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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20682736 No.20682736 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20682769

Take one look at the average American and tell me if that man looks starving to you

>> No.20682786

not my boomer parents. They're mad as fuck that they can't load their fridge with old people food.

>> No.20682808


>> No.20682816

Never met a poor person I didn’t hate

>> No.20682821

not my fuckin problem you fags wanted to have 2 kids at 18 years old and couldn't focus in school

>> No.20682855


How about the dollar and economy are gone, they needed corona as an excuse because another bank bailout would be too obvious. This crash was happening anyway.

>> No.20682875


because they can't afford food that actually has some kind of nutritional value they can only afford cheap garbage

>> No.20682923

Yup the same 24 year old white kids in the street protesting the "broken system" in Portland right now spent 30$ on fortnite skins last week on his credit card and bought uber eats 4x

>> No.20682949
File: 2.96 MB, 1152x1080, Americans working out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worlds most obese nation
you can't make this shit up

>> No.20682966

>shut down businesses in every state
>take away millions of jobs
>told us to stay at home or else we'll be arrested
>couple weeks pass
>"why are you not working anon? I will take away your money to force you to work. Why aren't you working anon?"

>> No.20682989

Like they don't enjoy stuffing their face at mcdonalds or costco, dollar fifty hotdogs are my reason for existence and I earn 6 figures

>> No.20683053

I can't be angry at minimum wage parasites when this nation has mega-corporate parasites actively weakening the dollar.

>> No.20683116

This, I made 55k before I got laid off. No fucking way im going to take a job for $15 with no benefits. I got 2 kids and house.

>> No.20683226


>> No.20683270
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shouldnt live above your means if you cant easily find a job making what you did before. get ready to put in some hours parasite

>> No.20683273


>> No.20683302


Also why can't leftist ever grasp economics? If you force business to pay a wage that is uneconomical to continue for them to operate at, the business just cease to exist-- so the people who had sub 'living wages' now have no wages lmfao.

>> No.20683319

Eggs and milk and rice and frozen veggies and beans are extremely cheap you bozo. Chicken isnt expensive either. Money isnt an excuse to be a fatass.

>> No.20683531

>eating beans
>eating rice
>eating carbs
You're a fatass lad

>> No.20683539
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Post yfw we’re about to get fucked

>> No.20683569

Eating healthy is cheaper you faggot. Stop buying microwave dinners and frozen foods.

>> No.20683590

Maybe you are, i'm positioned to against the dollar. Let the fucker crash, I want to get rich AND buy cheap property

>> No.20683720

The $600/week should have been applied across the board and included essential workers, many of who have been working this entire time for no extra pay.

>> No.20683725

Fatty cope.

>> No.20683779
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Exactly, I pay those bastard feds a god damn fortune every year. Why shouldn't I get something back

>> No.20683912

Ever seen a fat vegan?

>> No.20683992

I just know I'm going to get fucked over by this even if they do pass an essential worker hazard pay clause into whatever gets passed next month. It will probably only be limited to public facing positions. I've been coming into work every day helping make sure that medical device OEMs get the products that they need to supply hospitals with life saving tools. No one cares about us though, they only care about the workers who they see every day.

>> No.20684268

It's almost like most people are useless to the economy and have employment because of compassionate lawmakers, nearly as useless.
Here's a suggestion - if you are not making a "living wage" in a city, move to a village and toil the fucking earth like a fucking medieval peasant, because that's what you are.

>> No.20684340
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> be turbo-liberal soulless husk running javascript
> cheer for shipping every industry, factory, job and with that wealth that isn't bolted down overseas
> import more than a million people every year
The lights are genuinely not on for these fucking people. You either take care of your nation or you don't, you can't just flip-flop on this shit every year depending on what the news actors on the TV say and expect to magically fix decades of destruction.
You keep these random checks up that aren't tied to previous salary and you will start pushing consoomer goods into inflation and that sure as hell will hurt the working poor the most.

>> No.20684379

> shipped overseas
I can't even see straight, this shit makes my blood boil

>> No.20684459

yes the events of this year have made it quite evident that the majority of people have jobs that are completely useless. society has functioned just fine with the exception of rabid rioters who are going through the existential crisis of realizing that they serve no function in society. Even the people who are still technically employed but "working from home" and largely unnecessary.

