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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20685820 No.20685820 [Reply] [Original]

Spent my entire fucking day waiting for it to dip to 1$ like I was promised on here but this shit won't go down what the fuck

>> No.20685883

Its undervalued as fuck
It Cant dump
Im not selling my 8000 devs till 40-50M market cap

>> No.20685982

Bro I know but fuck I wanna buy the complete bottom to maximize profit just need 1 more dip and its not coming wtf

>> No.20686473


>> No.20686580

Get the fuck outta here with your indian ass fud kid. Last time I listened to you guys I missed out on a x10 fuck you

>> No.20686672

Stop being a jew and buy in at whatever price, it's a 1 million $ mc solid project wtf do you kikes want seriously? I dca'd over yesterday and today, average at 2$, I don't care since a 12 million $ mc is nothing for a good project and that'll be a x10 for me.
Fuck spending your whole day on uniswap waiting for a dip, just play vidya and every 15 minutes or so buy a bag.

>> No.20686678

Well this is a legit and undervalued project that is now getting shilled on /biz/. Won't be long until it gets picked up and does a x5-x10 from here IMO. FUD is useless now. Pack your bags and off we go.

>> No.20686694

I bought this months ago and it took a shit within a week

>> No.20686710

Bought at 1.26, feeling comfy

>> No.20686749

My thinking Anon. Stop FUDDING when the cat's out of the bag. Be happy about it and start shilling it you faggots. Then we can take our gains and move on.

>> No.20686806

Bro wtf when did you buy? This shit is not dipping every time it slightly goes down it pumps back wtf I thought it was a PnD??

>> No.20686842

Im gonna fud all day if I have to get this down 1$ to buy

>> No.20686863

Im just trying to find a good entry before it moons and people told me its gonna dump to 50c today so I'm waiting

>> No.20686948

>bought the dip on ampl
>selling on x2
>gonna pump it all into dev
yep, feeling good man

>> No.20686988

it's a SCAM!
>t. waiting for a dip in the middle of the night

>> No.20687084

Japan + microsoft + FISM partnership ( THIS IS HUGE DYOR) + LOW SUPPLY +LOW MARKET CAP+ UNDER 400 HOLDERS

now do the maths anon and tell me if its a MOONSHOT or not.

>> No.20687109

CEO is a woman. Women are dumb

>> No.20687131

I bought yesterday, after it already had done a 125% kek. I saw many threads on biz which was a clear organized pump and dump. For the first time in my life I tried to ride one, even if I wasn't in the group. It got up to 300%+ doubled my money in two hours. But tried to sell and didn't have enough gas lmao, the someone sent me some eth but my metamask was stuck. I said fuck and went to sleep, during that time it went down to my entry point, and climbed again, now it's a little below ath. After researching it, it looks like a good long term project so decided to take advantage of what happened and not sell for now.

>> No.20687183

Was just about to post this.
>"Maybe the PND group reconsidered and is gonna hold these bags for a bigger moon."

>> No.20687212

Wtf why cant shit like this happen to me?? I always buy tokens and they go down 90% or I fucking wait and it pumps 400% what the fuck

>> No.20687241

It was just luck, it could've gone either way, as I didn't do enough research before buying, and even that's not a guarantee. Besides, as I said, it's the first time I attempt to ride a pump, who knows what my track record will end up, or if I'll even try it again, because it was kinda stressful.
You sure it always happens to you? It may be selection bias.

>> No.20687282

didnt want to make a whole thread, but, how do you find a project like this or XOR before it goes crazy? im tired of buying in after the dump, i want to buy on the ground floor.

>> No.20687314

If you're not willing to spend hourd browing through the high pages of coingecko and researching different projects, you can try r/cryptomoonshots (read every comment and thread), or following people on twitter who have a great track record on making callouts.

>> No.20687339

That was hilarious.

>> No.20687537


>> No.20687611

It’s actually legit, I can’t believe it bros

$5 next week

>> No.20687724

I just bought some I hope you're right

>> No.20687729

Also can't believe I have a top 30 wallet stack, and most are locked up contracts. Will I make it with 3k?

>> No.20687777

Market Cap
STILL $1,378,380

is this a joke or what? there are scams with bigger market cap than this Japanese gem.

>> No.20687833

be careful. looks like this price action is being manipulated by a PnD group.


>> No.20687850
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>> No.20687876
File: 118 KB, 1200x677, IMG_20200725_110606_695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.67 now. It'll be $10 in no time. Figure out what this does and it'll change coding and developing open source forever. Pic related.

>> No.20687877

No cheap bags for you. Fuck off.

>> No.20687896

NFFI Pajeet

>> No.20687898
File: 541 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200725-180507_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats deviantcoin

>> No.20687937

definitely a pnd in the beginning (and still some), but dyor

>> No.20687995

How is it a PnD if this shit isnt even going down? Been waiting all day to buy some for cheap people told me itll go to 1$ today shit didnt even get close??

>> No.20688009

it was organized by a pnd group, but it brought it into attention and now its somewhat 'organic'

>> No.20688128

So these pnd retards tried to pump and dump a gem but failed cuz it turned out this shit gonna blow up?

>> No.20688153

maybe, I dunno, it seems like the shilling is still going

>> No.20688203

I thought pnd retards only shill shitcoins for quick profit. I still wanna buy this cheap but the fucking shilling is making it impossible right now. You think it'll go down again?

>> No.20688287

this is not a pump and dump retard.
dyor asap. This project is for long term

>> No.20688308

yeah I think down to 1.6

>> No.20688383

Nah that was earlier today, those retards have nothing to do with this. Check the GitHub, I’d holding this until double-digits.