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20681611 No.20681611 [Reply] [Original]

It's shocking to know a good many quality projects in crypto slip by unnoticed. A good reason is because most people involved in crypto nowadays seldom understand blockchain, the tech itself outside the financial commune we have cultured around, hence underscore the technology and ultimately fail to appreciate the value right before their noses.

One of such tokens is RENDER token. Render token is the primary token used to distribute value between GPU rendering nodes built on a longstanding patented product, the OCTANE RENDER from whence comes its name.

The vision to establish the network where GPU rendering for movies, VR, holograms and a dozen other applications can do so without the associated cost of owning high tech gear belonging to the Hollywood elite, by capitalizing on the GPUs of millions of computers around the world. the exact problem Blockchain easily solves.

The marketshare for GPU Rendering is huge as the demand for it is equally huge and rising exponentially!

Now wait for it...
Render token was recently tapped by Coinbase in its search of quality stuff, and the coinbase team could cut through all the noise, garbage and horseshit out in this space to find this obscure token. Yes, that's what coinbase does. Now you know why they haven't listed your shitcoin.

>> No.20681640

Render token has an experienced world class team behind it: OTOY. It's not just your average crypto startup with shitty funding, lies and promises for a start. lmao. These are old players with all the right capital, connections and live products! Are you listening?
Render Network is live and surpassing expectations. Render recently released its ultimate product OctaneX in its lines of products for GPU Rendering, co-developed & coded by...wait for it... Apple. Yes, Apple.

And yes! Render has a REAL partnership with APPLE computers! BOOM!!! It was re-announced by Apple 2 days ago https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/20/public-preview-of-octane-x-graphics-renderer-now-available-on-macos-catalina Still with me?

So why is render token still sitting at 6 mil marketcap instead of 600 mil? https://etherscan.io/token/0x6de037ef9ad2725eb40118bb1702ebb27e4aeb24
Your answer is a good as mine. A lot of the new bloods coming in are a distraction to this space. We don't even know how to follow proper news & channels anymore. Just recently some dirtbag posted false information about DACC on twitter and a lot of people lost their money over fake information on a fake twitter account. How did we get here from 2012? Weren't we smarter than this?
Anyways, You think chainlink is big? Render is going to be bigger since it already has a market audience (link is still building an audience), a patented technology (link is having competitors already), the only platform that can deliver that tech, and all the right foots in all the right doors (proper partnerships) to make sure this gets done. So what's to stop it from taking link's place once it puts foot to gas?

My advise for you guys: bag a suicide stack and store in your portfolio for the future. RENDER is available on Uniswap, Probit, Hoo, and Bilaxy.
Suicide stack: 1,000 rndr in the least.

>> No.20681720
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>> No.20681843

iExec is better look at how many phds they have so fuck the fuck off cuck

>> No.20681878
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real talk its a really nice gem, cant wait for a coinbase listing kek
butthurt iexec bagholder

>> No.20681898
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Why the fuck do you need blockchain for it? There are already services that provide something like that. It's just another meme shitcoin with no real use.

>> No.20681970

Render will definitely moon. Top team and still super small mcap.

>> No.20682109
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To govern jobs & payouts in a trustless manner.

You mean Golem and iExec who don't have a single user ? Or you mean centralized rendering services who can't profit from commodity hardware and are thus expensive as shit ?

In any case OTOY is a established company and has tens of thousands of users of their rendering & cloud products, which they will shift over to the decentralized network.

They have also integrated arnold, Autodesk renderer and are DIRECTLY working together with autodesk to enable autodesk users to be able to use the renderer on the network. This project is done by some of the most influential guys in the rendering community - not even remotely comparable with your average basement GPU render farm.

>> No.20682244

Fuck you I hope you die you literal trash bagholding pajeet I shit and spit on your scamcoin, soon RLC wipe the whole market away from this trash no one can resist its force as its digital oil and partnered with almost all big tech companies

>> No.20682249

>not even remotely comparable with your average basement GPU render farm

>> No.20682280
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damn seems like i hit a nerve

>> No.20682346

literally seething

>> No.20682359

Just look at Brave and the BAT token. It makes it easier to reward the users. The token represents rendering power. You can sell it or keep it like any other asset

>> No.20682379

iExec makes this shitcoin obsolete

>> No.20682409

But JJ Abrams will make movies with that "shitcoin", just like Deadmau5 recently did (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAvyS6HSa0A))

>> No.20682464

Why are all RLC holders ultra triggered about Rendertoken ? Seems there is great fear there that RLC won't ever get traction.

Anyway you are free to explain why you think iExec would beat RNDR in rendering or other related GPU-heavy distributed tasks. Or don't, I don't think there is a single advantage for iExec in this field, so even trying to do a merit-by-merit comparison is a futile approach.

>> No.20682487

>Amazon wagie cage, circa 2053 colorized

>> No.20682490

It’s digital oil, now go suck my cock fagboy ahahahaja

>> No.20682529

If you stumble upon anything good, let me know on this Discord server - YBjpDgA

>> No.20682589

Nice RLC bags. Nice dump from $1.7

>> No.20682994

Don't forget Binance. They are interested in Render as well.

>> No.20683290

post the uniswap please. It seems to have 2 rndr tokens that show up. The official one has a smiley face instead of that red button for some reason

>> No.20683344

yep, just a token with huge adoption, Apple, Autodesk, Warner Inc, HBO and many more partnerships and soon to be listed on coinbase & binance at 6M marketcap marketcap.
Nothing special really, buy XRP and Tron now.

>> No.20683520

go to coingecko and use their link. dont trust anybody from here. or join the TG and ask there/take the link

>> No.20683650

Do you know what's the current circulating supply right now? If it's displayed, Render token would have a higher rank on coinmarketcap.com

>> No.20683914

Should be also 91M equal to total supply.

>> No.20684007

it's a utility token to save on electricity lol

team sells it at 25c in-app and can only lower the price from there, price is capped

that being said it'll prob 'moon' to 25c whenever it starts gaining traction and more widespread implementation, which could be a bit

>> No.20684123

Or they just adjust the price in the app, why would they sell tokens under marketvalue lol, everyone would immediately buy them up

>> No.20684313

>team sells tokens for 25c
>Brendan Eich involved
0.25 Stablecoin confirmed

>> No.20684829

$1 confirmed by the eoy.

>> No.20684846

Ha, I can assure if its listing on coonbase and binance, it'll go higher than 25c. But might be a good point to take profits at.

>> No.20685268

the price is not capped at 25c you dumdum