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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20754022 No.20754022 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for the incoming crash and mass evictions. Are you ready for 30% of America going homeless and some refusing to leave their homes?

>> No.20754230

its going to be fuckin nuts and most people are still in denial or simply don't have the ability to empathize

Which is all part of their plan. Dumb people down, minimize and don't teach emotional intelligence so that a majority havent developed empathy and then bring the hammer down x100.

In my building alone, 3 tenants have been in and out int he past 4 months.

>> No.20754269


will i be able to scoop up some cheapie houses

>> No.20754298

nothing is going to happen, government will step in or people will finally start saving and paying. city people will join the mob but eventually those people give up or die.

>> No.20754340

They should just put pause on rent for a few months.

>> No.20754356

Yeah wagie. Pay up or get out. Also that pet in your house is a $100 penalty. You have 30 days to get rid of your puporino and pay up or get out.

God its great to be a landlord.

>> No.20754423

I doubt someone who owns property would talk like this
my guessis you are 13 and own maybe 300 link

just yikes at this loser

>> No.20754458

it'll be great to see rents fall so i can kick my tenants out without feeling bad about them becoming homeless as a result

>> No.20754490

We got homeless shelters and bridges and stuff, the real problem is going to be the housing market..value crashes, loans for upside down, foreclosure all over and it's another 2007 crash and banking crisis

>> No.20754530

I don't really care about the country, as long as I can buy groceries.

I just hope Bitcoin goes to 6k.

>> No.20754531

This b8 is guaranteed replies

>> No.20754663

KeK. Projecting much.
No in fact my net worth is 500k+ with my shit coin investments. My realestate only accounts for a 1/3 of my net worth.

I would post my wallet but i dont want to get dust hacked.

>> No.20754708
File: 232 KB, 600x954, jubilee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only she can fix it

>> No.20754746

>Also that pet in your house is a $100 penalty. You have 30 days to get rid of your puporino and pay up or get out.
Absolute fucking scum. Jew retards out of their money all you like but leave the dogs out of this.

>> No.20754753


>> No.20754765

pfft. people can just get those $8 an hour part time jobs at restaurants that are all opening up now because covid is fake and gay. everything will be fine, dude. :^)

>> No.20754773

Thats not Hilary

>> No.20754838

1/3 of 500k
what kind of crack den do you own

>> No.20754943

500k+ smoothbrain. That means more than 500k. God its no wonder you guys keep falling for my shitty copy pasta.

>> No.20754944

anyone else have a bad sense that something worse is coming

>> No.20754983

so its less than 600k, otherwise you would have said 600k+

1/3 of 600k
what kind of crack den do you own

>> No.20755309

yes, he's obviously larping. we all can see that. just ignore him

>> No.20755331

200k gets a 3,000 sq ft home in the country w land in my state.

>> No.20755341

You must be new here

>> No.20755393

I'm saving up for a downpayment to hopefully buy my first house when the shit really hits the fan.

My credit is good enough for an FHA loan, I just need to get the downpayment together. I am going to feel really bad for the people who get evicted and foreclosed upon, but if it means I'll be able to stop lighting my money on fire every month when I pay my rent it'll make my life significantly better.

>> No.20755397

I assure you as an avid 90s coomer, that Jubilee is simply flat.

>> No.20756280

Imagine wanting wrinkles in your brain

>> No.20756724
File: 312 KB, 850x505, they+live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw John Carpenter predicted all of this over 30 years ago
It's gonna get wild bros. >>20754230 is right, the powers that be are going to make the 1960s look like a picnic compared to what we might see with tens of millions of pissed off homeless people stop giving a fuck and go werewolf.

>> No.20757085

>minimize and don't teach emotional intelligence so that a majority havent developed empathy
high iq anon

>> No.20757341

si, yet crypto is mooning ... like wtf

>> No.20757415

Landlords will not be able to make payments and they’ll have to sell the house, there no way around the shitstorm that’s going to happen with this level of unemployment

>> No.20757763

there's an old concept called a debt jubilee that goes back to ancient Sumeria. When debt got out of control it was forgiven.
The benefit of having an almighty central bank is they can cancel everybody's debt with the push of a button.
read the above and that could be why hard money is mooning, if we're lucky.

>> No.20757971

Noooooooo you can't liquidate puppers

>> No.20758014

Governors orders no evictions extended another 3 months

>> No.20758051

It's a forced liquidation anon. The landlords are going to get rolled by the politicians big bank frens.

>> No.20758132

Yes,I am. About time. I'm comfy in Japan, chilling with my Suterusu bags ready to get sent with staking. Rot in hell burger land.

>> No.20758141

You'll be competing with institutional investors trying to buy up the single family rental market, but if it hits all at once they can't get everything.
Good time to take out a mortgage, too, with interest rates historically low and inflation probably about to spike.

>> No.20758165

>dxy being devalued
>thinks deflation will occur

Moron detected

>> No.20758171

Lol imagine thinking its even possible for the central banking cartels to just "forgive" a debt.

>> No.20758177

>VT 22%
Based and Berniepilled

>> No.20758558

won't and can't are two different things.

>> No.20758705

Most of the people who rent and have to pay pet fees shouldn't own dogs in the first place so fuck them.

>> No.20758857

These kids really need to learn the meaning of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. But they are too self-obsessed. Sad!

>> No.20760143

You probably never took a physics class in your life and probably think science is some crazy liberal conspiracy, but it is literally impossible to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps according to the laws of physics. That expression was also originally satirical of people that thought like you do, but you are too stupid to ever realize that, so you parrot it like the mindless bug eating bird that you are.

>> No.20760196

The Keynesians are just doing to print more money to inflate away those debts. That’s how things work in MMT now. Welcome to the neoliberal world order, friend!