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20706995 No.20706995 [Reply] [Original]

Thanos Power @ Over $158.1k

Statera General, Day 56: PUMP Edition

>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

Statera (STA) is a smart contract powered Indexed Deflationary Token (IDT), which synergizes with a trustless and community driven portfolio of class-leading cryptocurrencies.

Ecosystem Overview

Phoenix Fund

How to buy

Official Pool:

Liquidity: $153.8k

Delta Token Pool:
Liqudity: $435.6k

Delta-Eth Pool:
Liquidity: 16.1k

Delta-DZAR Pool:
Liquidity: 116.3k

Delta-STA Pool:
Liquidity: 67k

More community pools
RSR, DMG, Ethereum & Statera Delta token
Liquidity: $1.5k

LEND, KNC, Ethereum, & Statera Delta Token
Liquidity: $1.5k

SWAP, WETH & Statera Delta Token
Liquidity: $1.3k

Total Liquidity in all STA Ecosystem: $793.1k

>> No.20706998

What will the price of STA go to? Hard to say, all time high was 15 cents and that was before they had a proven concept. Now that they have a month of data showing that the token hyperdrives liquidity pools, who knows what the limit is. Looking at the longer vision of becoming an immutable deflationary asset, it could go anywhere. Litecoin hit 16 billion in market cap as a cheaper faster bitcoin. Statera could become a cheaper, faster, deflationary bitcoin (especially if its use case and value proposition hold up) at 1/16th that market cap (1 billion) you'd have about $12 per STA, at half that market cap (8 billion) you're looking at $100 per STA . Will any of that happen? Absolutely no one knows. Does a deflationary global asset have value? Time will tell, recommend you go read their whitepaper (or search knewmoney on Publish0x), deflation has some incredible positive economic outcomes, we already see that in the astronomical APY the pools are currently making.”

“Phoenix usually ranks top 5 to 10 and our volume out paces our liquidity by 20 places or so which is about 33% higher than we should be. Though our uniswap pool has been second often, so it could be even higher than 33% more efficient which compounds on phoenixes efficiency. 33% more efficient would be a conservative answer. Honestly if you look at some pools that have like 10 million liquidity and only tens of thousands in volume (which our pool does also but only on six figures of liquidity). We may be closer to 100s of percent more efficient.”

>> No.20707071

Lol I thought this coin was dead?
I remember it being shilled on here for 2 straight weeks
Good to see you're still alive anyway, I thought it was just another pump and dump

>> No.20707092

Any news on refund?

>> No.20707210

Refund will come. The question is whether people get in before it and grab a bargain

>> No.20707281

ANNOUNCEMENT! The Unofficial Statera Wiki is commencing a Weekly Prize Pool.

The weekly winner gets Ethereum and Balancer Tokens from pooled bets from the prize pool.

For More Info: https://stateraprojectwiki.com/weekly-prize-pool?utm_source=Telegram

The last week winner has already received his .2393 ethereum and BAL Tokens

On the site at bottom of page it shows last weeks winner and his wallet adress. Anyone can verify all transactions from the prize pool Holdings adress

>> No.20707317

>You could google "hedging" if you need some clarification
Hedging doesn't Ponzi you with 100% gains.. the gains are small and the losses too.
Basically I get it bros... this is a Ponzi where the first who gets in gain the maximum out how the hedginh process (profits skyrocket and losses are limited) but the last ones gonna lose it all
You wanna shill it cause you bought and yo wanna bank on them.. but I am not your bank anon lol

>> No.20707383
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>> No.20707403
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oh god im gonna pooooooooooooooolllllllllll

>> No.20707421

>Lol does making massive gains on meme money in general? Does that sound too good to be true

No it's not too good to be true cause betting on shittecoins there is the risk of losing it all while STATERA is marketed as ''losses are minimal -- gains are unlimited''
and this is where the ponzi/scam lies in

I know you guys... you are uniswap scammers. but for the love of god stop it ruinng the board
There is no serious tread because of you

>> No.20707427
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lol this is the same guy fudding from last post hmm i wonder what community hes from

followed from one thread to annon but states "i but i am not you bank anon lol"

>> No.20707467

Nice i missed these. Good to see we are already at 150k again, last time this is when things really started to take off

>> No.20707477

>holders ATH
>delta pool liquidity ATH
>phoenix pool steadily growing and already 40% of the original pool
>price higher than it was before the balancer exploit

This all has happened even before the balancer refunds. Statera is heading to moon.

