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20731886 No.20731886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know he’s right. Capitalism is a self destructive ideology because it praises extreme concentrations of wealth and power in the hands of completely amoral sociopaths as good; the result of legitimate market forces.

>> No.20731899
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We need a better system.

>> No.20731912


>> No.20731918


>> No.20732120

>It's time to evolve to an economy defined by blah blah blah...
>Political economy is failing
>Let's try an other political economy.

>> No.20732259

The only capitalism sucks (and I mean only reason) is children make our cloths for 10 cents a week. Our electriconics are made by foreign entities that put their workers in worse conditions than the mill girls with the same pay as the mill girls. Our food is being harvested by illegals getting paid 25 cents an hour.

All for maxing profits and cheap goods for us. We just dont care.

But I love cheap goods and so do Americans sooo yeah

>> No.20732422

Read Atlas Shrugged you dirty commies.

>> No.20732671

In the 4th industrial revolution all the commies will be on ubi slightly better than welfare
The productive 10% will be trading $20k internet coins in flying Lambos

Win win

>> No.20732677


>read a Jewish fan fiction novel


>> No.20732689

we tried the better alternative but you called us antisemites

>> No.20732916

Defi will make the 1% an egalitarian meritocracy instead of a nepotistic hoarding cabal

Lazy commies will still be in the 99% even under perfect capitalism

>> No.20732946

Money isn't even real

>> No.20733035


Based and MMT pilled

>> No.20733118

this is corporatism, not capitalism.
working for nothing against your will is slavery.

>> No.20733185


>It’s not REAL capitalism!

You’re just as bad as tankies

>> No.20733188
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You know you aren't the savior of 4chan right? You're the the newfag who showed up, declared himself an oldfag and decided to turn the website into a heap of garbage so you could make every website on the planet as gay and shit as the other ones. Very typical behavior of a communist. You're life is shit so you think everyone elses is and then you go around pretending to be the savior of the working class people when in reality you're just shitting on their livelihoods.

Fuck your black skinny jeans. Fuck your faggot ass glass jaw. Fuck your normalfag opinons. Get the black cock out your mouth and shut the fuck up before I smack the shit out of you. This is 4chins, my anime is lolicon and my business is chainlink nigger.

>> No.20733210

Blue Checkmark means autism

>> No.20733270

lol believing human nature can be changed in a couple of years through any means. You autocrats are all sick in the head, all I want is eating nuts, scratch mine and shoot niggers and jews who try to get to my nuts

>> No.20733320

America isn't capitalist though.

It is more socialist than fucking communist china lmao. It has higher taxes and it's harder to start a business lmaoo

>> No.20733486
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Look at this retarded faggot. Imagine living life as a sheep. The concept that he can be anything other than a wagie doesn't even occur to him. He is not only bound by the imaginary laws of man but the expectations of his social circle.

>> No.20733501


Brainlet take using Heritage Foundation talking points

>> No.20733540


Yeah, he should become a capitalist and live off of other people’s labor.

>> No.20733665


No really though you're never going to make it. At a certain point its up the the normalfag to take control of his own life. If he's a retarded sheep like you incapable of taking charge of his own life he doesn't deserve to ever be free.

>> No.20733667

There's nothing wrong with using other people's labor.

>> No.20733799
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and as we all know of course communism is a better plan as they are capable of being equal and sustainable and preventing natural disasters efficiently

pic related

as mentioned a better plan was tried but the same people that are environmentalist today cried it was antisemitic back then

>> No.20733900


Ok Chaim

>> No.20733939


You don’t want to get into capitalism’s environmental record, trust me


Careful with that edge, kid

>> No.20734056

He's not wrong, but 90% of jobs will disappear with automation. So most will just accept ubi and still won't better their lot even then with decentralization removing the current gov/big biz shackles of making it.

>> No.20734123
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>You know he’s right. Capitalism is a self destructive ideology because it praises extreme concentrations of wealth and power in the hands of completely amoral sociopaths as good; the result of legitimate market forces.

>> No.20734365

Capitalism is a buzzword that purposefully can mean whatever the person involved dislikes about the world. Its original conception was part of a historical narrative that makes very little sense in retrospect, so you won't get a better understanding of anything or come to any solid conclusions through it. This includes those who rush to take the side of defending it.
Power is power regardless of its manifestation, capital exists whether it is formalized in money or not.

