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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20701212 No.20701212 [Reply] [Original]

Hiro, it's quite clear that we should have flags on /biz/. Variables like available exchanges, taxes, trading regulations, and job opportunities vary a lot from country to country. It makes sense to be able to tell immediately where someone is posting from during a business related discussion.

What do you think, anons?

>> No.20701292

pee pee poo poo

>> No.20701327

Nah more interesting to learn a global biz perspective than a localized one. Anonymity is a blessing in these hyper individual times.

>> No.20701358

kys faggot learn to read between the lines

>> No.20701364

>t. Pajeet sweating bullets because he won’t be able to shill his pump n dump shitcoins once flags are implemented

>> No.20701390

This. I want to see the Indian and Israeli flags. I know you kikes and just as bad as the street shitters.

>> No.20701445

100% this. I hope pajeets know that they will be genocided along with the niggers, kikes and chinks once white nationalist billionaires realize their wealth from crypto

>> No.20701464

That’s not an argument to not have flags. It wouldn’t hurt.
By any chance, are you scared of people seeing where you post from, anon?

>> No.20701473
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>> No.20701489

Remember to vote in the poll as well:

>> No.20701493

as if vpns don't exist.

>> No.20701516

Most vpn ranges are permanently banned on 4chan from others having already abused them

>> No.20701588

What >>20701516 said. And the VPN IPs that work are almost always from places like Taiwan and not the UK or US, and that won’t work that well for pajeets.

>> No.20701645

then bring the fucken flags already.

>> No.20701654

no posting from sweden but i think flags destroys what makes 4chan 4chan

>> No.20701689

How do we get them to add flags? Who is in charge of this shit and capable to do that?

>> No.20701723
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Your mum

>> No.20701749
File: 77 KB, 1031x1126, 50925307_2349032068664452_3678541011761537970_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck flags

>> No.20701765
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>no flags
Do whatever, in my opinion bring the flags, but it will always be a cesspool of shit, just look at /pol/

>> No.20701781

Flags are how we vet posts for quality and authenticity. I came from /pol/ a year ago. Over there it's easy to tell who is biased on certain topics, and who is a flat out shill/glownigger.

>> No.20701805

I don't think we should have all flags as discussion would constantly derail (yuropoor this, mutt that, leaf/swedecuck)
They should just range ban Indian ISPs

>> No.20701821

I am convinced most shitcoin shillers are American and Russians. Whoever you call pajeet is completely unlikely to be from India

>> No.20701822
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>range ban Indian ISPs

>> No.20701833

/pol/ is hell on earth. If only /pol/ posters knew how bad their community was they'd either immediately kill themselves, or quit /pol/ but they can't see the wood for the trees

>> No.20701850

This post was typed by Indian fingers.

>> No.20701876
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>"I am convinced most shitcoin shillers are American and Russians. Whoever you call pajeet is completely unlikely to be from India"

>> No.20701909

it’s better with no flags. easier for sentiment writing.

>> No.20701935

you didn’t get trips. you won’t make it

>> No.20701976

that’s not how you vet posts. are you new. the point is to look for low and high iq posts, and avoid midwit and brainlet posts like yours like the plague.

>> No.20701998
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>> No.20702182

You are the same kind of faggot that calls me a sandnigger rapebaby on /pol/ when you see my Spanish flag even though I'm a ginger.

>> No.20702202

They’re good filters.

>> No.20702784

Gotta love when /pol/ refugees storm another board and demand we change all our pre existing rules and demand we confirm to their little bubble.

Flags on this board will not be a good thing. Conversation would further devolve into :
>a fucking leaf
>burger? Opinion disregarded
>haha stupid europoor

>> No.20703316

Hlw friends I'm actually Indian actual . Ask me basically anything

>> No.20703551

I would love flags on biz
I could shove my huge link stack in first worlders faces
How does it feel being poorer than a brazilian autist?

>> No.20703648

Yeah and add upboats too so this anonymous image board can become a circlejerk of status signaling

>> No.20703825

kek get a load of this nigger jew

>> No.20703932

Ok, how do we make /pol/ leave?

>> No.20704304

/pol/ is unironically better than /biz/. There is actual discussion and fun content there.
80% of /biz/ is shilling of scams, the rest are LINK threads.

>> No.20704378

Pajeets get VPN and we get memeflags, whats the point?

>> No.20704397

Ok, newfag.

>> No.20704401
File: 61 KB, 1024x1024, 1586701813964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20704479

>Variables like available exchanges, taxes, trading regulations, and job opportunities vary a lot from country to country. It makes sense to be able to tell immediately where someone is posting from during a business related discussion.
yes I'm sure this is why you want want flags fucking kek

>> No.20704588

Go back.

>> No.20704622


>> No.20704661

>t. Mutt that needs to make shit up to self trigger
/Pol/ is worse than feminist tumblr

>> No.20704694

>the rest are LINK threads
top kek nice joke