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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20713138 No.20713138 [Reply] [Original]

Can ETH realistically reach $20k?

>> No.20713150

No faggot, close your shit.

>> No.20713153
File: 47 KB, 556x611, ETHBrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erfuerm 20k EOY

>> No.20713160


>> No.20713172

No but that would be pretty darn neato.
I love you son.

>> No.20713188

9k top

>> No.20713217


>> No.20713221

How does TWENTY MILLION sound?

>> No.20713247

Look at Ethereum on Google trends. This shit is going to $500 tomorrow.

>> No.20713258
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>> No.20713275

I think you'll be surprised

>> No.20713288
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>$500 tomorrow.

>> No.20713341

>t. XRP/LINK bag holder

>> No.20713437

Within 10 years, yes.

$5k within 2 years.

>> No.20713490
File: 45 KB, 556x676, EthMoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k, Within 10 years, yes.
>$5k within 2 years.

>> No.20713576

my chad cousin put in 900k yesterday

900$ confirmed

>> No.20713592

maybe after 2.0 is complete

>> No.20713598
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>my chad cousin put in 900k yesterday
>900$ confirmed

>> No.20714330
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>> No.20714443

I've followed the ETH chart closely for the last 4 years.

Several indicators point to ETH going to $5000-$10000 in 2022 or 2023.
2021 will be the year in which we break the ATH ($1400) and start the parabolic rise.

Not sure if you'll want to bet on selling 10K, you're probably better off getting out after 5K.

>> No.20714540
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>Several indicators point to ETH going to $5000-$10000 in 2022

>> No.20714594

>Several indicators
What are those Anon?

>> No.20714632

do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound? take five minutes and think about the things you type next time

>> No.20714783


>> No.20714793

if that's a big reason he left ethereum it sounds like he cares more about PR than about the technology.

>> No.20714816

realistically over the next fifteen years it will peak at $3k and be stable at about $1500.

>> No.20714866

Kek it went from $300 to $1400 in less than 65 days. It’s not going to take years.

>> No.20714907
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I was among the same club of anons who recommend /biz/ to buy ETH at $4 because it could surely go to a $100 and maybe even $400 (roughly BTC's price back then).

If you don't realize why a price appreciation like this could (will) repeat, even solely based on fundamentals then you're an absolute retard.

Keep trading your shitcoins and mirin' the gains early birds made. Keep chasing a repeat of this dream in all the wrong places. Please keep ignoring /biz/ oldfag posts so you stay poor and we don't have to deal with you in our yacht club.

I can't be arsed posting charts right now, I will in the future when I feel like doing so again. Basically it comes down to repeating patterns and waves, precedents set by Bitcoin's PA and things like FIBs and logarithmic curves.

Sorry for being lazy right now, so I'll just leave you with 1 link and no chart, but he covers part of the reason why pretty decently:
www. youtube. com/watch?v=zwiioX0PxpQ

>> No.20715097

lmao, how many of these have you made?

>> No.20715211

Absolute fucking based. I wish you the best anon.

>> No.20715238
File: 2.16 MB, 400x340, wholesome japanese siblings.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll do, thanks

>> No.20715307

video related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw_-Y6WtyS0&t=29s

>> No.20715354

normies cant use eth for anything
normies cant use crypto for anything period
if this technology is actually going somewhere in the future, we are in the infancy

more likely crypto as we know it is a dead end novelty, coins and coin markets and tradable assets are totally retarded

private permissioned chains will actually be use and will be useful, but not this public ponzi bullshit infested by scammers and low iq toe dippers

>> No.20715411

>coins and coin markets and tradable assets are totally retarded
Why's that?

>> No.20715862

>Why's that?
normies cant use eth for anything
normies cant use crypto for anything period
if this technology is actually going somewhere in the future, we are in the infancy

more likely crypto as we know it is a dead end novelty

private permissioned chains will actually be use and will be useful, but not this public ponzi bullshit infested by scammers and low iq toe dippers

>> No.20715913


>> No.20715979

>Ben cowen

Based. One of the only good crypto tubers.

>> No.20716003

>www. youtube. com/watch?v=zwiioX0PxpQ
He makes A LOT of assumptions but he admits it and he can explain well. I like him.

>> No.20716329

@$20k The market will only be
think about that
one trillion one hundred twenty billion
that's fucking nothing

>> No.20716471


>> No.20716513


>> No.20716538

The more adoption you get the higher and more stable it will go. Its already one of the best things in the world to hold since you can go anywhere in the world and find a crypto atm.

>> No.20717617

Hell no, realistic market cap is closer to 1T where the fuck are you pulling these numbers from

>> No.20717863

Lol, Charles is a simp and a cuck

>> No.20717902

It's a fake tweet. Altered from this one

>> No.20718661

Fundamental analysis>>> technical analysis

>> No.20718810

What timeframe?

>> No.20718830

5 years?

>> No.20718917

Two to three weeks