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2070504 No.2070504 [Reply] [Original]

Theres too many threads in this, so its probably a good idea to just have a /XBY General/


>We will be hitting 50.000 blocks within the next 24hours, we will be primed to boom then
>Price is sitting nice and comfy

I dont think there is any doubt this coin is going to be massive, shall the devs deliver.

There are shills trying to hold the price down by claiming its a scam, they have even admitted that this is their plan. Ignore them.

>> No.2070506



>> No.2070508

without shilling me, I believe in this coin... but how high price wise do you think it will reasonably reach?

>> No.2070510

I was holding some, then literally sold it an hour ago to buy more XBY

>> No.2070518

The shilling / anti shilling on this has been some of the most ghastly I've seen, will try stick around ITT for moment of truth.

>> No.2070521

Thats obviously an incredibly loaded question, and the last thing I want is for this general to turn into a shill-thread, so im not going to answer it.

I think we will be able to get a better idea of possible marketcaps once the nodes come into play

>> No.2070522


I'm confident guys, but can someone who understands the technicals explain the value proposition better?

I understand that if you get 500k of these, you can set up a static node and this will give you passive income. This will also take supply out of the system and increase the price. I also know that it has some new proof of signature technology.

Are these 2 things really enough to launch into mars?

>> No.2070529

Who here holding nodes by the way? If I buy one does it need to always be online or what? I don't have a permanent connection

>> No.2070533
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fair enough. I didnt mean to cause issues, just was curious.

I'm just trying to gauge if I can dump what little money I have into this and sit on it. I ready about 30 of the pages on it and it has been looking good. Their twitter from 7h ago looked nice as well.

Keep up the work informing people on it! Its better than a lot of the big coins and has real potential. now I just gotta get enough money to get a decent amount lol.

>> No.2070560

Literally my first time reading up on stocks and trading and such, and this entire thing seems like a joke. Are you people meta memeing people into buying useless shit? Or do I just have lots to learn?

>> No.2070564

Well that latest post linked by the twitter reads like bullshit to me. Opinions?

>> No.2070570

I've read the white paper. This coins going places; trust me!

>> No.2070603

Subtle and underrated

>> No.2070605

Damn it just dumped.

>tfw I Fell for another scam.

>> No.2070610

You call 2btc a dump. Watch it recover.

>> No.2070613

Loved it! Just bought more :)

>> No.2070615

saw that, been hovering around this price anyway though wouldn't worry about it. whether or not it's exposed as bullshit at 50k will be the real test here, but that post on it could be seen as a setup to drag this out further so fuck knows.

>> No.2070623


Yea I was just kidding about the scam part for now. If the static node shit works out, we might go to Lambo land. If not, then I only invested $20

>> No.2070624


Still bad omens, the drop was caused by a guy selling 500k, the exact amount you need for the nodes

>> No.2070637

i assure u u wont go to lamboland with 20 dollars in it now. I put 2k. Trust me i read the whitepapers. I invested in ETH at .15 USD but I had little capital back then. I can see this reaching similar heights as ETH.

>> No.2070644

As far as I knew there was no white paper yet?

>> No.2070646

Did you get a static node for yourself?

>> No.2070648

Mmm maybe, probably just figured if he was going to break his node might as well just liquidate it all. I guess we should consider that as him calling bullshit though. If these guys are for real they really need to stop acting like fucking retards.

>> No.2070654

There is no whitepaper, this is just more pathetic shilling from desperate little faggots, he most likely has 5 bucks in and wants millions for it.

>> No.2070681

I want to believe in it, I know that the dev is a real person (WHOIS says so) but I find it worrying that he hasn't interacted with us at all.

>> No.2070686

It would probably make a big difference, that marketing guy constantly sucking his cock is more of a big red flag than anything else.

>> No.2070695

Yeah, especially going all "HE'S INGENIOUS" in the recent video. Perhaps he is really just amazed but it's a bit of a weird thing imo.

>> No.2070703

Yes very weird, almost like it's all too fucked up to be a scam. Very difficult to judge this.

>> No.2070704

Speaking of WHOIS,
Also, we just hit 48,2k block.

>> No.2070821

I'm holding a decent amount of XBY but not quite enough for a STaTiC.. to what extent will this impact me?

>> No.2070828

How short are you? The story goes the STaTiCs are locked in at 50k, there's word that more will become available at some later date but no price indication. If you're not far off and intend on taking the bet on this I'd say go the STaTiC now.

>> No.2070829

you're still making money if this thing blows up

i wouldnt any money that im not willing to lose into this tho, new coin like this is always risky

>> No.2070832

This. Be well fucking prepared to lose the lot

>> No.2070834

Yes, that's true gamble

>> No.2070835

Shifted all my coins into XBY hoping for a rise soon, then gonna put profits back into my original coins. Risky as hell but that's the name of the game in crypto.

>> No.2070855

How do I see what blocks were up to?

Also what are blocks?

