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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20746509 No.20746509 [Reply] [Original]

So when is alt season starting?

>> No.20747223

We already started since May. /biz/ had our very own DeFi bullrun altseason in our backyard.

I fucked up and HODLed STA like a dumbass, others also held onto ESH/Ghost.
If we used those 100x to properly ourselves to 100k we could have put 3-5k in every shit project to get 50k each or 100k in large beasts like COMP, Chainlink and Ampleforth. Unipower and any proof of liquidity shitcoin had a lot of liquidity to abuse/cash out with.
Could have made millions.

I'm sure some made, but as always they stay quiet about it and never bother using their money on websites, games, communities, animation. Weird for a bunch of digital neets you'd think the internet would be more important to them and invest in it.

I'm sure some

>> No.20747293

so thats what those shitty defi shills where doing.

>> No.20747343

I mean the real alt season fren

>> No.20747784

The people chasing some uniswap shitcoins have portfolios of max $10k and they usually exit after a 5x. The only real moon was Aave with 60x, but the volume at the low price was so low that only a couple of people bought in at the time. Same time LINK was like $2-$3 as well. Yea I'm kinda mad for missing out on some lile BNT and Aave, but I'm glad I didn't at least lose my money since LINK went up as well. Currently I have a shitcoin portfolio made so hopefully the defi shitcoin season will continue after btc is done pumping.

>> No.20747992
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as soon as BTC and ETH chill the fuck out alt coins will go back to pumping like mad

>> No.20748012
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RLC is poised to benefit the most

>> No.20748035

altseason part two coming once boomercoin stops moving

>> No.20748037
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>> No.20748046

>missing out on some lile BNT
BNT is only 6x from a very low volume bottom and v2 is coming out in the next couple of weeks. You haven't missed anything.

>> No.20748109
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you are entering a world of pain son.

>> No.20748130
File: 91 KB, 680x383, ie cc resources as defi assets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC is going to make many of us very rich men indeed.