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20691295 No.20691295 [Reply] [Original]





although i do have 2.5k linkies but then i REALLY won't fucking make it if i have to sell any so that's not an option.

>> No.20691340

They have no choice but to extend the $600/week benefits.

>> No.20691361

the niggers are bound to riot again

>> No.20691377

Neck yourself retard for not saving any of your free gibs. Ive worked my ass off the whole time.

>> No.20691378

or we liquidate our linkies and buy guns in minecraft

>> No.20691380


>> No.20691386

jej, I saved $1.5k of it and used whatever else I could spare on gold coins and silver calls.

>> No.20691395

canes twice a day was so good

>> No.20691436
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>in these hard times
Lol you ain't seen nothin', kiddo. There are two radically different visions of the future in this country, and there is only room for one.

>> No.20691473
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Convert that clown money which the government gives you into gold, silver, and mining stocks (GDXJ/SILJ). Best decision which you will ever make. I also suggest converting your clown digital currency, too, but it might take a little longer before you will be convinced that that is the right decision to make.

>> No.20691490

They'll probably pass a temporary extension this week for political reasons. Wish they wouldn't and you fucks would starve though.

>> No.20691520

it'll have an effect on the economy as a whole. people we're spending it so it went back into the economy, now spending is going to drop like a rock and we're going to go into a depression

>> No.20691682

This op. My job just made me work from home, but I make less than if I got unemployment and cares money. I can’t wait for reality to finally snap back to the leeches who refuse to find work due to the cares act.

>> No.20691723

>I also suggest converting your clown digital currency, too
based retard

>> No.20691812

but that keeps the job market open and competition down, once the unemployed masses are unleashed on the job market it'll be next to impossible to find a new job

>> No.20691821

Found the chump

>> No.20691850

im going to start panning for gold in a river. all by myself, comfy away from corona ridden gooks. 20$ start up. pure profits.

take the yellow pill

>> No.20691853

Capital flight into crypto

>> No.20691857

crakker too but crakkers do it with guns and beer and think its "patriotic"

>> No.20691906


Don't forget to pay your taxes on that money, non-wagie.

>> No.20691945


Crypto has no use-case once the great reset happens, and we go back to a gold standard. BTC will become as much of a joke as Dogecoin.

>> No.20691957

more benifits obviously. you think the government will just let its slaves die? they need us to keep paying them to live in luxury. the great irony is that if we collectively stopped working revardless of a crisis, they would pay us more. think about it.

>> No.20691999

You do realize that you have to pay taxes on that PUA money, right?

>> No.20692077

you got over 19k in link -- that is your answer.

if the repugnicants in the senate continue to refuse to pass the continued benefits -- then you either get to work real quick, or you sell some linkies.

at least you got 19k -- that is probably 19k more than most people out there.

in regards to what is going to happen? mass foreclosures on houses and mass amounts of people being evicted from their rents. the total and utter destruction of what is left of the lower and middle class while trump continues to funnel trillions in public debt to his cronies.

you are witnessing the fall of Rome part deux. America will continue losing against Russia and China and the USD will start cascading down -- hyper inflation will hit stores and shops across america.

many banks will shutter, credit cards will stop working, supermarkets will have bare shelves...

again: trump and his family and friends are doing great while leeching off of public debt.

this all could have been avoided if America had a semblance of good leadership.

A country like South Korea, with a population density 20X greater than America's -- was able to quickly contain the spread of covid19, and they did it WITHOUT an economic shutdown!!!!!!!!!!

That is what can be achieved with proper leadership, and a population that isn't 40% complete retard living in a death cult of personality idolizing a cult leader that sports a fake rub on tan and massive comb-over and couldn't even run a casino without going bankrupt.

America's leadership is full on autistic, and 40% of the population are complete and utter retards.

You get what you deserve America. Good fucking luck!

>> No.20692270
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>> No.20692527

Thanks cuck

>> No.20692573

You are welcome shitfuck moron.


>> No.20692584

Link is a scam. Enjoy poverty.