>> No.2070904

I bought $100 worth a few weeks ago but got cucked by my bank, was going to put 1k in

now im a lot less certain. concerned with massive whale holdings

its obviously a big risk but how the fuck else are you suppose to get big rewards. I'll just buy another $500 worth and just cry if it ever goes interstellar

>> No.2070912

If i have a STaTiC, can i still sell the 500k if i want to?

>> No.2070922

Yes, but as soon as you sell any of the XBY in the node youll lose it

>> No.2070993

fuck cant get in in less than 24hours
fucking trade sites and their verification

why is reaching the 50k blocks the big factor here? i would say its gonna moon if its available in more than two shitcoin markets

pls gib some


>> No.2071406

I bought 20000 XBY for around $50. Will I be rich?

>> No.2071528

Hi anon
It's possible but it may take a while
If you hold 20k XBY and you want to become a millionaire 1 XBY would need to be worth a 50$. There probably will be around 500 Million coins of XBY in total supply (because the coins from the nodes are gonna get taken out of circulation but will give the node holder passive income) that means if XtraBYtes will have a billion dollar market cap - 1 XBY will be worth 2$. So for you to become rich the market cap of XtraBYtes would need to be 25 billion dollars - at this point in time only Bitcoin has achieved that. I think that it is rather unlikely you'll become a millionaire with only 20k XBY. But if you held 200k XBY for example you'd only need a market cap of 2,5 billion dollars. I think this is a more realistic scenario at the moment but yeah nobody can you tell how things will develop and how big XBY will get or if it will wail. Only time can tell.

>> No.2071537

How do I run my node when the time comes?

>> No.2071574

I haven't done this in years. Are there any instructions on how to mine this coin?

>> No.2071578

Better question: Aren't there mining pools or something for this type of thing?

>> No.2071579

Just got a reply from borzalom himself.

Yes, he is real and indeed working on the project. I ask him about his true identity but He says he's not comfortable with it and hoping that I can respect his privacy.

I'm doubling down on my investment (by doubling down I mean put another $10 in it)

>> No.2071666
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Whatever it may be, I'm going to buy $20 worth of xtrabytes and see where it takes me. I'd appreciate any info regarding mining though

>> No.2071677

Former xby bagholder here, its fun to watch borzalom crash and burn. No but in all seriousness we cannot let this guy get the static nodes.

>> No.2071692
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>> No.2071760


>> No.2071821

Where can I buy this, I don't want to miss the shuttle. REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2071833



>> No.2071907

do you need crypto on hand to buy?

>> No.2071927


You trade it with BTC

>> No.2071931

how much time before the rocket takes off, I put my cash in the bank after the recent drop
got out alive but now I have to deal with transfer time again

>> No.2071977

I have a node registered but I'll be dumping it if borzalom fails to deliver on this changeover to PoSign.

>> No.2072030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2072033

I'm pretty sure there will be some hiccup here and there, if you dump when you heard some failure that's probably good idea since people will dump it also.

And you can re-buy at cheaper price.

>> No.2072049

That's a very bad way to keep privacy, it's so easy to find this mail.

>> No.2072054

Sorry had to delete it.

>> No.2072062

What I'm concerned about is that they might just string us all along with the node stuff.
It's possible that nothing will happen at 50k and it'll be "oh just wait till 55k, borzalom is still working on the programming" "ah we just need a bit more time, it'll be done at 60k", you get the idea.
I understand that the development process is always going to be bumpy at the start, but I'm not going to stick around if this transition doesn't happen within 2 weeks.
It's a big gamble being invested in this coin to begin with because there has so far been no concrete evidence for the existence of this algorithm.
That being said, I'll definitely stick around if the transition to PoSign happens shortly after 50k and is at least partly functional.

>> No.2072070

Lel this looks fake as fuck

>> No.2072133

what's the point of me faking it? You can literally find borzalom email if you got half a brain.

>> No.2072171

How about you quit being an instant gratification fucking two year old and hold until its ready?

>Waaaah I want muh nodes and I want it NOW!

This is literally you right now, you fucking faggot. Just shut the fuck up and hold you fucking cry baby bitch.

>> No.2072211

nice argument lad

>> No.2072255

You know whats worse than a couple of minor delays?

Dumbasses like you who put pressure on the developers to hurry up and release a product, only for the product to be rushed, buggy and unusuable. Thatll really make the price tank far worse than an extra week of waiting for a final product.

Like I said, shut that fucking gigantic gaping vagina you call a mouth and fucking hold, you insufferable piece of shit.

>> No.2072296
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>getting this mad
I'm going to sell my coins if borzalom fails to deliver, simple as that

>> No.2072314

How about you just sell them now and out them in an index fund, you weak handed pussy. Dont let the door hit you on the way out, faggot.

>> No.2072396
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So if I understand correctly when they reach 50k blocs those STaTics nodes will come online and automatically remove 500k XBY for each one.

Will this mean the current market cap will be divided by a smaller number of coins?

>> No.2072423


>> No.2072451
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According to the bitcointalk thread around > 107 million XBY should disappear from circulation when the nodes come up. If that does indeed happen at 50k that should mean a 20% increase in price over the next 24h.

