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20746889 No.20746889 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I so depressed bros?

>> No.20746973

the world fucking sucks right now and it's going to get a whole lot worse
if you're not making good money on crypto you have every reason to be miserable

>> No.20747011

What is good money to you? Number wise

>> No.20747028

Get routine dude. Download Daylio and monitor your daily mood and activities. Look into CBT techniques ("Vicious Flower" model and note down your thoughts and behaviours and how they contribute to your depression). Keep busy; hit the gym, do hobbies, do things you don't wanna do (shower, washing up etc). It's a long battle and it's easy to go back to depression so keep up the routine. Good luck.

>> No.20747049

if you have to ask other people you're quite simply not going to make it.

>> No.20747074

Vitamin D and exercises would be a start

>> No.20747090

>Poor diet
>Not enough sunlight
>Too much screentime
>Allowing your stressors to build up because you don’t have a way to release that tension
>Lonely (Not even a pet around to keep you company)
>Generally unhappy with yourself (appearance, intellectual capability, physical prowess, general talent, etc)
>Not exercising enough
>Not drinking enough water

>> No.20747091

it's subjective
I'm gonna do this too for real

>> No.20747123
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>look into cbt

>> No.20747127

Because there's a disconnection between your life and the life of purpose that we are supposed to lead. And even a simple life of owning a place in the country, and working the soil, and selling your product in town, is nearly impossible.
The world is a psychopathic machine pyramid that is going to consume and destroy everything of natural beauty and all of the traditional forms of self justification are gone.

>> No.20747153

i would have to guess because you masturbate too much. it destroys your test. Test is a natural defense system against anxiety and depression. People masturbate watching degenerate shit every day and then they go to doctor and ask for drugs to help with depression. dumb, poor fucks.

stop masturbating for 3 weeks and you will see how much better you feel.

>> No.20747222

Good on ya, good luck

Helluva lot better than pills which ruin your sex drive

>> No.20747234



>> No.20747275

It could be just how you are. I was depressed for the longest time. SSRI seemed to work - I took it for 10+ years, and while taking it, my depression disappeared. I eventually got married and had a kid even. I stopped taking meds few years ago cold turkey, and instead, just started hitting the gym for the first time in my life - this seems to be effective for keeping away my dark thoughts out of my brain.

>> No.20747307
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Is it weird I just came to /biz/ to make a similar thread? I may just be extra depressed since I've spent the last 4 months down with my mom since my dad just died. But yeah I feel the same way.

And trying to make money in crypto is making me miserable. It's all I think about. That I can be free to ignore all this shit. Instead I have 74k of student debt for a mech e degree and get underpaid for my degree in a gis role making 55k. Feels shit.

I just wanna be happy.

>> No.20747366

Haven’t you read any of my trauma release exercises threads?

>> No.20747388

I bet you eat too much sugar and drink alcohol?

>> No.20747395

Do trauma release exercises and you’ll be happier. Sorry about your dad fren. I love you.

>> No.20747437
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What's a trauma release exercise?

And thanks. Thought he was a good man but turns out he was doing crack and died of autoerotic asphyxia. So that's a thing.

>> No.20747445

cause you missed out on the AMPL train

>> No.20747521

Nice thread bro

>> No.20747578

Sorry about your dad fren. Hope you feel better soon

>> No.20747630

world is going to hell in a hand basket there isn't much to be joyous about T B H

>> No.20747964

>Poor diet
My diet can't be better.
>Not enough sunlight
Muh vitamine D.
>Too much screentime
I'm a programmer, even my hobbies are related to TI.
>Allowing your stressors to build up because you don’t have a way to release that tension
I don't have wrinkles or gray hear.
>Lonely (Not even a pet around to keep you company)
Fuck people, i used to go to parties, but people are so fucking retarded, i can't stand normies, even drunk. And women i know are fucking retarded, even if they have good careers in nice colleges.
>Generally unhappy with yourself (appearance, intellectual capability, physical prowess, general talent, etc)
physically i'm a solid 7/10, i'm smarter than the media, i'm not strong but also i'm not a weakling (thanks to my dad genetics) and i play piano and violin.
>Not exercising enough
I do, i put a big amount of effort into doing pushups.
>Not drinking enough water
I do, my diet is perfect.
I still feel miserable, i don't have a sense of danger anymore.
If i make it, the first thing i will do is to buy a big ass piece of land, buy a comfy house, install a geothermal and solar panels based energy system, buy 3 tibetan mastiff doggos, and live my last days smoking tobacco, drinking whiskey and listening to boomer music while looking at the horizon vore the sun.

