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File: 79 KB, 740x834, CURV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20697095 No.20697095 [Reply] [Original]

CURV yield now at 1.42
Still only about 55 wallets.
Get the fuck in before this hits a major exchange, moons and you're getting 1 CURV per 10 CUR.
The process is being "streamlined" in the near future.
CURV holders get 5% of in tokens of whatever asset is tokenized.

>> No.20697128

Fuckers starting to power up for the moon mission.
Web 3, Huobi. Exciting times

>> No.20698018

Chainlink Oracle's, Aragon DAO , kusama and Polkadot interoperability.

All the best tech combined in 1 project.

Vitalik should be joining as Advisor soon.

Huobi and bittrex guaranteed.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand only 2 million max supply.

>> No.20698714

Lots of money to be made here. CURV holders will be sharing $10 million to start with.

>> No.20698835

How does that work?

>> No.20698965

CUR is the token you can buy off Probit/Idex. CURV is a token that you can exchange your CUR for on aragon. The ratio of how many CURV you can get for your CUR depends on CURV holders, the more the holders, the higher the ratio. A rough example, if the ratio is 1:1 CUR:CURV today and a few holders decided to move say 50k worth of CUR to CURV, then the ratio will get higher to say about 1.5:1, so now you have made approx 50% on your CUR just because you held CURV. These numbers are just examples though, it is a bit more technical than this.

>> No.20698988

Each new asset it tokenized.
5% of the total is allocated to CURV holders who vote on which offering should be put before investors next.
You have to buy CUR and swap it for CURv in aragon.

$200+ million for cars only:

CEO has hinted Curio will be moving into watches and whatever.

CURV has total circulation of 325,000. More issued when swapped, but price rises in step.
You can swap CURV to CUR at any time as well.

>> No.20699027

It's hard for me to see a downside. If you get CURV and the yield drops, it means someone dumped for CUR but as a result you are allocated proportionally more of the 5% I think. It's very early as less than 60 CURV wallets. I hope this will be in the thousands in the next few months as Curio release more news and get listed on bigger exchanges.

>> No.20699212

Correction. Total number of coins is: 223,788.87


>> No.20699587

FUCK OFFFFFF i didnt think the exchange rate would go nuts so fast, i should have converted 100%

>> No.20699741

I mean how does the $10 million sharing works? Do you get more CURV while holding CURV? Or how does the $10 million distribution towards CURV holders are taking place? 5% of all tokenized assets is automatically added to your CURV account? Or do you need to do something? (Like voting)

>> No.20699773

Yeah I didn't want people left out in the cold on this. I had to join telegram to chase down the fucking pdf on how to swap. The team have said they are streamlining the process- I think about switching CUR to CURV. Give it a couple of weeks and newfags will be one clicking 10 CUR for 1 CURV. It's worth the extra time it takes at the moment.

>> No.20699788

So >>20699212 this link doesn't work for me, it keeps hanging. https://curioinvest.com/labs is this the same exchange rate?

>> No.20699808

Here you also see the exchange rate:

>> No.20699837

>Do you get more CURV while holding CURV?
Nope. Each offering has an individual token. 5% of the total number of the individual tokens are shared between CURV holders.

> Or do you need to do something? (Like voting)
You have to vote on what the next car that is put up for tokenizing should be. Curio are going to have to limit choices otherwise it'll be 50 chainlink nico bully gf wrapped lambos that go on for sale.

>$10 million
Total initial assets valued at over $200 million. 5% of $200 million gets you to $10 million.

>> No.20699870

Thanks :)

Click on tokens in the left hand panel then CURV to see total supply.

>> No.20700021

So you get the other tokens automatically? And they can be transfered to CUR or CURV? Doesn't that inflate the value of CUR/CURV when everyone is exchanging the "free" tokens back? Unless it makes sense holding those tokens.

>> No.20700556

what gas fee did recent convertees pay? my metamask wants fucking $15 for gas

>> No.20701081

>So you get the other tokens automatically?
I think they're dropped to your ETH wallet.

>And they can be transfered to CUR or CURV?

I have not heard that. Each offering has its own individual token that cannot be exchanged for CUR or CURV.

Yeah the gas price is shit.