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20734506 No.20734506 [Reply] [Original]

Alright fags time for some truth, you need it.

> Bitcoin is an obsolete, centralized shitshow and at this point only a meme/scam perpetrated by the owners of the mining farms.

> Etherium is also obsolete because it does not scale. Also spaghetticode full of security holes. Can never be the base for defi that gets actually used (instead of just pumped & dumped). Eth 2.0 will not fix this.

> Ampleforth is a scam for brainlets who are easily dazzled by smart and mathy sounding economics. Increasing or decreasing the supply of a currency has exactly zero effect of the value everyone holds. I do not see how this is so hard to get.

> Kleros is an awesome idea and IF it works will be the basis for ancap internet economy without laws or taxes. The fact that they already started putting limitations on what kind of contracts you make and that the dev-whales hold 1/3rd of tokens is not a good sign.

> Cardano will sooner or later shadow all other projects, since it is the only 100% provably unbreakable and decentralized chain. Because of this it will be the only one anyone can rely upon to bank the unbanked and make smart contracts beyond cryptokitties and ICOs and PoCs.

> The US-economy will never crash, simply because you are not living under capitalism anymore. They will just brrrrr forever if need be, or at least until the economy starts working again. Unemployment does not matter at all. Noone will be allowed to leave the dollar as reserve.

> Boomerrocks will still rise in value, because everyone knows this and they do not get mined as fast as USDs brrrrd.

>> No.20734557

>seething poor priced out scum of the earth
you are going to put in labor camps and killed retarded animal

>> No.20734577
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> We say "swingers get the rope" because it has been shown that market timing does not work, all you are doing is gambling.

> TA is astrology for men, if it worked TA-bots would have already eaten all the alpha (together with the million poorfags wanting to make it as a daytrader). More likely is you are falling victim to some instragram/youtube-shill who sells you his channel.

> Masturbation is healthy as long as you don't overdo it. This includes not fapping before you want to work. A few days of nofap are an awesome energy boost, anything beyond that just kills your dick. It is mostly a psyop and a meme which will force you into marriage before you are ready.

> Even though boomers are assholes they are right when they say you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Does not excuse their lack of support though.

> Big, reputable corporations are a meme. Everyone who has worked inside one can confirm what a dysfunctional shitshow they are.

> Suits with deadlines and "if you publish when the product is finished you are too late" are absolute cancer. They are the reason nothing fucking works and gets hacked all the time.

> Christianity is objectively wrong and slave morality. Might still be useful to follow as practical advice.

>> No.20734616

BTC is a obsolete shitcoin. ADA is a scam. Ampleforth is a scam.

PNK and ETH though have some legit value.

>> No.20734688

ADA is launching their mainnet in two days, I could understand your sentiment a few years ago but you need to update fren.

ETH has some use but is still broken af. Especially compared to Cardano.

>> No.20734873

kys poor fag.
you're so poor and such a loser your existence is painful for others.
your dad left you for a reason. he knew.

>> No.20734913

Cardano has no workable product. Buy silver miners or go bust

>> No.20734942

>Suits with deadlines and "if you publish when the product is finished you are too late" are absolute cancer.
I have no idea what this means.

>> No.20735004

>Increasing or decreasing the supply of a currency has exactly zero effect of the value everyone holds
you are fucking retarded aren't you?

>> No.20735092

you forgot to mention that LINK will be worth $1000 in 2 years

>> No.20735139
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It will in two days.

If you ever worked in IT you will never be able to build reliable shit, because the MBAs (read: Fratboys who want to emulate pic related instead of just learning math and coding) push you to market at 80%. This is the sole reason everything gets hacked all the fucking time.

> proportionally
If I have two chucky-cheese and you have one, what does it change exactly if I get another two and you another one? Proportional slice of the supply is all that matters and it does not get changed by this. Real simple really if you think about it

>> No.20735200

Daily reminder '17+ fags opinions are worthless

>> No.20735258

You know you will reach that age too sometime, right?

>> No.20735263
File: 105 KB, 1372x606, FD50EE31-0EF2-4BAE-93C2-57576021A18B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you even included kleros in here is bullish af. Don’t worry about the distribution. Linkies will say it’s bullish!

>> No.20735285

not at all. you are just a worthless person. our weak world doesnt give proper feedback, so just doing it
there is a reason why you come from generations of poverty.

>> No.20735301

Terrible advice, you’re not cool, I don’t read half of it. You sound desperate for someone to care about you. I suggest you get off the computer and go outside and try to meet actual humans. If that doesn’t work, seek help.

>> No.20735347

I am bullish on Kleros and desu would like to see more fud on it, so I can feel better about having sold the recent ATH for ADA.

uuuh u real mad

>> No.20735365

The ultimate FUD copy pasta thread. Well done, OP.

>> No.20735414

show me screencap of original then, or tell me where I am wrong

Protip you can't

>> No.20735426

>u real mad
I know exactly what you are in real life. I’d curb stomp you if I ever saw you. Godspeed

>> No.20735490

incel speech bubble dot jpeg

>> No.20736096
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thought so

>> No.20736235

>OP supports Cardano
You literally have no idea what the fuck you're doing kek. Hope the doc has a worried look on his face the next time you go in for a check up.

>> No.20736359

y tho

you gambled on it being a scam because you are spoiled by faster projects. You know why they are fast? Because they rush things that should not be rushed. Truth is 99% of tech world (not only crypto) is little more than pnd, we call it "agile".

