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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20740844 No.20740844 [Reply] [Original]

should i dump this garbage? what the fuck?

>> No.20740886

Nothing will pump for this week apart from eth and btc. Just cut your losses now.

>> No.20740916

Yes, we have all been financially Satsganged once again.

>> No.20740939

Yes. I want a cheaper entry

>> No.20741046

fuck you I want to kill my self

>> No.20741188
File: 126 KB, 720x363, Screenshot_20200723-001646_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's annoying the fuck out of me too rsrfren
I'm holding

>> No.20741237

yes anon, please dump before any significant pump comes our way. don't need or want such weak fragile faggot hands holding this gem. need holders that will stake and burn not cry about short term price action due to bitcoin volatility.

>> No.20741512

pls sell retard and buy ampl

>> No.20741545

Lmao this shitcoin is unironically going to $.50. Why would you sell now

>> No.20741574

well said

>> No.20741669

Can you sell and buy AMPL?

>> No.20741689

>he believed the (((Nevin Freeman))), multiple-failed start up "entrepreneur"

>> No.20741714

>unoriginal token with a copycat use-case
Pick one.

>> No.20741878

unironically yes, if you fomo into AMPL right now you'll probably recover your losses within 3 days

>> No.20741940

yes sir, buy the ponzi at the top sir

>> No.20741976

brainlet nigger this shit at max would 2x its not going higher than that MC wise

>> No.20741995

Ya this shit is dead.

>> No.20742147

Did an investor leave or not? Keep hearing that.

>> No.20742201

the tranny discord has already won hasn't it...

>> No.20742784
File: 41 KB, 700x704, ctyp_6569368texas_wigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only thing worse then a nigger is suburban white trash like (You) that acts like them

>> No.20742946
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>> No.20743382

You should

>> No.20743403

dump that shitcoin so i can buy more at low price

>> No.20744006
File: 93 KB, 850x723, 1586052204450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>garbage placeholders