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20683413 No.20683413 [Reply] [Original]

post em

>> No.20683461
File: 569 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200725-204423_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't finished my 4th BTC yet still accumulating

>> No.20683467
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>> No.20683491
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I really want to dump 15k into algo and make a quick buck if it goes up a few cents but I am unsure that I can afford to lose that money.

>> No.20683502

If you're young you need more risk. This is garbage desu

>> No.20683513

Bro trade that fourth BTC for ETH. If you don’t have atleast 32 ETH, why hold it at all?

>> No.20683544

Ok shitcoiner

>> No.20683553

ALGO will pump again. The weekly breakout volume was insane

>> No.20683566

I've made about 50 BTC profit trading alts. Don't be that beta pussy like Tone Vays

>> No.20683722

>t. only traded alts in 2017-2018
>and hasn't traded them at all since then
good job being aggressive and lucky during the peak (I mean it, that's impressive), but don't lie to people and tell them they can do the same now. the literal only way to make significant gains on alts at this point is to be an insider or flat out dumb luck from coins you forgot to sell years ago. it's time to settle in for only the strongest coins going forward. if you aren't just being a dickhead and actually think people can still make ridiculous gains like that, then your luck is going to run out sooner than you think.

>> No.20683802
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>> No.20683829

Most of my money is in stocks and property. I probably would have made thousands of BTC if I went all in like some neets here.

BTW, all that profit on BTC was with an intial 10k investment, I know what I'm fucking talking about - you want risk or gtfo.

>> No.20683847
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>> No.20683879

Holy SHIT this is a nice portfolio. I call this one: "The Maximalist"

Perhaps consider shifting some BTC into AMPL, otherwise 10/10.

>> No.20683923

i hope you paid your capital gains tax... if not, enjoy federal prison for a minimum of 20 years, retard

>> No.20683926

Lot's of LINK in this thread. You lads think LINK could hit $100 during the ETH run to 1k? I'm worried about Sergey holding nearly 3B already and selling off part of the funds.

>> No.20683930

the ability to filter out good projects from bad projects

making bets that match your criteria

i imagine it like planting many seeds
some will grow into trees, some will die

my strategy
40% - most bullish coin
15% - ETH/BTC
10% - 2nd most bullish coin
7.5% - 3rd most bullish coin
5% - 4th most bullish coin
5% - 5th most bullish coin
17.5% - cash or diversified into other small cap alphas

>> No.20683960
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Early ampl adopter here.

>> No.20683974

I am a maximalist, the name of the game has always been "accumulate more sats." Altcoins are just a way to accumulate more sats. Lots of altcoins during the last bullrun and the previous had huge runups and died just as quickly as they came up. Bitcoin has always just been chugging along.

>> No.20683979
File: 681 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200725-150905_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest opinion on my portfolio? Thinking about adding ample and rlc

>> No.20683991

are you thinking about selling AMPL soon? or are you still bullish?

>> No.20684008

Is there some desktop app with this functionality? Preferably open source.
I don't trust my phone with my unknown amount of monero.

>> No.20684009

desu RLC only has 8 nodes online in their "global decentralized supercomputer" so I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.20684010
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You guys have got to be fucking joking. Holding BTC is the most limp dicked thing you can possibly do in crypto.
Imagine this, you have the balls to enter a fledgling technology market that has the potential to upset major industries and pave the course for financials in the next decade
It is, at it's core, a very volatile and high risk high reward decision to participate in such a market.

And what do you do? You buy the fucking safest, lowest possible return you can find in the entire space. Just amazing. Why even get into crypto in the first place? Low fucking T

Anyways, heres my shitcoins. Started with $1000 back in September 2017

>> No.20684014

Spend almost all my time researching coins and biz.

Over the past 4 months I have probably spent a cumulative of 500+ hours researching.

My picks
AMPL - 50%
ETH - 15%
BNT - 10%
MTA - 5%
YFI - 5%

>> No.20684016

Hell no I haven't sold a single one and I won't until it hits a stable dollar.

>> No.20684052

based, this makes me want to buy more.

>> No.20684076

do you have a quick analysis of BNT? I'm unsure how it will hold up to Uniswap which already has a huge userbase

>> No.20684098

I hear you anon. I used to have 1 btc. Diversified it down to .5 in the last couple months.

>> No.20684119
File: 103 KB, 710x1262, 20200725_211343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?
Will I make it? I'm no whale but honest work.

Total portfolio worth 14.5k USD.

