to me at all. My mom would be different though

>> No.2078994

Move out

>> No.2079166

Should never have told them.

Now your only option is the old "I didn't make this money buy pissing it away on crap" lecture. You're the man, you handle the finances. Put your foot down.

>> No.2079418
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Because some women have no concept of delayed gratification, mostly due to being ignorant to the power of compound interest. Also many women want instant gratification, which is why you see many living paycheck to paycheck. Or even worse, they are deep credit card debt buying useless shit like daily starbucks, cosmetics, handbags, shoes, clothing, restaurant bills, iphones, ect.

>> No.2079444

Shit, you just in my shoes. You should try to hide what you got and stop trying to look like a good and smart boy in front of your family especially mom

>> No.2079619

Your mom is still paying for you while you made your money. Buy her something nice. Your sisters can fuck right off and dump the gf.

>> No.2079662

Take 2k from the bank in 2000 $1 notes and burn them in front of them to show them you mean business

>> No.2079668

>made $150k
>lives at home
yeah alright lol

>> No.2079700

How do you even handle spending money on your gf?
If you just refuse to buy her things, she'll find a guy who does. Especially if you live in an area like I do where every girl grew up with a rich cuck dad who bought her whatever she wanted.

>> No.2079717


Find a girl who isn't like that.

>> No.2079730

find a poor girl

>> No.2079774

>poor people not asking for gibsmedats the most
>poor people not being poor for a reason

>> No.2079793

They're taken by better men than me
There are no poor girls where I live

>> No.2079801

become a better man

>> No.2079803

>there are no niggers where he lives
Prove it.

>> No.2079836

Working on it. But part of being a better man is having experience dating women, which brings us back to the main dilemma.
I live in a california beach city (not LA)

>> No.2079870

Just say no.

>> No.2079884

Terrible Advice. They WILL demand more from OP. If you give them even one cent they will come back asking for more.

Also, OP told gf about his money. Hmm I wonder if someone will try to get pregnant now.

>> No.2079889

>california coast
There's part of your problem.

>> No.2079897

No kidding.

>> No.2079900

>But part of being a better man is having experience dating women

So you are going to sink into that hole just because benis in bagina? ok.

>> No.2079914

saving is for poor people

>> No.2080275


>tfw live in the Midwest
>not even in a city
>don't have this problem

Feels fucking good

>> No.2080783
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>teaching female family members

>> No.2080813
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>> No.2080825

>What the fuck do I tell them

In the case of your GF and sisters its fairly easy, say no and be firm about it.

In the case of your mom, thats a touchy one as technically you have lived free of charge your entire life. Sure you could say no, but this is also the point where a lot of parents either say "then it is time you move out" or "then it is time you start paying rent". I have multiple friends who had to leave home after this as in one of their case, their mom created a "bill" for the last 20 years of their life. His mom basically said "I want $325,000, payments toward it, or you can be out by the end of the week"

He freeloaded on my couch for the next 4 years and ceased to by my friend in that time frame as well

>> No.2080841

What kind of shit families do all of you folks posting such stories as OP have? It's even worse than /g/s family-tech-support stories.

Seriously, y'all should become hindu, KYS and hopefully reincarnate into some proper families.

>Be me
>granpa made some good decisions with money way back when
>Gave me and each of my brothers a brokerage account with some few k to start
>we are having fun and doing well, though nothing special
>granpa dies
>mom inherits it all
>a bit shy of a million
>mom goes out and buys herself a new kitchen, because it really is getting old and after 30years of use, thats something that would have to be done soon anyways
>rest is in a good mix of ETFs, generating steady income
>mom kept her job, because would be bored otherwise
>gfs mom inherits some money
>buys a flat to rent out and maybe move in later, when she becomes too old for their big house
>gives some to the gf
>gf asks me for advice on what to do with that money
>she's currently reading up on crypto

Seriously, senpais, get a better senpai

>> No.2080978
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>I'm saving money I'm l-living the life

>> No.2081001

>What the fuck do I tell them
that it's your money and that they're not getting any of it, you fucking cuck

>> No.2081006

This. Move out and do not tell anyone. Rent out something nice and cheap and slowly move some of your stuff there. If you cave in and give them money, you will be a piggy bank forever. Try not to burn bridges but do your thing m8.

