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20747042 No.20747042 [Reply] [Original]

How is AMPL not a giant game of musical chairs with rampant autistic memes?

If you want to play be my guest. If you get massive gains, more power to you! But to say that AMPL has any sound economics is nothing short of stupidity to the highest degree.

Would love to hear a counterargument to this other than "muh rebase."


>> No.20747102

dude use medium or something next time, I stopped reading at tweet no. 9 or something, trust me most of people won't even read further than tweet no. 4. Your currency sucks and the website is pathetic and even prone to XSS from what I've seen. SAGED

>> No.20747106

its a scam
they pay 10% on average in rebase every day- meaning holding 1000 coins for a year would turn into about 55 billion coins

this isnt sustainable and only /biz/ tards and dumb niggers fall for this shit

>> No.20747151


I didn't write the thread man just thought it was interesting

>> No.20747325

>they pay 10% on average in rebase every day- meaning holding 1000 coins for a year would turn into about 55 billion coins

Ladies and gentlemen: Bizlet #112312 who doesen't get how Ampleforth works and decided he wanted to let everyone know.

>> No.20747518
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Also, if you scroll down further into that Twitter thread, you'll see that this guy is straight up trying to FUD this, because he wants to make money. I can get around to refuting his points, which are weak, but I think I'll just let him destroy his own credibility by showing you pic related of him in the Ampleforth Telegram. He clearly has his own interests at heart here. He even admits to it.

>> No.20747559

Elastic supply
Getting rich is only a side effect of the intended purpose
There's been months of spoonfeeding already

>> No.20747669


It has sound economics

>> No.20747734
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>he knows
damp eet

>> No.20747802

nice bait
Well, I hope you're not serious?

>> No.20747804

They're FUDing because they thought they missed the train. This is extremely bullish. Top 10 by EOY

>> No.20747941

Fucking KEK. Verified Twitter user using his account to manipulate the price. If that is not a buy signal, I don’t know what is.

>> No.20748210

I just read through that shitty +42 thread, it's mostly filler and he could have expressed his points in just 3 tweets.
His main argument is that AMPL can't be stable once it reaches the marketcap of USD (trillions kek), and that you should buy his shitcoin instead.

>> No.20748235

The guy is a fag but I still don't get how AMPL can become a stable coin (in purchasing power) if your holdings change everyday.

>> No.20748336

jesus christ I hate verified twitter losers

>> No.20748355


>> No.20748390

I believe Ampleforth is for gaining positive rebases (free money) and then just sell them as soon as the positive rebase hits because it dumps right after. Don't know how long it will last but it's definitely something you needed to be in on right away.

>> No.20748444

Because eventually the rate of growth has to slow down and price per AMPL return to $1. At that point, the ability to pump or dump the price will be much smaller due to the sheer amount of money necessary to do that. Unlike Bitcoin, which has very low liquidity relative to its marketcap, the high liquidity of Ampl will make it more and more impervious to price swings.

>> No.20748451

In the sense that a single unit has a stable value, this is already true - since 1 AMPL is pegged to the purchasing power of a 2019 US Dollar.

This is why it has potential at a high market cap - because the correlated value/purchasing power of a single unit remains fixed.

Another thing is, that the percentage of your network ownership remains fixed because of redistribution of the supply - and this makes Ampleforth resistant to inflation. If you combine both these things, it is an interesting store of value, since the value of one unit remains the same, while the currency is neither deflationary or inflationary.

>> No.20748618

The secret of ampl is lopsided mathematics. There is unlimited max positive rebase (anything >$1.05) but limited max negative rebase (anything below $0.96) of -10% at $0 price. As long as there is demand, negative rebase will still bring price up back to $1 and start FOMO cycles again. This uneven math effectively makes for trapping more base mcap after each FOMO cycle and raising the collective value of each holder's stack.
The only way value can leave is if there were prolonged 0 demand, which at this point is not realistic.

However, don't let anyone shill you with "muh compounded gains" or any such nonsense. Rebase simply changes supply evenly so everyone still holds the same % of the token supply each night. Money comes in whenever whales or FOMOers pump the price and requires continuous new demand for mcap (and hence the value of your stack) to continue to accumulate at a meaningful rate.

However, AMPL creates it's own FOMO due to having an elastic price that returns to $1. By always having a price in the $1-$3, the ROI is constantly better than industry average, when compared to other cryptos whose price ranges in the $10s, $100s, or $1000s. It's a very profitable crypto in the short and long term, while trapping value in the mcap continually, ensuring it generates hype and attention just for that. Once defi integration begins, the valuation will skyrocket simply from demand alone, and with it pull in even more FOMOers.

