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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20702002 No.20702002 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto.com has been pumping their CRO scam coin and completely neglected MCO, which is dumping even as everything else is pumping.
It’s likely the whole thing is a Ponzi scheme.

They’re currently deleting posts on reddit complaining about this, like many scam coins from 2017. How many posts can they really handle? Let’s fucking bombard the shit out of them

>> No.20702028

Swipe are going to eat their entire market cap.

>> No.20702051

100%, Swipe are going to beat the shit out of them

>> No.20702070

They are paying way more than any other lending platform for depositing certain shitcoins, they aren’t making money by doing this, they are losing it. And now after wirecard 50% of their buisness is GONE.
This company is extremely fucking sketchy how they make you lockup shit for months at a time. I am very confident they are running on fractional reserves.

>> No.20702178

Ponzi scam

Take down their reddit

>> No.20702201

I like how you had to tack on certain shitcoins because you know their rates are comparable to the competition lol

>> No.20702304

Their rates are comparable for the big coins. They are paying massively more for their shitcoins than any other platform. They take deposits on a lot of shitcoins i’m not going to list them all for you. Also, competitors don’t require you to lock your tokens up for periods of time to earn interest, thats extremely sketchy that they pay you more for locking up tokens longer.

>> No.20702340
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>> No.20702375
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>Crypto.com = SCAM

>> No.20702387


Don’t forget these guys have a shady AF past.

Kris Marzsalek and other Crypto employees are still under investigation for fraud in relation to Ensogo.

On June 21, 2016, Ensogo announced that it will shut down all South East Asia operation (including Hong Kong) and its CEO Kris Marszalek has resigned;”
"it also requests ASX to suspend shares trading. The unprecedented shutdown affected operations in several countries; workers in Singapore found the office was closed, Hong Kong sellers call for police investigation of fraud and certain stores in Thailand rejecting deals purchased by consumers, though the Consumer Protection Board is expected to summon Ensogo executives for remedial issues."

>> No.20702393
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That's hardly sketchy you mong. Think about how interest is paid. Then think about how crypto moves in prices. Then put two and two together and you have your answer. Now, you can disagree with the practice. That's fine. Other companies can do it so why can't they?

But the answer isn't some elaborate WELL THEY ARE STEALING YOUR MONEY. Very likely it's a more stable way of paying interest.

>> No.20702402

You are an idiot, if you have crypto there you are likely going to lose it. Or you are just another one of their multiple paid shills they use to defend their platform. Soijaks aren’t arguments.

>> No.20702426

It is sketchy when no other competitors employ this practice. It REEKS of fractional reserves and the fact they pay higher than their competitors makes it even sketchier.

>> No.20702464

How do we know you're not a Coinbase or Binance shill? Fucking nigger

>> No.20702465


Just lock up your coins brah, whats the worst that could happen?

>> No.20702466
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>You are an idiot, if you have crypto there you are likely going to lose it. Or you are just another one of their multiple paid shills they use to defend their platform. Soijaks aren’t arguments.

>> No.20702497

I buy my coins on crypto.com then transfer them to my Ledger. When it comes time to sell I'll just use Coinbase

>> No.20702502

CDC has been around longer than most of the competition. Only by about a year... But that matters. Also, you need to specify the SHITCOINS. That's what should make you worried. But if the lock up period smooths out the risk, then that's sensible. You can't critique CDC then and not the competition.
>not your keys not your crypto somehow changes if you can withdraw your coins anytime
What can go wrong :)

>> No.20702510

I have all of my link on there so I hope you’re wrong
Making $400 a week locking up my stinks

>> No.20702532

I’ve not said a fucking word about Coinbase or Binance, they aren’t even direct competitors.


>> No.20702556

Alright well the LINKs I bought on crypto.com are on my Ledger now, so what does it matter if they ultimately fail and exit?

>> No.20702623

CDC didn’t launch their lending services until recently. Shit they ICO’d in 2017 and didn’t get cards till ~2019. The CEO and other team members had their previous company shutdown for fraud and are under investigation, require lockup periods while no other competitors do, offer way higher rates than competitors, launched two shitcoins, were involved in a buisness that committed a 2 billion dollar accounting fraud and lost half their card buisness from it. Also, it is highly suspected they engage in paid astroturfing.

It is all sketchy as fuck when combined. I wouldn’t touch CDC with a 10 foot pole. I don’t use any centralized lending services at all but I certainly wouldn’t use them.

>> No.20702639

I mean just because your coins are safe doesn’t mean others are? Its not all about you man.

>> No.20702678

Haha Hahaha
>nothing sketchy about a company offering unreasonable returns while making your money inaccessible

>> No.20702700

WHY would they offer this? How are they making $400 plus profit on your links?

>> No.20702772

isnt their card illegal now?

>> No.20702797

So much this

It is the biggest scam in crypto since bitconnect

People are starting to call them out now. They are managing the censorship but they won’t be able to stop a bunch of autists.

>> No.20702889

People need to spread this. The crypto space doesn’t need another Mt.Gox, it is detrimental as fuck.

>> No.20702902

It makes no sense when you consider platforms like AAVE you can borrow LINK for under 1% APR. Nobody is borrowing LINK from them for the price they are giving you.

>> No.20702974

I'll stick with AAVE
The interest rates are low because it's not a SCAM

>> No.20703053
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>Highly suspected
Weak as fuck fud but whatever.
Do you know how hard it is to get cards to the United States? And anywhere? Fuck I've been following a microcap trying to do so forever and they have approval and still can't. I'm butthurt swipe just took away a moonshot from the project I am following.

