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File: 123 KB, 782x232, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2070660 No.2070660 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Digibytes.





Letting you anons in on the next big thing before it blows up.

I'll be here to help for a little while.

>> No.2070662

What do the quarterly statements look like?

>> No.2070670

>next big thing
Lol you spelt XBY wrong

>> No.2070672

For the project or pool?

I'm not even sure what you're asking.

>> No.2070677



>> No.2070679
File: 604 KB, 960x540, 1493589846849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price Prediction by Jan 2018?

Going to say 1-10 cents.

The big surge is going to happen middle of june with Digi gaming and minecraft being released.

The next rallies will be from unreleased news that will give us more bragging rights.

>> No.2070685

I think you can only invest in this if you are a /v/ideogamer. Sure it starts as minecraft integration, then maybe it targets the biggest online pc games (Wow, lol, dota?, blizzard games, counter strike go)

Then perhaps twitch integration. It's a lot of speculation, but gaming and crypto seem like a natural combination. There is also gamer credits for mobile games.

>> No.2070688


I'm thinking upwards of a dollar by Jan 2018.

10 cents is achievable through the summer alone.

Glad to have you on board anon.

>> No.2070694

It already has integration in cs:go, wow, lol.

when it hits overwatch and minecraft it's going to explode.

The big promoters will be twitch streamers who already accept donations in mBTC.

dgb is the next logical step. it's also a lot cheaper for the average normie to buy as well.

>> No.2070716

Bump for more insight.

>> No.2070738

Just buy Myriad.

>> No.2070998

Nice another shitcoin being shilled

>> No.2071003


Pretty hilarious that you're calling DGB a shitcoin when it's the only alt coin with promising utility in an actual real world market place.

Bitcoin and possibly ethereum will be the only two coins left standing for all crypto transactions, DGB is smart my cornering the gaming market first before expanding outward, therefore it doesn't have to immediately begin competing with the biggest players therefore it has room to grow from fractions of cents to dollars you nigger

>> No.2071032

>I'm thinking upwards of a dollar by Jan 2018.

i came. but lets be realistic. it would need an 8 billion + market cap for that to happen

>> No.2071058

Would it be worth mining? In its current state, I can't imagine it costing too much to do so.

>> No.2071104

>DGB would only need to become Ripple
>lambo time

>> No.2071260
File: 58 KB, 419x247, 1463448820181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally mine it playing LoL. So, yes. But right now the gaming wallet is down.

We are hoping in a spike in price when its fixed.

>> No.2071265


Can i mine this with cpu?

>> No.2071311

Can anyone explain to me how the payouts to random noobs just for playing games are supposed to be financed?

The only use case I can think of is developers of pay2win games integrating it to get people on board.

(Apparently it’s been integrated with some huge titles already, but that seems more like marketing. I don’t suppose Blizzard is paying for the DGB going to people playing WoW.)

>> No.2071332

I'm looking to drop about $1k into Digibyte as a hold which will be around 520k DGB. Besides the June integration with minecraft, is there anything else in pipeline that could increase the price? Figure if this thing get near 10 cents at 500k, that's $50k for $1k investment so why not.

>> No.2071401
File: 450 KB, 800x800, touhou_cirnoguitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say marketing at this point. Getting more people familiar with the name DGB. Just wait for when Digibytes to do something clever with this.

I think the sooner all the DGB gets mined, we can have an official price.

Part of what makes DGB a good investment is that you are getting in before good news is released. T.bh, the minecraft news was meh to me.

But what makes it great to me is that i think this is the start to bigger and better things with gaming.

if you were to wait for DGB to announce that they are going to be on steam, twitch, or nintendo, it would have already gone up a 1000% already, and would too late to get rich off of a $1000.

Thats why all these people who prefer XRP over DGB are retarded to me: they are buying XRP after all the good news is announced, and at most, will only make a 1000%, as opposed to DGB, where you would to buy in now, would have a 10000% return

Think buying ETH at $1 vs at $10

>> No.2071420

so how do i mine this? do i have to be playing vidya?

>> No.2071429

Link is in the OP.

>> No.2071432


This is where I mine cpu. I'm thinking of trying to get a pool up but it might just be worth it to just join one already

>> No.2071444

We know the link is there but it doesn't explain HOW to set it up. I loaded the configuration file and can't seem to get it to connect to a mining pool. What should the pool url look like in config?

>> No.2071451

>want to start mining
>only available on Windows

Oh well.

>> No.2071463


So how much do you get per game?

>> No.2071465

hes implying dividends are better the cryptocurrency

>> No.2071628
File: 32 KB, 300x375, 1484358483579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try this http://www.mybitcoin.space/2017/03/how-to-mine-digibyte-with-your-cpu.html

For mining during gameplay, I believe you make 1000 coins an hour or something. Dont remember, ill have to try it out myself.

But Digibyte gaming is down for now, and needs to be fixed.

one day. once its compatible on ubuntu and mac, we'll just moon more.

>> No.2071673

>Try this http://www.mybitcoin.space/2017/03/how-to-mine-digibyte-with-your-cpu.html

Shit anon, thanks for the sweet tut and info. Too bad I fucking can't stand playing LoL and shit

>> No.2071695
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, err.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting a "Stratum authentication failed" message. I'm using the qubit pool, so my config file and .cmd look like pic related. What should I do?

>> No.2071697

shill harder faggot

>> No.2071716
File: 600 KB, 1023x1053, 1487109712462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consult the redditards. https://www.reddit.com/r/Digibyte/

they know what to do!

>> No.2071732
File: 75 KB, 1272x1157, 2017-05-13_09-13-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can only get 1000 a day, look at their gaming page.

I'm mining these and I get like 1200 a day with 35 MH/S. Obviously I'm losing money atm mining, but if it moons it might be worth it.

