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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 138 KB, 409x492, DFOhub BUIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20747176 No.20747176 [Reply] [Original]

Part II of legendary BUIDL thread.

Excited to be part of this project.

Let's continue the discussion...

>> No.20747207
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>> No.20747221

I would actually say this isn't actually all that easy to understand. I write solidity programs so to me it's just obvious but to someone who doesn't understand how ETH works it's not clear. Let me try and explain it as simply as possible. Say you write a contract that lets everyone send money to someones wallet, say, a charity. this is what it looks like

charityAddress = 0x123;

function () payable {

All money sent to the contract is rerouted to the charityAddress. Problem is, that charities wallet has changed in the past. it used to be 0x122, now it's 0x123, and you assume in the future it might change again. If it does change, any money send to the contract is useless, and you will need to publish a new one. So you write another bit of code instead

function changeAddress(address new) {
charityAddress = new;

Great, now we can change the address. Only problem is, it is on the blockchain, which means anyone can change the address, and set it to whatever they want. We don't want people to take advantage of that and scam charity money, so instead we write our own address into the contract as an owner, and put something like this in the changeAddress functions

require(msg.sender == ownerAddress);

But this just means you have a single ownerAddress who can change the address whenever they want! that's not decentralized at all! So do you have a frail, easily broken contract with no central owner? Or a centralized contract where you have to trust the single owner?

DFOs let you have the best of both worlds. You can now give voting functionality to an ownership token that allows users to vote for changes. Rather than trusting the owner of the contract, a proposal to change the charityAddress is raised, and the people vote, and the address is changed. But also a lot more, like build a website and host it on-chain using robe and NFT's to make totally decentralized, censorship proof site than can load on any web3 browser.

>> No.20747238

Continued from >>20713405

>> No.20747310

Jesus Christ you're such a code monkey.

Tokens compared to coins cannot be updated/changed. You have to delete the token.

DfoHub BUIDL simply creates 1 token made out of 100 tokens.
Deleting 1/100 token won't cause a total meltdown.

>> No.20747313
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Actually can someone just make a simplified explanation of this for the homo erectus making this post?
I think I understand the basics of it, but I need to be spoonfed more

It's supposed to be used to build DFOs and the holders can vote something

>> No.20747352
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>You have to delete the token
not anymore

>> No.20747383
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governance over the code of a token can be decentralized

>> No.20747461

nice graphic

>> No.20747467
File: 121 KB, 1200x618, DFOhubz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a bit of a pleb filter. You may need to spend some time DYOR


>> No.20747800


>> No.20747876
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, dfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spaced it out a bit more

>> No.20747890

Suicide stack?
Make it?
100M market doable?

>> No.20747948

I have no idea... I just hope 1000 buidl will = millionaire in the future...

>> No.20748061

Nice job!

>> No.20748151

420 sui
4200 make it
easily. this has a working product, you can go watch DFO's pop up in real time. give it a few years and it will simply become the standard for how DAO's are built. It just gives you way more functionality (and it lets you host your front end on-chain, I don't even think the buidlfags on /biz/ quite understand how big that is yet).

>> No.20748217
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>> No.20748621

I'm just always under the presumption that revolutionary=/=success. There are other factors that play a part.

HOT was supposed to be massive. Now it's a dead project and a few bizfags necked themselves over it I believe

>> No.20748700 [DELETED] 

Buidl= top 50 holder , current market cap 2,5m usd x 200 = 500M market cap

EthArt= top 10 holder, market cap only 223k...x 250 possible = +- 55M market cap

Am I gonna make it anons ??

>> No.20748958

Buidl= top 50 holder , current market cap 2,5m usd x 200 = 500M market cap

EthArt (Buidls little brother)= top 10 holder, market cap only 223k...x 250 possible = +- 55M market cap

Am I gonna make it anons ??

>> No.20749167

Im in anons, let's send it

>> No.20749262

That thread was great. It’s nice to see /biz/ finally waking up to DFOhub.

>> No.20749605

>Now it's a dead project
if this gets to the market cap Holochain is RIGHT NOW buidl is $46 a token

>> No.20749762

He was talking about a different token. This project is quite literally the opposite of dead

>> No.20749791

Never mind I see what you were saying

>> No.20749970


>> No.20750246

700 buidl here. I won’t make it but I will keep accumulating. Still early

>> No.20750261


This is more of a discussion than a shilling

>> No.20750482

It’s like a descentralized github with an attached bank, thats how I see it. It’s steroids for ETH.

Too bad I’m a poorfag holding 101 hodlies.