Second point -- do you have any proof that the fraud investigation is ongoing as of 2020? Or even 2019? Last I checked, and per some amas, Kris has been cleared of any wrongdoing. So the burden of proof is on you there.

Third point - you cheeky little shit you almost got me on the interest thing. I expected wildly different rates but the only two that popped out as being odd are icon and EOS, with two other projects that strike me as "literal who". As far as "KUHRAZEEE interest rates" let's do some quick maths. If a 3rd of lock up is at each tier, that's only an average interest payout of 4.333 percent each. Now that's a total ballpark and I have no context on who is in what tier, but it's not some wild and weird concept. Some proof of stake projects I believe use a lockup model that pays out more due to having a staking period for that exact reason -- those who are more stable and predictable earn more as it's safer revenue generation. And not everyone is as risk averse, so they lock it up for shorter periods. It distributes the same payouts over the same group, but incentivizes stable people with an extra bonus.

Man CDC has always attracted the most aggressive fud yet they just keep going up. Remember when the wirecard debacle went down and cards were reinstated within the week? And American cards were never at risk? Lmao.

>> No.20703156

This, people don’t understand and give into the FUD

>> No.20703220

I admit I gave in a bit. And interest in crypto in general freaks me out...but it's hard to critique them and let the others get a free pass. But nobody ever fuds blockfi or Celsius other than le whore of link.

>> No.20703233

This anon is dumb AF
>they aren’t making money by doing this, they are losing it
HUR DUR CRO & MCO got printed out of thin air.
>And now after wirecard 50% of their buisness is GONE.
The cards still work dumbass
>This company is extremely fucking sketchy how they make you lockup shit for months at a time.
look up CDs (certificates of deposit)
>I am very confident they are running on fractional reserves.
I'm very confident you have zero fuckin clue what what means.
you must be a mutt, you appear to be the right mix of ignorant/arrogant/retarded.

This is a scam though

>> No.20703256

This poster is almost certainly on the crypto payroll. They are known astroturfers. They are paying exorbitant rates for LINK, stellar and others as well.

I can’t prove a negative, the burden of proof is on you to show he has been cleared. I can show that he is under investigation as of 2016 and nowhere can I find that he’s been cleared.


>> No.20703289

I honestly couldn't figure out how to even deposit fiat on their exchange

>> No.20703353
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Wow yes such scam! Look at pic related it definitely has such a weak correlation with the recent BTC pump. Thanks for making a MCO thread when there hasn't been one on /biz/ in weeks right after it pumps in parallel to BTC showing us how much of a scam it is!

>> No.20703357
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>> No.20703369

Their competitors don’t require lockups. They pay more the longer you lockup and way more than competitors. That REEKS of fractional reserves or fraud. Lookup “bitconnect”

This company is well known for its shills.

>> No.20703405

The shills came fast, wow. Alert your coworkers in your telegram group? Becareful anons, 8% a year is not worth the risk of losing all your crypto.

>> No.20703488

>Lookup “bitconnect”
kek, anyone that fell for that shit is/was a moron. Crypto.com is a higher level scam.

>This company is well known for its shills.
you are well known for being a moron, you've already proven it in previous posts

i'm not a shill retard, I've even said its a scam. I can even tell you why I don't use it. All I did was point out you're a fucking retard. Retards opinions are worthless

>> No.20703496

CRO has been pumping.
MCO has been dumping since forever.

You are getting paid for this and you can't even do it properly

>> No.20703539

I can't find the ama video where he discussed it, so we both look stupid. However, hard to believe that this ongoing investigation has had no updates since 2016. But they do amas on the regular. So maybe I'll ask again :) just for you


No top 50 project is paying anybody to shill on /biz/

>> No.20703544

Well then you probably should be holding CRO not MCO, huh brainlet?

>> No.20703572

it was always obvious they were a ponzi scam for anyone with an iq above 110 kek

>> No.20703634

> Changing the topic

I'm not holding any of these scams about to implode. Mt Gox 2.0

>> No.20703653

Ivan on tech was paid a lot for shilling it daily.

>> No.20703948

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they based their entire idea of wirecard...

>> No.20704062


Imagine thinking SXP will do any better

>Muh CZ, binance bestnance!

Its not the ticker that was the issue, its the cooperation with the kikes who do everything they can to shut down crypto in general. Why the fuck do you think they will make you rich? They have spent thousands of years doing the opposite, really think your so special you can change their centuries long behavior? Your the product mate, the card is just the honeypot. You do realize why crypto was invented in the first place right? To get rid of these parasite, to take back the money they constantly steal from you, you think they are gonna help you with that? Back to square one with you retards, try learning something this time.

>> No.20704225

If you're interested in crypto debit cards, i can recommend Monolith.

>> No.20704660

I only just started buying CRO a couple weeks ago and am up nicely. Only have MCO as my stake for the ruby card. Really don’t care that it’s declining but yeah I guess it’s sucks if you were big into MCO. Crypto “investing” isn’t really for the faint of heart. It’s not like MCO vaporized to $0 or anything. Obviously the market is moving to CRO, might as well just get in on the moon mission, fren.

>> No.20704740

I have mine in a flex stake. Can literally withdraw and sell at any given moment and it earns 12% instead of 14%. A couple of bps for that peace of mind is worth it to me.