>> No.20734493


Only the system known as capitalism places capital as the be-all-end-all of everything and demands that humans subordinate their entire society to it.

>> No.20734675

Except that capital was still the highest value purauit pre capitalism with the sometime exception of war expense, which has been eradicated in 1st world capitaliat countries. You will get exactly what you want in the future, everyone getting 1:1value of created value via one's own labor, but commies will stiil be too lazy and retarded too make even without goverment interference,waging and having ubi.

This non working ideology will be exposed even when conditions are perfect to make it work.

>> No.20734742

chekt. capitalism is fake and gay.
>b-but it got so many people out of poverty!!
no, government policy shifting money from wealthy countries to poor countries did that, not capitalism.

>> No.20734787

>muh capitalism
were living in a world controlled by central banks
central banks are literally described in the communist manifesto
maybe you can put 2+2 together

>> No.20734804

The problem with a “sustainable healthy economy” is that its too ridged and not flexible enough to deal with sudden extreme changes or events

The only reason why capitalism works and communism doesn’t is the free market allows for “luck” and chance while communists leave nothing to chance, thus random unpredictable events hit them far harder.

>> No.20734807

The 20 year old communists online have yet to explain to me how that wouldn't just end up happening under any form of socialist state too. The corrupt will always find a way to fill a power vacuum

>> No.20735001

>not real capitalism!!!!!1111

>> No.20735041

yeah cuz capitalist america did such a good job dealing with covid-19

>> No.20735308


Damn so England hasn’t been a capitalist country since the 1600s. Really makes me think.

>> No.20735362
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Anything that has value is capital. You can define value any way you want, but everything is capital in its strict definition. Family is genetic and emotional capital. Friendships are social capital. Attractiveness is sexual capital.
Money/private property is just one of the ways of manifesting that, one that pops up when a wielder of political capital needs to keep track of his subjects and their capital in a formalized way.
This happens because once societies grow past the point of everyone knowing everyone else, behavior can no longer be kept in check through staking of social capital. A sovereign then benefits from setting out a responsive incentive system/market neural network to be engaged with by his subjects, since he collects his tributes from that.
This is no special case system any different from what humans have ever had in the history of the species being sentient enough to form large groups.
People who currently seek power through other means (consensus-forming, information/education/media industries) will attack money and property because they stand to gain from comparatively strengthening political capital and there's no longer an absolute ruler at the helm to prevent that political capital from leaking out. People who still have capital through assets and money will try defend it. All the while the waters are muddied in this battle through shady economic policy that exchanges political and monetary capital.
None of that is either good or bad, but it just is the incentive system as it stands.

>> No.20735551

Capitalism is inherently more decentralized that communism. In both systems you can have issues that stem from a central point of failure, but in a communist system you place most, if not all, of power in the hands of one centralized authority which is the government. In a capitalist system there is a constant fight for power between a select few individuals and the government. That is why, me thinks, communism tends to fail faster than capitalism because there is one single entity with all of the power and sometimes even a few barely elected individuals controlling the country until it is "given back to the people". We need a hard reset. The French did it right.

>> No.20735712


Capitalism ends up just as centralized. 600 billionaires control the US economy. It’s feudalism all over again but we have iPhones.

>> No.20735860

Yeah no Reddit.
Centralization that causes collapse, not distribution of wealth.
Even if Buffet pancakes 100 joggers tomorrow in a BLM march in his Buick, the system still remains.

>> No.20736036

Yes and I somewhat agree, but would you not also agree that it took far longer for this to happen? Compare this to any communist system that fails after 50 years. Even the Chinese had to change their policies drastically in order to survive and then thrive. My point being that capitalism is the slowest system to be corrupted by greed. Quite ironically too.

>> No.20736114

It's not free, you're retarded and that guy's clearly never been to a communist country

>> No.20736136

morality is a spook. sorry you commie retards couldnt cut it but your selective application of moral standards transparently only serves as window dressing in what is a violent assault on my property rights. this is now a self defense situation

>> No.20736335


>morality is a spook
>believes in private property

Try actually reading Stirner next time kid

>> No.20736372
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On a global level we need unified ethno-states with constitutional monarchy/meritocracy hybrid governments and Nordic model economies. I wonder if the brainlets on here can even visualize/imagine such an optimal system.

