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>> No.20712441


>> No.20712469 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1123x1414, 1595187661689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, anon! I heard you trade stocks, it looks cool. How was your day, did you have profit? Did you lose any money?

>> No.20712472
File: 272 KB, 680x566, 831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

57% of my portfolio is now in GDXJ
I hope this isn't a mistake like that time I purchased tanker stock...

>> No.20712482

Buy INTC, Short INTC, or wait?

>> No.20712485

Thats a dude

>> No.20712511

This chick "discovers" that shes a lesbian after whoring it up from 15-27 years old.

>> No.20712518
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>buying the top

>> No.20712534

On Tuesday, ad 200 ton asteroid made of silver and gold will crash into Missouri and the precious metal market will collapse

>> No.20712545

that's literally a teenage boy

>> No.20712546
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>he thinks it's the top
gold will be 2.5k EOY

>> No.20712548

I'll tell you but you have to suck my dick bro

>> No.20712554

wait >>20712475

>> No.20712557

Wouldnt it surge if there was silver and gold to be acquired?

>> No.20712558
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If you're going to buy INTC don't hold it for too long.

>> No.20712574

youre fucked and you deserve it

>> No.20712578
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>Made Microsoft 40% of my portfolio at $206

>> No.20712587
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heed this warning

>> No.20712594
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Don't forget your nickel.

>> No.20712623

Bought lots at 200 last week

Very comfy position for a longterm investor

40% is a bit too high though depending on portfolio size

>> No.20712624

I swear If we aren’t green this week I’m holding each and every one of you responsible

>> No.20712641

Literally every commodity right now is mooning. Except oil, LEL
Reminder to get rid of your filthy nasty USD that no one wants for pieces of stock paper and commodities. Doesn't even have to be gold or silver. We are going back to the barter system.

>> No.20712646

tomorrow tech dumps harder than my ass after taco night. screenshot this

>> No.20712702

This week is a fucking mess

Phase 3 vaccine starts
Tech hearings
Huge earnings
Gdp print
Coronavirus looks peaked
china usa tensions
Nba restart (psychological)

>> No.20712705

Expectations on PLUG?

>> No.20712719
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You only had to listen

>> No.20712724
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SNSS chads RYZEN up. monday retail.FOMO pump incoming

>> No.20712751

Big investors pulled out, its mostly retail/robinhood shitters. Its a toss-up what will happen.

>> No.20712762
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>> No.20712768

Theyve been bagholding ssys a long time at ark

I think they hold 25%

>> No.20712769

When do futures open?

>> No.20712805

Are we getting another market crash like the one we had on march later this year or is it just rainbows from now on?

>> No.20712821

can you elaborate in further detail as to why they're shit and what i should look for fundamentally before investing? they're a name brand ffs.

surely at a minimum buying at $44-45 is a really good idea, no?

>> No.20712830

no you fucking faggot ignoramus

>> No.20712833

NAK moon mission monday

>> No.20712845

>fastest decline ever will it happn again

It was a massive overreaction panic in march. The last 15% decline was lunacy

>> No.20712848

>TSLA puts printed on Friday
Do I dare try it again on Monday? To beat all the institutional memers that try to short that garbage?
Gamma exposure is moving back to its previous high so I might just buy deep OTM calls again ROFL

>> No.20712853
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A little over an hour

The vast majority of the recovery has been caputred by apple, msft, amzn etc, they're going to suffer the most

>> No.20712867
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>he fell for baggies lies

>> No.20712894

No, it's flying straight up to $1850 at any random moment next week to fuck a bunch of idiot shorts over that shorted it way too late

>> No.20712900

there is NO WAY intel is randomly worth 20% less as a company just because some cuck 7 gorillion nm delay. yes it sucks but they will figure it out they are that much larger than AMD

i for one bought the "dip"

>> No.20712909

Commodities bull market is heating up. Nickel is being forgotten a bit in it all.

The nickel space is tiny too. You have hundreds of gold miners to invest in, but just a handful of nickel miners. Especially in the junior space. As things heat up companies are going to get acquired.

Buy outs coming frens.

>> No.20712937

First stimulus was the second leg down. M2 money supply increased by 20%, if you're not up by more than 20% since that happened you lost money.

>> No.20712960

Gamma matters more than short memers. I knew that nothing was going to move TSLA close to 1500 on Friday because of all the money on the 1500 calls (retail and otherwise).
I fully expect this goes down to sub 1000 before next earnings and then the gamma pumps start again. I am going to code some alerts for this.

>> No.20712967

I think i will expand into more metals this week. I want to benefit from the dollar's collapse

>> No.20712971

Shorting dollars hedges vs dem sweep

Prove me wrong

>> No.20713014
File: 179 KB, 602x506, falling knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my portfolio is full of boomer stocks that rely on reopening but gorona memes have been getting worse

am i fucked? well i will hodl anyways. tech stocks are still too overvalued. so i underperform the spy now. just fuck my shit up

>> No.20713018
File: 67 KB, 640x800, 67880257_364055051190038_1117272882229800961_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I invest in asian girl booty?

>> No.20713022

>I fully expect this goes down to sub 1000 before next earnings
literally impossible
battery meme day
literally president of usa endorsement
texas factory already being built. as in the area was already dug out or something i forgot

>> No.20713024

The only nickel miner I know of is Vale. Any other recommendations?
I really don't have the taste for junior miners I once did.