>> No.2071749


You lose more money with the electricty you retard

No wait , you have no concept of expenses as your mom and dad pay the bills dont they? lmao keep your pc on overnight grinding $1 a day while our chink overlords have mining farms getting $100 a minute

>> No.2071750

How do you mine so much? I'm only at 1810kH/s

>> No.2071754


Sacrifices need to be made to get to lambo land.

>> No.2071757


i5 4 core processor - 3 MH/s
gtx 970 - 35 MH/s

>> No.2071806

that makes a lot of sense. I've got my rx470 and rtx 960 straight on mining btc from nice hash. I wonder if I should just set my 960 to DGB
Is there a specific miner for Nvidia gpus?

>> No.2071808
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 2013meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose more money
DGB will be 1$ one day. If you make a 1000 everyday, thats a $1000 a day.

You think the electric bill is going cost more than that?

>> No.2071820

My b, I just look ed at my pool website and it has everything I need. Thanks for the chat

>> No.2071838

Can anybody else help with >>2071695

>> No.2071865


I use Groestl on that pool because i didn't know how to set up the other ones.

>> No.2071876

How do I actually get coins with this mining shit? Looking at my mining information it says I have a valid hash rate of 9 MH/s and the thing i'm running is saying
accepted 173 (yay)
accepted 174 (yay) etc.
But how does that actually convert to coins?

>> No.2071895


It will show up on your account info page, it takes a while to get any coins (especially if your hashrate is low). As long as the hashrate is showing on your worker page, it is working.

You just need a DGB address (either on an exchange or a wallet) to cash out to.

>> No.2071908

you get paid through the PoW consensus.

Go to your account page on the mining pool and you'll be able to see your balance.

There should be a place where you can enter a digibytes address.

Click payout and you're good.

I do auto payouts in increments of 100.

>> No.2071914

Thanks. Is there any place I can just buy these coins? I would rather spend $10 buying 10k coins than spend weeks trying to mine that much.

>> No.2071923

Yeah. Bittrex and Poloniex have it listed.

>> No.2071954

I don't see any options to put $$ into Bittrex. Is there any way to deposit from Paypal?

>> No.2071959

Groestl doesn't work for me, windows seems to think "The file contains a virus" and deletes the .exe when I try to run it

>> No.2071986

Run the .bat file not the .exe

Make sure you entered your info into the file tho.

Like username and such.

>> No.2072090

I already tried that, it just closes the cmd window after a few seconds and deletes both files

>> No.2072101

Please help me. I sold 2 million at 35 sats when I was trading them when it was 20-30 thinking it would dip again.

>> No.2072137

you've sold me based anon

>> No.2072159
File: 55 KB, 840x710, whaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running the .bat file and it's literally just doing this.
There hasn't been any chance for me to type out anything; what do?

>> No.2072170


>> No.2072261
File: 50 KB, 977x510, cmd_2017-05-13_20-31-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it supposed to look like this? worker stats on site showing inactive

>> No.2072320

How the fuck do you get 400Mh/s? What kind of monster are you running this on? Here I am with 10Mh/s.

>> No.2072329

You figured it out?

Have you edited the .bat to include your pool username?

>> No.2072334


set -u and -p same as my worker's

>> No.2072350
File: 19 KB, 1431x759, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what my .bat looks like

>> No.2072361

Got it sorted and everything's working, thanks Anon.

I hope we all profit from the ride to the moon chaps.

>> No.2072365
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to be on the rocket, but can't get any of these fucking miners to work. Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.2072366
File: 11 KB, 1899x398, notepad_2017-05-13_20-58-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is mine

>> No.2072376

Have you entered your password for the pool like:
-p passwordgoeshere ?

>> No.2072506

tried that already, same result

>> No.2072541

Same Anon on a different computer, I'm not being patronising, but do you have a 64bit PC?
I'm a newfag to mining, all I did was:
>download & extract the ccminer folder
>right-click ccminer, then edit
>entered the bottom code as per here for my video card
>replaced with my username and password where necessary
>linked to my wallet on my account on the server webpage
What's your video card? Do you have admin settings enabled on your computer?

>> No.2072586

Buy bitcoin in fiat on Coinbase, then transfer to your bittrex bitcoin wallet and trade for dgb. Kind of a hassle but its the only way I know how

>> No.2072601

I see what you did here.

>Re-download the miner folder and extract it(Just so you have a fresh copy)
>Right click x15-start.bat
>Click edit
>Enter your username and such
>Double-click "x15-start" to run the miner

Enjoy anon.

remove "pw" from the end of the code

>> No.2072662

makes playing minecraft in muh gearvr an easy choice, as long as I can log on to the DGB server to earn taht sweet cash


>> No.2072716

how do i mine using the linked program through a socks5 proxy?

>> No.2072720

Is there a lightweight digibyte wallet I can use? The core one says it will take 12 years to sync.

>> No.2072773

it's heavily detected as a virus https://virustotal.com/en/file/73b8f72c9db8b929b52b3ed23e9ef2fdd0cb5aae1f1c3fa086ef8a6d20a6f595/analysis/1494703052/

>> No.2072789

Asus GTX 1070. I am the administrator of my computer, yes.
There's no x15-start.bat in the folder

>> No.2072801
File: 33 KB, 1129x638, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you screen cap your folder?

mine looks like this

>> No.2072828
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, fresh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded this from the qubit page, if that has any bearing on it. Windows does not like the groestl version, no idea why.

>> No.2072840


>> No.2073199

I have 30k Digishit that I bought at 0.00000126. Can someone tell me how high this shit can actually go? No shills please

>> No.2073209

It'll go to zero. buy XBY fag.