>> No.20748622
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Yep. I just wanna build gunpla and chill out. Maybe I'm just too far jaded and man childish but I can't imagine having to deal with a family now. Feel permanently fucked in the head.

>> No.20749280


>> No.20749332


>> No.20749447

Same..manic depression since I hit 21. 27 now and it doesn't get better desu. Unironically though, my new dog has helped me a lot, so if you like dogs id suggest get one

>> No.20749479

>mech e degree and get underpaid for my degree
Brother I am in the same boat. Fell for the meme so hard and it feels like everyone else makes more money and works from home. If I could just make some crypto money I could at least afford some time off to work on a skill that would make me some money

>> No.20749501

You haven't cum inside of a pussy in a while

>> No.20749514

You’re on the internet too much, you aren’t going outside and you probably aren’t completing fulfilling tasks like working on your car or building something.

>> No.20749517

I was depressed for a few years, like 23 to 27. It just went away. Just hang in there bros, the storm will pass.

>> No.20749524

You sound like an annoying cunt. You’re more than likely not a 7/10 and most people find you obnoxious and pretentious. “My diet is perfect” kek

>> No.20749549

Do you know why you were during that time period?

>> No.20749634
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does this have anything to do with it

>> No.20749687

you can just learn by fucking prostitutes anon

>> No.20749716

how much meat are you eating tho? I recently replaced more of my meat protein with plants (ABSOLUTELY NOT A VEGAN, PLZ DO NOT GET CRAZY) and I'm feeling shitloads less depressed, muscle is going up, fat going down. I'll still eat meat once or twice a week. Seafood is a vegetable, but again, low seafood. Also you should really take up rugby.

>> No.20749723


You need squats and running/biking/swimming. Cardio gives you a huge sense of accomplishment.

Also, you definitely need to go outside. And not the park. Go to your nearest wilderness area and go on a long hike

>> No.20749792

Also this I neglected cardio way too long. Play rugby.

>> No.20750325

Lol I graduated in spring with a 2 year degree and I make 70k in the midwest. Feels good bro

>> No.20750382

You're probably in your twenties, not religious, doesn't have a wife or children.

>> No.20750403

Do you actually do anything productive? all the healthy living and sunlight /dieting isnt going to do shit if you just sit around doing nothing all day. start putting actual manhours into something productive you need to concentrate on and watch the negative feelings melt away

>> No.20750497

Lift weights/run , cut out junk food and get some sun light. Thank me later.

>> No.20750548


just read this, just pushups inst enough you need to do 50-60 minutes of cardio every day. work your way up to 100. it doesnt need to be jogging at first, start with powerwalking.

>> No.20750855

Mostly cos I was single and having no luck with girls. Then a storm cleared in my head and I just started living my life, doing what I’m passionate about. Then I finally got girlfriends and realised how mentally unstable and boring they are. Now I have a gf who’s nice. Regardless I’m content now, things don’t bother me, I know who I am more.

>> No.20751020

The world sucks right now get fucking over it get a hobby talk/ text girls fuck it who cares live big don’t be a bitch. Yolo on AG or SLV calls then take a fucking trip

>> No.20751342

>get a hobby
everything is closed
>talk/ text girls
dont know what to say
>Yolo on AG or SLV calls
>take a fucking trip
corona virus

>> No.20751550

>get a hobby
Grow plants. Learn basic carpentry. Learn to code.
>talk / text girls
Literally say anything reply to an Instagram story with some thing short and simple or just and emoji and get a convo going. Everyone’s going through quarantine ask how there doing it. If they know any good shows out. It doesn’t have to be hard just gotta get started and not think to hard about it. The more you think about it the hard it will be.
>yolo SLV calls
Maybe means yes!
> take a trip
Fair point. But can be local there are still outdoor stuff open.

You got this king!

>> No.20751727

Another hobby idea build an online store

>> No.20752053

arnold wouldn't be caught dead doing pushups, you're a faggot

>> No.20752157

Been doing this for close to a year and also stopped masturbating and if anything I feel worse than when I started.

>> No.20752196

Just fuck off with this absolute meme it doesn't work.

>> No.20752232

I just made one too. I don't think it's weird. This place is basically a containment board for degenerate gamblers dreaming of how much better their lives would be if they managed to strike it rich. There's virtually zero discussion of value creation.