>> No.20750586

Absolutely genius. Genuinely surprised not a single ranjeep has made a pump thread.

>> No.20750657

there actually was a discord group that pumped this when it first dropped but they could never actually dump it lmao, they just got outpriced

>> No.20751117


>> No.20751326


>> No.20751472

So happy to have gotten in on this early. Though at 2.5 mil~ mcap, there's still plenty of room to grow.

Buidl is almost guaranteed to give a better return than investing in any of the current top 100.

>> No.20751614


Certainly is. So is $ARTE. In fact, ARTE maybe moreso

>> No.20751840

Reminds me of the early days in the Ethereum threads before the main launch

>> No.20752048


Dyor but it appears we might be mentioned in a forbes article soon. Check out the discord. Don't do anything stupid now, you never know... but could be something BIG!!

>> No.20752195
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even fully diluted this would have less than half the supply of ETH, just for everyone's consideration. as of now it's about 1/40th the supply of ETH.

>> No.20752197

2017 Vibes

>> No.20752269

So Chainlink will be the next bullrun's ethereum.
XSN will probably be the next Raiblocks (from a gains perspective)
Did we just find the next Antshares?
So now I can just hold this trinity (once my SXP pumps) and be comfy forever?

>> No.20752270

I am in the discord no mention of forbes article?

It is a good project no need for rumors.

We are all going to make it anon

>> No.20752299
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Interesting... idk

>> No.20752315

This coin is flying literally from day 1, without any Twitter or Telegram shiller.Imagine what is going to happen when some youtuber or tweeter looks at it ..

>> No.20752342

I thought there was something about her editor too, no? Could be a panjeer

>> No.20752351

So what happened to the old buidl that I've been seeing for months? It just seemed to vanish from coingecko and everything.

>> No.20752410

Did I just get Mandala effected?

>> No.20752436

You may have entered a different reality. Welcome.

>> No.20752444

Guys I just got in, how late am I?

>> No.20752451

Devs fucked up and had to do a token swap. Incredibly ironic for a project which proposes to eliminate the need for token swaps

>> No.20752479

Wut. It was planned from the beginning. It was the very first instance of the flexible voting mechanism which enabled the hodlers to vote on changing a token.

>> No.20752524

Thats why it was announced with 3 days warning and they compensated by printing more buidl and giving it to early swappers.
Dont try to spin it

>> No.20752525

Honestly, I’m really curious. What is the motivation of FUDDers like this? Like just to completely make up something that doesn’t make sense, is it just to get a response? Or what

>> No.20752528
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>> No.20752532

that's not the reason why they swapped lmao, idk why you guys feel the need to fake fud your own projects

>> No.20752536

What's the contract address of the old one? Is this new one way early or something? Should I just buy this now?

>> No.20752636
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It's a community service. Providing guidance to newfags who don't know any better and will invest in projects with massive red flags like DFOhub

>> No.20752665

OLD: 0xD6F0Bb2A45110f819e908a915237D652Ac7c5AA8

NEW: 0x7b123f53421b1bF8533339BFBdc7C98aA94163db

You're pretty early. New started like 5 days ago

>> No.20752695

Thanks. So as the old holders do the swap it's going to mint a bunch more of the new tokens I'm guessing?

>> No.20752849

From what I understand, the swap deadline is August 1st. The majority of the old tokens have already been swapped over. Besides, I believe there is (please correct me if I'm mistaken) a maximum inflation rate of something like 1.45% per year. I'd have to do another read through of the white paper to be certain, so don't quote me on this.

>> No.20753256

there was a bonus for swapping early, so the supply went up a good 20 something %. from now on it's just staking inflation for a long while

>> No.20753261


>> No.20753325

BUIDL and ARTE flying with BTC

>> No.20753392

I don't doubt it. All the VCs are eyeing the new ethereum of the dfo world

>> No.20753494


Inflation is paid out as staking rewards.

The 9 month pays out 30% interest.

>> No.20753569
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>> No.20753586
File: 17 KB, 378x378, A70A2044-858C-4200-9449-D2EFA2207DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sure is a nice protocol you have there
>sure would be a shame...
>if it became an EIP

>> No.20754452

now that some people actually know about this coin, can y'all make sure we dont get stuck with a shit logo? one anon posted some decent ones yesterday

>> No.20754745


>> No.20755020

Just checked coingecko for today

WTF WAS THAT and blockfolio when

>> No.20755414

double me you lucky bastard

>> No.20756402
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Can't believe /biz thought this was a scam

People are finally waking up, after seeing the DFOHub team at edcon 2020

>> No.20756513

2017 vibes

>> No.20757211