>> No.2073272

How long does it take to get my coins? I cashed out at 50 an hour ago and I still don't have anything in my Android wallet? Did something go wrong?

>> No.2073280

You aren't going to get an accurate price without anybody shilling.

This is a buy and hold for a few months not a quick pump and dump.

My opinion is probably $0.05-$0.10 in the next few months. They have a lot of stuff coming to the foreground.

>> No.2073288

What pool and algo is everyone using. I'm at miningfield with a gtx960 with 210MH/s I want to know if any are more efficient.

>> No.2073473

buy bitcoin from coinmama, then get the wallet bitgo... send the bitcoin to your wallet... then deposit that bitcoin on poliniex, there you can use the bitcoin as a currency to buy other coins.

>> No.2073533

>Can't mine with either of the 2 gpu's I have and cpu only produces 2kH/s
Should I buy a used r9 280 (~$80) to mine with or just buy coins directly?

>> No.2073582

i'm buying 500 Dollars of this and 500 of Humaniq, i just hope this isn't just a meme

>> No.2073609

Okay, i'm interested in mining this shit, but I'm learning the ways of memecoins this week.

i see there is a tutorial here:


But is this retarded proof or i need some basic knowledge in mining memecoins before jumping in?

>> No.2073693

just download a mining app like ccminer, then look for a pool of miners, they should have a site and some kind of instructions to join then, just follow those and checkout when you fell you have enough shitcoins

>> No.2074011


Yeah, I'm trying to figure this out, i see there is this pool here


Should i look into the biggest TH/s, right?

>> No.2074048

Mining seems to bring paltry returns. Not even $1 a day, with a decent rig. i7 / 1060 gtx

Am I doing something wrong? Hamstringing my computer and the electricity costs don't make this profitable at all.

>> No.2074071


>> No.2074084

Literally being made by some minecraft modders to get you DGB for mining in game.

Think of all the kids who want to buy lol and steam shit but are poor or parents won't let them. Now they set up an online wallet for dgb and play minecraft like they would anyways but earn dgb too, the same kiddies who watch yogbox and old pewdiepie and would tip to them for being lolololol hilarious.

It will take off after it get implemented into that and people realize how often it will be used.

>> No.2074239

Guys, I think I'm mining, but I'm not sure the coins are coming to me or to some random Jew.

I'm using the ccminer like some anon told me, using this server:


i registered and followed some youtube vid steps

the CMD file looks like this

ccminer-x64 -a bitcore -o stratum+tcp://s1.theblocksfactory.com:9001 -u myusername.host1 -p x
but in the CMD screen it says that the BTC Donation address is some random wallet (tpruvot)
and keep appearing green lines with "bitcore block 4434344, diff 313213313.121

Am i doing right? I surely can't tell because I'm a fucking retarded

>> No.2074252


ccminer-x64 -a bitcore -o stratum+tcp://s1.theblocksfactory.com:9001 -u username.workername -p password

It goes to your account on the website, you have to manually cash out from there.

>> No.2074253

Dunno mate, but since I believe in DGB I'll give you the bump I'm hopes one of the people who know more about mining come in to help.

>> No.2074266

is this satire?

>> No.2074273
File: 125 KB, 1920x1080, ccminer 2.0 bitcore x64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to edit either of these .cmd files, or is all of the editing done in the .conf file? This is digibyte - qubit if that has any bearing on this.

>> No.2074281


Yeah, I'm doing this, but looks like it keeps giving what i mine to this "tpruvot" wallet, my wallet in that site still 0 after like 15 minutes of mining

this "-u username.workername"

translates to something like "-u joseph.host1" right

>> No.2074285

Bump for when I get home.

I'll help you out.

>> No.2074289


I did edit that "RUN-BTX-coinpool.cmd" file with >>2074239

But I don't think it is working

try to do the same as me and post results

>> No.2074291

Not at all. There are plenty of poor, autistic kids who would put the time and effort in. Hell, when I was younger I used mTurk and other pay to click sites just to make ends meet.

It could honestly end up on reddits beer money or some other similar area of the internet as well. You have to factor in the autistic world into money as well for minimal or things people would be doing anyways.

>> No.2074309

anyone have info on masternodes for DGB?

>> No.2074348


Apparently nothing yet. I'm waiting myself. I imagine it'll be around the time of Minecraft DGB collection or you could make a Minecraft server and collect a portion of it.

>> No.2074368

How do I configure ccminer to use fewer resources?

>> No.2074382


Nice, thanks bro

>> No.2074452

So im into'ing this coin, my wallet hasnt even begun syncing yet.it says '3 years and 16 weeks behind'

how long does this process take and how do i speed it up?

>> No.2074477

It takes 3 years and 16 weeks, just be patient.

>> No.2074487

the rocket would have truly left the platform by then

>> No.2074581

Myriad is much better. It's the original, has CPU mining, and wasn't instamined to shit like DGB. Plus it's way cheaper. Tell me why anyone should invest in DGB over Myriad at this point?

>> No.2074678

wtf is Myriad? Sounds weird, digibyte sounds like megabytes and gigabytes and digital like gaming related.

(Technology isn't everything faggot, marketability is everything.)

>> No.2074690

Is it any easier to mine than DGB? Because I've been at this since like noon and I don't think I'm any closer to doing it right

>> No.2074694


Are you mining with the ccminer? can you tell me how to set up it propely?

>> No.2074830

Which version are you using?

>> No.2074875


tpruvot version, the newest one, i think I'm doing it right, but i just can't mine for myself, it always go to some shady wallet

>> No.2075024

why the fuck does this wallet take so long to sync

i dont want to hold my coins in an exchange

>> No.2075052
File: 389 KB, 1424x5038, DGBMiningGuide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick start mining guide I made.

>> No.2075148
File: 2.18 MB, 500x281, 1486325681648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

Honestly, Digibytes needs as many tutorials and fan-made things as possible right now.