>> No.20707484
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>> No.20707494

>“Phoenix usually ranks top 5 to 10 and our volume out paces our liquidity by 20 places or so which is about 33% higher than we should be. Though our uniswap pool has been second often, so it could be even higher than 33% more efficient which compounds on phoenixes efficiency. 33% more efficient would be a conservative answer. Honestly if you look at some pools that have like 10 million liquidity and only tens of thousands in volume (which our pool does also but only on six figures of liquidity). We may be closer to 100s of percent more efficient.”
If true, then new smart contracts like Yfi who search mostly in balancer pools to connect them for max ROI could catapult Sta literally into the Statosphere. How could this not be an option.

>> No.20707555
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>> No.20707564

you are a true retard. Everytime you fucking sell anything theres a fucking buyer on the other end you stupid asshole. Generally speaking the seller is profiting off the buyer every single fucking time. Is that a ponzi to you? You need to stop what you are doing and KYS right now

>> No.20707584

That nigger again. Yo fella listen up, get back in the old bread cuz, this the pump edition.

>> No.20707593

hes same guy from the statera thread lol

>> No.20707597

Breaking ath this week

>> No.20707629

King of Defi

>> No.20707735

>Everytime you fucking sell anything theres a fucking buyer
Let's assume that in the pool there are Eth/Link and Btc
One guy sells eth for BNT and BNT is not in the pool
Now you have less liquidity in the pool...less profits for the pooler

>> No.20707812

Kingmaker. How is it possible that Sta produces massive liquidity and fees generated, without other projects buying Sta or Delta to get exposure to those kinds of benefits?

>> No.20707917

Indeed, the revolutionary deflationary token.

>> No.20707980

what the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.20707989

I think it is the deflationary aspect of it. That is part of the reason Balance Labs got so mad at us, they thought we were gaming the system. Our balance pool was going parabolic before the exploit because it offered insane returns

>> No.20708037

>it offered insane returns
and doesn't this sound like a scam to you? No?

>> No.20708115

Tell us how exactly are we going to get scammed, I’m listening.

>> No.20708148

Is /ourcoin/ back bros?
Holding a baby stack of 25k, how much do I need to make it?

>> No.20708169

My dad makes $300k+ a year, is his employer scamming him?

>> No.20708182

I can't tell if you are seriously that low iq. This entire DeFi scene is offering INSANE returns. You need to seriously consider KYS it would take far less energy than the time spent trying to understand what we have been explaining in several posts now

>> No.20708203


>> No.20708207

Try to make it to at least 50k while it is below 10c, you won't regret it

>> No.20708239

STAstronaut checking in. ALL ABOARDDDDDD

>> No.20708377

I know I should but I bought my stack back at sub 1c and I don't feel like I can justify spending that much more on it

>> No.20708469

You will still make good money with a 25k stack

>> No.20708724

Besides Uniswap where else can we buy/sell?

>> No.20708771

Is a new listing

>> No.20708822

Hotbit and Hoo currently

>> No.20708829

I thought so to. I only read the whitepaper recently. Then the team passed audit. Balancer announced refunds. DYOR and let me know what you think anon.

>> No.20708863

hotbit, hoo

>> No.20708971

Trye STAtesmen are not selling you anything. Either you like an autobalancer crypto index fund that has a deflationary mechanism built in that is decentralized and trusted or you don't. I don't give a fuck if anyone buys this or not. I like my pool, I like my stack, I am comfy. This thread is about positive vibes and positive energy. Not abouy shilling to outsiders.