>> No.20684138

You'll learn very soon that BTC/ETH might have a much larger return than your prized LINK in the next bullrun.

>> No.20684184

How do you still not get it? Oracle, Microsoft EY, Splunk, BSN, T-Mobile, Korean banks, 200+ blockchain projects, 52 unique blockchains, SWIFT.

Chainlink has infinitely more customers/users than any other coin. Nothing is even remotely close, not even slightly.

>> No.20684210
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150 more link then I have made it.

>> No.20684242

My wallet # got exposed last time I posted on one of these threads.

>> No.20684256

The tokenomics of LINK are weak. The stock market could crash again come November, and crypto consolidates into BTC/ETH, while LINK could lose -50% value and stay there. Running a node only gives 0.50% APY, which is much less than doing DeFi with BTC/ETH. There are even worries that running an ETH 2.0 node will have less reward than actually lending ETH.

>> No.20684298

I like this portfolio. If it wasn't for the sudden short-term bullish sentiment for AMPL, my mini alt bag would of been LINK

>> No.20684349

Too diverse for 14k

>> No.20684351

>The tokenomics of LINK are weak.
I honestly think you're trolling but you just seem grossly uninformed. LINK has to be used to collateralize nodes against the value of the smart contracts the data they relay underpins. As it stands there is over $4B locked into DeFi today, right now. July 25th, 2020.
LINK powers almost all leading DeFi services. This means that for every single $ locked in a DeFi service that LINK powers, there will, in the future when staking is live, have to be an equivalent OR GREATER amount of LINK locked into nodes to ensure the data providers are acting honestly. This is billions, today. Right now. Not even considering ANY growth whatsoever.

>Running a node only gives 0.50% APY
So you are trolling. Nobody knows what node APY will be. Staking isn't live. Nobody is earning money from staking in a node. There is absolutely no possible way anyone can estimate what node APY is or will be. You have proven yourself to be unbelievably incompetent, or outright trolling.

>> No.20684400

stfu desperate faggot, you made money in the most ridiculous bull run in a new asset, congrats

>> No.20684442
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Too diverse really?

Yes I have many coins
But I am mostly in ETH, LINK, NANO, XMR, ADA, XTZ, ALGO.

Do you guys think I am doing bad? I am up 60% so far, my biggest bet are LINK (paid off so far), NANO and XMR. Can't see a future without em.

Thanks for honest opinion anons

>> No.20684475

reminder that if your stack is still worth less than $200k you aren't going to make it with BTC or ETH alone

>> No.20684477

why not trade that nano for AMPL?

>> No.20684519

Ohh boy .. so many pussies .. only chicken heads low iq can hold btc that long .. I made 500k in alts and took profit .. still 200 k in alts 100%.. if I were stick with btc I barely would have managed 100k

>> No.20684527


I pondered that yes, but I feel like a breakout is imminent on BTC/NANO/XMR. I might be ridiculously wrong and might miss on AMPL

>> No.20684553

You will miss out and you will regret it.

>> No.20684554

currency velocity != currency value
Ethereum has 3x the amount of daily transactions as Bitcoin. So does this mean Ethereum should be x3 as valuable as Bitcoin? Obviously not if you check coinmarketcap.

>> No.20684567

How come staking has not been implemented yet?

>> No.20684573
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>he doesn't have a suicide stack of CAP



>> No.20684642

Holy fuck this is one re-based and redpilled anon Jesus Christ blesses this man

>> No.20684645

my mind is blown right now. BTC has no inherent value in holding it as related to the number of daily transactions.
ETH doesn't either, yet.

Once ETH 2.0 comes out then yes, as the volume of transactions on ETH increases, the price should (and will) to reflect this. Because those holding ETH get money from the increase in transactions. Bitcoin is proof of work and there is no such relationship between the volume of transactions and the price of the asset.

Until ETH 2.0, this is the case with ETH as well.
Until staking with LINK, this is the case with LINK as well.
ETH is now going up because the public testnet is launching soon and attack nets are out for 2.0. They are buying in anticipation of this new relationship between ETH and the volume of transactions on the Ethereum network.
The same goes for chainlink and node use.

>> No.20684662

Based. Fuck the low T fags.