>> No.2072472


>> No.2072496

Should i sell my shitty 11LTC and lose money there to buy XBY?

>> No.2072499

50 k was an estimation on when the code was estimated to be finished. It's not some hard swtch limit.

>> No.2072508

Sorry nope, you gotta buy at the price right now

>> No.2072521


Thanks for clearing that up.

I'm patient, I'd like to hold them at least until the end of the year. I'll decide then if they're worth keeping.

>> No.2072524

I don't understand how you guys are buying into this. From everything I've seen no one involved in this is competent, they can't even make a decent website. How can it get huge if there's no one to implement this?

>> No.2072544

They are looking for extra people

>> No.2072579


500 100 * 251 = 125 525 100 coins should disappear at this moment.

>> No.2072600

>How can it get huge if there's no one to implement this?

I know right, I mean look at this thing called bitcoin, no chance a coin that huge is only created by one person. No way. Nope.

>> No.2072607

253 nodes right now and we still got over 1000 blocks to go about ~ 10-12 hours I guess

I think at least 300! nodes will be registered at the end that means a whopping 150 Million coins will be cut off the supply

damn the price will pump up brutal

>> No.2072610

I've only got about 1/5 of the XBY I need to buy my node and coinbase fucking unverified my identity after I verified my bank accounts.

Are there any ways I can buy BTC with credit card or bank deposit without verifying my identity? I can't wait and let the price shoot up.

>> No.2072631

maybe localbitcoins, i know if you're in the uk bittylicious and bitbargain don't require verification

>> No.2072637


>> No.2072640

Every site where you can buy BTC with your credit card requires ID.

Without any ID you cap at around $100 or something.

With ID the cap is $10.000

I mainly use coinmama.com

>> No.2072669

Last I tried to use coinmama they told me to fuck off and they don't serve my location. You USfag too, or foreignfag?

Localbitcoins has prices I'd rather flay myself after only one shot of vodka than to pay

never heard of it; will do some investigation. Thanks m8

>> No.2072670

Sorry bro if you don't register the node until we reach block 50.000 you will not be able to register one anymore. Only chance you'll have then is to buy one node from someone who wants to sell his.

>> No.2072677

Im from Sub saharan desert Africa and still can use coinmama.

>> No.2072685
File: 93 KB, 819x413, xby-internal-new-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New logo was leaked, I think they are serious after all......

>> No.2072688


If coins get out of circulation, why does the price pump?

Is it best to buy now or wait for the static nodes to go live?

>> No.2072691


>> No.2072708

oh fuck are you serious? EEEEEEK gotta get a move on, NOW

>> No.2072730

okay calm down. not sure if this guy is samefagging but you will be able to get a node later on after 50k blocks. Chill out

>> No.2072736

No, you will be able to register a node after block 50k

>> No.2072774

leaked by who tho, and where?

>> No.2072790

why are you misleading him?

this is literally the latest post in the announcement thread:
"This must be done NOW... after the 50.000 block there are no more STaTiC registrations being accepted. Please review the report above to understand why."

Hurry up bro you have less than 24 hours to get a node

>> No.2072800

can you give me the link? I want to know where you got that info that no more nodes will be accepted.

>> No.2072803

fucking shitnigger I'm fucking fucked.

I can't use most of the services because my new ID hasn't come in the mail yet and they all need ID verification. Fuck the fucking government and the fucking law - they've cost me millions today.

I'm reaching out like a madman to everyone I know in my city right now trying to get someone to come with me to a BTC ATM

>> No.2072831


>> No.2072898

Just please tell me, is this really a scam?
I'm this close to purchasing a node..

>> No.2072904

It looks promising, but it's a gamble regardless.

>> No.2072909

lol, I'd have to drive over a hundred miles for this.

Are these fags staying out of Nevada for shits and giggles or is there some law against them here, I wonder...

>> No.2072921


I have no idea. I hope not but don't invest more than you're willing to completely lose. It might very well be a scam. It's the reason I'm not going for a node.

>> No.2072973
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Just got my 2nd node

>> No.2073168

Ill be buying 50,000 but dont care for the node. My internet sucks. Can i give it away?

Inb4 newfag

>> No.2073219
File: 136 KB, 800x600, spaghetti bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get to moon with what I have now, so pls give coin:


also, help me with mining this coin

>> No.2073256
File: 82 KB, 960x638, 1471506046913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. How the fuck do you mine this coin? I did this back in 2013 with dogecoin and I completely forgot how to do this. This thread, Google, Reddit, etc are not helping me ouy

>> No.2073264

this coin is not mineable, all 650mil coins are already in existence

>> No.2073568

morning fellas, 284 punters have now registered nodes. this would take about 150 / 650 million or nearly 25% of coins out of circulation. there's less than 1000 blocks to go now, moment of truth is near.

>> No.2073574

you can host it somewhere else or sell it as a node. a node would be more valuable than the 500k coins themselves. whether or not this is bullshit well we are about to find out.

>> No.2073604

fake 6 btc wall?

>> No.2073605
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Hope we'll reach 340 nodes till then (-170 Million XBY)
that would decrease supply to 480 Million
Finally I say goodbye to kysville and welcome to lamboland!