>> No.20709030


>> No.20709081


>> No.20709229

75k STA here. Am I going to make it?

>> No.20709246
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Would you pump her bags?

>> No.20709321

I did a naughty...I sold 200k for AMPL. I'm addicted now, becuase just made more gains...Convince me not to dump my whole stack into AMPL tonight....bags feeling heavy.

>> No.20709326

We all gonna make it fren

>> No.20709336

I'd pump her to the moon until I pooled all over the place

>> No.20709338

Buy STONK while it's cheap. Dev is an autist kiwi and not a scammers african

>> No.20709346

Please dump.

>> No.20709365

Buying AMPL is fine, but it is already has a 400 mil mcap. STA is a long term hodl with minor gains from fees. Your choice really.

>> No.20709366

Fuck off AMPL shill

>> No.20709396

*but it already has a 400 mil mcap

>> No.20709433


I've been a long term STA whale...but AMPL is so juciy. Even our STA overload whale, is liquidating everything for AMPL...he has over 600k AMPL now...

>> No.20709462

Dump sir! We need more buy opprtunities

>> No.20709517

>Even our STA overload whale, is liquidating everything for AMPL
No he isn't, he still has nearly 6 million STA

>> No.20709559

I'm truly conflicted. I have faith in STA and its future, but with BTC/ETH pumping it looks like on AMPL can hang...I've been selling stack off, but im being punished by daily rebases for not having more....UGGGGGGGG. Fk it. Rebase AMPL time shall be the biggest dumpeth STA has seen in a week. May Thanos be with you.

>> No.20709588

Litterally sold over 1mil $ worth of RSR and some other coins over last week to go from 0 to 600k AMPL

>> No.20709592
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It's high time we create a community Balancer pool with yFi, Ampl, Delta. The returns will be legend status.

>> No.20709615

>of RSR
Is this an RSR thread?

>> No.20709629

Its a STA thread and the actions of our STA overload is very important with comming months of this project.

>> No.20709637

But didn’t sell STA.

>> No.20709711

Chart looking bullish. Hyped for the news this weak

>> No.20709718

He is invested in lots of coins, not just STA, not just AMPL. In other words, he is diversified

>> No.20709767

Not yet...but you can tell hes desperate to collect these sweat AMPL tendies. What happens when all thats left for him to sell is STA?? Will his AMPL addication be able to be controled or will he ravage our naked and tied down sTatERA.....

>> No.20709797

hes has 2.2mil $ our of 2.4...is AMPL thats not diversived lol GTFO.

>> No.20709833

>hes has 2.2mil $ our of 2.4...is AMPL
please speak English, pajeet

>> No.20709944

But im A STA owner. Are you saying STA is a coin Pajeets would buy?

>> No.20709950
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what happens next lads?
do we go up or down?

>> No.20709969
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>> No.20710011

69 and coomer pilled

>> No.20710038

STA is a coin that anyone would would buy.

>> No.20710092

>Tell us how exactly are we going to get scammed, I’m listening.
Maybe when the ponzi collpse and first investors get out of the pool?
>This entire DeFi scene is offering INSANE returns
to the early investors
the latter will be bitconnected

>> No.20710094

Can I buy Delta token and STA token as well as sell them directly on Balancer Labs' exchange?

>> No.20710115

1000x soon

>> No.20710183

next week will be juicy.
just keep us crabbing until then to maximise gains

>> No.20710209

Probably not Statera, but probably Delta. I would ask in the tg to be sure though because I haven't tried

>> No.20710307

>Maybe when the ponzi collpse and first investors get out of the pool?
That just weakens the pool's power to buy and sell, it doesn't collapse anything. Its clear you haven't really looked into it.
Of course anyone can leave the pool, its fine, you're not forced to lock your liquidity

>> No.20710490

Oh ok this hasn't happened every bitcoin boom.and bust cycle? Kys

>> No.20710892

This. Checked.