>> No.20713031

I have no idea where to start in learning stocks

>> No.20713056
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It's not a great company, they are ravaged by internal politics and their top execs don't understand what they are selling.
They're also full of H1B Pajeets and other kinds of diversity.


>> No.20713059

Genetic engineering companies

>> No.20713061

if anything go short. it doesn't exist

>> No.20713063

i need thos thighs and ass in my life

>> No.20713067

civil war is heating up.

>> No.20713080
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>> No.20713087

me too, if only there was post somewhere with a bunch of helpful links for retards

>> No.20713095

I have $325 SPY calls expiring in January, should I just sell now at a loss?

>> No.20713096

Scary anecdote if anyone is interested. My dad works with a company that does agricultural land and greenhouse development in California and they're being inundated with massive, unprecedented funding offers from overseas, mainly Qatar and Indonesia (presumably Chinese money being routed through Indonesia) for stakes in projects.

What's scary is the terms the funding is being offered - one of them is 75M with the following terms:
>4% interest
>36 month deferred/postponed payments
>no payment on principal for 6 years
There is a lot of incredibly desperate money out there looking for safety.

>> No.20713101

>learning stocks
in Youtube
it's not like you will read a book, right

>> No.20713117
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kek. I never know what to say to these kids.

>> No.20713129

And another thing - the panic selling of that flashcrash was probably magnified by trend follower ETFs/funds and others that base on 200 day moving average and/or VIX levels. Those folks already rotated into treasuries or cash or whatever, that selling pressure is gone. Anyone still holding right now is either diamond hands long HODLers / eternal optimists or degenerate options gamblers, what would make either of those groups exit? At worst, we'll get a long slow crab down if no further vaccine progress is made.

>> No.20713165
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>this picture
are they THIS retarded? knowing this i wouldn't have bought, kek
300 million just to higher LESS qualified wmyn and poc joggers? and take it out of r&d? what the FUCK
now i understand why they are fucked
JESUS christ

>> No.20713190

I think they get around the jogger quota by hiring street shitters.

>> No.20713198

My top 6 holdings out of 16
DAL - 40 % btw
KO -
Overall during a 1 year period I'm up around 40% v.s the S&P's 8%. So while perhaps having almost half my wad in DAL may be foolish I could care less long as the upwards momentum keeps on flowing, which it will once DAL rebounds. So what if it takes 2 years, it'll only help me get a tax break when it comes due. Sides it ain't like I'm in dire need of money anyway thanks to our virus friend. Hell I'm swimming in surplus green..

>> No.20713202

Thats not even a brick on the wall of worry yet.

>> No.20713209


Those are what I know of, but I'm not heavily involved in the larger miners because I don't actually see upside on that side of the coin.

The nickel market desperately needs supply to meet demand, so the juniors are where it's at. Big companies aren't doing their own exploration; they're going to snap up juniors who have buildable projects. I'm only aware of juniors on the Australian and Canadian stock exchanges and in both places the number of juniors to choose from are tiny. There are quite a few quality companies though.


Musk's most recent comments coupled with good market conditions have caused most of these to pop 100%+ in the past couple of weeks so you'll probably find a bit of a pull back in the short term, but I see really good upside in the long term (within the next couple of years at most).

I'm very bullish on $FPX

Lots of metals to choose from depending on your taste. Even uranium is heating up a bit, although I don't know if I'm as bullish on that front.

>> No.20713220
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God I hope property prices collapse

>> No.20713235

Only for tina

Fuck real estate aside from land

>> No.20713241

>uranium is heating up a bit, although I don't know if I'm as bullish
I don’t think thats a good thing to be bullish on anon.

>> No.20713260

Youre all short the dollar in some way right?

>> No.20713268

Give a beginner book and I rather learn that way than watching some zoomer faggot on youtube or reading some copy pasted thread op that nobody reads anyway.

>> No.20713274
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>Intel hits diversity targets for U.S. workforce 2 years ahead of goal


>The world’s biggest PC processor maker said its staff is now 27 percent female, 9.2 percent Hispanic, and 4.6 percent African American.

this disgusts me so much.

thanks for the link man. 27%. NOW i understand why they are fucked.

>> No.20713280
File: 882 KB, 2680x1508, 3d 2d women not important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian girls are fucking ugly and arr rook the same.
The "Asian" girls we see here are cherry picked and had 4 plastic surgeries each. Their teeth go into all directions, the faces are round and they just look shit.

Only 2D is pure and nice.

>> No.20713287

literally just watch every video that no nonsense forex and livetraders have ever put out. there you go, done. after that it's all just backtesting and risk management theories.

>> No.20713289

Malazan series is a good intro

>> No.20713291

FUD detected

>> No.20713299

For me its black girls

>> No.20713306

Youre practically shorting the dollar by trading on margin and longing or holding any kind of asset that isnt a car.

>> No.20713320

They funded gamer girl esports too and random shit like.sponsoring olympics

Garbage company

>> No.20713325

Pls stop

>> No.20713329
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>> No.20713354

Thats exactly how im short it

Margin dollars also provide a hedge vs dem.sweep

Just have to position and balance it properly for best portfolio shape into 2021

>> No.20713355

What stocks this week boys anyone holding gush?

>> No.20713358

please respond

>> No.20713363
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Intel is finished.