Really hoping it will all come crushing down some day. On the other hand, the responsible parties will not be blamed, in the end it will be the developer's fault like always.

>> No.20736508
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You don't understand what Agile project management is.
You don't understand Bitcoin.
You don't understand Ethereum and its ecosystem.
You don't understand why shitcoins fail.
You don't understand JACK SHIT.

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.20736585

found the MBA

>> No.20736622

I'm not spoiled by anything and I don't expect roadmaps to be lightning fast. I expect shit to be done with precision, tact, and a clear goal. Cardano lacks a goal, a purpose, and is laughable.

You're right. Most crypto is useless. Most of it shouldn't even have a token. Most of it will fizzle out when Bitcoin drivechains become a reality. None of it will thrive outside of Ethereum, until then. It's Bitcoin and Ethereum and it's the projects they power. In the long run, that's it. And I'm still not 100% sold on Ethereum though I do really like it.

>> No.20736854

Nice blogpost Charles, don't use reddit spacing next time you fat fuck though?

>> No.20736926

But Cardano has clear goals
> create provably unbreakable and actually usable blockchain
> first proof your algorithms with rigor and peer review of actual researchers
> then implement it using a language you can formally proof equivalence to your papers
> use this reliable, scalable and decentralized thing to bank the unbanked and as a platform for smart contracts that are actually used. Remember we are talking about people's money here.

I'll give you a better answer since I'm bored.

If you ever read any book about project management you would know that agile has its drawbacks. You pay for the flexibility with less ability to plan ahead. Mostly my hate is sarcastic, though; many managers who push us devs to fuck testing and just ignore the bugs *for now* (haha as if) justify it with being "agile".

If you had ever read a book about startups you would know the common advice is "hack together a barely working PoC, if people sign up for it flesh it out as needed". This is the opposite of security- and tech-debt-conscious development.

> Etherium
Can be excused if you are not a tech person

> Bitcoin


noticeable lack of arguments is noted

>> No.20737262

>Bitcoin drivechains
will do fuck all. IF they ever get built (big if). Not sure why anyone would think this.

How will they replace tokens like PNK or LINK or ADA?
Why would anyone prefer to use Boomercoin instead of clean and nimble Cardano?

Sounds like shallow marketing attempt by desperate miners targeting dual-IQ herd animals.

>> No.20737307

kys coding monkey stop acting like you know better than people who've been around longer.
I manage people like you in my day job and you're all the same: extremely arrogant, young, get fired up about stupid shit, and you have zero social skills which is why you're managed and not managing others.
No MBA either, faggot. Just a BSc.
I started out automating network management tasks with Python and moved up from there.
My point here is that you're an arrogant retard who isn't as intelligent as you think you are.
So again, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.

>> No.20737361

Don't care about your non-crypto opinions. This is a Business and finance board.

>> No.20737370

You are High IQ chad !

Hope to read more in future of you.

>> No.20737449

If you are that smart, give facts why BTC is superior to ADA tech related.

>> No.20737501

by all means, continue buying cardano please do

>> No.20737538
File: 72 KB, 485x364, download (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who've been around longer.
Classical boomer argument. It's not the 1920s anymore gramps (although I doubt that worked even back then)

> Just a BSc.
> Criticizes people who have foregone big money for years in order to learn actual skills instead of just being a filthy parasite sociopath, pardon, "having social skills"
The nerve

Also for some reason we young, arrogant, antisocial people seem to get along just fine without obsolete slavedrivers.

Something tells me you went to Cornell also didn't you.

It is because he read an article paid for by a chink miner who does not want to lose his investment is why

No need to tell me that fren but thanks for the advice

>> No.20737737
File: 100 KB, 500x368, opsuckscawk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 33 and I was referring to people who've been in the crypto markets longer than you have.

>equates having real social skills to parasitic sociopath behavior
I'm done here. You're too stupid to hold a conversation with.

>> No.20737784

Seriously , how can anybody still believe in the "Bitcoin is decentralized" meme?

It started as 1cpu = 1 vote back in the years.

Today you have a few Asic farms controlling the chain.

Even mining hardware production is patent .

This all will become even more centralized over time.

Energy consumption of a whole nation state for 7tps - the opposite of being efficient and tech progress.

>> No.20737893

Thanks for the pic fren

Tell me then why I am wrong instead of just invoking authority by age.

>equates having real social skills to parasitic sociopath behavior
No, just people who add no value but detract it by entrenching themselves through politics, on which they can spend 100% of their time because again, they provide no value.

They can't, otherwise they would

>> No.20738277

Hmm...two reddit-spacing faggots circle-jerking over BTC being obsolete.
Or more than likely 1 arrogant little faggot who is desperately begging for validation and attention.
Nobody needs to argue with you, just look at the charts.
Even though they're slow and inefficient in their current forms, both ETH and BTC have been leading the way for years, and will continue to do so regardless of raging incels like yourself.

>> No.20738445

You didn't write 1 single fact why Bitcoin is not going the centralized route over time.

Only brabbeling

>> No.20738733

He also mentioned that we use the newline which in of itself is a breddy strong point, since it is also used on reddit, indicating that we are normally posting there.

> leading the way
Yes hence the pic in the OP. Was awesome experiment back then and necessary, obsolete for the dame reason you are not using a Zuse anymore. Same for ETH.