>> No.20711062

we going down hard. stop selling faggits

>> No.20711361

I can tell from your retarded posts that you do not know how Statera tokenomics work. Read more about it before you open your shithole.

>> No.20711497

>That just weakens the pool's power to buy and sell
this translate in less buy power for the balancer to hedge = investors at the top with big losses

>> No.20711524

Who the fuck would be attracted to this coin STILL? I sold this shit and put it into AMPL, thank god.

>> No.20711580

lol shililing at its best then go to ample threads

>> No.20711600
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>> No.20711795

When Bull run happens STA will be worth couple of dollars for sure, your gains will be more with STA than AMPL.

>> No.20712162

one final shakeout before the moon mission

>> No.20712408

>STA will be worth couple of dollars for sure
Twf my daydreams of making it are actually a 10x away from becoming reality

>> No.20712508
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Pooling will pay out so much after that

>> No.20712601

Ahahaha you should have longed Cardano.

>> No.20712636

Yeah I’m definitely going to pool my gains bit by bit, also pooling the refunds.

>> No.20712727

I am pretty sure people getting refunds will get back 20% or more than what we had prior to the hack. Fucking Scott, the glorious bastard, picked winners for the pool.

>> No.20712997

Yeah the assets have done really well, maybe it was good for the weak hands who would have sold otherwise. Just hoping the refund would come soon.

Considering how promising things have been looking for the past couple of weeks I think a huge part of the original pool will come back to STA in a way or another. Even only 50% would speed the rocket up so much I can only dream of the gains.

>> No.20713418
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where baguette gang at

>> No.20713471

The refund is sure to pump the pool up by at least 100k if not more, and the price of STA is going to get a big pump as well.

>> No.20713491


>> No.20714055

Boring days though, I liked the rollercoaster. How can we rid STA of the crabbing?

>> No.20714078

whats the pools looking like lads?

>> No.20714126
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Market it, I started a twitter account to help spread the word gently, very gently, organic is key.

>> No.20714181

Nice, well done...

>> No.20714223

i think the main pool has over 180k on balancer

the delta token pool has over 430k on uniswap, but im not sure if this includes just the delta token and also the delta token pooled on balancer


the wiki site has links to main balancer pool

and the 4 pools made by the community
we havnt added the delta token link thought or he ample one (mainly because it has elasicity so were not sure how it will owrk with gulp)

>> No.20714241

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Pink Wojaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkks aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.20714298

What news?

>> No.20714354

any tips for allowing a transaction to go through.
Set slippage to 2% manually and thew the transaction over.

>> No.20714385

Use rounded numbers
So 1127 STA instead of 1127.124

>> No.20714400

i set it to 1.11

the past days have been congested as fuk one transaction took me like 15 minutes i sped it up halfway through

>> No.20714431

Abu said there will be something new next week

>> No.20714435

>Use rounded numbers
what am i gonna do when my .278143 STA is worth $15

>> No.20714458

how can i view the transaction to see its status and speed it up?

>> No.20714474

Oh shit. I didn't consider that. You will blow your nose with $100 bills eventually though

>> No.20714494

If you click the tx, in Metamask at least, there is an arrow in the upper right corner that links to the etherscan of the tx

>> No.20714499

i use meta mask so after i confirm transaction i can go on meta mask wallet expanded view

clilck on activity and the pending transaction right or left click dont rmember which one and you should be able to

speed up
view on etherscan
and some other options

>> No.20714534

using coinbasewallet sadly.

>> No.20714582

Can you see the tx address anywhere? You can paste that into etherscan if you can find it

>> No.20714665

who is Abu?

>> No.20714703

ah, the transaction never got pushed through after confiming it.
Got it to work this time, thanks lads.

>> No.20714755

One of the devs, the most visible one. Scott is the other, and the main dev, but he stays behind the scenes mostly.