>> No.20713390

>Margin dollars also provide a hedge vs dem.sweep

>> No.20713408
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>> No.20713432

>Accumulation of more PMs will make it less
Fuck no, they'll be able to play catch up if anything. There's more demand for gold and silver besides just bullion dealers and in today's world almost every industry NEEDS gold/silver for something
Gold and Silver are masters of the Universe. The stuff comes from the death of stars for Christ sakes

>> No.20713441

If you have margin ur short dollars
If dems win sweep they will.pass big spending on green projects and other shit, think min 3-5 trillion
Hence you "win" at least on the dollar short side

>> No.20713455

>Intel hits diversity targets for U.S. workforce 2 years ahead of goal
>hire 27% women
>ruin competetiveness

i mean they can probably put the 27% in HR and sales and what not.

but if they have "poc women" working in engineering it doesn't surprise me that they can't deliver anymore

time to check AMD SJW politics

>> No.20713464
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Over 180,000 RobinRetards holding NKLA, how much more proof do these morons need before they sell and get my puts ITM??

>> No.20713473
File: 127 KB, 600x750, 7977D7D1-DACF-4620-9F53-85545C4848AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never believe what a tripfag says

>> No.20713474

Jew money to save Jew jobs, long intel short AMD confirmed

>> No.20713505

At current stock prices there are like 300k robinhood bagholders of TSLA and NKLA
An entire generation of EV bagholders. They are going to be insufferable everywhere.

>> No.20713527

It's unbelievably good news though. How can this be?

>> No.20713530


what the FUCK? how FUCKED is intel. but i'm guessing, that every other large cap company is already doing the same?

source 2% or what it is of "minorities", i guess it won't hurt you that terribly..

>> No.20713547

Pure insanity.

I'm thinking the opposite. If they pull out of Israel, Jews will dump their stock.

>Intel, the largest private employer in Israel, with a total workforce of 13,750 in the country, is considered to be a manufacturing leader in the U.S.

>> No.20713557

I don't wish to disrupt any % of you guys optimism but are you even considering the stakes wich are being set between Chaina and US right now? Russia isn't looking to please investors either

>> No.20713585
File: 3.24 MB, 1200x1200, 1719232B-BC62-4574-B884-D939F1B957D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally don’t have anywhere to ask this and you homies are pretty cool, but how do you deal with an abusive father at 25 when you live alone and pay all your bills?

My dad picked me up for a drive today and within 10 minutes the conversation steered to why I haven’t found a job since I lost mine in April, but I get 2000 grand a month until April next year so my life is great right now. I told him to calm down, but he got really violent while driving and dropped me off at the side of the road.

He’s calling me to say sorry, and I do love him bros, I just can’t put up with that shit. He’s losing a fuck ton in the stocks, but I’ve never seen someone go from 1-1000 over nothing, I never talk back or fight him, always respect him but it’s never enough. He’s 47 so he’s still kind of young. I don’t know what to do guys without sounding like a vagina.

>> No.20713597

if you guys are so butthurt about diversity hires at intel, what pure aryan companies are you investing in currently instead?

>> No.20713607

Even my mid sized company of about 2000 people has put together "diversity/disadvantaged group committees"....though our whole C Suite is white guys kek

>> No.20713609

Not the thread

>> No.20713633

Sorry I know it’s not stonk related but he did invest 30 grand into amazon and a couple grand in Tesla. So I get the frustration, just I don’t want to make some thread on /r9k/ like a loser.

>> No.20713636

AMD is also 24% female, so i guess whatever

only 18% in engineering

>> No.20713655

Go make it on >>/adv/.

>> No.20713657
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Its that intel lost sight of what matters and did a bunch of retard shit

The sjw focus at intc was a big red flag

>> No.20713659
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If WKHS isn't green this week I'm going to burn down a post office in minecraft

>> No.20713661

yeah, everybody needs to, no choice

it's amazing how they can just enforce some random ideology through mass media and politics, as soon as people are brainwashed enough to believe it

>> No.20713672

long physical gold, gold miners and tech stocks; hedged in CAD

>> No.20713677

kill him

>> No.20713682
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>> No.20713685

Aight my bad.

>> No.20713687

t. anti-smite

>> No.20713700

you FA traders are always just so funny to me with this stuff, is all im saying. i just trade the price action and volume with proper risk management and scaling out. only reason i trade AMD nearly every day is because of the high average daily volume and i understand tech because im an EE.

>> No.20713707

>name my band /biz/

>> No.20713713

>cherry-picking the one stock that hasn’t performed yet

>> No.20713724

If WKHS dips below $13 I might reinvest

>> No.20713727

no you wont, you fucking pussy. now go cry about it.

>> No.20713743

> I am better at trading a tech stock because I’m an ee
Smg never disappoints

>> No.20713744
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>buying intel when it's headed to 40

>> No.20713749
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What about 10nm dudes?

Yes intc has california psych bachelors and amd/mvda/ other chips have chip experts with genius engineering backgrounds

They need to make the best chips not have the most sjw signalling spending

>> No.20713755

Get rid of that IBM though, ew

>> No.20713780

wouldn't even know how to advice you, m8. you gotta figure it out.. good luck

>> No.20713781
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Wtf is this?


>> No.20713786

no it isn't. what are the factions? what are their goals? no one can explain how this civil war will play out.
angry MIGA fags and glowniggers online don't make a war.