Have you seen the creator's actual videos? They are autistic betas speaking quietly in a mic. Not professional at all.



Its up to us to pretty up DGB.

>> No.2075185

just downloaded the wallet for this coin
>estimated time left until synced: 5 years and 40 weeks

am i doing something wrong?

>> No.2075188

no. mine said 1000 years.

You just have to have your computer on for 5 -
10 hours and itll be ready to go

>> No.2075265
File: 53 KB, 612x491, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 300k for $500. Did I do good? When can I pick up my lambo?

>> No.2075278

Mid summer 1 cent, maybe 10-15 end of the year

>> No.2075300

Any news coming out in the horizon? Will any hw wallet come out with support for DGB?

I have a feeling it is the next Ripple. I put another 0.1BTC in DGB, hope it oays off anon.

>> No.2075307

thanks for this, question

how do i know what my username is? is it my pc username

>> No.2075345

this plus it gets kids in poor countries out the USD barrier for non-adjusted games.

100 hours of minecraft is 100 hours and the payout is the same since it skips currency barriers. (their goal isnt fiat, its DLC)

>> No.2075348


What it needs is 2 things.

1. G2A

2. Unity plugin

then the rest is mars missions and ass-obliterated fuds

>> No.2075535
File: 29 KB, 223x446, ss (2013-09-16 at 06.38.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does the miner work at maximum GPU capacity (a la BTC miner) or is this like the dogecoin miner from years ago, where with powerful GPUs you'd have to open several miners at once to get full efficiency?

I have a GTX1090 and the mining rate seems a bit low (especially since the tutorial guide uses a shittier card and is still higher than mine)

>> No.2075543
File: 5 KB, 400x300, 1347084889759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright OP, I'm about to trade 2 BTC for DigiByte

Why should I or why shouldn't I.


Downloading the blockchain as we speak

>> No.2075544

That advertisement is kek tier

>> No.2075547

crypto + videogames seem like a good combination to get the normies into this business

>> No.2075613

A Crypto currency getting laid with gaming?

Where do i sign up?
I need to buy 1000$ worth of this shit.
It will pass the moon and continue to the next galaxy.

>> No.2075633

there is another similar coin: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gamecredits/
but it's already on the moon

>> No.2075637
File: 41 KB, 600x416, oilup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Minecraft integration in a few weeks.

If that works out and all the minecraft kids that today are 18+ and can BANK will buy into it and spread the word over the global gaming community this thing will BOOM like a motherfucking 100KTON Nuclear warhead.

Soon Minecraft.
In a year: WoW, DOTA , CS , League etc?

no brainer investing 500-1000$ in this.

>> No.2075649

If you are so sure of your shitcoin why don't you take a 100,000$ loan and invest it all? Why 500-1000$?
Oh wait you are a NEET who gambled his pocket money and you hope that your shitposting on 4chan will make people buy your shitcoin
This place sucks balls

>> No.2075655

But what about me? I want to dump 10k usd into it, the problem is I'm stuck on their shitty website and the fact that noone will tell me why its so shitty
>refering to digibyte.co

>> No.2075660

>t. Someone who gambled his life savings and lost

Not everyone can ride the rocket, sometimes people have to ride the cock of economics so that others may enjoy the mooning.

Sorry :(

>> No.2075662

where buy DGB?

>> No.2075669
File: 19 KB, 244x260, 1466904442979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you even post here if you are apposed to this sort of activity

you knew it was a 'shitcoin' thread before you entered

>this place sucks balls
fuck off then desu

>> No.2075671


This, these fucks must do it on purpose, maybe some 4D trolling going on

>> No.2075722
File: 30 KB, 851x580, dgb wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, guys I got my DGB wallet setup, but where do I find my DGB address to go and buy some

>> No.2075737


Nice self reflecting.

DGB is not worth a 100k investment as the volumes are too low at the moment, it's also not a coin to go all in in this early stage.

That's why you invest a minor amount such as 1000$ because 10x 1000 = 10k which is a very reasonable multiplier for this coin in the near months.

Be less bitter and invest smarter you little mad boy.

>> No.2075744

p-pls respond, I know yall are nice guys here

>> No.2075761

file>receiving addresses

>> No.2075775
File: 311 KB, 558x689, 823-8492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to recieve

Click request payment

Click copy address

and then send it to that address from your Poloniex or Bittrex account.

>> No.2075792
File: 30 KB, 208x401, Shion_Matsuri1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to buy Digibytes directly

Buy BTC on coinbase

Transfer the BTC to poloniex or bittrex

Exchange btc for DGB

Then transfer to your digibytes wallet. And if you need a link to the wallet, i can i provide it for you.

If you want to mine >>2075052

Digibytes gaming is here https://digibytegaming.com

>> No.2075819

>literally identical wallet to BitcoinCore with a different logo

Into the trash it goes

>> No.2075824

>If you are so sure of your shitcoin why don't you take a 100,000$ loan and invest it all? Why 500-1000$?

This. These fags don't know what they are doing at all.

>> No.2075825
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1493543768979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot my anime shitposting friends

>> No.2075831

>what is risk diversification?

>> No.2075895

another question about the wallet. If I deinstall everything on my computer how do I access the same wallet with all my DGB on it?

>> No.2075912

Backup Backup Backup

Seed and wallet.dat file
stored on a 2nd HDD, an usb drive and encrypted on your phone or in the cloud

with this you can always access your wallet.

This is crypto 101, create a wallet, create a backup.

>> No.2075915

You back it up, and make sure to always have that .dat file on something.


>> No.2076141
File: 35 KB, 578x527, 1494342814441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to coinbase to buy BTC and swap to DGB
>make account
>go to buy section, "account restricted"
>tfw can't even buy DGB

>> No.2076295

How can I mine this with a Mac?

