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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2075370 No.2075370 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking water is already privitized so I don't see why we shouldn't get charged for breathing. It is only inevitable that as global pollution and population increases the air we breath is eventually going to become toxic and unbreathable.

Thoughts about this /biz/? This could be a trillion dollar industry.

>communists and socialists LEAVE

>> No.2075377

>privatize a widely available resource
Might as well privatize sunlight.

>> No.2075383

In 5 billion years when the Sun becomes a red giant we probably have to privitize sunlight in our artificial underground megacities on Mars

>> No.2075390

>5 billion years
>Still living on earth
>Still jewing people for resources
You are a sad man inside, aren't you?

>> No.2075398

No, you are just a brain dead socialist who doesn't understand the basic laws of supply and demand

And I said Mars, not Earth, you low IQ troglodyte

>> No.2075407

Extra Crispy Fresh Air™

>> No.2075415

I think you are just genetic trash who wants to compensate his shitty life by excerting power over other people.

Whats wrong? Your 2 inch dick not working as intended?

>> No.2075418
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>He still breathes air

Poorfag pls

Me and my boys are gassin' on the purest Nitro.

>> No.2075422

If humans do establish colonies on Mars, surely they'll be able to create filters of some sort which can produce air

>> No.2075443

already exists


>> No.2075446

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's a retard.

Faith in fellow /biz/ restored.

>> No.2075449
File: 43 KB, 500x498, erfuirwfnweiuodnwefn34r34r432r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2075464

Oxygen bars were pretty hip around 2000

>> No.2075501

Not privatise but tax it. Heavily tax drumpf voters

>> No.2075968

(((They))) have been trying to implement that through the carbon tax. Read into Agenda 21 (now called Agenda 30 and soon to be Vision 2050) and you'll get a glimpse of what the world would look like under full globalization. They use buzzwords like "green," "sustainable," "smart," etc... but don't be fooled. Dig a little deeper and see the corporations and banks behind these projects and ask yourself when they have ever had your best interests in mind.

I know what you mean by "privatized water," but right now you can still access a well on your property or boil some water from a nearby stream to drink. That won't be the case any longer if the UN has its way. All of that will be fenced off and illegal to use because "muh possible pollution." The EPA is a big driver of all of these regulations. I know they sound good on paper, but they've turned into a big advertisement agency for this. They make it sound like these regulations are necessary for survival so you *willingly accept it without thinking about the consequences. They're regulations and complete control isn't the only way to combat environmental issues.

If you want a glimpse into the future on a micro scale check out the Millennium Development Goals in their personal Petri dish: Africa. Those people are getting fucked right now under the guise of these buzzwords. Always remember, when (((they))) say "sustainable," they don't mean *self sustainable.

It's not a tinfoil hat conspiracy, they've laid it all out nicely for you to read for decades now:
