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>> No.20746510
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>> No.20746546
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Ready for the killing of the lamb?

>> No.20746554

PAG reports tomorrow faggots

>> No.20746574
File: 160 KB, 1600x1390, AD0A477C-538E-4086-8D58-93FD35C07240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are “people” in this thread who are actually afraid of covid and make their investing decisions accordingly.

>> No.20746575
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cute animes!

>> No.20746582

Anyone here holding SPCE?

>> No.20746586

8th for KTOV

>> No.20746603

not until it dumps back to $15

>> No.20746618

That’s the pre-new ceo announcement bottom tho
New bottom is 25

>> No.20746631
File: 43 KB, 800x600, ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's people being afraid of covid, it's more like people being afraid of people with much more influence on the market than them being afraid of covid

if that makes any sense

>> No.20746675
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am i gonna make it?

>> No.20746684

Covid isn't the problem, retards in position of power are the problem

>> No.20746701
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Bros I started trading at the start of Covid with 5k. Intentionally made good money on cruise lines. Then I started chased biz memes and made a lot of money on workhorse and have been killed ever since.... at my height I had $19,500. Now I have less then $8000. Today I saw NCLH was cheap again so I just put my money all into it. Feels bad bros. Did I make a mistake by returning to my cruise line routes?

>> No.20746728

Where's your TSM and WKHS

>> No.20746730
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INTC is really going to recover, isn't it? I mean I normally try to inverse the popular sentiment, everyone was saying they would buy the dip BUT I DIDN'T THINK THEY'D ACTUALLY DO IT FUCK

>> No.20746740

Is it a good idea to buy Tesla now?

>> No.20746742
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Do I take profits?

>> No.20746747
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>> No.20746760

Just sell on next pump and repeat

>> No.20746783

>meme portfolio
not when the tech crash comes.

>> No.20746785

IDK, like, uh, have you tried to do some DD before you buy shit?
I am also down, but because I just cant keep my fingers away from those BUY and SELL buttons.

>> No.20746787

What is the point of those ETFs?

>> No.20746788

Yes, the shakedown is over.

>> No.20746797
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>> No.20746805


You made a mistake a foundational mistake of focusing on returns instead of becoming a good player at the game.

Doubling.once.is meaningless unless its because of your acumen and capability because you wont make it on a single move most likely

Refocus on longterm investing in self.improvement at the game not copying or hoping for luck

Barring become good you can always so good with solid investing

>> No.20746821

Yeah sure why not

>> No.20746824

>going all-in on a biomeme

>> No.20746826
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>robinsois will defend this

>> No.20746832
File: 747 KB, 2160x2560, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you invest for the long term but are up over 7% today and can only partially explain why

>> No.20746848
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The BIG fear is pic related.

>> No.20746851

NIO to the moon next week

>> No.20746857
File: 118 KB, 1830x817, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry man, you're going to be rich soon just like all these robinhooders
dont forget to buy some calls!

>> No.20746866

Mad cuz your broker won't high-five emoji your trades, anon?

>> No.20746899
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>> No.20746902

I'm not falling for the horsie meme, I've thought about getting some TSM shares but at this point I feel like I missed it.

Originally I had QQQ because I didn't have so much tech but that has changed obviously... VOO gives me some limited exposure to non-tech.

>> No.20746910

Why shouldn't I just go all in on MRO and wait a year or two?

>> No.20746946

It will take loner than that for oil to recover
Especially shale oil

>> No.20746959
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So let me get this straight, every single one of you is a bull? Tsk tsk, too bullish in here.

>> No.20746967

Any chance BA goes back over 200?

>> No.20746971


>> No.20746974

which would take longer to recover?
Airlines or Oil?

>> No.20746987

I'm bearish on the dollar, bullish on memestocks and rocks

>> No.20747004
File: 344 KB, 1067x792, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANOONS what finviz filters do I need to use? Performance, EPS growth this year and EPS over the past 5 years??? I just want to make it.

>> No.20747005
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The future is now bobo

>> No.20747006

Airlines may not even survive

>> No.20747015

so...invest in transoceanic travel?

>> No.20747017

Strong as fuck support around $14-16 level and it has every chance of reaching something like $20-30 by end of year. If I wasn't already in it at $7.46 I'd buy some now.
>missed TSM
Nope. You should have got in sooner but it isn't too late for TSM, v big potential.

>> No.20747036
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No Mr. Bear, I bought puts I swear I SWEAR

>> No.20747040

I don't really like that, either. I feel like society is conspiring to keep everybody in an infantile state of mind.

>> No.20747046

Go to bed bobo

>> No.20747047

>has TSLA and AMZN but thinks TSM is overpriced


>> No.20747054

Why? It's recovering. It hit a bottom today and is moving back up. Calm yourself

>> No.20747080

I need something to do with my USD besides metals, miners, and UVXY!!!!! And I don't want to buy more PEP or NTDOY yet!!!

>> No.20747092

Would be interesting to see ocean liners again. Would probably be cheaper and comfier too.

>> No.20747093

Shhh just open wide and take out 40k debt for college, 20k on credit.cards, and 350k for a house. Now youve made it.

>> No.20747109
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>held TSM, CEF and a bunch of junior mining stocks today
Today was a good day!

>> No.20747110

Is robinhooder supposed to be a deragatory term for people who get into stocks like its gambling?

>> No.20747115
File: 340 KB, 968x726, DOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no way out
we have sealed out own fate
my god guide our souls into the next

>> No.20747120
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>TSM up almost 1% after-hours

What the heck is going on lol

>> No.20747125

I think TSLA is overpriced but I'll ride the wave. I keep a stop loss on it and I've already taken my profits. AMZN isn't overpriced though.

>> No.20747131

>what is TSM

>> No.20747132

TSM just hit 84 in AH.

>> No.20747136

>people who get into stocks like its gambling
Anon it is gambling.

>> No.20747139

>that normie who says he bought a house because of a down payment smaller than total interest he will pqy

Yes normie. You got a house!

>> No.20747148
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>> No.20747156

Airlines are essential to the Globalist powers. It'll be the USD that'll be sacrificed to maintain their global systems infrastructure.

>> No.20747159

I know but you know what I mean nigga

>> No.20747172

Who here also opened a put on Moderna? It was at the obvious resistance

Wait... Please tell me you knew that anon

>> No.20747174
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another day another dollar

>> No.20747177

>buying stocks after a 40% run up in a month
not my thing, I know I sold too early but this is not a

>> No.20747190

>TSM up over 20% in 2 days
I hope you sold covered calls.

>> No.20747200

Just get 100 shares of MSFT and write covered calls on them instead.

>> No.20747213
File: 18 KB, 399x412, x13x13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to own PAG, shit is dank

>> No.20747214

This is a pretty good time to buy a house. Market might go down from here but you can lock in some insanely low rates right now.

>> No.20747228

Wow, you're up more than 50% in less than 4 months? You know you just beat the average investor aka the S&P's yearly return more than 5 times over in the span of 4 months? Keep making smart plays and don't trade emotionally. You're still way up. Be smart. Trade smart.

>> No.20747245

Call me a pussy but I'm setting my trailing stops on TSM for tomorrow. I don't want to lose too much of my +40% gains
shake me out whatever, I'll find another time to buy back into TSM when it starts crabbing like usual.

>> No.20747249


>> No.20747265

Those with plenty of cash will be ok. Theres only two. DAL and LUV. As it happens DAL is having a 54% off sale now.. Bag the cheapies and sit on your ass. Waiting for your fat payday won't hurt you. If it takes 2 years so what? Here's what I'll be doing 2 years from now; the same shit I'm doing now; work, daily life stuff. Ho hum real exciting.

>> No.20747266

What should I get for dinner? And you'd better not say a steaming log from Andy sixx

>> No.20747286

>+4k on such a bullish day
nigger what fucking stocks do you have. that's worse than what s&p did today

>> No.20747292
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>SMICY at 16.16
feels gooooood mane

>> No.20747295

I actually do want to do that pretty desperately but having 100% of my non-emergency fund saving on one stock is too spooky

>> No.20747300

>because of a down payment smaller than total interest he will pqy
Almost all down payments are smaller than the total interest

>> No.20747303
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Is intel the new AMD ?

>> No.20747304

Its literally the WORST TIME to buy a house, retard.

>> No.20747311

There's a study somewhere that points out how if you miss the 7 biggest days of S&P 500 gains, you miss 50% of the profits throughout the year or something. It's totally fine to feel weird about the 7% up today.

Looks pretty good to me.

>> No.20747316

Fuck real estate

>> No.20747321

That's 35% better than SP did today, actually.

>> No.20747330

Only if you think a housing market collapse is imminent. It didn't start in March during the GFC, why would it start now?

>> No.20747337

Lmao what weak ass portfolio you have you fucken loser. Who makes a 3K gain on 400K.

What the hell are you invested in, treasurey notes?

>> No.20747342
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Unironically this

>> No.20747347


>> No.20747374

Microsoft is the last stock anybody should be spooked to hold. That shit backtests amazingly well all the way to the dot com bubble and back.

>> No.20747382

i am overweighted in a bunch of bank stocks that took a beating today. still better than S&P though.

>> No.20747393
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do me next

>> No.20747410

Kek, my only debt is my house. No student loans (didn't go), Credit card; paid off. I'm swimming in green thanks to our virus pal.

>> No.20747412
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This was my day, today.

>> No.20747413
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Here you go!

>> No.20747414

MSFT was a penny stock. IPO’d at $0.96 in 1986.

>> No.20747434
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Fairly modest compared to some but it felt nice

>> No.20747440

>only reached 5 figures today
I'll join you at there one day anons.

>> No.20747448

Based rich bro.>>20747412
Based af.

>> No.20747456
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>> No.20747459
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I don't know bros, I'm looking at this one company that has a $1.5T market cap and 71% of its stock is owned by institutional investors, do you think that it's safe to hold?

>> No.20747458
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>> No.20747466

>what are splits

>> No.20747472


>> No.20747478

that's even worse
i'm +25k today just on fucking boomer bluechips and tech stocks on 454k
the fuck did you buy?

>> No.20747480

>tfw getting paid to go to college
Thank you scholarships and grants

>> No.20747486

Impossible to judge without proper context, what is it?

>> No.20747489
File: 580 KB, 1463x1239, 1592438364997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of money spent by the US government this year, laid end to end as one dollar bills, would reach past Jupiter

>> No.20747507

down another 1% today. thinking of dumping some bags soon and moving that money into something else and recoup some losses. not sure what yet

>> No.20747508
File: 554 KB, 1887x829, 1667A040-9B14-48DA-A637-2B9248608B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no rich classmates to fund my ideas.

>> No.20747515
File: 12 KB, 666x175, Screenshot from 2020-07-27 16-42-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a roller coaster anon, after I have the window to close my options position, i'm done with them, except for short term plays and writing calls/puts.

>> No.20747523

Sounds like one of the tech giants, probably Microsoft or Apple. Safe to hold unless Congress decides to go full Baby Bell on big tech.

>> No.20747539

Imagine if you talked your parents into buying just $300 worth then. 288 shares.

>> No.20747543

It was a rough day, utilitychads.

>> No.20747544
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>made 336 today

I probably won't be able to keep it up a this rate but its depressing that I can make more than 12 hours of waging by just a couple clicks.

But for now let the good times roll.

>> No.20747550
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>> No.20747553

i hold a bunch of income oriented stuff that didn't do so great today. also hedged with some QQQ puts that tanked

>> No.20747555

How can you guys have this much invested and still sleep at night?
I'd lose my mind worrying about losing life-changing amounts of money.

>> No.20747562

Gonna get me dat USO Sep ATM straddle niggas. Try n stop me.

>> No.20747568
File: 460 KB, 860x1214, shigure and michishio (kantai collection) drawn by tenshin_amaguri_(inobeeto) - 0c578a0be9e20625fb51f54ca747ed13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thot... god damn it

Wow! That makes it a lot more understandable!

>> No.20747572

Any discord rooms useful for trading ?

>> No.20747573

lack of stimulus might cause a shift in available inventory. Real estate in general seems like its in a tricky spot
>How are commercial retailers going to pay rent with massively reduced businesses?
>What incentive do commercial offices have to renew a lease when they can offload the cost of having an office and equipement to home workers?
>How will people who have been laid off and no longer have stimulus be able to pay the rent/mortgage?

If a significant number of people have to move because of the last point then housing may actually crash. Think people moving back in with their parents. However I personally think that its so vital for boomers to have their house value go up infinitely our dear friends in the financial world will do anything they can to keep it that way.

MSFT is facing way more competition on all fronts now than at any time in its history. If they didn't have Azure, the vendor lock-in with Winblows and Awfice is the only thing that's reliable for them. They are failing with everything else -- forays into hardware and consoles have been lackluster at best. AR/VR is a dude, no one uses HoloLens...

>> No.20747593
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You mean liberating

>> No.20747597
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Bong here, what are some safe boomer US stocks to park my money in inbetween trades?

I can't always find time to pick stocks so need somewhere to put my money after my targets/stops are hit rather than converting back to bong money and leaving it.

Due to the exchange rate being high, its preferable to keep it in USD at the moment so I don't lose both sides of the trade.... just need some stocks to store it in.

>> No.20747600

I'm not a doomer and I don't have all the answers, but massive unemployment and missed payments are still happening. Amazon going up doesn't stop all the other companies from bankrupting. Just because tech sky rocketed doesn't means everything is fine. FED is keeping interest rates low until at least 2022, so you don't need to worry about a good mortgage rate. I myself am waiting until at least next year to see what happens with real estate.

>> No.20747601

Lets say you think spy is going up. Do you buy 2021 Jan calls? Will they still increase in value relative to cost if your strike price gets hit in like early August 2020?

>> No.20747604

Life changing for you is not life changing to them

>> No.20747617
File: 197 KB, 933x1024, true form 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pretty much every day my portfolio goes up 1-5% I get excited because green is good but then i remember how I'm waging away for 13 dollars an hour and get depressed

>> No.20747622

some of the $$ is stashed away in bond/utilities funds that get rebalanced if there are big dips.

use a ultra short term bond fund like ICSH

>> No.20747623


>> No.20747628

You gotta be comfortable with it. It’s just numbers and winning a game. Think of it like points. Don’t lose because that means death but don’t fetishize money either so that you’re afraid of it. That’s my take on observing these rich bros.

>> No.20747637


>> No.20747640

because stocks aren't their only assets, they definitely have a house and shit too.
If you're already settled down in a place, seriously consider buying the house when it possibly dips down as corona NEETbux runs out (-> people can't pay off their mortgages). Also the fact that mortgage interest rates are below 2% too. Just make sure you have a down payment so you dont have to waste a shit ton of money buying insurance

>> No.20747652


>> No.20747660


>> No.20747662


Or just QQQ, SPY, CEF

>> No.20747674

Will be over 1 year before foreclosures occur enough if you're waiting on that bubble

>> No.20747682

You literally stop seeing it as money when it's just numbers on a screen.
I hesitate when spending $20 on steam even though i just spent 10k on meme shares the same morning

>> No.20747687

Id trust MSFT more than my bank

>> No.20747692

Mircrosoft makes money every time a computer is sold, and the world is still developing.

>> No.20747691
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thanks frens

>> No.20747694

life chaning is 3M+, enough to quit your job and live off divies

>> No.20747702

1.6 million and no house
after my check to the IRS clears I will have almost no cash

>> No.20747709

I have a similar story. I started like 2 months ago. Had 3k Canadabux. I now have 15k American. You actually are probably just really stupid.

>> No.20747714

thanks bro

>> No.20747735

I only have 22k invested and I know people who wouldn't be able to sleep at night with that much on the line... it's all a matter of perspective

>> No.20747766

I have 7900 invested and I can't sleep at night. Mostly because of insomnia

>> No.20747774

Best allocation

>> No.20747781

you got stupid answers
it's as simple as just not gambling or holding garbage and instead having bluechips/tech stocks
you're looking at a percentage down or up every other day at most, not losing 10% of your money permanently while sleeping
if you buy dividend stocks with 3 mil you're an absolute moron

>> No.20747806
File: 39 KB, 1000x1000, 12592464_10156370279620567_92341576196318224_n-3522704104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WHLM bagholder cope is the next GNUS, which is the next Netflix

>> No.20747812
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Just kidding about the Robinhood guy. Funny enough I got off here a few days ago though. Here's a modest QQQ/AMZN/MA portfolio.

>> No.20747832

Senate released their check bill today. 1200 or 2400 (married) checks are on the way. They want to pass it by July 31. So assuming everyone agrees and trump signs it sometime in August you could see free money land in your account

>> No.20747840

Even that is changing. Macbooks are becoming more popular, and vendors like Dell are offering Windows-free versions of their laptops. Its a niche offering for sure but its something. The shift is really noticeable in most big tech companies where you don't see many people using IBMs with Windows anymore. Developers are increasingly transitioning to macbooks they use as dumb terminals with the actual dev env hosted in the cloud.

Not saying MS is completely fucked here, they made a great acquisition with Github for example and are doing the remote dev thing with VSCode. Just that imo the legacy stuff (Windows, Office) is not going to be there as long as everyone else thinks. Definitely not the powerhouse it once was.

>> No.20747848

Earnings calls for several tech companies. TQQQ will certainly shit itself again.

>> No.20747872

What do you think about IAU?

>> No.20747875

What trading platform do you use canadafriend

>> No.20747889

intel is going to be IBM 2.0, leadership is filled with boomers that do not want to adapt. anyone who says intel is going to have a comeback will be sorely dissappointed

>> No.20747900
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we oughta start posting copecaps after hours...
is u niggas finna dab on Robinbustas?

>> No.20747910

The second worst way to be exposed to gold, better only than GLD.

>> No.20747914

MacBooks is overpriced crap for yuppies, Microsoft will still dominate the market, I just bought a Dell it had Microsoft on it, same with every computer I looked at.

>> No.20747958

At 3 mil you could diversify between ETFs and still live large on 10% why would you be doing dividends

>> No.20747963

$397k poster here. I was actually kind of stressed in like 2015-16 when I was investing with $120k or so and made less money than I make now. But today altogether I have about $540k plus a $380k house mostly paid off, and it has just become numbers on a screen. Once you go through a few cycles you stop feeling as emotionally attached to it. Also it's in comparably safer investments than it was 5 years ago. I only have $13k in crypto.
Although I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel worried a couple of those days in March this year where I was losing >$15k per day.

>> No.20747969

7000 robinzoomers added nikola to their portfolio today

>> No.20747968
File: 690 KB, 3971x3345, blushing sad unhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not the only one that sees the jew, right? RIGHT?

>> No.20747981

MSFTs big thing now is azure

>> No.20747984

what goes up must come down

>> No.20747989

MS blew it with Windows Ten. Ugly, useless pile of garbage. "Hey lets change the interface that everyone's used and knows for the past 20+ years and lets jazz it up with forced updates and pretty shit". They should've just kept the Windows 7 style but released a SP3 to add new hardware support.

>> No.20748003

whats wrong with GLD? I asked the other day what the best was to get into PMs was and nobody would answer and I just got mildly ridiculed and so I dumped a small portion into GLD

>> No.20748026
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What will it take to wake them up??

>> No.20748038


>> No.20748042

>Macbooks are becoming more popular, and vendors like Dell are offering Windows-free versions of their laptops. Its a niche offering for sure but its something. The shift is really noticeable in most big tech companies where you don't see many people using IBMs with Windows anymore. Developers are increasingly transitioning to macbooks they use as dumb terminals with the actual dev env hosted in the cloud.
It's almost like you've never set foot into Asia & India. You know, the place where billions of people live.

>> No.20748047

Macbooks are king in development and content creation. Not all Dell's offer Linux, you need to get developer edition XPS laptops. Your anecdata doesn't reflect the reality of the market.

>> No.20748056

Based and everything but kinda jelly anyways.

>> No.20748069
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No, I see it too anon.

>> No.20748072

Yeah but they face actual competition there unlike Windows and Office where they *were* the end-all be-all.

>> No.20748078

What's the consensus on Aphira here? I bought in at around $4.20(lol), am thinking about selling and taking profits but not sure

>> No.20748085


>> No.20748087

At last I truly see!

>> No.20748092

Thinking about taking 10,000 dollars out of my 401k via CARES act, using it to max out my IRA, and put the rest into my individual brokerage.

>> No.20748097
File: 2.43 MB, 498x279, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My $23 SLV calls just went ITM

>> No.20748112

Yes, Asia and India where more people have cell phones than computers that are running Android. You sure got me there.

>> No.20748117
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>> No.20748152

This. Microsoft isn't going anywhere. If it somehow went bankrupt today and all windows computers stopped working the world would shut down. If it did that in 10 years the same would happen. IOS is for yuppie pretend artists and students who wanna flex their daddy's cummies.

I got off the horsey train at $20 during the pump. I still believe in it, is right now a good entry point?

>> No.20748159
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TD. It's shit but for now I am just gunning for 25k+ cash so I can open proper big boy account (likely elsewhere). I am now dick deep into precious metals and aiming to make some crazy hail mary play on coming market dips.

>> No.20748166

Want to teach a fellow anon for 10% return in profits?

>> No.20748171

Anyone else buy VXRT on the irrelevant controversy and see good gains today? Got 16% since the morning

>> No.20748172

High expense and indirect physical backing.
Unless you're playing options, it is outclassed in performance by other funds and miners and also in safety/access to the underlying by AAAU, PHYS, and actually owning gold.

>> No.20748184

>weed stocks
shitty agriculture stocks that are still grossly overvalued due to bagholders who just gave up at this point (2018 bandwagon) and still highly cucked by government restrictions
Come back when companies can start branding/marketing edibles and beverages. Remember that the most successful beer and cigarette companies don't even grow their own shit because margins for agriculture are shiiit. The money's in branded products, and guess what Canada isn't letting companies do yet.

>> No.20748185

Finally I can get rich off America's self inflicted suicide. Previously I just had to suffer for it.

>> No.20748201

Lol, 24.983. How long has it been at 24.983? 3 days? 4 days?

>> No.20748228
File: 844 KB, 1200x738, Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 6.07.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cam girls are now becoming "pro traders" and giving out trading advice. here is your final warning to jump ship before the rug is pulled out from under you. don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.20748229

It just doesn't stop, holy shit.

>> No.20748241
File: 647 KB, 777x1100, 1595662377119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fundamental value of crypto is 0
fundamental value of gold/silver is infinite

>> No.20748252

K, keep me posted

>> No.20748254

5 minutes
you're a bit lost i think
back to ponzicoins with ya

>> No.20748261

>Macbooks are king in development and content creation
Yea making content like YouTube videos, my friends who work in engineering drafting and design all use Microsoft
Nobody uses Linux buddy, only computer needs.

>> No.20748282


>retards still trading EV stocks

yeah that shit was for two weeks ago. I'm even more satisfied that I made a quick 70 off nkla and then sold before it dumped.

>> No.20748303
File: 76 KB, 634x634, winners_arent_losers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome Gary to /smg/

>> No.20748329
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thots gonna follow men, it's like saying "thots are now into hentai" because they cosplay

friend who devs for a fintech had to get a macbook to do his bootcamp, now needs it for work

>quoting last night's schiff show
that crypto guy was cringe as fuck.

>> No.20748350
File: 346 KB, 493x493, silver_chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fundamental value of crypto is zero
Fundamental value of gold is zero
Fundamental value of human life is zero
The future value of all investments is the inevitable heat death of the universe

>> No.20748363

you know nothing kiddo.

>> No.20748367
File: 31 KB, 964x367, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar is getting weaker and weaker.

Would Suggest ANY PM's and Bitcoin (ONLY BITCOIN, not alt coin BS)

Currently in Silver & Gold Miners, Palladium & Bitcoin. Feeling Comfy.

>> No.20748375

What broker are you big dick swinging traders using? Fidelity?

>> No.20748405

wow if being a cuck could be personified within a portfolio, this would be it. What a waste of air and storage space to have a 7 figure portfolio but have it make pennies as opposed to at least doubling every 3 days with OTM options.

>> No.20748408

Smith and Wesson stock still shooting to the moon. Civil War imminent, /biz/bros.

>> No.20748409

moderna is looking pretty juice for a good short or bearish play
might just pick a few up after if it does gap up again

>> No.20748415
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have a modest gain fren

>> No.20748418
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We wuz bulls n shiet

>> No.20748420
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Saw this on another forbidden website. Now this is historic. A comeback like this is more impressive than any random "yolo 10k -> $4 mil" I've ever seen.

>> No.20748423

entropy pilled

>> No.20748424

I still got my classic Xbox. The gaming division pulls in a nice haul to. Hell the classic Xbox was nothing but a slightly modified slim line computer w/custom OS. One of my favorite memories; playing DOA 3,DOA XBV and DOA Ultimate in HD for the first time. God damnit Holodecks can't get here soon enough. Imagine seeing Kasumi,Hitomi and Ayane in a swanky Holo sim..

>> No.20748430

So what's the real difference between ATM straddles vs OTM straddles? From how i see it, OTM just means high profit possibilities

>> No.20748433

>friends who work in engineering drafting and design all use Microsoft
Its just vendor lock in from tools like AutoCAD, CATIA, Solidworks etc. But again you dont get that these tools are moving to the cloud and becoming platform agnostic. You're going to see all these tools offered as website you just go to and use by paying a monthly fee down the road.

>> No.20748452
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>maxbook required for fintech
The fuck.

>> No.20748463


>> No.20748474

wow a higher % gain is more impressive than a lower % gain?

>> No.20748483
File: 169 KB, 400x416, 1512609370025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another high up engineer at Intel leaves
You piece of shit jewish shit company reeeeeeeeeeee

I am financially ruined - dead cat bounce looks less and less likely by the hour

>> No.20748490

Just as impressive as getting that lucky number on a roulette table. The guy learned nothing from this probably.

>> No.20748503

Cash out and buy a Big Mac my man. You Mcfuckin deserve it.

>> No.20748507

Listen to this anon >>20748405
He can make you a billionaire in 30 days

>> No.20748510
File: 52 KB, 1024x487, BS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stimulus package is supposed to be revealed at 6 pm tonight.

Is it a good idea to throw money into cruise lines, airlines and retail now when its low?

Last time the stimulus was unveiled all of those sky rocketed.

>> No.20748512


>> No.20748518

gold will survive human civilization and the death of our sun

crypto will just be lost forever

>> No.20748521
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Bullish for TSM & AMD

>> No.20748525
File: 133 KB, 690x313, 1579984329527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25% cash (not USD) and gold
>33% tech stocks
>20% defense
>20% industrial growth stocks

>> No.20748526

Probably the programs are all running on a MacBook and boomers in charge think it wont work on windows or, worse, it actually doesnt.

>> No.20748527
File: 1.14 MB, 1841x1227, 1581219433701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made $6300 on 2 hours on this scam

>> No.20748553

Yeah probably pump a bit. Doesnt mean it will be sustained

>> No.20748554

the eternal crab portfolio, nice

>> No.20748580

>tech stock

>> No.20748584

what is a safe thing to park my money in that won't be go bankrupt in 2 years. this market scares the shit out of me i feel like everything is going to go down soon, but i also don't want to sit on cash because cash will go down. do i unironically buy rocks?????

>> No.20748585
File: 5 KB, 239x211, EA4B147E-56F5-46E8-8C71-213466068ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at the low volume fake rally
>stairs up, elevator down

Hell is coming for tech stocks

>> No.20748591

I can't decide if he reminds me of Dom, or Marcus, or the Locusts.

>> No.20748598


>Intel Corp. said its chief engineering officer was leaving the company days after the semiconductor maker surprised investors by disclosing delays on its newest processor design.
>The executive, Venkata “Murthy” Renduchintala, had played a leading role in the company’s bid to scale down the size of its transistors and compete with the likes of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and Samsung Electronics Co.
>Intel said Mr. Renduchintala, who joined the company in 2015 from Qualcomm Inc., would leave Aug. 3.

>> No.20748606

Did you account for the taxes yet, friend?

>> No.20748612

What the market giveth can taketh away.

Don't be fooled anon. You'll have days where you'll make $5k, and another day where you're financially ruined. (See /wsb)

>> No.20748630

should be filling the gap below it soon. also, reached resistance at 80.

>> No.20748634

Chairs, beds, toilets

>> No.20748649

>No mining stocks
Yep this is cringe

>> No.20748651

Where have you been for the last months?
The same place we put our money into. Tech and other unsinkables like V or AMZN.

>> No.20748656

No one knows, buy stuff you want that other people might find useful. A house comes to mind. An education also probably a decent investment when times are shitty.

>> No.20748664

>he said, for the 130th day in a row

>> No.20748665
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How does AMAT look to you anons? Am I too late?

>> No.20748676

Home Depot is a relatively safe pick. Almost never goes down.

Next step up is PM's, mining companies.

If you're REALLY PARANOID, gold, silver coins, seeds, water, medicine.

>> No.20748678
File: 110 KB, 500x667, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only YouTube channel you need has posted again, this time about bonds and gold

That's my TFSA, my fun portfolio is entirely mining pennystocks and cash

>> No.20748684

>industrial growth stocks
Curious what you mean, any examples?
Been looking into ECL but that's probably not what you're referring to.

>> No.20748695

that's my screenshot. Why did you save my screenshot?

>> No.20748737

Financially ruined bro checking in. I lost $15 today.

>> No.20748744

Carrier is my favourite. First because I've already made 40% on it since IPO, second because global warming is unironically bullish for air conditioning. Europe hardly has an A/C, but over the next 10 years all of Europe will buy air conditioners.

>> No.20748749

newfag here. where should i start with?

>> No.20748750

bubble boy

i have an education and the housing market is going to crash too...

i think i might invest in chinese yuan

>> No.20748753
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Last time it pumped for 3-4 days straight, dip then another green week.

The same bullshit is likely going to be regurgitated:

>2nd or 3rd stage of dubious meme vaccine
>Unemployment claims dropping by 0.01 %
>Feral Niggers getting shot
>Karen memes
>Famous celebrity called racist for calling a getho person Latoya or Jamal

>> No.20748774

What's the tech play? Will tech stocks pump for earnings, then dump after the call? We're gonna crash this week, right?

>> No.20748782

work the base of the shaft first before moving on to the balls, tip last

>> No.20748795

Lost 2k on Friday, Gained 1.5k today.

....I was way too much into Tesla.


....got bogged down.

>> No.20748801
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>> No.20748805

Making bank
Moon mission
Link doubled, BTC mooning

Something is very wrong. All of /biz/ is making money right now.

>> No.20748814
File: 34 KB, 1249x467, 7-27-20ftec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investing with six figures for over 5 years now, learning from mistakes etc, has sort of turned me into a boglehead. I have no issue with ultra-risky plays for the people on here who have <$50k, but you have to realize that you are going to make lots of mistakes, and some of them are really going to weigh down your performance in bull cycles where there was easy money to be had. So for the last few years I have outperformed the market by buying sectors (rather than individual stocks) at the right times. For example I've done pretty well buying/selling FBIOX and XBI based on how I think biotech looks (I work in an adjacent field). I've also been accumulating other sector ETFs, normally buying on dips, like FTEC, which has doubled my initial $6.5k in just over 3 years. See pic for what I've done.

Since Fidelity stopped charging fees recently they are probably #1.

>> No.20748818

VISL if you want your grandchildren to prosper, apparently.

>> No.20748826

it's because I'm on a winning streak in csgo

>> No.20748839
File: 220 KB, 890x905, 1595520680283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobos remember how the bulls gloated today
you will bend the knee by weeks end

>> No.20748840

>housing market is going to crash
Doubt it, but even if it does you have a useful asset that won't *necessarily* depreciate in value. Like if you buy a car, you're fucked because its 20% off immediately and then like a few $G a year after that. But a home is a fucking house, you can rent it out, you can stuff your kids in it, its a practical useful thing that won't just disappear like numbers in some computer

>> No.20748847

but what's the next TSM?????

>> No.20748860

Fiat is dying.

>> No.20748866

Don't invest in those jews

>> No.20748882

i live in a bubble city (toronto)

in 6 months it will all be over.

>> No.20748883

check last week or the week before? retard

>> No.20748892

Not me, I lost $500 today

>> No.20748893
File: 78 KB, 500x517, stock-market-meme-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this Anon.

Option Calls OTM, all day, every day.

If you don't, you're not cool and no girls would ever want you.

>> No.20748894

then why do people keep calling me retarded for holding a largely Toronto-based commercial real estate REIT that's priced like Toronto became Detroit

>> No.20748899

Just kidding bro.

>> No.20748904
File: 3.40 MB, 360x202, 49lzow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bey /biz/ how do I short Chinese construction?

>> No.20748925
File: 47 KB, 602x755, 1573944839749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually buy my "global warming is good for air conditioning companies" arguments or do j'all think I'm rarted

>> No.20748928

because that stock won't beat bluechips and it's riskier

>> No.20748945

because you are retard. toronto is a bubble city. will get worse in 6 months

>> No.20748955

Isn't the air conditioning market saturated?


...and many others....

>> No.20748963

you're an absolute turbo retard

>> No.20748975
File: 182 KB, 325x577, 51E94A63-AB6F-4054-B89B-9FD9B4F4A15E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20748976

>global warming
What is this 2004? Everyone's concerned about the world getting cold now thanks to an extremely significant low in the solar cycle starting

>> No.20748979

>is right now a good entry point?
I don't want to say definitively because it's a judgement you should reach. I think the support it's shown lately should alleviate worries of it dumping, so really it just depends on how much value you think the company has in the future and how well you think it will do out of the contract competition it's in. Personally I'm still sitting on 100 shares @$7.46, so I guess that essentially means I would buy now.

>> No.20748987
File: 1.86 MB, 264x216, 1404322147849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTC is so fucking dead I hope they crash more please crash more I want to make it I WANT TO MAKE IT CRASH MORRRRE

>> No.20749002
File: 180 KB, 840x699, 203-2034196_thinking-anime-girl-anime-thinking-face-png.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag here who is tired of being a wagie

i have $30K in VTSAX which is just an index fund that encompasses the whole US stock market. i'm too scared to do day trading but should i just throw it all into AMZN instead?

>> No.20749010

doesnt everyone already have air conditioner?

>> No.20749013
File: 45 KB, 720x900, 1594080430087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow starts the real earnings..

Then we finish with a bang. Facebook, Google, Apple, Nestle, P&G, Samsung, Comcast, Shell, UPS, Airbus, Moody's, WM, Yum, Ford, LLD, LG.. - all on the same day. Friday and the opening Monday will be absolutely insane.

>> No.20749017

Niggah just jealous cuz he don't have DAT GOLD ETF.

Fucking PUZZY AZZ n1CK@H

>> No.20749019

compressors inside air conditioners are filled with potent greenhouse gases.
Bullish on global warming

>> No.20749023

TD has thinkorswim which is the best tool in existence outside of being a Boganoff/Rothschild though.

>> No.20749024

I was compelled by it. Especially factoring in the Europe stuff

>> No.20749049

In the US yes
In Europe no, and they're rich enough that every hot summer sells a bunch of A/Cs there

>> No.20749052


>> No.20749051
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>> No.20749053
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Hey cool, I'm in Ottawa. I moved here in 2016 because I couldn't afford the COL in Toronto. imo, Canada housing is completely different than US and not a bubble. We add like half a million people (I think) every year, most of them settle in the major cities and none of the major cities are building infrastructure fast enough to handle the growth. Detached in good neighborhoods near Ottawa now are going for $650-700k+, there's pretty much zero chance of a crash here. Down market *maybe*, but the people who can afford these homes in the first place aren't affected by covid or the market shitshow enough for it to matter.

>> No.20749056

Hasn't made a dent in Microsoft revenue growth, Microsoft is probably way more cost-effective than Apple computers, especially in these covid times.

>> No.20749074

Germans don't use AC units. We are chads.
(That's also why our meme flu death count remained low.)

>> No.20749089

If you're a pussy still, maybe just buy like 100 QQQ and sell covered calls every week. If it gets assigned away, write puts on it to get it back.

Nobody's denying that there will be a pullback but it won't happen in 1 single day.

>> No.20749100
File: 854 KB, 868x716, Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 6.33.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toronto is more of a bubble than the US by far. toronto growth is something like 80% meanwhile most us city on 3%. very very very bad. detached in toronto start at 2mill. pic related last night. enjoy

>> No.20749108

For some reason the vast majority of yuros refuse to buy air conditioners and then bitch about it being hot every summer. It's really baffling. I always figured since you need a license every time you need to take a shit over there maybe they ration air conditioning permits and hopefully your dad applied for one 40 years ago so maybe you'll actually get it.

>> No.20749114


Like with anything else, you get jaded as fuck if you do it long enough. When I started my business I triple checked every invoice, every wire transfer, hesitated clicking the final authorization on anything above 500 and started sweating fearing I had made a mistake somewhere. Today I wire out 60k without thinking twice. It's just routine. Pushing around numbers that don't mean much to me. I'm simply confident in my actions due to practice.

But it's also dangerous obviously. Caution is often warranted. And being jaded as fuck is the lead cause of thrill-seeking idiocy.

>> No.20749116

Fuck no, leave it alone. Buy Amazon to go alongside it. The next time the market takes a big shat (most likely this fall) dump even more into the VTSAX. You'll be well rewarded. I'm in SWTSX, same thing just different company, and I don't plan to touch mine for 26 years. Just add to it.

>> No.20749120

i hope it can go up at least 4% every day until like $35 or $40, i'll be able to buy a free home

>> No.20749131

Gernans don't use A/C yet but you absolutely will when Bavaria starts averaging 32°C+ every day in the summer.

>> No.20749144

Lol, 25.148. How long has it been at 25.148? 3 days? 4 days?

>> No.20749151

I live in the Midwest. During my gf family reunion a week ago two of her cousins where talking about stock and shit. One if them was bragging about buying 200$ worth of Tesla when it was 600. There the type of dudes that are in their 20s,work in a manufacturing plant, and mostly spend their spare time with women, beer, and mudding in their trucks. My youngest brother even managed to shill his Robinhood account to 3 of his friends who are all fresh out of college. It's weird seeing the stock market being flooded by a younger demographic firsthand.

>> No.20749157





>> No.20749170
File: 75 KB, 1481x554, Annotation 2020-07-27 183514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All PM's are killing it.

>> No.20749177

Pictures like this are retarded. Anyone with a brain knows that the house isn't for sale, it just happens to be garbage sitting on a lot that just sold for $1M. Nobody is buying that house to live in it.

>> No.20749183

Why is volume so low on some options? Like 27 for SPY calls near the money 2 weeks out. Is that it? Only 27 people want that?

>> No.20749196
File: 871 KB, 245x230, 1487609907763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres people in this thread that bought nak above $2 and sold below $2 lmfaoooo holy shit

>> No.20749198

You don't understand. In tech, things need fixing when you physically fuck it up. And Macbooks & Apple stuff is legally fucked in terms of getting them fixed. Your team of engineers had their Macbook fucked up? You're going to have to send it in to the official Apple company to get it fixed, no other can do. Yep, keep waiting until we can fix it, bozo.

Meanwhile in pretty much any other work laptop or computer.. okay then let's get this fixed right away by the company IT & hardware team..

>> No.20749201

Personally I hate AC, even in cars.
I just open the fucking window or use a fan.

Also I can't see many existing houses getting outfitted with AC.

>> No.20749210

Kind-of, but that leaves another question. What are the geopolitical ramifications of Europe's newfound increased energy needs between them importing new residents and hooking up all of those air conditioners. Will they finally pony up and invade the middle east themselves so we (America) can fuck off, capitulate to Putin, or invest more heavily in Nuclear?

>> No.20749240

The problem is in 2008 when the US real estate bubble crashed, the Canadians did not have a correction and it was been inflating to this day. A major correction is due soon.

>> No.20749246

All about status. You don't want to seem poor in front of your friends and that hot chick you've always wanted to do anal with....right anon?

>> No.20749247

Yes I know I've lived there for about ~25 years my dude. No one wants it to crash more than me, my family is there, my friends are there but hoping it'll crash when there's no reason for it to is dumb. You can easily justify the cost because
>Foreign investment in Canadian real estate is easy peasy
>Massive immigration both international and interprovincial
>Lots of NIMBYism, complete lack of development plan (last I checked Toronto had a plan to build 40,000 affordable housing units over.. the next TEN YEARS (lmao))
>Huge number of foreign students

Only people that will get BTFO are AirBNB retards if they can't weather the (lack of) tourism storm. Other than that, there's literally no reason for housing to crash. Demand is sky high, supply is not even making a dent in the demand. The skyline as I drive in is uglier every time with more and more huge ass glass apt buildings that I can't afford even though I make more than 6figs and its STILL not enough.

>> No.20749252


>> No.20749257

>invest more heavily in Nuclear
They just spent the last decade shutting down all their perfectly good nuclear plants because "muh hiroshima nagasaki" and quadrupled energy prices for the peons.

>> No.20749260

Not true. Lots of in house Mac fixers in companies. Also retail Mac certified fixers out there.

>> No.20749292
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yeah and then with toronto construction costs to build a house it would be like $1,000,000 for crappy 2000 sqft, minimum. so congratulations you end up with something like this. brilliant analysis retard. brilliant can't wait to move into this 2,000,000 shithovel that looks like it's from the projects if it was america

>> No.20749355

>32°+, 50-90% humidity
>just open a window lol
Yeah you retards have never experienced a real summer. But you will. And you'll come crying for AC when you do.

>> No.20749390

Where I live we have just two seasons it seems like. Summer where it's stuck in the 80's/90's and a mild winter. Winter is a sick joke anymore. Barely any snow or ice to speak off last few winters. January you can be out in a tee shirt and be ok. There is no Fall or Spring. Just Summer and wham winter then wham back to summer.

>> No.20749397


(Unironically having everyone think you're dirt poor is a great way to live.)

>> No.20749407

Ok, Anon's I have 1k what do I put it in and shill me why

>> No.20749444

>50-90% humidity
mmm yes of course

you keep shilling your hoarseness devices, bucko

>> No.20749589

Communists don't give a fuck what it costs to get their money out of China

>> No.20749612

You know, I had thought I wasn't going buy more calls, but i've changed my mind. Riding this shit till 35

>> No.20749721

That doesn't really change the fact that a person can still make money off of it...

>> No.20749822

wait what?
Have they successfully decommissioned any of their nuclear plants, or is it all a work in progress?