>> No.2076323

Your username is created when you sign up with a mining pool.

>> No.2076361

>mining requires coding experience
nah, no time for this shit

>> No.2076396

>implying you need any coding experience whatsoever
kek you're literally just typing in your username and password, then letting the program run itself.

>> No.2076399

just started playing minecraft again because the thought of gambling in game is so cool

>> No.2076416

Can't transfer my DGB I bought on Bittrex to my wallet. Does my wallet need to be fully synced before I can use it?

>> No.2076420

I've been playing autismcraft for years now, but is there a server that is going to implement DGB in it? If so anyone know whats that server?

>> No.2076426

>sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u Username.worker -p xXx -I 20
I'm one of the few nerds who can't understand a thing of those codes.

>> No.2076435

Mine just sits and doesn't do anything for a few seconds and then flashes "Access denied" on the next line in the cmd window, and then shuts it and deletes the .exe file

>> No.2076447

overexposed myself to this one just because they seem to be a victim of poor presentation, devs are clearly decent and it has a nice little community around it

>> No.2076450

Me neither, but I figured it out;
Leave this part alone:
>sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003
Enter your username on the server site here (you leave leave the worker part):
>-u Username.worker
Enter your password here:
>-p xXx -I 20

So it should look like this:
>sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u muhusername.worker -p muhpassword

Remember to right click the .bat file and edit, when you're done just hit save and not save as.

>> No.2076533

what if it's a virus like ransomware?

>> No.2076543

sgminer isn't ransom-ware, but it has been used to use people's computers as coin miners in conjunction with other viruses. You should be fine.

>> No.2076547

I'm pretty sure it isn't, my computer's fine.

>> No.2076551

o-ok I believe you for now anon....

>> No.2076576
File: 18 KB, 1333x208, 17mhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something wrong with sgminer's display here, or is my GT980 seriously managing nearly 17Mh/s?

>> No.2076600

How long has the program been running, Senpai?

>> No.2076611

Almost 10 minutes, it seems my DGB earnings are smaller here compared to my other pool, is that just because this is a smaller pool than some others?

>> No.2076622
File: 35 KB, 956x484, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sgminer doesnt come with a .bat. I editted the conf with my info but I keep getting the error

what do

>> No.2076647

Did you make a new notepad file, apply the template, and then save it as a bat or what?

>> No.2076681

if you mean

>>sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u Username.worker -p xXx -I 20

then yes

>> No.2076692

How do you have the Username.worker part setup? I made the mistake of doing loginname.worker.number, when really it needs to be loginname.worker which by default should be just username.1

>> No.2076698


i have it set as username.1

>> No.2076702


I'm assuming you didn't set "username" as your user name.

>> No.2076704

also if I try using the .bat I made with

>sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u Username.worker -p xXx -I 20

the command line window opens and closes immediately

>> No.2076708


it is set as my username.1 ... not "username"

>> No.2076710

did you try setting the intensity to d for dynamic?

>> No.2076715

>DGB is currently 0.00000115 BTC
>let's say 1BTC=$1800
>so DGB is currently ~ $0.00207
>DGB will literally grow 500 times one day
nah anon, I think it'll be $2 by the end of the year
I mean if we're pulling numbers out of our asses at least pull bigger numbers

>> No.2076719
File: 36 KB, 600x722, 4860895+_973244b5a34e977d52e97e8525b6d671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I have 76k DGB in my jewsack
>tfw it could be 150k by the end of the year
>tfw speculation-erection

>> No.2076730

i don't get it what does an analog byte look like?

>> No.2076778

If you wanted to jerry-rig an alternative DGB mining method you could download shibeminer (no no seriously) and mine it through multipool. I think it'd be slower but DGB is DGB.

>> No.2076829

76k in usa dollars?
Don't you think that is a bit much to put into a random alt-coin?

>> No.2076841

I meant 76k DGB, which, if they magically became $2 a piece, would become $150k. I borked that bit. I actually have about $150.00 in DGB right now.

>> No.2076845

isn't this same as printing money basically?

lets compare digibyte (digital money) to real life cash.

im getting paid for basically playing a game. in real life, i would put in labor, produce goods and/or services that are benefitial for the economy. but with digibyte im basically pulling money out of thin air just for shooting an enemy. isn't this bad?

>> No.2076852


>> No.2076862

Are you using ccminer? What GPU do you have? I found out that my GTX980 isn't supported. Sgminer seems to be working out for me so far.

>> No.2076965


Not at all. It would be the Minecraft server owner providing the DGB being given out and the DGB creators giving out DGB for their quests and LoL, WoW, and CS:GO action currently.

It's not coming out of nowhere, it's being provided by a higher level of the game owner. I'm sure that it will translate into actual mining in the Minecraft version as well in some way.

>> No.2076972

That particular version is ccminer 1.2 (or so the folder says), attempting to mine digibyte with the myr-groestl algorithm. I've actually managed to get ccminer 2.0 x64 using the qubit algorithm to start mining, but I haven't figured out how to get the dgb to my wallet. I have an Asus GTX 1070.

>> No.2076981

i must be fucking retarded because I program for a living and can't connect to any of the mining pools with sgminer

I have my username set to myusername.1 and pw is mypassword . I even set the worker password to be the same as the account password. Do I need to port forward? I can't connect to the fucking server!

>> No.2076982

You should have an account with your pool that should hold onto your DGB until you cash out, then you have to specify another wallet to send the cash-out to, either a local one or another online one.