>> No.2073606



>> No.2073614

he's selling all the coins above that price

>> No.2073615

Holy fuck we are mooning right now!

>> No.2073624

did you calculate this? 3 more nodes in the last 10 minutes / 20 odd blocks, let's keep an eye on the rate for fun

>> No.2073630

I meant he will sell into other peoples buys above the wall and he's buying his own coins to pump.

>> No.2073639

Looks like bad case of the FOMO, anyone going to take the bet on this should have already jumped on, if not you'd better do so ASAP, no surprises if this keeps rising til the 50k and then crunch.

>> No.2073642

I think this is happening
All the buys are being bought straight up at market price, rather than setting a price and waiting in line

What does this mean?

>> No.2073648


>> No.2073650

Means people are rushing

>> No.2073655

watch the wall and take profits.

>> No.2073658

What do you mean by that?

The buy side actually looks kinda thin to me...

>> No.2073664

That buy wall is going to prop the price, it's also an exit so please decide now and if you're going to shit yourself at 50k then consider taking it.

>> No.2073668

Will do

>> No.2073671

C-Cex's interface is so shit, Yobit looks a bit better.

Let's go to Bittrex next.

>> No.2073673
File: 66 KB, 819x413, 1244947840929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did some research and Im all in.

Invested $2000. I could lose it all, but.......... if its real............... I guess we;ll find out

My heart is pacing so fast....

>> No.2073674

If they're just digging straight into the sell side they don't want to waste any time, probably they want to get their node done before it's too late.

>> No.2073677


>> No.2073682

all in fucking hell, brass balls on this one. make sure you get the node registered quickly, I can't help you with that though i'm just here for the fireworks

>> No.2073684

Orrrrr its the guy with the 6btc wall pumping the price

>> No.2073713

yeah well he's holding up the price with that there

>> No.2073723

About to pass 300

>> No.2073726

they're comin in quick, still 850 blocks

>> No.2073734

After 300 the next seller is 310 wtf

This is trading very strange

>> No.2073740

I think given the rate nodes are coming in we can correlate some of the buying activity with node fomo, that 310 is just gonna get queue jumped

>> No.2073766

Should I invest another few hundred into this bad boy?

>> No.2073783

If you're not going for a node I don't see the point right now

>> No.2073785

wait so if I have 50k it's not worth it? explain

>> No.2073801

What's a node? I'm a newfag

>> No.2073843

it's different, if you had 450k i'd say might as well grab the extra 50 for a node, but 10x the investment is obviously a totally different bet. if this turns out to not be bullshit you will still do well
nodes require 500k XBY to register, and entitle the operators to some cut of the TX fees, at 50k block (some hours away) the nodes are locked in. those coins will then be considered out of circulation (at the moment about 300 nodes * 500k coins). basically if this ever went anywhere a node would be far more valuable than 500k loose coins.

>> No.2073865
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>mfw only own 130k xby

>> No.2073869

ok in the past hour we've seen 26 nodes registered (around an additional 10%), and I think 80 blocks hashed. 915 to go.

>> No.2073870

but if I invested the $2k USD on completing the buy for the node, how would the returns look?

>> No.2073886

anybodys guess, a TX costs 100 XBY, we have 314 nodes now. I'm taking a bit of a guess here but I believe that would work how to 100 XBY every 314 transactions to all operators.

>> No.2073890

Not known yet but if this becomes a top 5 coin you would be able to live thanks to the passive income from your node I believe

>> No.2073893

oh keep in mind that fee obviously has to change if this can moon, lets say the shit went to an absurd $1, nobody is paying a hundred bucks per TX

>> No.2073896
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>10k xby

at least I managed to buy on the dip, only 200 sats

>> No.2073904

I don't see this hitting top 5, but as we've seen this year that doesn't really mean anything, little NEM sitting at #5 now has half the cap of the ENTIRE alt market just months ago. The big boys XRP and ETH are 4x that cap.

>> No.2073907

at the very least, would I break even off the $2k investment? I'm thinking I still got time to take the dive

>> No.2073913

If this is not bullshit you likely will, the problem is that you won't find out if it's bullshit until after 50k, which could make it all a cunning load of shit.

>> No.2073921

by the way if it does turn out to be bullshit you will likely lose everything

>> No.2073922

can't really tell you that dude, 50k blocks could hit and the statics don't work then the price starts to freefall

i personally have over 500k and i think the potential returns if it moons outweighs the risk of losses

>> No.2073935


Wish i bought more

>> No.2073950

well whatever, this thing is about to moon, I will just sell at a reasonable point to make some serious gains and just forget about it

>> No.2073951

crazy upside to this, i reckon these prices can mostly be attributed to the pathetic marketing / scam concerns. if this was a sure thing punters would not be getting the opportunity to operate a node for 2 grand.

>> No.2073954

if it works at 50k you'll probably want to give it some time for the truth to spread, hopefully with some improvement in the marketing

>> No.2073963


If it works and the success stories come in, I will be dumping a LOT of money into it.