>> No.20752260

You haven't realized you're a woman trapped in a man's body, little egg :)

>> No.20752320
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Yup, tibetan mastiff are cute fluffy and wonderful D O G G O S.
My weekly meat intake is: 1/4kg of red meats on weekends, 1/2kg if i feel on a nice mood);
1/4kg of chicken,
and salmon once a week (salmon is wonderful).
>You need squats and running/biking/swimming
I will try to stop being a bitch and start to jog.

>> No.20752350
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>> No.20752377

Get into idolm@ster

>> No.20752401

Don't listen to that dumb ass faggot. If you eat organic eggs, dairy, and meat from pasture-raised/grass-fed/wild-caught sources then you'll be fine. Eat the eggs and dairy raw, then eat the meat medium rare, rare, or raw.

>> No.20752423

My effort comes from my willpower, depression is a bitch. I feel like a zombie if i'm in a low mood.

>> No.20752611

absolutely retarded. everyone has different goals you schmuck

>> No.20752758

you've been demoralized by the media most likely

>> No.20752785

I’ve been making threads on them recently. Go to warosu and type in trauma release exercises and you’ll see the thread

>> No.20753015 [DELETED] 

you're very nice anon!
I like you!

>> No.20753099


>> No.20753198

sorry about your dad anon :(

>> No.20753304

general sadness is very often caused my loneliness, having people around you doesn't necessarily fix that, we need people that we can relate to
i think people on here think in very similar ways
if anyone wants to talk: wernherr#6619

>> No.20754016

If you do social media delete them all, I wasted so much time in that shit and when I deleted it, sadly and fortunately nobody will miss me

>> No.20754204


Bro I'm pretty sure that regular ejaculation increases test.

Also not cumming regularly is bad for the prostate

>> No.20754379

whatever you do, do NOT get on the drugs or alcohol. i fear anons making it is going to cause them to turn to degeneracy because their lives are out of balance. i made it in 2017 and have been a drunk ever since. anons need to keep themselves busy.

>> No.20754434

This is the most retarded meme.

Masturbation is sexual self-sufficiency.

>> No.20754523


>> No.20754527

amen nigger

>> No.20754545
File: 47 KB, 640x635, goodnews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start bodybuilding or powerlifting it sounds like you have the genetics for it.
But don't give up on your piano and violin.

>> No.20754566


>> No.20754586

Actually true
Half my night is spent on quality material from /gif/ and /hm/

>> No.20754603

>it destroys your test.
It really fucking doesn't. What it does do is squirt out prolactin which temporarily antagonizes dopamine and androgen receptors in parts of the brain. So you feel the effects of test a bit less. But it's not a long lasting effect at all. 6 hours max maybe.

>> No.20754794

lack of vitamin d.
shave your whole body from the neck down, put on eye liner and a wig, take pictures with snapchat filters.
go on tinder and upload your new pics. set your preference to guys and your gender to woman.
get someone with a big dick to fuck you.
get sodomized.
go back home and smoke a cigarette

>> No.20754891

I think it depends on how OP goes about getting into drinking. After a while, once you've tried enough single malts, craft beer, Irish whiskey, Japanese whiskey, bourbon, rye blahblahblah, you get kind of bored and fed up with wasting money and realize you could wreck your health. Others just skip right to a handle of vodka a week.

>> No.20755159

>not having self worth
you prob need to work out, eat better, enjoy time with friends, find a satisfying hobby and/or job

>> No.20755175

Hey, anon, I keep trying to do it but I think I'm retarded.
My feet keep slipping down and I can't get my legs to actually shake.

>> No.20755199

We know what you're doing.

>> No.20755500


It a very minimum fucks with your reward pathway, and for the most overriding drive you're supposed to have as a mammal: getting laid.

It can't be good for motivation, and I notice most depressed people are the biggest coomers out there

>> No.20755658

I feel you OP. I've been depressed as fuck too. Every evening I get really tempted to drink alcohol. I dont drink that much either but lately I have just been wanting to get drunk.

Not sure wtf it is either. I'm up with some chainlink investment yet I am still depressed as fuck

>> No.20755899

low testosterone probs

>> No.20755973


Money's what lets you do stuff in life, not life itself

Time to find a purpose larger than yourself

>> No.20756238

>almost 2hrs of cardio every single day
Literally who has time for this?