>> No.2076989

You don't need to port-forward, no. I gotta say this is rather odd. Make sure your sgminer bat file looks like this:
sgminer.exe -k myriadcoin-groestl -o stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u username.workername -p password

>> No.2077010
File: 8 KB, 1040x241, text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when i run the .bat the cmd just opens and closes immediately

>> No.2077029


if i delete the sgminer.conf cmd window will stay open and it will try to connect but still says no servers found.

>> No.2077035

What GPU are you running, it's possible that yours isn't supported.

>> No.2077040


r9 290

>> No.2077042
File: 108 KB, 450x557, 1494341484895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys recommend just buying some DGB on litebit?

>> No.2077046

Buy its now dirt cheap, its either a bust or dump.

>> No.2077054

Yeah yours isn't supported I don't think, if you look in your folder there should be a file called "GPU compute capabilities list". That lists all the compatible GPUs.

You could still try the shibeminer thing I mentioned, it sounds and is kinda dumb but you get DGB out of it.

>> No.2077055

>tfw it takes 3 years to use the wallet
>can't transfer digibytes

Fuck my life

>> No.2077089

Ok, but I mean is litebit OK? I see a lot of people saying go to coinbase and then exchange but my coinbase account is restricted and the support is shite.

>> No.2077128

Litebit is shit, don't invest on it. Digibyte has a good future, buy now all you can then sell later 100x or 1000x

>> No.2077138

just let the client run for 5 maybe 6 hours

>> No.2077140
File: 140 KB, 446x500, d4b2d0c2813000f2242d9aba12e43f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gambled away 200k DGB
>tfw it will now rise to the moon as people start shilling it on 4chinz

>> No.2077162

So why will DigiByte be chosen over Game Credits then, if games are going to adopt a crypto?

>> No.2077174

I have an account on theblocksfactory, I just don't know what to edit to have the mined coins sent to that wallet. Editing the .conf file doesn't seem to have any bearing on the stratum url the miner connects to, and editing the .cmd files makes it stop working.

>> No.2077195

You have to change in ON theblocksfactory website under My Account.

>> No.2077206

Run as administrator. U might have to launch cmd as admin, cd to the directory then type sgminer or cgminer or whatever the miner exe or bat file it is ur trying to launch

>> No.2077214

is 2500 khash/s low for gtx 460?

>> No.2077220

>don't invest on it
its just buy and receive in wallet, wadda ya mean invest?

As I said my coinbase is restricted for some reason, do you know any other alternative?

>> No.2077237

Try yobit or polienix.

For BTC, coinmama

>> No.2077255

I have to change what? If you're referring to the payment address, it's linked to my DGB wallet on Bittrex. That isn't the problem though. The problem is I don't know how to get the coins into my TBF wallet. Editing either of the .cmd files with what one would think is the appropriate information just gives me a "Stratum authentication failed" message, and then deletes the .exe file.

>> No.2077266

Change the Bittrex thing to the TBF wallet? I think I'm misunderstanding the situation.

>> No.2077310


How long has it been down?
When do you think it will be fixed?

>> No.2077325

Wait what the fuck. If you play 1000 hours you're mine 1 million coins??? Then my fucking coins will be worth NOTHING. I only have 1.5M and how will I get to lamboland if you can just play 1500 of video games and have the same amount as me??

>> No.2077342

It's capped at 1000 a day afaik.

>> No.2077439

would still be broken, now you already pay like 2 euro for 1 k coins

>> No.2077548

Yeah I kind of don't want 5 year olds making as much as me playing mine craft.

>> No.2077566
File: 135 KB, 380x682, 1742ce4fa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, literally the worst BTC rates on the entire internet
The only thing it's good for is panic buying if you need BTC NOW and you fear that whatever you want to buy is going to moon in the next hour
For each BTC you buy on coinmama you're already in the red by 200something bucks, unless you have a surefire investment you need to make NOW, buying on coinmama is retarded

>> No.2077606


>> No.2077650

That's part of the problem though, there isn't an address for the TBF wallet as far as I can tell

>> No.2077659

why haven't these faggots added dota 2?
I play tons of dota and not league.
I'm not playing league for this garbage

>> No.2077681

The miner is supposed to just pay out to whatever account is tied to the worker specified in the miner...man, I'm not really sure what to say.

>> No.2077689

I tried buying on coinbase, but it says the bank has to accept the transaction.

I don't get it.

>> No.2077694

It means you haven't verified your bank by making a very small SEPA payment, like their retard-proof instructions gruide you through
Or you could just open a kraken account and get money into your wallet with similar ease, not even needing to confirm your bank yet

>> No.2077710
File: 213 KB, 1620x1079, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think I wasted 700 dollars on coin mama... all the money I burned. Damn.

>> No.2077840
File: 208 KB, 728x518, 1477835976065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dota gets featured within a month
>DGB moons

All you need to do is get a bunch of people to spam Digibytes with your request here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=408268.30600 the digibytes team still actively replies to this thread, and would definetely read 10 posts saying, "ADD DOTA"

Sucks dude. May i ask why you are doing a bank transfer instead of credit card? I would personally pass buying on kraken. It will take you a month before you can get any money there because they need to verify your identity like twice, and you have to a wire transfer of money. I think kraken is just good for storage.

Buy BTC on coinbase with a card.

>> No.2077847

I buy with credit card.

>> No.2077992

Why doesn't the balance show fractions of DGB? Where can I see the exact balance?

>> No.2078082

can you give a link to the digibyte wallet?

>> No.2078106

Where do you mean?

>> No.2078109

Is your wallet in sync?


Do you need a direct download link?
What system are you using?

>> No.2078111

Why not? Those five year olds are almost guaranteed to lose their coins and lost coins have a deflationary effect.

>> No.2078126

windows 64bit.
It's being blocked by the anti-virus.
Why is that?

>> No.2078138
File: 11 KB, 1380x224, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What anti virus are you using?

I use Avira.

