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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20729968 No.20729968 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys. I'm a newfag to this board and I've only been lurking for a few hours. The sticky doesn't explain shit so I'm just gonna ask for a quick rundown. I don't know anything about finances besides going to work, taking home my check at the end of the week and spending it. Although, I'm not a complete retard with my money. I save and always make sure I've got some backup dough for emergencies or a good deal on something. I want to get into investing. I downloaded robinhood cuz it's free. Haven't gotten started yet because they are still processing my info. I also don't want to start until I know what I'm getting into. I've tossed around the idea of investing many times in the past, but I just never really cared enough because I made good enough money. Now, I've seen great opportunities where I could have easily made tons of money had I invested and I don't want to miss out on it anymore. Any sort of advice or tips would be appreciated

>> No.20730124

Come on guys. I just need a little help getting started

>> No.20730227

Here's the most important advice you'll ever get on biz: Look at what everyone on biz is doing and do the exact opposite. 70% of the threads here are pajeet scams and the rest are retards buying into said scams. If the trend is everyone on biz is buying, sell and vice-versa. Call me back when you're a millionaire.

>> No.20730314

That's definitely a good start. I've already seen many threads of guys going broke. I'm sure some were just jokes, but I know people irl that do stocks and go totally bankrupt. And I didn't really have any interest in buying bitcoin or link or any other shit like that. Mostly just wanted to invest in normal companies and not quick startups looking to make a buck.

>> No.20730342


>> No.20730351
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Buy physical gold and silver, along with the GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ mining indices on the stock market. The whole system is collapsing, and you need to get out of the dollar now. https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/19669109 >>20675348 >>20597543 >>20603169

>> No.20730359

I mean, if you see something, even in crypto, that you understand and can rationalize as a good technology whose token's price will pump, go for it. Especially in the current bull run, I've made 7x to 10x on some coins. Just be careful to always use your own rationalization about why it will go up or down. Not the number of threads/shills in here.

>> No.20730370
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Since you are new and i guess you want to play it pretty safe, you should just buy some top index fund or some "Safe" stocks. It wont make you super rich but your money will grow and it wont be a gamble.

>> No.20730387

>I don't know anything about finances besides going to work, taking home my check at the end of the week and spending it. Although, I'm not a complete retard with my money.
oh nonono

>nd I didn't really have any interest in buying bitcoin or link or any other shit like that

>> No.20730399

And also stay away from crypto if you dont want to sell your soul. There is huge money to be made and lost there. But stocks is more "safe"

>> No.20730524
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Honestly man I'm not really interested in the whole buying precious metals bit. I've got many trades to my name and I know in an all out collapse, I can absolutely survive and thrive. My skillrange includes but is not limited to industrial equipment maintenance and repair including engines and hydraulic systems, plumbing of any sorts, welding and general iron working, hunting and any other food gathering activity, carpentry, guns etc etc. In a shit hits the fan scenario, I'll be more than capable of making a living, surviving and thriving. I also don't believe gold will be worth that much. Places like that fort in america, that underground vault in britain, the fuckin cnn headquarters are all filled to the brim with more gold than you could ever think to do with. In a shtf scenario, the people that own these places will still remain rich as fuck or if they are killed, this gold will be taken in large quantities and ruining it's value. I would rather have actual skills and services to sell than gold and silver

>> No.20730547

I've already made it big man. I just want to make more and see no reason why I should exclude investing from ways to increase my wealth

>> No.20730572

>And I didn't really have any interest in buying bitcoin or link or any other shit like that. Mostly just wanted to invest in normal companies and not quick startups looking to make a buck.

Ok, you do you OP. I just want you to know that I turned $5000 into $250,000 with crypto. Already cashed out $75k for student loans and im letting the rest ride.
But you enjoy your safe gains.

>> No.20730614

Yea I intend to play it kind of safe. I'm not completely terrified of the idea of losing a few hundred, but I'd rather not. I've been watching the market for a while now. Really wish I had invested in amd before they released there ryzen processors. I'd have a small fortune by now

>> No.20730666

Yea I know you can make big big money on crypto but its just not a game I want to play in. I've heard of people buying like a hundred bucks worth of it many years ago and are now millionaires. I kind of have a feeling that cryptos are going to be oversaturated soon and won't be worth much by the time I get to it, but I don't know enough to really say.