>> No.20714851

I don’t think Scott has much to do with STA anymore. It’s Abu and the G C guy who both seem very smart at what they’re doing.

>> No.20715043

There really isn't much to do as a dev since it is a community project. There are actually quite a few people on the team, most of them are people I never see in the tg, but yeah Abu and GC seem to be at the forefront

>> No.20715083

G C is based

>> No.20715120

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. Going down to zero! Aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.20715150


>> No.20715319

It did this the last time, before pumping 250% within a few hours. Buy the dip or seethe tomorrow

>> No.20715369
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>> No.20715415

the bounce has begun friend, see you at $0.15 tomorrow
>$10 EOY

>> No.20715717

2 more days Fren sorry. Im moving to AMPL so price still has bit before sell wall gone.

>> No.20715886

i bought 5k more...please dont dump

>> No.20715908

I thought we'd hit 4c so i can buy back in.
fuck my life I just sold.

>> No.20715910

Hope it works out for you. If it doesn’t you can borrow the rope I use to climb into my mansion’s watchtower

>> No.20715918
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here we go

>> No.20716042

I want to laugh at you, but I feel for you anon

>> No.20716095

its alright anon, i sold at a proffit, throught i'd try out swing trading a little while we downtrend slightley

>> No.20716134


ANNOUNCEMENT! The Unofficial Statera Wiki is commencing a Weekly Prize Pool.

The weekly winner gets Ethereum and Balancer Tokens from pooled bets from the prize pool.

For More Info: https://stateraprojectwiki.com/weekly-prize-pool?utm_source=Telegram

The last week winner has already received his .2393 ethereum and BAL Tokens

On the site at bottom of page it shows last weeks winner and his wallet adress. Anyone can verify all transactions from the prize pool Holdings adress

>> No.20716155
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>> No.20716169

I learnt the hard way across a bunch of uniswap coins that swinging your entire stack is just asking for trouble, especially with how volatile they are. At the same time though, you can make a killing on them if you time things right and also have a bit of luck on your side.

>> No.20716230

>swinging with a 25k stack
>not leaving enough ETH for gass
>having to buy overprised ETH to fule my addiction

>> No.20716555

i'm guilty of doing this multiple times, it's a bad habit

>> No.20716648

Guys please let it drop some more so I can buy.

>> No.20716662

its done litteraly nothing for like 20 minuets. i dont know whats going on.

>> No.20716683
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And here... we... go!

>> No.20716731

I've made it a habit to always leave myself over 0.05ETH in my wallet at all times so I don't get fucked by gas, which has only gotten worse over the past months.

>> No.20716848

is uniswap.vision fucked up, I havent' seen movement in like half an hour.

>> No.20717085

No buys or sells on uniswap during that time.

>> No.20717168

what are you talking about, there's a massive bounce back candlestick right now

>> No.20717255
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litteraly 35 minuets of nothing...
i thought it fucked up for me for a mo

>> No.20717282

Fuck yeah STA is back bois

>> No.20717313

What the fuck is this reddit meme pic related? You have to go back faggot

>> No.20717341

But then you would have never blessed us with your presence faggot

>> No.20717720

Your awfully close to being snap'd

>> No.20717768
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>> No.20718410

scott has to be one of the most based devs in all of crypto. he chose coins for the balancer that he knew were mooning, so now the cucks at balancer labs have to pay extra when refunding everyone

>> No.20718453

It's really funny how hard ETH has been going the last week, Balancer's probably scrambling to push out the refund now.

>> No.20718724

I know right lol

>> No.20718837
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I definitely didn't think I'd see it get below .05, even for a quick flash. Great opp to grab a few more for cheap before blast off next week/balancer refund.

>> No.20719204

lol I was thinking the same thing

>> No.20719310

I sold intending to buy back in around 4c
hoping to gain an easy extra 10k
what day are we thinking the news will drop next week? Friday, Saturday...