>> No.2078152


>> No.2078189

i'm rather new to this whole mining stuff. and the mining difficulty went from 600 to 1250 in like 20 minutes, the fuck is going on?

>> No.2078208

Can you mine this on a mac, or do you need windows?

>> No.2078238

dgb about to moon cheap asks are running out

>> No.2078255

i use condoms

>> No.2078286

Nevermind, it stayed 0 dgb for a while even after the hash info started showing.

Other question, Why am i able to mine even without changing entering my password to the bat file?

>> No.2078293

What does featured mean?

>> No.2078299

Scam pos coin lol

>> No.2078307

Where is the proof that DGB will be integrated into minecraft, wow, lol, etc.?

>> No.2078327
File: 13 KB, 170x385, 790ca53c6c5c4b6199e94061fc8c1d01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will I receive my gainz, people? totally newb here

>> No.2078358

Give it like 10 minutes.

>> No.2078364

thanks I just saw it and I use a gtx980m what do you think about the rate?

>> No.2078366

Considering game companies love money, and will seek it out any way they can, it's not a stretch to imagine that they'd seek out collecting large volumes of what their players might see as 'play money' so they can liquidate it themselves.

>> No.2078369

~20Mh/s? That's around what I get and i also run a 980.

>> No.2078377

where can i find a version of ccminer that supports the myr-gr algo and Compute 2.1 cards?

>> No.2078382

1.2 accepts 2.1 cards and I think, should run that algo.

>> No.2078392
File: 27 KB, 317x628, 1319508442965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best and most secure exchange to buy DGB and trade?
is the core wallet good and secure? I am currently syncing it

>> No.2078394
File: 167 KB, 850x1202, 1490052616972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB HAS HIT .0021 cents!

>> No.2078399


>> No.2078404

Read >>2075792

Windows desktop wallet is the safest. The other wallets have been going down recently, and the digibytes team is fixing it currently.

>> No.2078407

I use Poloniex to exchange DGB to BTC

>> No.2078423

>up 10% for the day, well within this month's bounds
Not really.

>> No.2078426

I have found out that 1.2 doesn't support 2.1 and 0.7 only gives me 2500 kh/s on a gtx 460 which seems too low to me

>> No.2078450

i don't know if old cards do worse, but i'm getting around 14000 kh/s on my good ol' gtx680. Using 1.2 ccminer

did you read this page?


>> No.2078487

digibytes gonna hit 200 sat soon

>> No.2078517

After comparing with other cards it turns out that the hashrate is normal so everything is working correctly

>> No.2078549

alright i'll bite

how do i buy this shitcoin

>> No.2078553

Add dota you shitstains.

>> No.2078557

buy btc at coinbase/libertyx/localbitcoins

transfer to bittrex, use bitcoins to buy dgb

>> No.2078558

bittrex has it

>> No.2078574

Is it safe transferring from Coinbase to Bittrex? I've heard horror stories of people getting locked out by Coinbase for sending BTC to "shady" exchanges.

>> No.2078579

That's exactly what I did a few days ago, went fine. That was probably some other exchange.

>> No.2078628

You guys are fucking idiots if you think people are going to pay money for the byproduct of a bunch of NEETs playing video games.

Who is going to actually going to buy this for btc?

>> No.2078637

Fuck off, dota doesnt need this you fucking lebanons

>> No.2078640

People are going to buy BTC for this because it will moon when minecraft and shit takes off.

>> No.2078643

What does it mean add dota? What do games have to do with this coin?

>> No.2078654

DGB is being set up as a currency for microtransactions, hence DOTA and other such massively popular F2P games.

>> No.2078669

how come its taking me forever to find one (1) digibyte coin

>> No.2078698

Pool? Miner? Hashrate? Hardware?

>> No.2078844
File: 55 KB, 897x358, yayornay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it working? Why isn't it showing yayy or nayy etc like other pictures..
(Im new to this)

>> No.2078877
File: 81 KB, 1085x960, 1485662270495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lamo did you set your usernamee right and the pool

>> No.2078881

>economy for selling virtual items in video games isn't already tens of millions a year
This is probably a lowball figure because it was that much ten years ago when I was still into MMORPGs.

>> No.2079034


Myriad is the original coin that DGB copied and then 'marketed' themselves as the original. DGB is also massively instamined compared to Myriad because they changed the block rewards a bunch of times, which used to be a cardinal sin in cryptocurrencies, but it seems shitcoins get away with anything these days.


Yes, it's easier to mine on Myr-Groestl and Skein as the difficulty is way lower. Also, you can mine it on your CPU using Yescrypt! We replaced Qubit since it's now a worthless ASIC algo. Unfortunately DGB devs chose not to do that. They're more interested in ridiculous shit like 15s block times (the much hyped 'DigiSpeed'™... a single variable change) which ensures the DGB will eventually die because of unsustainable blockchain growth.

>> No.2079054

what my hashrate should be on a r390

>> No.2079105

sgminer for AMD doesn't come with the bat file? not seeing it

>> No.2079110

I've had enough of pulling my hair our trying to get this crap to work. This shit won't even make it to the launchpad because it's such a pain in the ass to mine. Enjoy your shitcoin, lads.

>> No.2079188

A 1050Ti will produce about 700 DGB per day. Nice!

>> No.2079200

I keep getting

>WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!
>Probing for an alive pool
>stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com slow/down or URL or credentials invalid

>> No.2079215

Someone who is gungho on DGB explain why I should buy it after learning this.

Holy fuck.

>> No.2079276

> Digibyte: trades on Poloniex

> Myriad: recently delisted from Poloniex

>> No.2079286

This senpai

>> No.2079291
File: 80 KB, 1390x617, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this coin gets marketing campaign every couple of months to try to meme it into relevancy. Third time's the charm?