>> No.20713785

Lived in japan for a year, visited china, thailand and phillipines, and can say you are absolutely full of shit.

>> No.20713789

Wow some faggot has some woe is me little story and gets 12 (you)s for his little circle jerk off topic cry session, yet I ask a legitimate question about the thread topic and all I get is 3 reply with all of them being unfunny troll replies.

>> No.20713788
File: 240 KB, 432x429, smug4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit him down and talk to him.

>> No.20713803

Is that the secret undercover daughter of Lisa Su second from the left?
Damn, AMD gonna take em down from the inside.

>> No.20713810

Tik tok and twitter are a buzz about nak tho. Why is it a shit move?

>> No.20713813

Which country did you like.most
Which with best women

>> No.20713816
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>> No.20713832

it's not that i don't use TA, but when news comes your meme lines just matter little. like could your charts predict the intc -18%

>> No.20713834

Ive never seen an attractive Asian girl. Never.
If you have some fetish for that, good for you. But for me, or most people I talked to, they just dont look good. The most attractive girls I saw where Russian """Asians""" like Kazakhs, but they dont really count and are crazy in the head..

>> No.20713837
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>> No.20713838
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Based The Economist

Sweet shiva look at the toilet on that sacred bovine.

>>Intel, the largest private employer in Israel,
Jesus Christ what the fuck?? How has it been allowed to get so fucking bad? Is it the Ford or GE of Israel?
Unironically we should probably subsidize them with the chip bill, since they have so much to lose if China wins the chip war. The last company that will be giving chinks access to IP, unless due to incompetence.

I’m not betting on it though. For me, it’s AMAT AMD MU TSM

>AMD is also 24% female, so i guess whatever
There ARE brilliant Asian female autist EE’s out there, I wouldn’t assume that’s all due to diversity hires or whatever.

>> No.20713849

the nak hype p&d already happened, now its dying off

>> No.20713857

>I get 2000 grand a month until April next year
just retire?
that ends up being over 10M, maybe just under 10M if you have to pay taxes on it

>> No.20713858

it's interesting that EVERY single weekend, /biz/ expects markets to drop. and it NEVER happens. but without a position it's not like it matters.

>> No.20713875
File: 19 KB, 346x346, Peter-Schiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People of /smg/! The teachings of SCHIFF are the way to preserve purchasing power and turn portfolios green again.

>> No.20713876

Is DENN a meme stock or good long-term investment?

>> No.20713881

who is still 'stuck at home'? literally everybody has been out and about and back to work for a month now where i live. every single person i know

>> No.20713882

>that one mentally ill stocktwits spammer with 5 accounts and 7500 posts on a single stocks page spamming poop emojis

>> No.20713924

>literally spent 12 losing money

>> No.20713925
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They have good days and bad days. Low volume, not really volatile but beating earnings on Tues could result in a jump

>> No.20713928

>There ARE brilliant Asian female autist EE’s out there
true tho...

>> No.20713927

I cut off all contact with my parents years ago, haven't regret it since.

>> No.20713939

Markets dropped Thursday and Friday

>> No.20713941

china is pretty much shit 100% Japan is awesome and has the hottest women for sure. But they are like brainless fuckdolls with no actual personality. Thailand has the best beaches on the planet, everything is super cheap, and the girls are smoking hot and easy (and fun personalities) Phillipines is like a poor man's thailand, decent beaches, decent girls, cheap. Overall id say thailand is best with japan in a close second. It's so fucking expensive in japan, but there is so much to see. And im not a weeb, so didnt get a boner over every mundane thing

>> No.20713953

>that one mentally ill stocktwits spammer
There are no sane people on stocktwits. Just monkeys and monkeys throwing poop.

>> No.20713961

*12 years

>> No.20713965

It did two Mondays ago, after the fakeout morning pump

>> No.20713969

Do we discuss foreign stocks too?

I also follow Indian banks, noticeably IBN and HDB; anyone w/ deeper experience mind chime in?

>> No.20713970

i laughed at you both times you've posted now

>> No.20713973

how do i get past a stocktwits ban? it doesnt even say im logged in anymore but i can't view anything posts on my firefox browser even after deleting stocktwits cookies.
what's the point of letting people post bearish if you are just gonna get banned? No wonder bearish comments avoid using the bearish tag

>> No.20714016

takes some special kind of fucked in the head to post 500+ messages a day on a single page on a stock that doesn't even have any watchers or is anything special
it's just bizarre

>> No.20714037

>Unironically we should probably subsidize them with the chip bill, since they have so much to lose if China wins the chip war. The last company that will be giving chinks access to IP, unless due to incompetence.
for the sake of US, you better hope it's WaferTech (TSM) that gets the subsidy if that act passes. Intel will prob get part of it because obviously there's more jews in intel.
At this rate, even SMIC will probably surpass Intel.

>> No.20714065

Decoupling is bullish long-term for the US. There will be some pain as the large multinationals who sucked up to the CCP get BTFO, but the real US economy should benefit. If you're talking about risk that economic competition turns into shooting war, I don't think anyone involved is that stupid, even Trump.

>> No.20714066

pajeet please...
foreign maybe but not interested in third world stocks

>> No.20714069

Pretty much the only foreign stocks talked about here are TSM, Canadian miners, and Chinese pump and dumps.
Don't let that stop you though.

