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20686981 No.20686981 [Reply] [Original]

I want to hunt and trophykill altcoiners

>> No.20687005

dont let your dreams be memes
make sure to bring your gopro and livestream it

>> No.20687015
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This board has been flooded with newfags

>> No.20687096
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>> No.20687135

Please kill the altcoin scam known as chainlink daddy.

>> No.20687142


>> No.20687158
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ya ok

>> No.20687174
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God. Just imagine. Some ethfag, or some cardano pajeet, maybe even a stinkylinker. Just to hold his thin sweaty (it was quite a chase) neck and just choke the life out of him. Not just squeeze his windpipe close but really wrangle his neck like an alligator deals with a wounded wildebeest. God that would be so satisfying; especially when i smash his face with a sledgehammer. Maybe hes still alive after the choking so he can see the heavy pigiron hammer bear down on his face. *plop plop* his eyes would just shoot out lmao!
Personally I would cut off the penis and small testicles as a trophy. Maybe cut them off before I kill them. They would beg ofcourse, promise to buy bitcoin...
But i wont listen to them as I ram my cock into their assholes while i mutilate their skin with a bowieknife. God damn i feel so excited writing this.

>> No.20687206
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bitcoin will soon become an altcoin
will you hunt yourself then, faggot?

>> No.20687214

Sounds too merciful. Let them live a couple years and an hero when bitcoin hits 1 million

>> No.20687229


You sound like 2016

>> No.20687327


I'd love to kick an altcoiner in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.
As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

>> No.20687388


>> No.20687411

Imagine an altcoiner yelling at you. No, this isn’t just a meme post, just imagine it. You’ve had some kind of altercation in public, and before you is this deformed little creature, this sickeningly morphed little fucking gnome, screaming at you to buy his shitcoin. The veins on his forehead popping out, his eyes bloodshot and his infuriating little brick head bright red as he spits out his curses. Modern society would have you believe this gruesome, odious midget it your equal, that you should stand here and take this. But that’s counter to your intuition and you know it. Your mind races back to the days of your ancestors, how their burning souls would have been inflamed by such a confrontation, this freak, this hideous little THING thinking it has right to talk to you in such a manner. That primal instinct kicks in, and without hesitation you do the sensible thing and let the foul goblin know it’s place- you stride forward with righteous zeal, his shouts cease for a moment. This is unexpected to the annoying little fuck, a flash of panic crosses his malformed, elongated cartoonish face as it contorts suddenly into a comical farce of what on a normal human would resemble fear. He almost trips stepping backward, the illusion of his right to speak, right to live, manufactured authority over you shattering as he can only let out a brief plea “No!” before you are upon him. A hook cracks right, that satisfying crunch as it connects with the hideous creature, the feeling of a bullet ripped from the barrel of a gun as your rage explodes into controlled, refined physical force. You feel his weak and unnatural bones twist and crunch around your knuckles, his flesh contort as you see his terrified and utterly shocked face fold around your fist. All for a glorious moment, before he crumples and folds like some kind of warped fleshy paper, his deformed little freak cartoon body falling like sand over the ground as the facade of his equality dissolves under nature.

>> No.20687519

As a white guy, it was a humbling read, but feels pivotal in helping me chart a course through (and maybe out of?) the white racism that I and white folks have grown up not recognizing, and thereby perpetuating. It's the first step on the difficult road we've been avoiding, and allllll of our white ancestors have been avoiding, for 243 years.

>> No.20687540

For many white people, a single required multicultural education course
taken in college, or required “cultural competency training” in their workplace, is
the only time they may encounter a direct and sustained challenge to their racial
understandings. But even in this arena, not all multicultural courses or training
programs talk directly about racism, much less address white privilege. It is far
more the norm for these courses and programs to use racially coded language such
as “urban,” “inner city,” and “disadvantaged” but to rarely use “white” or “overadvantaged” or “privileged.” This racially coded language reproduces racist images and perspectives while it simultaneously reproduces the comfortable illusion that race and its problems are what “they” have, not us.

>> No.20687557

I think I'm going to have non-consensual sex with an altcoiner.

Yes, in fact right this moment I have resolved to rape an altcoiner. All of my faculties and resources are now going to be put into achieving this end. The way an altcoiner controls the contortions of his face elicits a deep, ape-ish urge within me to do extremely violent and sexual damage to him.

If you think about it, how is an altcoiner different from a woman? They are equally timid. Equally frivolous. Equally acquiescent. Equally narcissistic. Equally upset by a combination of words or ideas that do not conform to the status-quo. And no doubt the average altcoiner has sucked a penis too--maybe just a silicon one (for now), but nevertheless he has tried it; has been struck with the same sort of 'oh-i'm-so-so-naughty' inclination that seizes all women at some point in their life and with the frenzied tom-tom of feminine sexuality blaring in their head which is only ever empty and only ever filled when the image or implication of a Penis can be grasped in external reality, and just like such a woman the altcoiner greedily taken hold of the dildo that he secretly keeps in his top drawer (why disguise it further? why, wouldn't he be happy if someone were to discover his little perversion? oh think of how oh so so naughty that would be!) and after taking the full 7.5" of rubber down his throat he is filled with such a thrill such that no expression of his "masculine" sexuality has ever come close to attaining.

>> No.20687581
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Fuck niggers

>> No.20687599

White people often believe that multicultural / anti-racist education is only necessary for those who interact with “minorities” or in “diverse” environments.
However, the dynamics discussed here suggest that it is critical that all white
people build the stamina to sustain conscious and explicit engagement with race.
When whites posit race as non-operative because there are few, if any, people of
color in their immediate environments, Whiteness is reinscribed ever more deeply. When whites only notice “raced others,”
we reinscribe Whiteness by continuing to posit Whiteness as universal and nonWhiteness as other.

>> No.20687641

Based and psycho-pilled.

>> No.20687667
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>Bitcoin maximalists