>> No.2079305

>every couple of months
You might want to read that graph again.

>> No.2079318
File: 270 KB, 609x587, 1489546368095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Myriad is the original coin DGB copied
Woah there, big words fella. Gonna need some proof of that statement before you shitpost it. Because when i google DGB and Myriad, i see no sight of people complaining about copying. Sounds like youre trying to FUD us.
There goes that buzzword. Have you considered its instamined because more people want DGB than your crappy coin?
>Yes, it's easier to mine
>die because of unsustainable blockchain growth.
You're arguing that myriad is mined easier, but complaining that DGB is mined too fast?

Sounds like theres some butthurt Myriad scammer going around

>> No.2079323
File: 6 KB, 466x115, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads is this thing going to fry my pc

>> No.2079350


>> No.2079363

Butthurt? Certainly, after your mother pegged me last night. But you don't know what you're talking about, and everything I said is correct.

Feel free to check the github for each project...
github.com/myriadcoin (now github.com/myriadteam)

I don't think you understand what 'instamine' means.

>> No.2079406
File: 192 KB, 600x603, 1486147094276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ctrl f my post, and see i never wrote that. I see you need to put words in other peoples mouth to win an argument.
>resorting to your moms joke
So, how is making yourself look like a 12 year old supposed to make you win the argument? Also, youre into pegging? What a fucking beta cuck.

Ok. So let me get this straight. Even though, no one else in the entire google search community has complained about Digibytes copying Myriad, were instead supposed to believe one random shill that looked a github? Heres a spoiler: most coins are copied from bitcoins source code. Le stealers amiright?

>instamined means
neither do you, because you seem to be incapable of explaining it in your words. Im assuming you think DGB is mined to fast and will cause a collapse. I say thats bullshit because coins have mined constantly with no major drawbacks. So then, i tried looking for what else you could mean:

"most cases, an instamine revolves around issuing a large supply of all future available coins during the first hours of days of the cryptocurrency’s launch. "

ok. So how does this apply to DGB? Its not its ICO

All your posts sound like a bunch of buzzwords that you can not explain.

>> No.2079412

500k holder here

how do the devs hope to achieve the $1-$10/dgb price aim?

>> No.2079421
File: 108 KB, 1385x340, 47289374892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres this. Its all simple math, once our market cap hits ripple and etherum current level, it will be a 1 dollar. I say a more honest estimate is around 50 cents to $2. But other of my DGB members think itll go higher.

>> No.2079430


I bought 860k

But please stop posting faggot anime shit. You're making the rest of us look like queers.

>> No.2079446

Please don't stop posting anime shit, I'm enjoying the bitching.

>> No.2079447

How much would a 1080 do lads

>> No.2079450

ill buy some DGB. Should I long term HODL or set a stop limit sell ?

>> No.2079475


Mining skein a 1080 should do around 2300 DGB per day.

whattomine.com is good for this kind of info.

>> No.2079481

>2300 a day

>> No.2079496



>> No.2079512


If DGB price holds up you can pay for a 1080 in a few months just by mining

>> No.2079526


You mean you don't even look at github when you're investing in this shit?

When I say instamine, in the context of DGB, i'm talking about the several instances that the devs initiated a reward change hardfork that conveniently allowed them to mine a lot of coins. If you knew how to use github and a block explorer, you would understand...

>> No.2079571

I have 2xGTX Titan X's 12gb, how much would I be able to mine a day and does this mean I would have to leave my computer on 24/7 working my card at it's highest all the time? would I still be able to play games? how does this shit work m8 I already have 152k DGB but looking at gettin another 100k and mining a few maybe for petrol every week

>> No.2079577
File: 1.44 MB, 567x662, 1484682690911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently allowed them to mine a lot of coins.
If anything, all these alterations is just for getting DGB setup to be mined in video games to me

>You mean you don't even look at github when you're investing in this shit?

>you don't even look at github when you're investing in this shit?
And this should matter why? I already know the main goals of DGB and have full faith in the coin. You think all those guys that made 300 k off of ETH recently, who claim to have said, "I read biz for 5 mins and went all in" looked at the github?

You can get all techno buzzwords on me all you want. But all of what you are saying is minor nit picking at best. Heres a fun fact, Ripple is supposed to be one of the security hazardous alt coins out there according to one internet article, but did that change anything from it being adopted by all major banks and mooning?

Also, until you post convincing screencaps of such source to back up your claims, your opinions are disregarded.

>> No.2079580

fuck outta here with that shit

>> No.2079589


use zpool's benchmark database to find the hashrate for your card and selected mining algorithm. A lot of people like skein.


Then use whattomine to find out what you can earn mining DGB with that hashrate and algorithm

>> No.2079596

my gtx titan x wont show up on the list any other source mate?

>> No.2079611


Do a google search for gtx titan hashrate

>> No.2079622

is there a guide for amd mining?

>> No.2079644

I don't understand any of it I used a calculator said that it would give me 6 dollars a hour but I highly doubt that

>> No.2079656
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1468977366601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here mines digibyte?
I have 13mh/s with hd5850 on dgb-groest

is it worth it?

>> No.2079672

someone tell me how much 2xGTX titan x 12gb will make in a day

>> No.2079684


What hashrate did you find for your card.

>> No.2079696

1844811 KHS couldn't find Hashrate

>> No.2079712


A Titan X should be a bit faster than a 980ti so just use that card's hashrate as an estimate.

>> No.2079723

bruh... I DON'T know how to calculate the power or kw/s or power cost

>> No.2079794

I mine at a little higher than that. Assuming that the re-re casuals and children take the DigiByte Gaming bait then it may very well pay for itself many times over. Worst case scenario you can dump it back into another currency.

>> No.2080302

anyone mining with 970 want to know your hashrate