>> No.20692612

why would we work if theres $600+ guaranteed per week? are you expecting altruism from the average american

>> No.20692717

Sell your link because with people liquidating investments for cash, particular investments like crypto that poverty people do price will crash anyway. It jumped because of the 600. So cash out high. There will likely be some extension of the unemployment. If not 600 I believe something near it personally because the riots will cost the government more then printing money. They know it. The people are expecting it. Then there is news of a extension you can buy your link again at a discount before the 2nt round of poverty people investments come in again to push up the price. So there's no lost. If you need the cash it will be available to you, and if you don't need the cash you get your link again at a discount. So it's a win regardless.......now the other matter is this, you have to pay taxes on your unemployment. You done goofed up anyway

>> No.20692741

don't worry the unemployed wagies believe they will make it on robinhood, so they won't riot and will just try to keep playing rh >>20691377
lmao i bet you get paid less than the people who got the checks

>> No.20692783
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>> No.20692897
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checked and witnessed

>> No.20692908


>> No.20693042

what the fuck is so special about some chicken fingers, college kids are obsessed with this stuff

>> No.20693046
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if you think social democracy is left you've never met a real communist

>> No.20693061
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>> No.20693071

(((((They))))) don't care about you.
Deal with it.

>> No.20693112
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>> No.20693150
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open secret

>> No.20693174
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>> No.20693175

feels pretty good to have a unionized job in an essential industry. Even if we shut down again, I still get to keep working and making $30/hr, and I literally can't be fired or downsized (I think I can but my company has to give me like a whole year worth of severance)

>> No.20693189

fucking disguisting, are these even people?

>> No.20693202
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hi pedo

>> No.20693212

What in the fuck do I care about the left and pride you retard?

Citing Korea's success in totally bitch slapping Covid19, and remarking on the fact that the Republicans currently in charge managed to completely screw the pooch and turned America into Covid's little bitch - that means I am endorsing the democrats or something?

pull your head outta Trumps old wrinkled ass, take a deep breath, and realize that your current government has fucked up royally.


As I said: South Korea has a population density far greater than America --- over 50 million people crammed into an area the size of lake Superior.

And yet, Covid19 got destroyed by Korea! And the country NEVER had to do stop the economy.

All it took was proper leadership -- and a population that does not believe in fairy tales and instead chooses to understand and use science for the betterment of society.

America and South Korea both got their first covid case on the exact same day!

within 24 hours, the SK govenment met with all the top manufacturers and mobilized them to retool and make PPE. They agressively tracked every case, and they instanstly set up free testing sites everywhere with results within hours.....

What did Trump do? he held rally's and played fucking golf while calling covid a hoax and claiming that the fake china virus cant touch America! EVen after it became apparent that the shit was hitting the fan, he was still in denial. and after he flushed the conspiracy laden shit out of his brain and realized that oh fuck, its real - He assigned Jared fuckhead Kushner to direct the DOHS to steal everyones PPE that he insisted was not needed and that the federal government would not provide.

So what was the result of the 2 different methods that each country chose to deploy in regards to fighting covid?

South Korea never shutdown, people continued going to bars and restaurants, and Covid got destroyed. And, America got totally buutfucked.

>> No.20693217

>hyperinflation with millions unemployed and earning much less than they where before COVID
based retard

>> No.20693230
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of course not

>> No.20693234

They need to end that shit and stop screwing people in the front lines

>> No.20693237

lol didn't read still voting trump

>> No.20693280

325 social credits have been deposited into your account. Thank you for your dedication, Mr. Li.

>> No.20693340

Saved 3k of my neetbux, and start my new job Wednesday, making 5k a year more than before kek

>> No.20693341

Congress doesn't "have" to do anything. People missing rent is not a crisis. People starving is. Safety nets should provide food and prevent eviction, not just doll out cash with disregard. The economy is already, absolutely fucked, if tens or maybe hundreds of millions of people are dependent on government helicopter money. Money itself is useless if its chasing the same goods and services.

Look printing money mostly hurts poor people who's savings and income are dollar denominated compared to rich people who mostly hold assets and have variable income based on investment returns. Printing money fuels debt bubbles and makes poor people more dependent on constant income streams to pay rent and other types of debt.