We are on the precipice of something truly revolutionary. Just crazy.

But, equally, it could collapse like a house of cards.

>> No.2073972

The definition of a gamble

>> No.2073991

Is PoSign really that important to crypto though? I don't even know, I just know it's something a bit different here so could easily get a lot of attention IF it works.

>> No.2073994

Another scaling method is always good.

>> No.2074009

I've seen nothing pointing to PoSign being any better than regular PoS with masternodes.

>> No.2074015


>> No.2074016

theres no new coins generated
also, you earn xby through transaction fees with a static node

>> No.2074021

is this anything to do with PoSign itself or just the way XBY is doing things?

>> No.2074022
File: 5 KB, 242x107, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

168,000,000 coins out of circulation nice job bros!

>> No.2074030

Think that puts it at about 36 new nodes in the last 45 mins, so picking up a little pace here

>> No.2074037

I notice the hashrate is going up, what's this about? It's just borzoses node going until 50k right?

>> No.2074050

We need to have a fucking party /biz/.
>promising coin potential
>great community
>we all have nodes set up and ready to go
What a fucking time to be alive.

>> No.2074055

Chill out, it's important to be cautious about the tech and see if it works once we get to 50k. If it does, which I hope it does, then we can party

>> No.2074059


How do I get xby?

On a coin exchange?

>> No.2074062

What will signal that it works?

>> No.2074063

Only 2 exchanges have it atm, c-cex and yobit. Personally I got my node on c-cex.

>> No.2074064

yobit, some anon mentioned bittrex

>> No.2074066

it's dropping sell sell sell REEEEEEEE

>> No.2074081

Borzalom is CCRevolution and he secretly premined a googolplex XBY
Dump's gonna be ginormous
0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 btc/xby
You'll owe him money, the more xby you buy the more you owe him
universe's about to implode

>> No.2074085
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>file name

>> No.2074089

i think everyone is aware if it doesn't work this instantly becomes worthless, no point shilling now

>> No.2074091

I'll ask the dev about it. I know it's not like a hard switch but a steady conversion to PoSig

>> No.2074094

OK boys another hour has past, 38 new nodes vs 26 in the previous hour, 860 blocks remain, lets see if this continues to pick up pace

>> No.2074103

my god if this was a scam, it would be the perfect one. Create some dramatic hype only for him to sell millions of coins

>> No.2074105


I don't have BTC, but I'm want to put down some money right now. Do they make you wait a few days before you can buy BTC?

>> No.2074106

Going to bed now, hopefully won't miss the 50kth block.

>> No.2074107

I speak too soon, another 7 just registered at the last moment there to hit 45 for the hour. 172 million out of circulation

>> No.2074113

how is that any different from the way waves does PoS?

>> No.2074116

exactly, the shit execution aside it's at least built on a pretty clever method
what country are you in? other anons will need to help here, fastest way used to be credit card via coinbase, or i see localbitcoins mentioned a lot

>> No.2074121

also that way of doing things isnt really better than any other PoS alternative. Doesn't sound very revolutionary or game changing.

>> No.2074124

Same... UK fags ftw

>> No.2074128


I'm in the US. Is it instant?

>> No.2074131

i havn't seen enough to make me think even if this is real it could be a leading coin, but it seems like it would have about as much going for it as plenty of shit around that 100MM sort of cap

>> No.2074134

Btc isn't xby just about is

>> No.2074139

Yeah I believe so but someone else will need to confirm, you also need a bit of time for it to get over the exchange, careful of fomo here anon

>> No.2074141

>STaTiC human readable name:hyfy12
>STaTiC human readable name:hyfy16
>STaTiC human readable name:hyfy15

fuck me someones keen

>> No.2074149

can you explain how i create my static node? so i just transfer 500100 xby into a wallet, press "create static node" and that's it?

>> No.2074159

no that is not it, i think you need 2 or 3 wallets setup to do this properly, hopefully that guy can point you to instructions

>> No.2074203

Still lurking. Anyone got a tutorial for a newfag tryna stay trill?

>> No.2074241

this might help

>> No.2074245

YouTube vids posted on Bitcoin talk

>> No.2074259
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Guys, I did good right?

>> No.2074263

If XBY hits $1 what color lambo are you guys getting?

>> No.2074269

When did you buy?

>> No.2074276
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No lambo

Just pay off the small debt I have....

also kek wills it

>> No.2074280

Just now

>> No.2074284

Only thing you could of done better was buy sooner. Welcome to the 100K club senpai

>> No.2074286
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I took /biz/ advice and bought ripple and made a nice chunk of change in 2 months so I sold some to buy a few other coins

>> No.2074288

white 25th countach

>> No.2074290

Yeah we know you shill it on every thread. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.2074292
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Thanks Im excited to see what happens in the next ten hours

>> No.2074297

No shilling

XRP does just fine without it

>> No.2074308

How far away is 50k?

>> No.2074313
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Stay salty my friend

>> No.2074320


>> No.2074340


>> No.2074341



>> No.2074345



>> No.2074346

That's a lot of sell orders, supposedly for 6.5 BTC.

