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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20727940 No.20727940 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20727964

Vinny Lingham from Civic coin is the MVP.

>> No.20727973

Naahh CHARLIE LEE has no comparision we all know that no one could’ve taken BTC lite version to such heights…

>> No.20727981

Let me find the list.. this seems interesting.

>> No.20727989

Damn the whole list is an MVP guys…
Chromaway advisers include Charlie Lee (Litecoin), Vinny Lingham (Civic), Correy Voo (ex CTO at UBS, Yiseul Cho (Venture partner FBG and co-founder of Hashed), Roger Lim (NGC), Guy Corem (Intel, Boxee, Voltaire) and Danny Yang (Founder BlockSeer) .

>> No.20727995

That’s strong

>> No.20728002

What use of advisors when the team doesn’t listen to anyone

>> No.20728007

Strong advisors are not everything

>> No.20728014

I see Hashed cofounder in there… when upbit listing?

>> No.20728020

$25M mcap is seriously undervalued for such a project… I agree to you guys.

>> No.20728028

There are many projects which can do better with low mcap brothers. Why look at such big caps/

>> No.20728039

Bulls are here bro.. choose the projects with good team good advisors and actual real work done on ground and thank me later.

>> No.20728098

So you can list them on your website, and faggots like OP will buy your shitcoin because they think these "advisors" actually contribute something to the project, even though in reality all they did was responding to something on twitter or some such shit and immediately getting listed as an advisor.

>> No.20728133
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 314023a63519da524f2c9ff62523acd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a nice organic thread, just a bunch of different anons having a lovely conversation with each other.
This is clearly not just a faggot changing his IP and talking with himself to shill his shitcoin bags. Nice boomer tier maymay image too.

Sincerely kill yourself, because no one in your life cares enough to do it for you.

>> No.20728894