The constant looting of the national currency by the fed and redistribution to the top richest families is the entire reason why poor people can't go two weeks without a wageslave income. And you idiots act like we absolutely NEED to have more printing, more robbing of the poor by the fed, so they can get back maybe 1/10th of what they'll pay in the future so their the status quo is maintained for their landlord and he still gets his rent.

Not to mention no one gives a fuck about the fed's nationalization of public companies, spending $750 billion of taxpayer money on corporate debt. Look at the disclosures, $6 million a week to Marlboro cigarettes, $6 million a week to fucking coca cola, $6 million a week to fucking nike. But you retards are glad to get $1200. Total cost of the checks were $300b, but they'll spend 5 times that one giveaways to global corporations and the top richest families. Then after the money supply is quadrupled they claim poverty, measured in relevance to medium wage or nominal dollars, was reduced. And people buy right into it and praise the fed for robbing us all.

No please, stop the stimulus, no more.

>> No.20693483

yes I know you are still voting for
an autistic conspiracy freak...

because you are a fucking moron in a cult that idolizes the king of NEETS - a man that bankrupted a casino and who rubs fake all tan over himself every morning and sports a ridiculous combover because he is too insecure to man-up.


With retard voters like yourself, America is completely fucked and deserves the shit storm that is coming.

>> No.20693584

haha -- lol --- because I am not a brainwashed Trump luvin retard American -- then I must be a communist from CHYYYNNAAA!

Pull your head out of trumps vagina you retard. your in a fucking cult.

>> No.20693586


>> No.20693594

didn't read, still voting trump

>> No.20693642

theyre literally going to fuck themselves over doing this lol if their jew donors were smart theyd tell them to wisen up asap, the country will have mini collapses all over

>> No.20693643

Again: not surprised.

Good luck surviving the Trump induced fall of America.

>> No.20693698

Would it be in the government's best interest to let the unemployed go broke, become homeless, not be able to spend and cause the businesses that survived to lose even more money and lay off their employees, create more broke homeless, and have the entire economy implode? Poorfags could have very easily created a coinbase, robinhood, or apmex account and gotten their savings out of the dollar.

>> No.20693746

>no choice
there's always a choice.

>kristallnacht 2: electric boogaloo

>> No.20693762

Imagine gold that you can transact instantly and you aren’t transacting a receipt but rather the real thing. You’ll do fine holding gold, you’ll do better holding crypto. I hold both.

>> No.20693848

Lmao at the based retards and parasites ITT

>> No.20693868


>> No.20693875

hows it feel cooning for people who probably rode on epsteins jet you cock sucking corporate bootlickers

>> No.20693909

Nope. They will be capping it at 70% of lost income. But the stimulus checks will be the same as last round. So $3k is welcome.

>> No.20693920

wait so we are getting paid for this last week? ie 20th to 25th?

>> No.20693931

Gold is heading towards all time high and it’s still very undervalued. Last time Gold was this high, silver was around $45 and miner stocks were 3x higher.

>> No.20693958

Honestly, they have to provide wage replacement or else there will be long term damage to the economy done due to collapsing demand. Business infrastructure and supply chains don’t bounce back quickly if they are destroyed.

>> No.20693963

keep seething and make sure to vote for the candidate with the most dementia

>> No.20694047


They are already broke if they "need" this money. Like I said, no one has to "go homeless," just stop evictions. The spiral you are talking about is happening regardless of the stimulus, actually it is because of fed policy over the last 10 years that has caused this crisis. Just doling out money kicks the can down the road for shorter and shorter amounts of time, while increasing the eventual pain until you get a point were you can't put it off any longer no matter how much money is printing.

Rip the band aid off now, let poorly run businesses go out of business to make way for more successful businesses. That is how the free market works. But we've stopped allowing the free market to work because everyone is so caught up it meeting short term bills due to massive debt continually snowballed by easy monetary policy. Fed is propping up over leveraged zombie industries, bailing them out at ever increasing frequencies in the name of "helping" people keep jobs, even though we end up with massive debt load and bloat of poorly run, uncompetitive companies that still only exist because of the cooperate socialist, government propped up economy.

>> No.20694057

Actual soldiers on front lines are just bullet catchers to them. Some walmart shelf stocker is worth less than dogshit on their shoe.

