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20752081 No.20752081 [Reply] [Original]

25. Western Canada. Parents don't charge me any rent but only if I'm in school or working. Renting on my own wouldn't be nearly this comfortable and would erode my savings. I work for my dad. It's menial office work and getting more boring. I'm lucky to have a job at all but I just don't have any aspirations. I have no friends, no realistic prospects for an intimate relationship, all I do is eat, work out, play games, and shitpost. My bank account goes up every two weeks and I spend the money on nothing. What's it all for? I've grown tired of living.

>> No.20752120

What the fuck do you want me to do about it?

>> No.20752163

ah bloo bloo

>> No.20752231

At least you live rent free Jesus. Fuck off I got kicked out at 18

>> No.20752267

Offer words of encouragement ;-;

That is rough anon. I would probably just defoo my parents if they kicked me out.

>> No.20752276

>but I just don't have any aspirations. I have no friends, no realistic prospects for an intimate relationship

wow whose fucking fault is that

>> No.20752292

Stop wasting your money every other weekend you idiot. Save your Money then go be rich in another country

>> No.20752301

I would like to live off the land with a virgin wife. Both of those things are worse than lottery odds in my country.

>> No.20752392

yeah, im gonna go out on a limb here and say

never gonna make it

>> No.20752496

You're not fulfilled because you're not working on a farm, spending time in direct sunlight, around nature, taking care of livestock who feed you and allow you to provide for your grateful, loving family. The urban life is hell by every definition of the word.

>> No.20752549

Smart and wise. You can do this in the United States. Learn how to farm like Joel Salatin (he offers mentorship), then find a southern girl who grew up on a farm. Simple.

>> No.20752600

I don't want to be an immigrant is it possible to just mail order one of these women?

>> No.20752607

based and cowpilled

>> No.20752630

I save literally 98% of my income.

Fren pls

>> No.20752691

>I would like to live off the land with a virgin wife
you can do the former in atlantic canada, only getting the later if you're joining some religious group

>> No.20752708

Atlantic Canada would basically be like moving to another country.

>> No.20752775

As a Canadian you can spend up to 182 days in the U.S. in a 12 month period. If I were you I would spend 6 months learning how to farm like Joel Salatin under his mentorship, then I would spend 6 months the following year in a farm community in a state like Kansas or Missouri, attend the local church and find a young, traditional wife.

>> No.20752796

How about Calgary?

>> No.20752827

Are you me?

>> No.20752842

kill yourself

>> No.20752910
File: 429 KB, 1242x1185, 8893C8DA-BFB3-4555-8286-04DF59A89DF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O sorry you feel that way, aye. If you need to blow off some steam about your dollar becoming worthless we canucks understand aye.

>> No.20753018

>I've grown tired of living.
anon thats because you havent grown.

>> No.20753136

I can at least tell you to stay strong fren, brooding and lamenting has no utility and won't get you anywhere unless you make use of it. Start working for the things you want, you're still young and you can find opportunities if you try. If you're dissatisfied then do something about it. Be an optimist and look forward to the future and better things. Much easier said than done but I hope it helps to put your mind at ease, as sad as you may be now it's not over and you will get past this.

>> No.20753285

Stop spending the money you fucking retard. Someday you'll have meaning to attend to and no means of doing so because you payed $60 to play le hottest new vidya for 2 hours before you quit.

There are plenty if games you can sink hours into, don't be a hedon, anon.

>> No.20753467

Strongly considering both of these

No you're much better looking :)

Living rent free in my parent's basement and in your head :)

I spend literally no money outside of a phone bill and the occasional lunch at work. 95% of my income is savings. Accumulated close to 20K now. That isn't even a tenth of a down payment here.

>> No.20753485
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Thanks fren

>> No.20754466


It’ll be good anon. Kind of in the same boat, live with friends family and they let me stay there if I work, and I do.

Semen retention will make you powerful and give you drive. It just starts welling up inside you; you need to do something more, achieve. Just try a week, see how things change.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is that God sent his own Son to die on a cross, bearing the world’s sins, yours and mine, was buried, and resurrected three days later. Because he lives, we live in him with no shame because we believe, we give our lives for his sake. There is real life and love there! That’s meaningful anon.

Your savings will grow a lot, too.