>> No.20684497

welfare is only okay if it goes to massive corporations. commoners deserve nothing

>> No.20684709

no one here is defending this, in fact the stimulus bills were largely a way for these faggots in congress to weasel in massive corporate bailouts that line executives' pockets. They have currently passed 2.4 trillion dollars of relief packages which equates to $20,000 per US household. My household has received exactly $1,200 of that. I expect at least another 2 trillion in relief by the time this is all said and done.

>> No.20684801

if you multiply the 25 million people receiving $600 weekly trumpbux by the roughly 16 weeks this has been going on you will find that only around $240 billion of the stimulus package has been spent on this. So where's the other 90% of the money going?

>> No.20684880
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I make $600 a day

>> No.20684889

he aint wrong lol

>> No.20684967

If I could push a button and kill a poor person, and not be rewarded at all for the act, I would push the button all day long every day.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap taptaptaptaptap.....tap tap tap tap tap
tap tap tap
tap tap

tap tap tap
dead peasants, all day long
fuck the poor, they disgust me, we should kill them

>> No.20684984
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I would like that to be my job
"pusher of the button that kills poor people" - my job title

tap tap tap tap tap taptaptaptaptaptap

>> No.20685284


I received the $600/week for 2 months and I agree with this. It is unfair that I got paid for doing nothing while Wal Mart cashiers were only making their usual $11/hr. Also, $875/week is way more than a "living wage." I spent about half of it and bought memestocks with the other half.

>> No.20685339
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looks like they're not starving then lmao

>> No.20685622
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thank you for your service anon

>> No.20685739
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I legitimately haven't gotten thanked more than 3 times and that's between the internet, friends, and my employer. I think I got thanked once by one of my friends and a half-assed thank you over email from my boss. I really appreciate that anon.

>> No.20686230
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Thank you based medical device supply chain guy.

>> No.20686316

My housemate spends 12$ a shift to get to work via Uber and doesn't think it's expensive. His work is 5 miles away. Easy biking distance, but he bought a TV with his stimulus check instead of a bike. He probably could have done both, shop yard sales or craigslist for the bike.
Zoomers are brainwashed to consume and spend.

>> No.20686334

lmao what a fatty

>> No.20686345

hilarious. how much does he make?

>> No.20686347

the problem is that we must do it because so many businesses have closed down, not just simply shut down temporarily, but have absolved into nothingness.

>> No.20686450

I'm just saying, have you tried it?

>> No.20686502

Around 15$ an hour, Amazon warehouse worker.

>> No.20686511
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>> No.20686554
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Anon, thank you for your work. We're all gonna make it :)

>> No.20686567

Kek that's incredible. He should have bought an e-bike and rain gear. Zoomers have a terrible relationship with automobiles. More willing to accept socialism than even Gen Y. No knowledge of history whatsoever. They will become perfect slaves.

>> No.20686573

What kind of (((system))) penalizes people for having children at 18 when they're most fertile?

>> No.20686574

see this is exactly why I’ve been saying we just need to kill al of the communists. If you cant see that it’s a self defense situation for productive members of society at this point you’re totally lost. It will happen, and no humans will die as the streets run red with communist biomass

>> No.20686633
File: 718 KB, 968x1090, 3n7j0k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys really are my best frens. I wish for green wojaks in everyone's future

>> No.20686635
File: 24 KB, 330x393, cpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a cuck is against taking money from the government. get everything you can from that kikey institution and by chainlink

>> No.20686802

Sure that wouldn't cost too much right? Only a few more tens of trillions for the jews to charge us interest on, it's a really good idea just think of the children

>> No.20686819

this. capital gains tax can suck my ass lmao, this country is dying with or without debt

>> No.20686831

ur not stealing the government money u are stealing everybody elses money u fucking leech.

>> No.20686853

the cost of the stimulus bills passed thus far could have paid for every single taxpayer's trumpbux if it actually went to people.

>> No.20686871

eat a dick, kike. nobody gives a fuck

>> No.20686899

Going to corporations to save jobs and people's retirement and 401ks that are directly tied to the market IS going to people.

>> No.20686936

The government magics that money up out of nowhere. They steal from everyone in the world who uses the dollar and mostly distribute it to well connected bankers. There's no fighting this system; the best you can do is try to benefit from it.

>> No.20687034

I have my 401k, I would trade however much money it recovered in value from boomers artificially propping up this meme market for cash in my bank account in a heartbeat. someone closer to retirement with a bigger account might have a different take on it.