Advanced level: Learn to play the swings and you can multiply your %stack every FOMO cycle. Sell the top, buy the bottom.

>> No.20748747

>1 AMPL is pegged to the purchasing power of a 2019 US Dollar.
How do they do this?
How do they determine what this value is?

>> No.20748807

Have you been playing the swing? How do you do it? Dips get bought too fast and your risk getting priced unless you literally sell the local top.

>> No.20748828

They don't. It was determined by the value of the US Dollar when the project was launched and when the first percentages of the network was obtained with this purchasing power.

Think about that for a little bit - I think that's the best way to explain it.

>> No.20748888

Study price action.

That's risk. Risking appropriately rewards exponentially.

>> No.20748902
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>kike blue checkmark makes thread about himself
my favorite part of your post is the "dude the fed are totally rational actors and not out for their kike friends interests first and foremost they would totally do this if it worked and was a good system lmao" argument. really good stuff.

>> No.20748940
File: 104 KB, 712x535, IMG_20200727_172635_319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone link this to him please.

>> No.20748996

chainlink oracle scraping purchasing power data from US gov. srs.

>> No.20749059

The oracle is used for rebase purposes, as far as I understand.

>> No.20749095

So this is actually an improvement upon Satoshi's original vision, I guess? Crazy.

>> No.20749104


>> No.20749229

yes and how do you think it determines where "$1" is for that equation?

>> No.20749338

is biz just gnna keep spoonfeeding these newfags over and over again on ampl lol

>> No.20749351


>> No.20749370

No, to gather data from exchanges, I mean.

>> No.20749402
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, yo how tf that cat dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kazemian trying to FUD now


>cheap ampls pls!
>new BTC!

I hate Turks, but sometimes I suspect they were right about Armenians

>> No.20749426

The value is intrinsic at this point - your amount of the supply is readjusted based on the amount supply that everyone else holds (compared to the current price of AMPL).

>> No.20749473
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>> No.20749629

>16/ If the price of AMPL goes to $.50 because demand has halved, then the protocol halves every wallet balance so you wake up to find your 100 AMPL wallet with only 50 AMPLs after the rebase.

kek supply smoothing

>> No.20749774


>> No.20749997

lol does anyone have the youtube link for this? i want to hear the sound

>> No.20750095

Kek this shitskin is a fucking retard I saw him in the tg chat shilling $7, $10, $20 ampl. I don’t think he actually understands the protocol but I do think he is crazy bullish and wants to accumulate

>> No.20750124
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Literaly a mussey pajeet nobody writing out a stupid repeating list of dumbness. I see nothing to refute. The guy is at best fudding at worst a bitter pajeet who seems to think Ampl is a ponzi like most low IQ noobs here.

>> No.20750143

The TG chat is the only reason I bought in. The people in it are fucking crazy.

>> No.20750212

This. What a retard and probably started this thread. Pathetic mussey jeet thinking if he posts numbers Twitter posts it means he isnt a clueless jeet cause he saw some smart people do it once on Twitter. Seriously wondering about leaving biz. It served its purpose.

>> No.20750257

Any crypto doing well has a lively tg. Also there is no trading chat so it's all together. It's a fun chat.

>> No.20750333

This guy is a retard in the Telegram too

>> No.20750375

>1000 coins for a year would turn into about 55 billion coins
Stop I can only get so erect

>> No.20750445

It is the same thing as Basis which failed but this got the ball rolling.

>> No.20750550

Every fucking week from mid 2017 Slavs, pajeets, chinamen, BRs, French and anglos have made weekly scams they've spammed here. Every single one marked by coming out of nowhere with billion factory "memes" and promise of greatness only to flutter away with a week or two, the shills never to be seen (shilling that particular miracle coin)
I should start keeping a list of every fucking scam because I've forgotten the names of most of them due to being in the hundreds

>> No.20750620
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Sounds like you have FUN

>> No.20750689

The rebase only happens if the price is outside of a range around the peg. Crab market at $1 = no rebases for months at a time, like we saw before the geyser when the mcap was around $7.5 mill for a while.

>> No.20750726

eh Basis was more cumbersome with "bonds" and shit. AMPL is way more refined, i think thats why it took off. Basis became a security - i think, so they had to shut down