>> No.20694066

>I, the sole 4channer that was going to save all of my trump bux, had mine stolen by my mom who claimed me on her tax returns without telling me

>> No.20694092
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Bloody monday coming. Start saving money for the bottom.

>> No.20694134

no. it was only for 3 weeks in july

>> No.20694203

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.20694220

I am not American(thank fuck) and I am not seething.

I am simply sharing the truth of the matter.

A country like South Korea destroyed covid19 while America got totally pawned by covid19..... Why is that?

You are choosing to love a guy that was born rich and who had every advantage and was allowed to fail upwards. The man bankrupted a casino.

you are voting for a man that see america like this:

""I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about "gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash."

and like this:

“We have a lot of people that are unemployed that have no idea of getting a job. They love the system, they don’t have to work, they’re being taken care of, and it’s a problem … You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell, and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be, when we were great.”


Bravo-fuckin-O you retard. you deserve all the pain and misery that is coming your way.

>> No.20694266

If we allow certain industries to collapse, even if the free market demands it, we could lose advantage to foreign powers.

>> No.20694269

you are on a higher level of stupid because digitization of assets is a defacto objective of the great reset

>> No.20694284


BTC is directly the opposite of instant transaction. Enormous waiting-times, high fees, and can only be used by a minuscule fraction of the population even if the Lightning Network does finally get going. And it probably never will. BTC was crippled by the banks early on. Mike Hearn explains here:


It would not surprise me if Barely Sociable was right that Adam Back really is Satoshi, and that BTC was invented simply in order to help suppress precious metals for a few more years.

BCH, ETH, and XMR, are more promising, although I don't see the point in gambling too much money on which cryptocurrency might win, if any, when gold miners are a sure thing.

>> No.20694310

Both lines are wrong. We peak in 2024 no matter what. We don't crash down back to 3k ever.

>> No.20694316

they're not going to let the public go onto a gold standard cause it would take their power away, they're going to shift us from one ponzi (fiat) to the next ponzi (crypto) to keep power

>> No.20694324


Digital gold is the most likely outcome. Look into GoldMoney, which used to be called BitGold. You can buy a cup of coffee with gold, and break it up into little digital fractions, just as you can a Bitcoin into satoshis.


Otherwise, governments will simply back their currencies with gold, and so, when you use a digital currency, you will be using something which is as good as gold.

>> No.20694365

and your solution is to vote for a literal dementia patient like Biden?

>> No.20694416


Commieniggers think they’re superior, typical.

Day of the rope is coming, and you’ll be among the first.

>> No.20694558

When people start starving, they come for those that aren’t....

>> No.20694728

Not defending biden -- but trump is not exactly the stable genius he claims to be - he is extremely unstable and erratic. he surrounds himself with self-serving yesmen and he is incapable of understanding his breifings.

Your cue that he did not have Americas interest at heart should have came after he totally capitulated to Putin at the Helsinki conference

As an American -- unfortunately it is your only choice. You have to vote out Trump at all costs and take to heart that biden will surround himself not with psycophants, but with people who will try and fix the mess.

BUT! The democrats and the DNC are not to be trusted either -- its just that they are the way lesser of evils right now.

After Biden gets elected -- Americans need to ban together and push for political reform through constant mass protests --- that WILL work against the democrats moreso than with the republicans.

American need to stop believing the conspiracy and lies spouted by ALL of washington -- and start building a government that really actually benefits the lower classes instead of the rich only.

You know when Trump says 'make america great again' - he is harking back the 1950's -- and time when American growth was truly unsurpassed.

Guess what the tax rates for the 1% were back then? upwards of 70%. And the middle class was paying under 20%.

Did industry and entrapaneurship cease with a tax rate that high for the rich? HELL NO.

It made america stronger because the middle class was growing and stronger.

Today it is the opposite. The rich get taxed less, the the lower and middle income suffers for it...... And ultimately America slowly dies.

That needs to be changed. And to do it, Americans need to stop believing the conspiracy laden crap spouted by Republicans, and stop believing that the DNC has their best interests at heart.

>> No.20694767

We know you're Chinese. Post pic of skin or stfu redditspacing retard.

