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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20683578 No.20683578 [Reply] [Original]

Vision Network Updates

-Liquidity is Locked
-Team will do AMA and apologized(They are devs and coders not marketers and wanted to find a way to remain anon)
-New Logo
- NEW exchange today
-Token Burn (Rumors)
-Changing Supply to benefit community
- Project will reverse so fcken hard....
- Everyone get a bag before they list on CEX and new DEX
-Coingecko Listing in next 24-48 hours

Project reversal will send this flying. I've seen it with Clout(same scenario as VSN), Zilliqa(Ceo left Fud and abandonment and later does 8x), -Tron (Whitepaper Forgery) and now they moved on.
So to the all the Fudsters, buy now or watch on the sidelines because VSN isn't stopping.

-This week is going to be packed with good news for Vision. We are in talks with prominent figures in the crypto-sphere, and have begun a significant marketing push.

-Also working on a couple of tokenomical adjustments to share soon. We are certain the community will be pleased with this one.

Ps. Current trading can be done here:

-Vision Network Team

What is Vision Network?

Vision: Bringing Interoperability to the DeFi Ecosystem

– Vision Bridge –

The Vision Network Bridge objective is to provide a tool that connects every single DeFi platform.
– Vision Network Ecosystem –

Across the Vision Bridge, consolidated by up to 1000 node operators, we’ll be able to provide the Network that will allow each investors to benefits from the DeFi’s functions in a single App.

– Vision Network Governance –

Every stakeholder in the ecosystem should participate in the decision-making.

Vision Network Ecosystem (Check Website):
Huobi Capital


Presale Price: $.001
Circ Supply: 212 mill
Supply: 250 mill

Liquidity Lock Smart Contract:

>> No.20683616

Scam. Constantly pumping and dumping.

>> No.20683627

time to buy.

>> No.20683654

scam. check this thread: >>20663598

>> No.20683656

time to buy. vsn to the moon.

>> No.20683658

stay poor pajeet. if you havent been averaging down and taking advantage of literal free money i understand the scam claim. tryna buy another dip

>> No.20683677

The duration of locking the liquidity Took a bit long..caused fud and dump...now another run and doubled my bag...was just lucky i sold before goinf to bed last night...20x from here big news soon

>> No.20683691

everything's been addressed in the TG. stay poor

>> No.20683692

I was suspicious with the picture thing but the liquidity locking changed my mind a bit. Genuinely looks like they have some good price pumping things coming now, could flip the other way even if it is a scam. Fuck it, in for an ETH, don't fuck me up /biz/

>> No.20683697

New logo because they stole the first one faggot

>> No.20683712

Threw in a few eth. Liquidity is locked and team wanted to stay anon, nothing wrong with it. The same thing happened with blockout, it mooned right after and still mooning.

>> No.20683749

They have locked and are working hard to push this project forward, cant believe all of this fud. I was skeptical but their actions today have knocked this out of the park, its going to rise whether the fuds like it or not

>> No.20683823

Liquidity locked with Coin Gecko on the way. This is the next big defi pump.

>> No.20683871

FUD finish. DEV ok. Liq lock.

This gem gonna touch MARS

x20 minimum expected.

>> No.20683899
File: 214 KB, 1024x1231, 54056e5e88bc3.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cunt don't even follow the project, do you?
All accusations have been addressed and the price already recovered from yesterday's FUD.
Stay poor like you're supposed to, shitface.

PS: That's you on the pic

>> No.20683982

One of the most stupid scams ever seen, the team are already sued for identity impersonation. That project has few days left...

>> No.20684042

Even if something goes wrong, he can truly apologize and work hard to solve the problem. They are the most sincere team I have ever seen.

>> No.20684045

link to source on being sued?

>> No.20684065

he wont have a source. hes a pajeet who missed the VSN train. tryna board back at 80k/ETH

>> No.20684074

sued? haha
imagine a pajeet like you trying to sue a team that has enough funds to erase you from existance, just for calling their project a scam, show your identity faggot

>> No.20684132

any way to check the price history of this thing?

>> No.20684217

Getting to $0.01 would be amazing let alone $0.1 lol let's do this

>> No.20684221

vision network $vsn is a scam, beware.

1. domain only 17 days old
> https://whois.domaintools.com/vision-network.io
2. CEO pic stolen from, fake name
> https://karolinafund.com/profile/view/33116
3. Bussiness Director pic stolen from
> https://karolinafund.com/profile/view/33118
4. most passages from the litepaper are copy&pasted from the quant whitepaper, the rest has poor grammar and doesn't make sense
5. the roadmap is absolute bullshit
6. no github, no mvp, nothing, absolutely nothing
7. twitter account only 2 weeks old
8. they ban everybody that points this out from their tg channel immediately

100% SCAM

>> No.20684261

scam? locked liquidity? new exchanges? no rug pull? gtfo kebab

>> No.20684415

Going 10X from this price with or without you. Market doesn't care about your opinion.

>> No.20684468

Tehmoonwalker is possibly considering doing an ama guys. Get in now.

>> No.20684595


100% a scam


100% a scam


>> No.20684753

Lol I remember when there was this much fud at the start of PAMP, and look at it now...

>> No.20684759

now they abandon the thread again. how does it feel that you are losing many hours of work and a lot of your money with this you fucking scammers? how does it feel?

fucking scammers

you know you couldve at least check if your fake team pictures can be found with yandex reverse image search or use pictures from thispersondoesnotexist but no, what do I expect from stupid pajeet scammers. just gtfo and delete your website already

>> No.20684807

They told me that enrique rodrigues (one of the team members) was from
Bilbao spain
In spain we havent Rodrigues surnames. Here only Rodríguez with “Z”
Big scam!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow they will remove liquidity

>> No.20684817

Stay poor faggot.