>> No.2074350

What is happening? :(
Do i sell? I can make a tiny bit of profit now

>> No.2074352

yes. always make profit.

>> No.2074359

This is what I always tell myself, but then i never do! I was about to sell at 300 butvi convinced myself it would keep climbing
Did you get out?

>> No.2074362


OK what do you guys make of this. Not a switch at 50k, but a mirror chain supposedly with the working STaTiC system, so what do we expect to see when 50 is hit?

>> No.2074370

there's no new information to decide in or out, the trading price is largely irrelevant, this is still moon or zero - not a scam / scam. Make your decisions now and stick with them.

>> No.2074374

yeah, before today. you can always get back in.

>> No.2074385

Guess no more lambos

>> No.2074386

I usually transfer from Yobit, but I just transferred from CC-EX and it hasnt been received in my XBY wallet.. whats the go?

>> No.2074388

Yeah, but if its getting dumped that will indicate it could be a scam

>> No.2074402

certainly could, but also just cold feet / people taking it as scam signal. for me if this dumps hard before 50k i'll be buying up for the cheap bet.

>> No.2074405

Im officially down on xby
Kill me

>> No.2074413

You guys are too thin skinned.
No way im selling right at the 50k mark.

>> No.2074421

it just tanked... HARD.

I think we all got shilled... I knew I shouldnt have fallen for this shit... but what the hell, IRON HANDS TILL THE END!


>> No.2074428

You call us pajeets all day on biz but who is the one laughing now? I just dump all my XBY on you poorfag American wagecuck. Thank you for easy money faggot :D now I will fuck more women than you ever been.

>> No.2074432

Dont read too much into this. Look at the chart, it rises dips some then runs horizontal till the next peek.

>> No.2074450
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>> No.2074451
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Is this true?

>> No.2074457

It has been a privilege

>> No.2074462




>> No.2074464
File: 19 KB, 833x257, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out suckaz



>> No.2074465

Sorry for not watching the gay video first...

>> No.2074471



....so i can buy cheap xby

>> No.2074475

Its not even at its 24 hr low. Hope you guys dont an hero for panic selling.

>> No.2074479

may I draw your attention to the nodes which are still being created. everyone clearly on edge here due to the scam possibility so expect markets to be pretty elastic up to the 50ks. do not make a decision based on those movements.

>> No.2074482

Keep selling fools

>> No.2074488
File: 1.14 MB, 480x480, 077fb0555e913454a527b63c42428b1640bd317273c16a6530ee49e1bba06969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a resource along the lines of "concepts and shit i wish i knew when i was starting out with crypto"?
or about stories of failed coins
it might be worth me reading up on those before dumping a few hundred in

>> No.2074491


>less than 100 sats to reach the 24 hr low

oh no m8, this is normal, kek

>> No.2074492


12k going straight in right this second.

GENTLEMEN! I will see you on the moon, or I will see you in hell.

what a time to be alive.

>> No.2074496


>> No.2074497
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>> No.2074499

I sent it from my wallet to Yobit like 10 minutes ago and it still hasn't shown up?

>> No.2074501

Are you drunk? Lol biz never changes

>> No.2074509

i bought 120 xby and withdrew it to my wallet and now i only have 20 xby wtf happened is the transaction fee really that high?

>> No.2074513




To all you running back. tell our story.

>> No.2074514

Yes. Flat fee at 100 as of now.

>> No.2074515


DUMB question comming through:

How do I run two seperate xby wallets on my pc?

>> No.2074531


>> No.2074541


>> No.2074542

with a modifier on the command, there's up to date instructions SOMEWHERE

>> No.2074548

750 blocks to go and more last minute nodes being registered, confidence is still being put into this 500k at a time

>> No.2074553

How do you see how many blocks there are?

>> No.2074565


Here you go

>> No.2074578

Skeptical about this coin. Will the whales not see block 50k as a dumping opportunity considering everyone expects the price to rise?

>> No.2074583

the whales are setting up nodes for the long term as seen by the rich list. there are multiple nodes owned by the same person. They think long term. You think they are gonna let their investment be worthless?

>> No.2074593


You're all a bunch of vaginas. Not even at 24/hour low. XBY is only going up. It needs some jagged teeth because of the rapid growth its experiencing - perfectly natural as traders take profit.

There is only one way this thing is going. Up.

>> No.2074594

Or maybe a whale trying to get more cheaper. After the coin is proven operational there won't be another chance.

Who knows. If digits I'm right

>> No.2074603

Yeah I guess so. Idk i've just made stupid mistakes with this crypto crap this is my last chance

>> No.2074610

you should be very skeptical. there will be dumps before 50k by those not interested in taking the bet on this being for real and just collecting profits on the last min fomo
yeah there was one fucken guy i mentioned just set up 16 nodes, quite an investment on such an uncertain coin.

>> No.2074621

I know man. Just a bit of fun roleplaying.

>> No.2074624

>You think they are gonna let their investment be worthless?

He only paid 1 sat for them.