>> No.20736407

Also we need to implement a global eugenics programs and maintain a global population below 1.5 billion humans.

>> No.20736453

You know communism is jewish, right?

>> No.20736456
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This anon knows what's up

>> No.20736459

Commies can nationalize my bullets. I will even deliver them for free

>> No.20736470

Tell your commie friends to buy AMPL if you want to make it

>> No.20736506


I don’t think you know what capitalism is.

>> No.20736515


You know they’re both Jewish, right?

>> No.20736542


You know who had free housing and healthcare? Slaves.

>> No.20736545


Anything capitalists want to claim=capitalism
Anything capitalists don’t want to claim=not capitalism


>> No.20736559

Sort of interesting. Is there a term for this philosophy of capital you're describing? I want to read more.

>> No.20736574

More like fiat itself is a ploy used to drain normies.

>> No.20736637

>children make our cloths for 10 cents a week. Our electriconics are made by foreign entities that put their workers in worse conditions than the mill girls with the same pay as the mill girls.

Using communist slaves in communist economies.

>Our food is being harvested by illegals getting paid 25 cents an hour.

And they do it, because that’s better than options in their own country.

>> No.20736649

>it will work this time

>> No.20736724

Nah. It actually just exposes jealousy. The vast majority have more than they need. It’s all abt jealousy

>> No.20736771

>tfw normies don't understand that capitalistic industry demands a local production method and that outsourcing labor doesn't at all define the true essence of capitalism.

Jesus christ these people are absolute brainlets.

>> No.20736799
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Capitalism and communism are both economic systems that were implemented by Jews in order to determine which system was better as a means of population and resource control. The (((Bolsheviks))) seized power and established communism in Russia, while the Zionists created the Federal Reserve and established their crony capitalism. In the case of communism, it allowed for immediate seizure of resources/means of production, but obviously people were not incentivized to be productive when they were guaranteed the same reward as the person next to them. On the other hand, the variant of crony capitalism, implemented and controlled by Zionists, allowed for the labor force to be very productive under the illusory banner of the "American dream", so ultimately it proved to be a superior system for control of the goy cattle. What you guys fail to realize is that the kikes want to genocide all the goy cattle one day. Why do you think (((Google))), (((Facebook))) and other kikes are investing so heavily into artifical intelligence and robotics? Once they replace the labor force with robots, they will have ZERO USE FOR US ANYMORE. At that point they'll attempt to kill us via whatever means they have available at the time. Think about it, why the fuck would they bother keeping 7.8+ billion humans alive? Each person represents another mouth to feed, another black hole for the consumption of resources. The kikes want a world of their own, but people are too stupid to see this and/or too distracted playing the kikes' financial game i.e. a Rothschild financial pyramid scheme. See pic related.

>> No.20736819

get the fuck out comrade. just because you’re a loser that contributes nothing of value to society doesn’t mean we owe you anything. there is literally nothing stopping you from acquiring your own resources aside from you being a lazy dumb nigger so maybe stop complaining and go get some like the rest of us?

>> No.20736834
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Such a system has never been implemented. Kys kike

>> No.20736861
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Checked, based and red-pilled

>> No.20736874

Nigger, /ourguys/ crafted the free market and saw it flourish.
Capitalism isn't Jewish, you fucking brainlet. It's our only way out of this shit.

>> No.20736881
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>> No.20736925
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>> No.20736929

>I go on /pol/ and now I understand politics completely.
Too bad you hardly have a grasp for the chessboard and still can't get past the whole jewish facade bullshit.
You do realize the vast majority of people wallowing about Jews controlling everything are... wait for it... Jews, right?

>> No.20736958
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>"the only way out of this hell hole is to continue playing the game that created this hell hole"

>> No.20736996
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You do realize niggers, and the other minority pawns of the Jews, are waking up to the truth and will ultimately genocide you fucking kikes, right?

>> No.20737044

Bailouts are not capitalism

>> No.20737078
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Based negress.