>> No.2081037

Saying no to women's stupid demands is what separates a man from a beta.

>> No.2081058

I always tell them (it's usually my broke aunt, brother or uncle) that I have no free money allocated for such purpose (zero interest rate family loan) and I am planning on a big investment or currently investing everything I am able so I can't borrow or give them not even a cent.

>> No.2081135

Lol my obviously flawed, inaccurate and one in a million perception of myself proves everything wrong. Even if you are by far the most financially wise person in your relationship, it does not mean that the same is true for every or indeed most other females in existence. Anecdotal evidence does not substitute for facts, and the facts show that a woman is more likely to spend more money then is really necessary on something like a brand new car when you could get a decent and arguable better one for second hand and with as much reliability and maintenance needed.

>> No.2081146

If you make big money you shouldn't have to share a cent with friends or family, of course if they helped they deserve some, and if someone is really in the shit and some spare change would UNJUST their lives then it's nice but not expected to help them out.

>> No.2081162

Hence the root of marxism and it's prevalence in the west - unrestrained women with way more power than is sane or than they deserve or know how to use, and the bottom of the barrel genetic failure numales that are left over from the dregs of the gene pool after the world wars wiped out at least 25% of the "alpha" males in western countries.

>> No.2081167

>invite all of them at your place
>put 5k on the table
>tell them to fight each other, the winner takes all

>> No.2081177

I remember when I used to go to my grandmother's house, and she would always beg my mother to take payment for buying lunch or just money in general. My mother always refused and my grandma tried to give it to me or my brothers to hide it in her purse or basically force her to take it, all the while refusing to let anyone do the dishes and not complaining about her severe pain for one second at the age of 86.

But then most people are nowhere near that generous, she was probably as good as it gets in terms of refusing to take a cent of anyone's money and always insisting that others take the money she didn't need or didn't give to charity.

>> No.2081196

I am a woman that's good with money. I am also consistently told that I think more like a man. When dealing with emotional based women...which it sounds like you have in your life...its important to argue from a stand point they understand- emotion. So when they say "you're never helping me I feel like I am all alone and you're just a giant waste of my time" or whatever.....you say, " i feel like all you want is my money, I feel that you're just I to my money and not me" as for the family members also make an emotional plea your mom should be pretty easy....something like "I feel like you're trying to take opportunity from me mom. I love you and I want to help you when I can but right now I feel as though i am sitting on the sidelines watching all these great investments happen. Of course I want to provide....and I feel like a failure because I cant" something along those lines. Look women understand emotions.....and its a great argument because no one can tell you how you really feel. That's my advice on how to argue with women. Also avoid it as much as possible....but always tell them how you "feel" when you have to. You won't "win" them all but they will stay off you a bit more.

>> No.2081199

Well yeah, but the thing is old people know they are gonna die soon so they don't mind giving money they know they won't spend/invest.

Also it's a way to keep their relatives close. Lots of lonely old people.

>> No.2081371

Now say no, in future be vague.

If you're not that cold, ask them what they want and if it's sensible, get it for them, if it isnt, tell them why.

>> No.2081423

Yeah, my step father died last year while I was staying at his beach house with my friends. He was worth well over 500 million dollars so suffice to say any amount of money that your mom gave you is like a bug on a window to me.

Suffice to say that I donated more money than you have ever trading with, and I still have mountain and mountains of cash. Suffice to say that I have more money than I could ever spend, much more than you. I'm debating whether to walk away from my multi-million dollar business (I was the inventor of figit spinners). I don't do it for money, I have too much of that, the only reason I keep running the company is because it is insanely fun.

Suffice to say that your money is insignificant to me and you are nothing but a bug. Suffice to say the amount of money you make is negligible to me.

>> No.2081528

OP who would win in this scenario?

>> No.2081577

There are plenty of Americans from well adjusted homes that function similarly to what you've described. You're just unlikely to find them posting on 4chan