>> No.20684674

christ fuck it blows my mind how some anons can be invested in crypto and not understand such basic concepts like
"the number of tx's on Bitcoin has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with the value of Bitcoin"
"the number of tx's on ETH has LITERALLY NOTHING to do with the value of ETH, until PoS comes out, or from PoS speculation"

>> No.20684749
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This was from like yesterday but I enjoyed the GET I got in usd so here you go

>> No.20684757


>> No.20684786

Actually I realized that you weren't specifically talking about currency velocity. You were talking about collaterization of nodes with LINK, which funny enough, helps your bullish case even less, because, like you said, staking isn't live yet LMAO.

>Because those holding ETH get money from the increase in transactions.
those that have a node, which puts a demand a having a node, which increases the price of ETH.

>Bitcoin is proof of work and there is no such relationship between the volume of transactions and the price of the asset.
that was the point of me saying:
currency velocity != currency value
good job now you understand

>> No.20684804

Nano is a sleeper, hold it.

>> No.20684832
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>> No.20684847

Uniswap doesn’t has it’s own coin so you’d just have to make do with either BNT or KNC.

>> No.20684861

Definitely Not Going to Make It

>> No.20684921

Listen I like LINK. It's one of the few projects with an strong usecase for DeFi. If Sergey dumps his 3B USD LINK stack and takes the project back down to $2, I'll gladly buy.

You know Ethereum had the same problem in 2017 when it crashed? Vitalik pulled the rug without telling investors and crashed the price saying "Ethereum shouldn't be worth this much."

>> No.20684950


I believe so as well.
For me believing today in Nano is as crazy as it was to buy BTC at $10 waiting for 10k. Everybody laughs about it, but the fundamentals are so strong, it is insane.

Nano could do a x150 this bull market cycle, like without even forcing too much.
What is a 20B market cap, in a multi trillion market mani, for the best pure currency coin out there?
Not much.

But yeah, way less sexy as of July 2020 compared to AMPL, RLC and the DeFi hype train.

>> No.20684991

>has bitcoin

>beta pussy
>limp dicked
>Low fucking T
>Ohh boy .. so many pussies .. only chicken heads low iq
>Fuck the low T fags

Almost forgot how many incel scammers are on this board. Never change /biz/.

>> No.20685014
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The winning duo

>> No.20685047
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>> No.20685077


Incels reading this: I used to think I was an incel as well... before I realized that there is no such thing.

Grow a pair, be a man, you deserve nothing in life by just being out there on Earth.

Lol, incels.
The most ridiculous weak pathetic shit ever.

>> No.20685275

All your bloviating itt doesn't change the fact that you don't even own one single Bitcoin

Link is a leveraged bet on ETH, which while I think both will likely succeed, is itself a bet that blockchains will succeed in general
And if there is any blockchain that will succeed out of any of them it is Bitcoin, and will be Bitcoin first; the original, the longest chain, the most acknowledged, the highest market cap, the reserve

There were plenty of shitcoins that made it big but now even with Link's huge upside potential, link is not as profitable a bet as it was had you bought under a dollar
I recall calculating some potential marketcap price targets for Link back in 2018, based on ETH's marketcap, which had of course a similar runup as the wunderkind of crypto
The first target was $12, so it's still not that impressive to see that 6 months before the last year of the cycle it is not to where ETH was proportionally marketcapwise

So now you're a volcel?

>> No.20685399
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Lmao, how embarrassing. Your entire argument just went into the trash.

>> No.20685402

I think LINK is a leveraged bet on DeFi, which is a popular Ethereum application, but I'm beginning to suspect there is something else in top 100 marketcap or outside of it that will have a bigger effect which does not involve securely relaying the price of assets.

>> No.20685430

a millionaire on /biz/ ? can I see pic of lambo sir ?

>> No.20685446

>just a price feed
Stay poor

>> No.20685470

Being a reliable price feed is still worth a lot pajeet.

>> No.20685484
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>people posting shitfolios
>they're all full of [whatever is being shilled at the moment]

truly unprecedented

>> No.20686188

sell all alts for ALGO.

>> No.20686477

To diverse. Its bull time, everything is pumping 2x-20x right now, consolidate and take 20% to 1 or 2 low cap <10mil token to expose your folio to harsher price movements, hopefully upwards.

>> No.20686620
File: 360 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200725-160622_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it?

>> No.20686683
File: 333 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200721-083719_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old prices but you get the idea, going to get to 1m far and maybe 50k lit, will sell the mitx in the medium to short term depending on their next announcement

>> No.20686932

>You know Ethereum had the same problem in 2017 when it crashed?
>Ethereum then proceeds to go from $7 to $1400