>> No.20714077

Hell I'm enjoying this. I'm semi retired. I hope this lasts all year long. On a more serious note; I look for things to take a big shit during fall. Schools re-opening, virus cases exploding cause of it & due to people not doing the mask thing. So they'll lock down again.

>> No.20714099
File: 172 KB, 1498x2048, 1589483969469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /fearful/ and /all in stocks/ here?

>> No.20714106

Large multinational US corporation already give foreign market exposure. Foriegn stocks 100% track the US markets and have lower volume. Why bother?

>> No.20714107

what about korea anon?

>> No.20714131 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1003x1417, Maid girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
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>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls
Anime girls
>Anime girls

Thank you for coming to my ted talk. You are now ready to invest in the stock market.

>> No.20714141

Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same.

>> No.20714149

all in stocks - yes
fearful - no
cautious about stock prices in the near term - sure, but it's w/e

I still am powering ahead with my job, so short term price movement is just for finding juicy buy opportunities, not for true worry.
Of course, I will spam pink wojaks in the thread if I'm here and the line is going down....

>> No.20714166

Never been. Fucked 2 koreans in japan. One was awful, one was fantastic. To me it's kind of like why go to korea if you can go to japan. It just outclasses it in every way from what i can tell

>> No.20714176
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>> No.20714211

It should recover well, already offered some shares so essentially beat down so much any more bad news is priced in

>> No.20714234

TSM doesn’t need it though, trump is already giving them the subsidies to build a facility in Arizona. And there’s a larger chance of Taiwan being assimilated into China than there is Intel giving China their IP.

Don’t get me wrong I like TSM and intend to buy back when it likely dips this week. I have no idea if I’ll ever buy back smic though kek. Enjoying watching it crash. I got very lucky by deciding not to be greedy.

>> No.20714294
File: 117 KB, 730x783, green+wojak+crypto+meme+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for futures that make you go OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.20714297 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 1110x1630, 1571600569398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My portfolio of TQQQ (6 figures worth of it) was sold last week. +80% returns year-to-date lmfao. Boomers BTFO.

>> No.20714307
File: 1.89 MB, 1170x1000, train railway walking to nowhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714310

Diversification I guess, on nation and industry level. Right after that climb around the BLM nonsense and subsequent cliff dive, those two were the only green for me. 2 of the big four in curryland.

>> No.20714314


>> No.20714315
File: 13 KB, 347x384, 1578168885163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good portfolio make up, split up in the 3 categories below.

>cash (in brokerage account ready to use)

>> No.20714324
File: 87 KB, 680x542, 15863689839916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, I bought TSLA at 1688. Yes, I am real and please don't laugh at me

>> No.20714346

kek, why

>> No.20714384
File: 500 KB, 785x847, 1586449646078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was buying ze dip

>> No.20714390

100% food stocks and piss jugs

>> No.20714406

A lot of them seem off imho.

>> No.20714414 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 659x767, 5nnm15nn39v41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know desu. I just sub to a bunch of sources and get these pics sent to my email/social media account automatically.

>> No.20714429

10 minutes until a +100 points long dildo is rammed up your retarded ass

>> No.20714447

what's the announcement

>> No.20714451

is that the red or the green?

>> No.20714491

I'm buying next week. half in then half over the next month

>> No.20714493
File: 284 KB, 1849x1262, F558119C-6717-4403-BB8B-2C5E37D5BD09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime you think about selling just look at pic related for hours

>> No.20714496

back then i would have called someone retarded who bought TSLA at 1000
so i guess you will be fine

>> No.20714507
File: 1.03 MB, 1078x1500, 77495236_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends,

What are your plays for tomorrow? Predictions?
In any case, make sure to eat a hearty dinner tonight and get some good sleep for the market open!

As for myself, I'm planning to make some fish tacos with extra lime. I also have the next 2 days off since I requested vacation time for Mondays the next few weeks so I can liquidate or make additional plays on Monday. Be prepared, don't ever get caught off guard!


>> No.20714513


>> No.20714527

Latefag here,

What's going to happen in 5 mins?

>> No.20714541


>> No.20714553

I predict I'm going to lose $2,000 tomorrow

>> No.20714556

Green futures because the dollar is literally sliding 0.5%/day

>> No.20714560

What the fuck is a broker??

>> No.20714572

Was planning to get some puts on HOG into earnings. But now im scared some second stimulus announcement will overshadow earnings and fuck me. Thoughts anyone?

>> No.20714578

We’re going to pump tomorrow before Tuesday and Wednesday crab followed by Thursday dump. Why? CHECK EM

>> No.20714581

a pimp

>> No.20714589

oh i totally agree, that's why i day trade and don't hold overnight because of memes like that. i never have that problem because stop losses exist intraday, you fucking retard.

>> No.20714590


>> No.20714596
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>> No.20714598


>> No.20714600

I am amazed I haven't seen more people mentioning the CHIPS bill. Intel is about to be given a pretty hefty subsidy - 40 % on capex for the nest few years; 30 % after that. They already outperform AMD in terms of earnings and operating margin and it's about to get even better for them. AMD is going to get nothing. Surely this is important in the AMD / INTC debate

>> No.20714603


>> No.20714605


>> No.20714612

How many digits does it take to make the Nasdaq close the week sub 10k? I'll tell you, 2.