>> No.20695360

Kill yourself.

>> No.20695672

yeh -- i must be from chyyyynaa if I think Trump is gold-spoon faggot that is bankrupting America.

anybody that hasnt got their retard head stuck up trumps withering vagina must be fucking chinese.

great deduction you fucking retard.

>> No.20695760

>As good as gold.
Hmmm I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere before.

>> No.20695774

Turn caps lock off you retarded /pol/tard

>> No.20695899

>a population that isn't 40% complete retard
You're referring to the 40% that are non-white right?

>> No.20696012

I've worked harder and more during the quarantine then I've ever worked before. My employer fired all the temps and losers, we've set records for sales every month and we were all given unlimited OT. I work 55-60 moving lumber in 90 degree heat. But Invested my $1200 and I've made $6000 that I've used to live off of while saving my work checks. I take LYFT daily because the bus raises my chances of catching the rona. I've done almost everything I can to make the most of this economic reset and now Im about to rekt by round two of this shit. So all you fucks who fucked up while making the most you'll ever make while being unemployed should get ready to really be rekt because now shits about to get real.

>> No.20696068

dang that was pretty good.

>> No.20696072

What state are you planning on panning in? Im in the PNW and Oregon has had some good gold finds in the past and I'm thinking of doing the same thing.

>> No.20696192

That's a lot of seething and cope for a non US citizen. One of the reason i want to register to vote is to piss off those people who are oversensitive that they literally cry and moan about Trump for 4 years. You didn't see me simply because a democrat was in office.

>> No.20696476

south korea and america totally different places you contemptible brainlet... obviously it's easier for south korea occupying 1/1000th of the land of america to contain and track thus prevent their viral outbreak, that among hundreds of other reasons... only replying bc i think your genuine and not a chill

>> No.20696525

You sound like a retarded lumberjack.

>> No.20696652

Sounds like a neetfest of normies.

God gifted me hard times in 2015 which lead me to a business that got me apt rentals. Good luck to anyone that is going to get a job in this shitty clown market running around with face masks

>> No.20696743

I could give a flying fuck what is conversed in this thread and I'm all about expressing yourself, but the instant you involve racism is the moment I take everything you have to say and shove it back into your face. Can't go one thread without mention the N-word. I really do think I'm living in a hell world with these fucking KKK Nazis roaming around freely.

>> No.20696751
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XSN will moon though

>> No.20696862

If you don't have a family to feed and still couldn't save your gibs, I don't feel sorry for you.

>> No.20696927

>Stimulus is going to crash the dollar! Stop begging for stimulus!
>Yeah I know we have corporation their payday, b-but that’s different!
Fuck off. We can spend 2T on corporate bailouts while forcing people out of work but fuck anyone who asks for a check because “it’ll cripple the economy”. It was written in stone the moment they forced businesses to shut down, cut the shit and cut the check faggot.

>> No.20697119

nah -- I am referring to the 40% of America that believes Trump is just aces --- that portion of america is truly autistic.

That portion of America have their heads up Trumps vagina - they cannot think for themselves..... His queef's give breathe life into their retard lives.

>> No.20697249

Register and vote the whining snowflake back in -- it's you who votes for total economic destruction and capitulation of America to Putin and Xi.

I am Canadian, so I hate to see it happen. America's downfall will be the downfall of Canada as well.

It's a shame that the real North America will fall due to the utter and complete stupidity of around 40 million of America's mouth breathing population...

You, and your kind, are in control of the moment -- it's obvious your not up to the task, but I still hold a glimmer of hope that you all either mass die off from covid, or Trumps tells you to drink the kool-aid.....

After Trump gets re-elected by you and Putin, I will be long gone and out of Canada.

so don't jizz yourself on my behalf -- I will cease giving a shit by December.

>> No.20697309

>55 months for 300% increase
That's fucking shit lol. Just buy xsn or link ffs.

>> No.20697316

Really? It is easier?

With a population density 20X greater than America, it is in fact easier to stop the spread of covid19?

wow. you is real smarty big brain!

nah -- the reason covid made America it's bitch is because Trump chose to pretend it did not exist, and the citizens of Trumpistan chose to ignore reality and go along with their autistic leader.

