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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2071073 No.2071073 [Reply] [Original]

I need €200 ASAP.

What can I do?

hard more: no dick-sucking

>> No.2071084

I'll give you 200€ for a good oil massage + handjob. Where are you located? Gender doesn't matter.

>> No.2071091

I actually did that once.

>> No.2071095

greentext it

>> No.2071098

>tfw I'd actually do it if I didn't have to finish you off as well

>> No.2071102

I have a nice cock. Trimmed, big. I'm white.
Where are you located? Central Europe?

>> No.2071105

Yes. Czech Republic, Prague.

>> No.2071118

>posted ad on craigslist saying id do odd jobs
>some 30-something dude asks me to give him a massage for $50, I was 18 at the time
>didnt sound too hard so I agree
>we both got naked and he massaged me first and taught me how to do it properly then we took turns massaging each other
>he starts feeling up my dick, i just go along with it cuz he isn't stroking it
>when its my turn to do what he did he got hard and i he offered me extra cash for a handjob
>was intimidated by him so ended up getting him to cum
>got $200 for it

>> No.2071127

Good job.
I respect your work ethic.

>> No.2071132

Obviously I wasn't serious about the handjob. I'm in Slovenia. What are your skills? What can you do? web design? writing?

>> No.2071138

I can do writing, translating from Czech to English, whatever.

Doubt I can find a job so fast tho and make 200€

>> No.2071164

I'd do it. Slovenia here

>> No.2071168

bet all your assets on something impossible.

>> No.2071174

Yeah I don't really want a handjob from a man, it was a joke. Sounds good as a fantasy but in reality it would be too awkward.

Can you write about crypto?

>> No.2071176

>implying im male

>> No.2071177

Dvomim da si sploh Slovenec, kaj šele ženska... na /biz/... mogoče kak drug board ampak ne /biz/ :)

>> No.2071180

I mean why not? I could get all the information I need several times faster and include in my own experience with it than your average Joe.

>> No.2071185

Prepričana sem da bi svoje mnenje hitro spremenil ko bi me enkrat spoznal

>> No.2071193

V glavnem ne bi nikoli plačal osebo za spolne usluge, je bila šala.
Kako pa da zahajaš na /biz/? Si v kripto valutah in to?

>> No.2071202

Občasno sem gor pogledam, drugače pa trgujem s kripto valutami, ja. To je edini pameten način s katerim lahko kaj zaslužim kot dijakinja. A mogoče veš, če obstaja kakšen davek na to? Ker do zdaj sem kar direktno iz Krakena na NLB nakazovala.

>> No.2071207

>mfw I make a thread asking how to make quick money
>thread derails after a slovenian girl offers a handjob for some spare cash

>> No.2071217

OK ampak prosim ne ponujat nobenemu spolne usluge za denar.

Dijakinja v kriptovalutah... noro... v katerih pa si investirana?

Ampak super. Res pohvalno.

Ni davka v Sloveniji ker se Bitcoin klasificira kot valuta in torej to ni davek na kapitalski dobiček ampak preprosta menjava valut, kot Forex (v sloveniji se ne zaračuna davek na Forex)

Drugače pa delam za en bitcoin exchange, ampak ne Kraken, en drug :)

>> No.2071218


>> No.2071227
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1431952895333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two slovenians finding love on /biz/ while im here in moms basement

>> No.2071230

Trenutno XRP,GNT pa ETH.
Za kateri bitcoin exchange pa delaš?

>> No.2071237

Raje ne bi preveč izdal o sebi na 4chanu...

Ne ostati preveč časa v XRP, odsvetujem.

Oglej si tudi DCR.

>> No.2071239

She's too young for me... she's like 15 years younger :)

Can't believe a teenage girl is already making money trading crypto

What a wonderful world !

>> No.2071241


Sam Slovence pa res najdes na najbolj neverjetnih mestih...

>> No.2071243
File: 196 KB, 1024x681, mountain-jew_o_2890111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ampak res. smo kot Judje infiltrirani vsepovsod razpršeni ampak nevidni, vlečemo niti iz ozadja

>> No.2071245

are you going to fuck her?

>> No.2071249


1. She's too young
2. I asked her to please never offer sexual favors for cash
3. She seems bright and she will be able to make more money trading crypto than offering sexual favors

>> No.2071250

Europeans are degenerate

>> No.2071259

Kaj pa je z DCR?
Za to nisem še slišala, ko pa sem zdaj malo pogledala, sem opazila da ima kr visoko ceno.

>> No.2071264

Why did you ask if I can write about cryptos?

>> No.2071281

well this is probably been answerd 2464341 times.

but how can I get into crypto trading.
can I go somewhere with a starting budget of 200 € ?

>> No.2071370
File: 89 KB, 360x270, kekec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/slo/ nitke na /biz/u kdaj?

>> No.2071498

koji ste vi slovenci degenerici...

>> No.2071584

I could get you a job writing about crypto
But I can't pay 200€ per article lol

>> No.2071589

Si še tu? ti lahko povem nekaj o tem

>> No.2071599

can't believe you fell for this, most "15yo females" on 4chan are actually 40yo male neckbeards

>> No.2071601


>> No.2071607

most 15 yr old girls are actualy 16 yr old boys, and those 16 yr boys are actually 40 yr old neckbeards, and those 40yr old neckbeards are actually 36yr old FBI agents

>> No.2071642

Da, še sem tu, če želiš kaj povedati

>> No.2071700

"Da"? :) Prav zborno slovenščino uporabljaš
DCR rešuje eno težavo ki ima BTC namreč glede odločitev hardforka ima built in hard fork voting

dobiš lahko 3% returna samo s PoS mining

oglej si

>> No.2071742

Sori haha, nisem navajena slovensko tu govorit. Drugače pa hvala.

>> No.2071745

Si res Ž ali LARPaš ?= :)

>> No.2071772

Zakaj pa bi lagala o mojem spolu. A je res tako čudo videti žensko na 4chanu haha, pa saj nas je veliko.

>> No.2071840


>> No.2073080

your language is weird as fuck but your country is beautiful. t. hungarian

>> No.2073169
File: 24 KB, 320x299, 1494420210516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offer sexual favors for money
>use money to buy cryptos

Free money Anon. Stay poor.

>> No.2073367

You faggot. You could have given that slav loli the D, but now you're going back to your sad joyless slav life.

Hey slav loli. If you're still here, pls come to America and be my rape slave. I'll get you a greencard and you won't have to sell yourself for bottled water anymore.

>> No.2073434

>she will be able to make more money trading crypto than offering sexual favors
Maybe by trading crypto for sexual favors

>> No.2073543


That's a healthy work ethic anon.

>> No.2073567

pls get me this job, i'm different anon from Croatia and need money, I'm good at writing

>> No.2073735

blow vags