>> No.20714625
File: 1.76 MB, 960x540, 1428080061210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dubs we're crashing and everything is 0 and we all die

>> No.20714633
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>> No.20714637

This will be deep red by open, retards

>> No.20714639

I'd just like to quickly interject and say....
'ate jannies
'ate tripfags
luv tiddies
luv tendies
luv profit

simple as

>> No.20714640

Ah, so forex and forex accessories ?

I dont know enough to follow it, so cool.

>> No.20714643

Where do you go to look at futures?

>> No.20714647

Digits say otherwise

>> No.20714652
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>> No.20714656

Tech tech tech!!!!!!

>> No.20714658


>> No.20714659


>> No.20714671


>> No.20714680
File: 92 KB, 680x962, aef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you asshole I got excited for a second

>that wedding ring
BUILT for the NTR

>> No.20714682


>> No.20714684
File: 51 KB, 480x471, 1553738844392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a timemachine

>> No.20714686


>> No.20714691

>futures open
>the retarded 12 year olds are back to spam the thread

see you guys next weekend i guess.

>> No.20714693

Reminder never sell tech 2030 moon mission

>> No.20714695
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1590600829190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and again. I TOLD YOU
here come my gains

>> No.20714709
File: 470 KB, 359x687, chrome_uXZjqEMpVp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest this shit doesn't matter until pre market tomorrow where we pump then dump at open and crab until close and pump again then repeat all week with a big pump or dump mixed in midweek.

>> No.20714710

oh nevermind it's already dumping we're fine

>> No.20714712

Welp I guess we green Monday then crab the next two weeks

>> No.20714727

i can't fucking believe we still have these questions in smg when you can just type "stock futures" into google.com

>> No.20714729

Buy diverse tech etf

Hold to 2030

Make some high conviction moves with portions of account

>> No.20714733

How can I trade options on futures, specifically on robinhood

>> No.20714738

Ah green futures, nothing like it!
This will my amazon short purchase nice and cheap

>> No.20714747

Not gonna make it anon

>> No.20714757

>people bought dow boomer garbage

>> No.20714762
File: 388 KB, 884x1976, 1545079910938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs & MSFT hits 220 EOW

>> No.20714766

you need a different broker

>> No.20714773
File: 1.43 MB, 720x720, Tags = [ugly bastard].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly Old Man NTR is the patrician's choice

>> No.20714775
File: 132 KB, 360x450, nigredo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a genuinely incomprehensible fucking disaster dear lord.
Boggles my mind that if you just took the fraction of the capital these giants have and focused on competence instead of these bolshevik commandments you could be the literal king of the industry. Same in every industry that's plagued by this demonic infestation

>> No.20714799
File: 270 KB, 1100x1531, 77121290_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Health Experts Call For Another Nationwide Shutdown Amid Coronavirus Spikes
No.. unemployment kills more people than the coronavirus. Just stop it already..


>> No.20714800

This guy gets it


Keep yo mind on yo money, money on yo mind

+++ the future is female

Strap in, buddy, we’re going to infinity and beyond

>> No.20714803
File: 65 KB, 669x674, 2020-07-26_15-07-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714817

All cats look like that when shaved tho

>> No.20714819
File: 70 KB, 669x677, silfut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian markets just opened. Silver soaring.

Hope you got into SILJ while you still could.

>> No.20714828
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x720, 1483993157999.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20714830

>check em

>> No.20714843

I'm a brainlet and still haven't found it

>> No.20714854


>> No.20714863
File: 4 KB, 250x240, 1522611112419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714864
File: 67 KB, 499x560, post-image-4611744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't want to spread my seed to all women regardless of their relationship status?

It's not even my fetish
I literally AM the asangiposter, I was just trying to not be sad that she's taken

>> No.20714868

okay look im into silver positions too but this is literally nothing so far away from open in the US, also get off 1 minute candles if you zoom out its not much of a spike

>> No.20714869

mmm my calls are gonna be in the money soon

>> No.20714870
File: 395 KB, 883x526, life is good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dollar down .3%
>Markets up .3%

You cant beat the crab, people

>fuck you asshole I got excited for a second
Im doing this every single day tbf.
>BUILT for the NTR

>> No.20714871

>Hope you got into SILJ
why the fuck would you do this instead of profiting off of the direct price of silver with futures? SILJ will barely move lmao
this is oil stocks and tankers all over again isn't it

>> No.20714876
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1584546809923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Wallah! Just like that.
NASDAQ will never go below 10,000 ever again.

>> No.20714884

I'm in SLV.

>> No.20714887

Just wait until October when flu deaths start rising to make fucking bank.
Don't waste your time on snib market.

>> No.20714904


>> No.20714910
File: 661 KB, 512x384, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much hate...

>> No.20714913
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, thumbs up seiren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another victory for islam

>> No.20714924

"NTR" is how weebs try to deflect from the fact they have a literal cuck fetish

imagine actually being a cuck

>> No.20714925
File: 342 KB, 840x573, yotsucrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no?
say Oh yes.....
the futures are here

>> No.20714934
File: 1.75 MB, 960x540, 1584470303228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me in tha money
me in tha money
be be boop bap bap be be boop bopp boop boop

>> No.20714935

>b-but flu season is gonna kill people!
do you know how insanely delusional you sound

>> No.20714954
File: 136 KB, 1266x669, 143343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20714958

filled the gap now we go up

>> No.20714967

Florida ifr is 0.15%

>> No.20714969


Hopefully my silver calls will print now though, also fuck intel

>> No.20714977

It's not about what's going to happen.
It's how governments and the market are going to overreact. Again.