If America had started attacking corona from day 1, like Korea had done --- then we would not be having this conversation and you, and Americans like you, would not have your collective panties in bunch over a potential economic collapse.

>> No.20697343

>He doesn't know what technology explodes during the 4th industry revolution.
Never gonna make it.

>> No.20697367

When did white people stop carrying guns? Wasn't it just a couple years ago when single women would carry a piece in their purse?

>> No.20697573


>> No.20697610

Wait hold on, you've been getting $600 a week? I thought it was a one off $1200 cheque. And your probably a neet, so your telling me you have done nothing for the past few months, not even looking for work and when you could have at least been investing or preparing for this you decide to (((CONSUME))) because much feels?

This next few months will be the real life darwin award and you just failed my friend. Sell your linkies, you don't deserve them

>> No.20697631

>retards don’t realize it’s priced in

>> No.20697636
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The benefit of shiny rocks is that it doesn't have the risk of -10000000000000000% like your precious little eShits.

>> No.20697660

american cucked faggot, only in the u s gae

>> No.20697757

This will not end until the streets are burning and every single grocery store is laid bare from looting. Then China will send aid and we’ll accept it with open arms. We played our Trump card (literally ayyyy) and once he got into office they laid out the deal for him and he’s been nothing more than a stooge ever since. Once this country comes under heel they will round up any “dissidents” so been nice knowing you frens. Anyone with more than two brain cells between their ears already moved to Puerto Rico. Pending moving to Greece.

>> No.20697780

People thought “that could never happen here”. Those people are about to be hit with an ice water cold dose of reality.

>> No.20697836

I was with you until you said Lyft. If not LARP nice and Godspeed

>> No.20697842

>the USD will start cascading down


>> No.20697890

seriously bro you're not nostradamus

your shit's barely legible, nobody's actually reading your novels.

>> No.20697920


>> No.20697971

Any Russia bros in here? Not that you have any incentive to tell us, but was this how you saw the Soviet Union first form? I see some real bad shit on the horizon.

>> No.20698020

Da. I am 120 years old and I saw it all. My gut feelings now is just like it was back in 1918. It doesn't seem good blyad!!

>> No.20698037

The elites are moving their USD to MXN

don't say you were not told

>> No.20698059

you didn't tell me retard

>> No.20698199

>Trump is in favor of market cycles


>> No.20698329

I love this board

>> No.20698409

Can confirm, not reading your novels.

Also, still voting trump

>> No.20698426

Look at this nigger fragility. Grow the fuck up, it's only words.

>> No.20698427

Half of these guys could easily get a gf if they'd just grow their hair out and move to Portland or some liberal city, also lose the glasses and get contacts.

>> No.20698467

lol niggerfaggot gb2leddit

>> No.20698473

If I didn’t file for my tAxes this year (don’t make much anyway) will I eventually get my stimulus check? I haven’t received any so far...

>> No.20698530

Checked. And this analysis was far more insightful than 100% of news outlets.

>> No.20698553

fucking kike, everyone a nigger on /biz until proven white with a timestamp

>> No.20698599
File: 23 KB, 342x345, 1592973100400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these fucking KKK Nazis
You realize those 2 groups had different worldviews, right? Or does the thought of the big, bad Wh*te boogeyman send you into an emotional frenzy? What a nigger.

>> No.20698606

Hinc Augustus. Oldfag quod etiam possit confirmare Viscera affectum meum, et erat similis in CX

>> No.20698647


lmao stay mad kike

>he isn't aware that the KKK has a grant total membership of about 5,000, of which it's safe to assume 4,000 are feds

>> No.20698861

its $600 a week plus state unemployment. which in my state the minimum is $180 so he rly fucked up

>> No.20698956

Yeah I'd look like this too if I was an Amerimutt

>> No.20699268

Why the plebbit spacing though? Do you really write in single sentences paragraphs? Is it because you're from reddit? Makes your shit so unpleasant to read.

>> No.20699285

You don't belong here.

>> No.20699389

i heard of this... um thing called GET A JOB U NEET

>> No.20699423

Shut the fuck up nigger kike