>> No.20684888

many fudders here.
Liquidity locked. Trust me, tomorow price VSN up to 0.1$.

>> No.20684896

Liquidity already locked retard

>> No.20684903

how they can remove liquidity when it s already locked? you FAGGOT.

>> No.20684910

Hi shithead, let me guess your net worth.. $300?

100% a scam, Scam, 100% a scam
Scam, 100% a scam, Scam
*Cries watching VSN pump*
100% a scam, don't buy, scam

Fuck you man, your life is the real scam

>> No.20684940


>> No.20684957

Dumb fucks like you really should remain poor at all costs, that's because at some point you start telling others some non-sense shit

>> No.20685176

vision network $vsn is a scam, beware.

1. domain only 17 days old
> https://whois.domaintools.com/vision-network.io
2. CEO pic stolen from, fake name
> https://karolinafund.com/profile/view/33116
3. Bussiness Director pic stolen from
> https://karolinafund.com/profile/view/33118
4. most passages from the litepaper are copy&pasted from the quant whitepaper, the rest has poor grammar and doesn't make sense
5. the roadmap is absolute bullshit
6. no github, no mvp, nothing, absolutely nothing
7. twitter account only 2 weeks old
8. they ban everybody that points this out from their tg channel immediately

100% SCAM

>> No.20685403
File: 743 KB, 594x594, Screenshot_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they start spamming the same message..
Your life is 100% SCAM
(I have enough eth to buy all the dips caused by your FUD)

>> No.20685421

Tomorrow they will sell everything
Even with liquidity locked...
Big scam
Wait 1 day

>> No.20685432

Of course it's a fucking scam. Welcome to crypto. Learn to play it right and it's a scam that you will make a lot of money from with the plausible deniability of being an innocent investor.

>> No.20685483

Thats what they said about Blockclout and still made good profit. Fud all you can, fomo back in as you watch the price rise

>> No.20685534

So to the all the Fudsters, buy now or watch on the sidelines because VSN isn't stopping.

Liquidity Lock Smart Contract:

>> No.20686181

Fudders on suicide watch.

>> No.20686675

The explanation for why they used other people's pictures with their real names makes no fucking sense. This is why I think it's a scam.

>> No.20686989

Also, they stole their logo

>> No.20687170

huge scam

>> No.20687301

Fudders about to be rekt.

>> No.20687321

legit, 100% legit. don't fud here

>> No.20687372

Biggest scammers on earth. U can better clean ur ass with do instead of invest in this scamcoin

>> No.20687373


>> No.20687432

Paid shills promoting a scamcoin.
The "Devs" used fake photos and faked a photo of a "business trip"
Buy it if you like to get dumped on by "Devs"

>> No.20687453

wow really convincing pajeet

>> No.20687457


Devs are from iceland and wished to be annonymous. Check their recent amas they are tecbnical asf.

>> No.20687501

this is literally a contract where nothing is locked fuck off scammer

>> No.20687633

12 hours till exit scam.

>> No.20687676

scam coin, dont buy.

>> No.20687705

>tecbnical asf
So technical they can't even write their own whitepaper!

>> No.20687717

what do you think, they gonna flood it with their own tokens or pull liquidity?

>> No.20687936

i dont know but scam 99.99%
wait and check it by yourself

>> No.20688047

You fools. Locked liquidity means NO rug. Keep watching while this means. Marketcap $1 million only

>> No.20688078

there is no proof of locked liquidity idiot

>> No.20688113

Got a bag!!

with the exchange listing and CG update there is a lot of potential for this microcap beauty

>> No.20688327

This 1000% SCAM

>> No.20688366

Doesn’t meanshit idiot, have you seen the richlist?

>> No.20688710

I promise every fucken fudster in here: the massive news I have about VSN will shock the Crypto community tomorrow. Youll see this upp 200-400% very soon in next 2-3 days. Just watch you hating fucks. Youll be proven wrong.

>> No.20688752

This going to be epic!!

Fudster trying hard to bring the price down to get cheaper entries...

Guys just think about it- why would people waste their time on constantly fuding a project?? Are they Robin Hood of crypto?

The only purpose they are doing it because they know this project will moon hard and want a cheap entry!!

Otherwise they would rather spend their time with family or jerking...

>> No.20688901

Massive news? There is no github
They say a product will be released in a year
If anyone buys this they are low iq
Or a scammer hoping idiots will buy

>> No.20689837

It can go to 10¢ in a week

>> No.20689916

With these news below we will go further :)

-Liquidity is Locked
-Team will do AMA and apologized(They are devs and coders not marketers and wanted to find a way to remain anon)
-New Logo
- NEW exchange today
-Token Burn (Rumors)
-Changing Supply benefit community
- Project will reverse so fcken hard....
- Everyone get a bag before they list on CEX and new DEX
-Coingecko Listing in next 24-48 hours

>> No.20690043

#1 So, have u checked holder list?
#2 and? The team still used other people’s images, how shady can they be?
#3 lol, not a good one I’m sure, any cuck can add a coin to an exchange
#4 a token burn for a useless token won’t do shit to price, 1 year till they even give a github, pro tip, they won’t
#5 bro in every aspect this is a scam, domain, whitepaper, github, team, etc.
#6 in summary, u are a bag holding cuck looking for idiots to buy

>> No.20690530

When moonwalker does an ama with them it will pump hard.

>> No.20690770

U are gay
U are a profiting off idiots
Karma will get u

>> No.20690854

the team is from MUMBAI

>> No.20691901

So, is this a scam or not XD