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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20696702 No.20696702 [Reply] [Original]

I have $5000 saved and another $1200 trumpbux plus possible another couple grand a few weeks after that. I am 30 and all I want to do is make some fuckin money.
Please tell me what to do /biz/

>> No.20696723

Buy ETH, go to Zapper.fi and invest it into AMPL/ETH pool, stake it and enjoy the ride.
Don't sell too early. Let it grow.

>> No.20696781

don't do this, this creates mustard gas
put it all in link futures with 50% marging and 50 leverage

>> No.20696901
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bump. Someone verify these plese.

>> No.20696918

OP here again, this guy is obviously trolling i think

>> No.20696977
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>Buy ETH, go to Zapper.fi and invest it into AMPL/ETH pool, stake it and enjoy the ride.
Don't sell too early. Let it grow.
I'm about to spend 5k on this. Convince me not to

>> No.20697021

go on, enjoy the fees and buying AMPL at the top price, it's only dumping back to 1.7 next week

>> No.20697027

Any suggestions?

>> No.20697045

YFI or LINK, both are pumping soon, just don't get too greedy
target for link is $10
target for YFI is $10-15k

>> No.20697060

Spend half of it and buy SWAP and hold. It's a guaranteed $3 coin by the fall.

>> No.20697063

Does the eth/ampl pool on uniswap do the same thing? I have 100 ample in the pool right now. Not much but I just started. Do I just let it sit there?

>> No.20697084
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Buy gold, silver, and mining stocks (GDXJ, SILJ). I have been advocating this on /biz/ since May, and anybody who listened to me has doubled their money. Read my posts about it here to understand why. >>20675348
>>20597543 >>20603169 An economic crisis is imminent, and the dollar is about to collapse.

>> No.20697100

he wants to make money anon, not money for his grandchildren

>> No.20697101

OP again. Since I don't have a wallet, where should I set one up? I will then connect it to zapper.fi

>> No.20697131
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Look at my list of stocks. >>>>20597543 They have demonstrably doubled since I advocated them only a month ago. They are up 600% off the March lows; some 900% (Callinex, Viszla, etc.). GDXJ and SILJ are up 200% off the March lows, and have outperformed the Nasdaq by far (only up 50%). Going much higher. Mining stocks are the opportunity of a life-time.

>> No.20697133
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>> No.20697189
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>> No.20697195

here m8
pick a paper wallet and just write a bunch of random numbers until the button becomes green, write down whatever you picked as paper wallet

>> No.20697247

just checked the graphs, you might be onto something, shill me an exchange?

>> No.20697253

Ok friendo
Should I then buy the ETH/AMPL like that one guy said

>> No.20697255

Meridian Network (LOCK)
Statera (STA)
Akropolis (AKRO)
Cryptid (CID)

>> No.20697276

you can try, I'm not too confident about AMPL price, but you can always wait till it raises again
also, the fees are stupid expensive right now

>> No.20697341


You can buy the GDXJ and SILJ on any broker. Even Robinhood, I presume.

>> No.20697351

If i had around 7k, how should I spread that out spending wise? Also, can I get this using myetherwallet and Zapper.fi?

>> No.20697369
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you are fucking poor. you absolutely should not be buying any crypto. you need to save, spend only on what you need, and work on maintaining and increasing steady income. do not listen to any of these also poor shills trying to get you to buy their bags. jesus christ it's the blind leading the fucking blind in here. do not think about cryptos until you have disposable income.

>> No.20697395

get the metamask addon, it will allow you to connect anywhere with your ether wallet, zapper.fi included, and you can import your paper wallet

>> No.20697419

This is all disposable income as I do not pay rent or any bills. This is just my money that I'm using to create myself more money in the future

>> No.20697435

By the way, what I'm doing here right now is part of your advice. Can you guess which part?

>> No.20697493


I'd say 30% in 25x and 70% excess margin. Every 4% you double your initial(roughly $2000) and you can withstand around an 8% draw down from your buy in. If you really don't want to lose the money maybe 10x at 25% initial and you can survive around 30% draw down.

>> No.20697502

Just buy AMPL and hold it in your wallet instead. You'll maximize the amount of AMPL you receive. Since you're not a whale don't bother with Geyser, and being in the pool is safer but you won't get as much AMPL. Just buy and hold AMPL, and don't be a pussy when the price changes right after a rebase, or when the whales sell every 6 or 7 days. Keep fucking holding.

>> No.20697510

the government is literally giving currency to everyone when the production of goods and service is down. the only rational thing to do is convert currency into real money (gold/silver) while you still can.

>> No.20697514

Dude buy some ampl I just got my gf to buy 50$ she’s up to 300$ in like a week. I don’t think this thing is slowing down.

>> No.20697536

>I do not pay rent or any bills
all the more proof you are poor. cryptos and other speculative financial instruments are not steady income. if you really are a neet living in your parents basement, or deployed out in some shithole, you need to leave this place before everyone manages to suck you dry with their shitcoins

>> No.20697540

Everything is a risk put a bit in a few projects high risk mid risk stay away from btc.

>> No.20698194

so AMPL is fully meme coin im hearing

>> No.20698255

What's the best place where I can put $1000 into each ETH, AMPL, and PAMP?

>> No.20698266

Its being spammed so much that at this point its fomo

>> No.20698534

Might need you to spoonfeed me but are the same gdxj/silj prospects available in aus? I’ve only found one for each but have also done zero research

>> No.20698681
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Anons, please tell me somethink about Nucleus Vision ( NCASH )

1.35 mln marketcap, slowly but still growing up volume about 30 days. Listing at binance with ETH

Cheers !

>> No.20698809

Opie you need to invest in some NEET tokens.

>> No.20698825

30 and working at taco bell while going to tradeschool to be an airplane mechanic because I fucked up my life because my parents were alcoholics and I stopped going to public education when I was 15 and squandered my youth on 4chan This sucks. Where can I get started learning about how to into /biz/. I don't want to get old and have no money

>> No.20699366

haha SUTER stake it haha

>> No.20699692


Ignore this retard Op. He literally has no idea what he's talking about.

Using 5k you can make $400 off a penny stocks going 1 cent up or a crypto that's cheap by shorting for that profit over and over.

Every avalanche started with a snowball. This idiot just doesn't understand that.

>> No.20699728

How can I into crypto?