Don't let the fact that you know as well as I do that meme flu is a joke influence your ability to profit.

>> No.20714996
File: 25 KB, 671x448, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i'm happy to see this

>> No.20715002

the virgin daytrader
the chad investor

>> No.20715004
File: 53 KB, 600x800, EVa3GstWoAM9v69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's how governments and the market are going to overreact. Again.

>> No.20715015
File: 257 KB, 1100x1530, 68944447_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the asangiposter
>filenames aren't from PIXIV or FANTIA
:( ?

NASDAQ looking weak even though rumors of another stimulus is around the corner. Sucks..

>> No.20715027

>nasdaq again trying to keep above water by feasting on the Dow and Russell
Every time

>> No.20715046
File: 1.71 MB, 1800x1904, __kashima_and_katori_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asanagi__ba5934bcc2b991a491a121c178e018a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming assumptions
it's about defiling lonely housewives anon, being the ugly fat bastard that makes them ahegao

>ID: meatOzFN
The vore/guro gorl is Ounces of Frozen Meat!
Your Euro-short didn't fuck your face off?

I forget where these were from, I get nearly all of mine from danbooru and gelbooru and sometimes sankakucomplex though.

>> No.20715060

Crab 103% to 2025, 43% to 2029.
Massive jump in 2030

>> No.20715064

Based what the fuck was that poster.

>> No.20715068

Sell now. Don't wait until it's down 90%.

>> No.20715075

>helicopter dump part 2

bears buy guns, bulls buy FAGMAN, "investor" boomers go wagecuck and keep feeding the dow

>> No.20715076
File: 67 KB, 633x758, 1671094abb5fc7703470fa508113111a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20715095

>self inserting as the ugly fat bastard
Wow nice self esteem there anon

>> No.20715099

It’s not an assumption, it’s an actuality.

>> No.20715101

It's red, Market is kill. They are pulling the rug out.

>> No.20715107

>Gold, silver up
>indices down

Finally, shit is going my way

>> No.20715109
File: 43 KB, 1222x815, 4D289D3C-549E-4454-A9F1-5CD63FA10A2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playing AAPL options this week? I’m thinking weekly calls to catch an earnings run up and get puts for August. Dropped over the last 10 days and I’m betting on at least one more week of red tech.

>> No.20715110

But the US economy isn't in a good shape either.

>> No.20715128
File: 64 KB, 657x674, 2020-07-26_15-20-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20715165


Wow fucking nothing

>> No.20715171
File: 18 KB, 593x415, 1907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go. Hope you all got your gold stocks in time.

>> No.20715178

I loaded up on silver miners 2 weeks ago. This was meant as a long term hold for my side folio.
2 weeks later I'm already getting woozy because of the height.

>> No.20715180
File: 6 KB, 302x319, alexander jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20715194
File: 1.25 MB, 198x162, 4d1u4pN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down retard, that just means it's going to dump tomorrow like NAK

>> No.20715200

Stimulus package announcement*

>> No.20715209
File: 200 KB, 1000x1391, __pachira_renkin_san_kyuu_magical_pokaan_drawn_by_asanagi__a83f5e657974215a557a1e5998ece4b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta face facts, I can't be the tomboy's young love anymore

silver up >1% is significant
Nasdaq down 0.14% and Vix up 0.14% are meaningless.

>> No.20715213

Boomer shinies moving like shitcoins is a big deal

>> No.20715215

ok I'm not that guy and I'm not a fat ugly bastard IRL
and this isn't stock related
but it is a sexually exciting fantasy to make a pretty girl fall in lust/love with just your gross massive dick even if you aren't a person she would want to be seen with.
not advocating for cheating or anything gross and modern like that.
hope it makes sense :)


>> No.20715218

I bought at 1750 don't worry anon we exist

>> No.20715235

What does this signal about the overall market

>> No.20715260
File: 34 KB, 750x597, 1567788702389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures crashing down
>gold/silver up

I'm now going to kill myself

>> No.20715263

Is tomorrow another red day?

>> No.20715279

Expectations of central banks failing to adequately control the money supply, whether that's inflationary or deflationary

>> No.20715282

It's better bag holding that than UONE stock

>> No.20715288

no 3200 is diamond support only possible direction is up

>> No.20715291

See ya tomorrow drama queen

>> No.20715295
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>> No.20715313
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>> No.20715320


>> No.20715323
File: 605 KB, 1100x1531, 74289360_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder if you get your anime images from shit like gelbooru or sankakucomplex you're a fake

These sins have brought upon us a downfall of the NASDAQ.. Repent and NASDAQ will recover to 10750 this week.

>> No.20715325
File: 409 KB, 900x1271, __shuten_douji_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_asanagi__f089ee60a9159afa84e4d07b9d4abbbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this insignificant shit + FOMC
Tuesday is CCI for June

well said, but I'm just memeing

>> No.20715356

What is CCI

>> No.20715362

I think that's good for markets, bad for the individual, right?

>> No.20715365

Im currently holding this dogshit JDST, down like $3, say what at what condition for it to go up?

I thought that if gold goes up, which is when market goes down, then it goes up too, but apparently not entirely accurate.