>> No.20737150

>post written on a macbook air on a site hosted by amazon web services while drinking a starbucks triple søy latte

>> No.20737245

Yes, jews are generally obnoxious, conniving trash, but that doesn't mean they're anywhere near as competent as you brainlets think.
The families are much, much worse.

The only morans falling for the "capitalism = bad" trope (crafted by jews and their collard goyim) are teenagers who haven't experienced the world yet.
The free market our founding fathers envisioned is the true aim of /ourguys/ and children like you who get easily distracted with the specific thing that JIDF, Unit 8200 and all of their lackeys desire you to are doomed to eternal disappointment when you finally realize that you got got.

>everyone I disagree with is a Jew
You do realize the meme with these leftist children at these universities is as follow, correct?
>everyone I disagree with is a Nazi
Somehow, the same hilarious bullshit is capturing your focus, just like the starbucks tranny faggots we all love to make fun of.
Grow up.
The only way we actually get anything done is by finding out specifically which people, not groups to which they belong so we can lament the groups, are to blame for our problems.
Yes, plenty of them happen to be jewish, but are we going to blame all of the baby jews being born right now for our problems, or are we going to go and find the specific men and women who are to blame, no matter what group they belong to?

Jews always want you to think they're more competent than they are. In reality, they're easily controlled (besides a few elites, who simply call themselves "Jewish" but aren't) and are therefore used widely as useful idiots.

Jews love to bolster themselves by convincing young university kids that they control the world.
You fell for it.

>> No.20737265
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Maybe capitalism wouldn't be so fucking awful if you wrote direct laws that protected megacorps that let them duck taxes, have unfair and uncompetitive patents, and then cuck small businesses with other taxes on goods that they can't absorb

Fucking clowns.

>> No.20737270


Kys Chaim

>> No.20737328

You don't think Black leaders sold you out en masse?
You don't think White leaders sold you out en masse?

Niggers have long been used as puppets.
Whites have long sold their tribe out.

No one plays by tribe anymore. It's either haves or have nots now.
Grow the hell up.

Look in to the 4th Reich. Look in to Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, etc.
You people are children.

>> No.20737339
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Capital gains tax plus UBI would be the best compromise between capitalists and communists that I can think of.

>> No.20737352
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Also daily reminder that communist filth get the rope

>> No.20737446

So you want a world where you can only benefit from your own labor? Enjoy sleeping on the dirt in the woods and dying in a month.

>> No.20737453
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You said it yourself, the majority of the enemies of humanity are Jewish. There are goy accomplices that help facilitate the globalist agenda, but at the core it is, and always has been, a Zionist/Jewish undertaking. 109 nations/territories throughout history have already done what was necessary in order to protect their countries from Jewish subversion. Now that we are globally connected, #110 needs to be a global purge in Minecraft, and everyday more and more people are realizing this to be true, and necessary.

>> No.20737477


*Capital gains tax of 100%

>> No.20737530

We’re here to make money not the opposite gtfo

>> No.20737539


Wtf I want to enrich other people via my own labor now

>> No.20737552
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The conception itself comes from Neoreaction, though we just call it 'power'. The difference in terminology is just a matter of linguistic tribalism.
It's a mix of classical Machiavellian political realism with the modern Dawkins conceptions of the nature of human ideas (memes) and their associated memeplexes as biological analogues that are equally subject to Darwinian selection, but replicate through acquisition of power rather than biomass. When you understand that, you can look at prominent ideologies for what they are actually doing with power under the curtain rather than their narratives, like how you could see the reasons why a human really likes sugar instead of just saying it tastes good.
If you are interested, check out https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/

>> No.20737633

>capitalism is collapsing
>tweeted from twitter for iphone
yep, using and supporting capitalism to tell people that it's dead, makes perfect sense.

>> No.20737694

yeah, everyone who can see the current system doesn't work should sell all of their belongings and live in the woods so they don't appear hypocritical.

>> No.20737732

Explain how an economy can exist without benefiting from the labor of others.

>> No.20737755
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I already gave you brainlets the answer: >>20736372
Never change, /biz/

>> No.20737798

>slaves are treated better than the free working people
i love living in clown world