>> No.2074635

fools way to think about it. he might have paid 1 sat, but he could take 260 sats for them.

>> No.2074639

>He only paid 1 sat for them.

>> No.2074654

looks like hash keeps picking up, I havn't noticed it at 11MH/s before, 725 blocks to go

>> No.2074661
File: 34 KB, 290x394, nypost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one set up a node on a Mac?

>> No.2074665

No he couldn't. Not enough orders.

>> No.2074681

I know...and that's why I love you /biz/

>> No.2074682

yfw withdrawals suspended...

I am ready XBY... I have lived a full life. take me into your dark dive to the bottom of despair.

>> No.2074687

who's roleplaying? I dropped 12k into this shit.


>> No.2074691

pls no lie

>> No.2074700

Pics or it didnt happen snepai

>> No.2074702

I'm dead fucking serious...I pulled all my ETH and BTC to do this. Im sick of waiting for small gains.
I'm in this shit all or nothing for better or worse.

in the long run, If I lose I wont die, but man the rush is like nothing else.

>> No.2074706

When did you buy?

>> No.2074721

fair point, he would have to sell down a long way

>> No.2074726

I love you man. Hope to see you soon on the moon. Good luck to us and all XBY long term holders here.

>> No.2074727

you're a brave man anon, and a god damn hero if this pulls off

>> No.2074729

1.) what is the benefit of a node in laymans terms
2.) what is the possible reward for a node
3.) how big of an investment do you need for a node

extra - been reading up in xby and would like to have more information about whats in store for the next 5 years, anyone know?

this is the first time im interested in a coin, I got lots of money but little knowledge on crypto - just looking to hold a select few coins for a few years then cash out

>> No.2074732

in the same boat. lurking for actual answers

>> No.2074743
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>putting 60 bucks into this

what color should my lambo be? i thinking matte black.

>> No.2074753

>long term investing in yobit shitcoins

>> No.2074760

most of it I got about an hour ago... didnt check the current price... I may or may not drinking in excess...

>> No.2074761

nodes give you a cut of network fees
best possible reward is a buy network and a lot of fees collected regularly
500k xby for a node
forget about 5 years, biggest truth will be revealed today, after that you can worry about 5 years

>> No.2074767

361 nodes now. You guys think we can clear 400 before block 50,000?

>> No.2074772

Now, if you fags are done panic selling...
Some tunes for the launch


>> No.2074780

Are static nodes online yet? My internet is down and I can't check slack

>> No.2074781

sorry, busy network

>> No.2074783

What's a good way to store this? Kind of a newfag

>> No.2074784

Fk I used up my crypto budget for the month. Anyone willing to trade 250k xby for 1000 GNT?

>> No.2074785

it's slowed up a bit now, we might see some more registered but any intending to do so need to hurry the fuck up
not yet, 690 blocks to go

>> No.2074786

Seriously though if an internet disruption stops me from registering my node I'll hang myself. Check the news in Las Vegas

>> No.2074789

I'm guessing the guy got scared and wanted to bleed us stack a little bit as a hedge against risk. I have over a million in mine, and I'm going to hold as the chance of making massive gains is very tempting.

>> No.2074795

Loan some to a brotha to get me my node running. Will pay a premium fee

>> No.2074804

far as i know it just needs to be registered by 50k, after that you can work out where to host it, i am not 100% on this

>> No.2074811

wish I could, desu.

Too lazy to set up a node myself, but I cant trust anybody with my precious xtrabytes. cept maybe the guy who wanted to trade some for golem... BUT ONLY SOME YOU FUCKER!

I still want to live and die by XBY

>> No.2074812

I still haven't created my nodes, because I don't have dedicated hosting and I'm unsure how viable they would be on my Mac laptop.

>> No.2074824

I believe you just need to register them by 50k and they don't need to be active from the same location at all times. Someone correct me if wrong.

>> No.2074828
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673 and counting down boys...

>> No.2074831

so what are we looking for at 50k, news that static nodes are working?

>> No.2074833

I think so

>> No.2074835

fuking retards nothing will happen at 50k except for the mirror blockchain being added lol

>> No.2074848


>> No.2074849

Coin will prove functional and put investors at ease.

>> No.2074858

that chain actually working is the major question surrounding this coin. if it doesn't then the lid may have been blown off the scam.

>> No.2074860
File: 14 KB, 418x140, 1494590733617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) The benefit of a node means that you receive a portion of the transaction fees in the xby network. Every time someone moves coins in the xby network, there is a fee. These fees go to the static nodes. Static nodes essentially run the network.

2) No one knows the exact amount of coins you'll get/day/week for running a node.

3) you need exactly 500,100 coins to run a static node

extra -

Data storage, for one. There are more features and services planned than just storage, though. CCR has not elaborated on them, but we can speculate that it will have some of the features of current coins.

There will be a "community governance board" so to speak, the minimum req will be 1 million XBY held, its for people who are invested in the project to help guide and make decisions.

We can be safe to assume that this kind of technology has the potential to be services for all kinds of people, but also corporations and banks if the network really is unhackable like Borzalom claims.