>> No.20715382
File: 244 KB, 953x510, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I will literally coom if my SLV calls go ITM at open tomorrow already

>> No.20715388
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x1486, __nier_and_kuurie_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_asanagi__43449de18ad4ca4d22a4eeb38b0fc855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how old is this article you're sourcing?
I prefer the version with the pubic hair peak... but this is comfy. I want her to clean my ears and give me a lap pillow...

>> No.20715390

I’m going all in 20k into an Indian ETF. My logic is India is a shithole and filled with shit... coronavirus is wrecking their shit but in reality they’re already dirty poos so it shouldn’t be so hard when it passes... so once this passes it’ll go to an ATH.

>> No.20715391

Looks like the futures are green again.

>> No.20715396

Your still gonna get a 1200/2400 check though.

>> No.20715399
File: 517 KB, 1791x1062, 1561163239818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait till I neet after re-investing my shinyrock winnings and while the normies have to go back to work.

>> No.20715405
File: 2.67 MB, 1771x2508, kokkoro (princess connect! and 1 more) drawn by mu2mo2 - b94433b1cd6e944719e371050dc0ca1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consumer confidence index

>> No.20715414

Yeah also if Boeing doesn’t reach 240 a share by December I am financially ruined

>> No.20715416
File: 150 KB, 960x680, 1593691799525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures green
>futures red
>futures green
>futures red
>futures green
>futures red
>futures green
>futures red
>futures green
>futures red

>> No.20715453

I'm guessing it won't be positive. Mini dump Tuesday?

>> No.20715455
File: 655 KB, 610x611, 1573623067853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part is true

>> No.20715459

It means it goes down if miners go up.

>> No.20715460

The one on the left is a Jew. You can tell by the horns.

>> No.20715470
File: 249 KB, 550x564, 1595615295508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20715479

>3 times leveraged BEAR junior gold miner etf
Its going to zero
Gold would need to crash for it to go up
This hast to be ¿<@<

>> No.20715482

Really? Everything is down .20%

I personally think tomorrow might be green as a window jump, but I really believe it’s time to get out or hold long term if you can’t stomach immediate loss.

>> No.20715494

wow how did they train the rat to hold a gun like that? is this real?

>> No.20715512

it's fake, the guy has two right hands

>> No.20715516

So the damn vaccine is my absolution right? Cause if everything is a-okay, then there wont be a need for gold ie. gold-crash right

>> No.20715522
File: 31 KB, 483x701, agxx40RG_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20715523
File: 2.07 MB, 400x225, 1529262968188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's going to be 3rd red week in a row
I'm tired with this bear market

>> No.20715527

Those are two different guys

>> No.20715542

In this forum there are experts in all fields, epidemiologists, vaccine specialists, political scientists, investment advisors, pro traders, prophets, and last but not least pro fluffer

>> No.20715551
File: 151 KB, 626x836, Bridget.(GUILTY.GEAR).full.114833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be sad anon. Better times will come to those who wait

>> No.20715566
File: 358 KB, 1500x2300, d0756c3065b3cbccc7244a67790862f293e5a038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what concerns me, it improved last month and I suspect it worsened this month. I base this on basically nothing.

Vaccine means the economy can bottom and possibly the deflationary pressure could end and reverse, causing inflation to spike and gold to probably rise, is my thinking.

>> No.20715580
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1585078710689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wake me up when September ends

>> No.20715585
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>Bear market
>Not even down 20%
If you want to see a bear market, we can bring one. No unemployment benefit extension, no stimulus check, re-closing of all states mandated by the feds, shutting down of all schools for the fall semester. We're just getting started if you want to go there.

Nothingburger knows no bounds apparently. Meanwhile in Sweden, China and India.. people are still eating bats and still taking baths in the Ganges and still not social distancing yet everything is ok.

>> No.20715589

Have puts on $F fpr the 31st
Fingers crossed that Ford fucks up in the next few days.
Good luck tomorrow fren

>> No.20715594

Either they continue printing and gold goes up or the economy dies and gold goes up
SilJ and GdxJ are your Absolution
Sell and buy asap

S&P is neutral, silver futures are up 2%

>> No.20715608

All those boomer silver stackers on youtube who talk at 0.2x speed gonna be comfy

>> No.20715622

Wait until amazon reports, that when the bottom is going to fall out of the market.

>> No.20715623

nice source

>> No.20715627

What da fuck? No more SNAPS?!

>> No.20715637

Based. Black girls the prettiest.

>> No.20715639







nu thred

>> No.20715642

Til tok hyping nak.....

>> No.20715645
File: 11 KB, 336x437, 8E1BCC21-C3A8-43E7-ACD6-A155A208F7A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20715646

no handouts = eviction crisis


>> No.20715652

No, if people start to go back to work and go back to spending then the temporary deflation we're seeing now due to lack of consumer spending goes away and the massive increase of USD in circulation rears its head as inflation gold will continue to climb until the fed is able to raise interest rates again (probably not anytime soon since that would probably crash the stock market).

Your best bet is to hope there is a mini market crash this week like there was last week and you can unload at a lower loss. Alternatively exit asap and reinvest into gold/silver.

>> No.20715655
File: 627 KB, 1920x1080, f0Y9Cy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready for the end. Gonna ride the silver and gold train for a bit, then exit and sip some tea.

>> No.20715896

checked and tea time pilled. what's your target?

>> No.20716210

What info do you use to determine the ideal strikes on a put credit spread?

>> No.20716503

god help you