>> No.20730695

>Already cashed out $75k for student loans
accidentally brushed over this. bro I honestly don't want your advice if you blew 75k on the biggest scam in history

>> No.20730719

The reason people are still bullish on crypto is because the entire usecase and future outlook has changed. While before people thought it would be used as a currency or replacement for fiat, now people are looking more towards smart contracts and DeFi. So another bullrun is possible, which is why its smart to have a crypto nest egg in the right places. I know you're not interested but I figure you should know this if you're gonna spend time on /biz/.

>> No.20730728
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>I'm a newfag
>only been lurking for a few hours
This has to be bait. If not, we buy and sell crypto here retard. If you want advice on options trading, /smg/ is where you need to lurk. Go through the educational links and watch the khan academy videos on finance. If you need another r*dditnigger to show you how to use spreads and how to actually do options trading watch these playlists:
You're probably going to lose all your money anyway though.

>> No.20730759

Post your salary and age.
Mine is $95k, and im 22 years old. On track for another 5% raise this September.

Do you know how I know you're an old boomer in a non technical position? Because you don't understand blockchain at all.

>> No.20730763
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All you have to do is put as much money as you won’t need for rent into these and forget about them for s few years.

If you are a wage slave playing around and investing in companies is as waste of time because they won’t make you any money for 15 years. Also, you’re starting out with small stakes that will not grow. Even if you have a good year and make 30% in the stock market, what’s 30% of $500? You’re going to break you balls to make $150 over a year at best? Nobody makes that much anyway.

Just buy those cryptos and forget about them. Nothing else will moon.

>> No.20731006

I said I'm not interested but honestly I don't mind throwing a little bit of money to the wind and seeing which way it blows.
thanks for the links bro.
I guess that's fair enough. Like I said, Im not opposed to throwing about a bit of money.
Where do you live because that's an important factor as well. I make 85k a year with no debt and a fully paid off house in a small town in north dakota. The difference between making 95k in a big city and a small town is huge

>> No.20731026

Also networking is far more important than having a degree.

>> No.20731115

Don't wanna start a new thread.
But how do you go about starting a product based business.
I finally have a good idea for a product, but no idea where to start.
Do I have to firstly make a prototype and then go about a patent for it or?

>> No.20731142

Go all in on XRP, it will do at least 100x

>> No.20731145

use fundamental and technical analysis to find undervalued stocks. buy those stocks and wait until they go up, then sell.

>> No.20731175

I think you actually would be better off making a new thread for this. This thread hasn't really gotten a lot of bumps. Yours might do better. The first step is you actually have to have a working product and "blue prints" on how to make the product and how it works and shit like that. Then you hire a patent attorney to work out all of the legal mumbo jumbo that no ordinary person can be fucked going through and he'll guide you from there

>> No.20731267

Thank you Anon.
Ill get working on the actual product then and then patent etc.

>> No.20731650

Read and watch everything ray dalio has put out.

>> No.20731685

How did you make those gains? I’m trying to pay off my debt as well. Flipping shit coins? I’m up about 1k from doing that but it seems high risk

>> No.20731706

>I’m trying to pay off my debt as well
another mouth breather bites the dust

>> No.20731842
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>all the faggots itt talking shit because I wasn't interested in crypto
>many threads popping up left and right after retards pissed away their money on link
get fucked

>> No.20731874 [DELETED] 

Don't buy link. You're late to the party. People just want you to buy their bags.

>> No.20731923

you just have to find the gems will be used in the future

>> No.20731925
File: 129 KB, 630x630, 4C4B2FBF-7C30-4421-908B-B72E42AF4FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for advice on a crypto board
>gets advice to buy some crypto
>tells everyone to get fucked

You’re a fucking faggot I hope you stay a wagecuck,and lose all of your money on shitty robinhood

>> No.20731976
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seethe more linky

>> No.20732082


>> No.20732095

Have you made it?

>> No.20732851