Also more developers are planned to come on once the network is up and running.

After the 50k block, node owners like me have to turn the nodes on. Afterwards, the old Bitmox block chain will be gradually phased into the new one.

I hope this answers your questions.

>> No.2074868

No. XBY is not a scam. There has simply been too much work put behind this coin for it to be a scam. I've registered 4 nodes. There is software inside the XBY wallets for registration. This is not the work of some trash scammer.

The tech behind this is real. The question will be if the technology actually works.

>> No.2074876

4 nodes. hot damn...
I am heavily invested in this too...

I dont think I can sleep till I see it go forward.
to much adrenaline going anyway.

>> No.2074877

Yeah well I'm here waiting for the evidence of this work.

>> No.2074880

get some rest now anon, its still hours away

>> No.2074884


Be careful man. That's gambler talking if I've ever heard one. Calculated risks are one thing but that gambling rush is another.

Even if you become a zillionaire off of this you will still have to work on your patience / self-control or risk loosing it all.

>> No.2074887
File: 693 KB, 1920x897, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found a photo of Borzalom.

I believe the term "Hungarian Mad Scientist" fits perfectly here. Untested technology. A rogue developer with a crazy Canadian marketer. No funding.

This is the real deal. Doesn't get any realer than this.

Im hodling to the very end. Godspeed, lads.

>> No.2074889

What I'm hoping is that this reaches about $.01 in the next few months. $.10-$.30 maybe by the end of the year. $1 maybe next year?

If PIVX reached $1 there's no reason why XBY shouldn't.

>> No.2074891

we need a new thread

>> No.2074892


>The tech behind this is real. The question will be if the technology actually works.

This. They have the sort of autism that's hardly compatible with a scam. The real question is if it will work.

>> No.2074895
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All you guys with a node makes me feel like a pleb. 100k club though!

>> No.2074899

kek yeah well it's sure a fair bit of fun we're having right now i have to say. enjoy this day boys, it may be our last. if not then i call on that anon with 1MM XBY to make sure you have the board set the lambo party up.

>> No.2074907

Ok guys lets do scenarios

1. Everything works, static nodes are awesome, ppl are getting value
>we head to the moon

2. Static nodes don't work perfectly, but show potential
we lose 50%

3. This was an excellent scam that made XBY bag holders rich
We lose it all

Even if scenario 3 plays out, don't kys. There will be other ships to the moon.

>> No.2074918

if the static thing works at all / even exists i think this still heads up, main problem people seem to have right now is that there is no static network and as it stands this is just another PoW coin that is miles behind a lot of similar projects.

>> No.2074929

> shit takes off
> becomes global currency
> only the top 300 or so owners of xby allowed on board of directors due to insanely high buy in pricd
> 90% of world population controls 0.01% of xby
> essentially a non-democratic global minarchy
Xby will bring on the darkest times in human history

>> No.2074933

for fuck's sake why won't yobit recognize my deposit
i know blocks have been solved already god damn

>> No.2074940

yobit is a piece of shit

i moved my coins there just incase but it's taking forever to confirm

i guess im holding

>> No.2074958

I have 70k in purgatory because of yobit. I'm scared.

>> No.2074959

normal for it to take a while, is this BTC you've sent?

>> No.2074992

Anyone else getting bored and rolling dice on Yobit?

>> No.2074996

bout to, you know a link for an offline wallet?

>> No.2075001

if we had to guess, how long until we hit the magic node count?
wondering if i have time to sleep a bit and check back with yobit to see if my goddamn deposit would have finished by then

>> No.2075003


>> No.2075006

looks like 7-10 hrs

>> No.2075011

this. get some sleep

>> No.2075013

oh set the wallets up first and be ready to go if you're doing a node

>> No.2075027
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, f8f9b20c9bccc0427f430f20388d545153b58bd10de40b03b1f5a13887679931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do, thanks
first time in crypto, too risk averse to go big like a node.
do i have to do anything special for the wallet? yobit seems to have an xby wallet ready for me.
also what's up with "Wallet status: Delayed (##### blocks)"
i guess i should've asked these questions in an /sqt/ actually

>> No.2075048

if this is your first play in crypto then take it easy with XBY, there are plenty of coins with a lot more substance under them, XBY is a big gamble.

>> No.2075055

thanks, will do. was only planning on dropping in $50usd anyways.
which i might have lost since i sent coinbase BTC to the yobit BTC deposit address while it still said "Wallet status: Delayed (466286 blocks)".
we'll see i guess

>> No.2075063

Lesson 1:
Never transfer coin to yobit when the status delayed. It'll arrived probably tomorrow.

>> No.2075202

it's locked for maintenance or something, raises the eyebrows, you may have been saved here buddy.

>> No.2075203

sorry ignored that you're sending BTC, the XBY wallet is also shut, guess it could really just be normal maintenance, wouldn't be the most unusual time.

>> No.2075212

Dude if you're still here set one up NOW. You don't understand how much money you're missing out on if you don't. We're in the final hours right now. Check this for help

>> No.2075242

Shit that's fucken nuts to hold the coins yet not register the node