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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20674579 No.20674579 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, fuck off if you have weak hands

>> No.20674639
File: 475 KB, 785x720, bogdanof_rlc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added 5k to my stack this dump.
still looking to add 10k more if it comes down potentially more to 10k satoshi. but I think we hit bottom for the next run now it will crab a bit around 13k then in a week or so the next uptrend starts. it could also start pumging straight away again, the volume has really picked up and stayed relatively high for this asset. still 500btc/24h on binance alone. there has been months of volume below the 100btc/24h. RLC has gotten some attention, people noticed, people researched and people want in. it is only a matter of time before we go to 32k sats. the next stop.

>> No.20674661

Supply is gonna run out and biz is gonna get the rest of it kek

>> No.20674740

digital dogshit spam coin
better luck next time when v6 is being released

>> No.20674749
File: 133 KB, 980x653, 50-Cent (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hoards barrels of nuclear waste which are inherently worthless.
>Brainlets start buying the world supply of nuclear waste.

B-But supply is gonna run out! It has to be worth something!

>> No.20674795

Just sold last night at $1.10 after buying in at like $1.82 last week because of the fucking stupid Indian shills here. Fuck this scam shitcoin I'm glad I got out now before it too late.

>> No.20674812

How does it feel to have the iq of a somalian nigger ape?

>> No.20674863

fu k you and fuck your shitcoin idiot. Everyone knows this is scam. Yes I got burned and yes I lost money and yes I am angry but I will think twice in future before buying whatever stupid scam biz tell me too. Go fuck urself retard.

>> No.20674871
File: 351 KB, 2000x2000, 1566391599310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to join the RLC Fags shitposting discord, a magical place where we shitpost about RLC!

https://discord (dot) gg (slash) BH5pRV

>> No.20674877

Weak hands make holding this coin even sweeter. Please post red wojaks when it goes +30k sats

>> No.20674895

you're an idiot. It's clearly gonna hit above 1.82 again, you just need iron hands if you're gonna buy the top of a pump. Even if you bought 80 cents at the peak of the highest pump 2 years ago you would have had a chance to profit. Eventually the same will be true for this pump, although the time frame has been drastically shortened as RLC has had enormous amounts of interest lately.

Buy back in

>> No.20674915

its not weak hands if you get out before massive dump to 0. Fuking retard. Look at chart this thing always dump at new version release and idiots like you are stuck holding bags until v6. You have been scammmed idiot. Stay poor.

>> No.20674918

too obvious btw 3/10

>> No.20674928

look how desperate pajeet is to sell me his bags lol idiot fuck your shitcoin scam

>> No.20674954


>> No.20674989

Yes . I buy RLC! Ver good coin sirs .

>> No.20675012

Yes, and it did dump from 1.90 to 1.10
You quite literally sold the dump
Thank you for your service

>> No.20675036

Go read all the fucking medium articles about iexec and come back. Fucking idiot. Just begone low IQ swine.

>> No.20675047

Its still dumping! Moron!

>> No.20675070

And it will never ever pump again. You will neck yourself next month.

>> No.20675096


>> No.20675101
File: 66 KB, 1080x440, IMG_20200725_212347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought high and sold low
>calls others morons
Holy fuck are you even 18? By the way I can tell your probably a dumb american nigger by the way you're typing.
This project is for high IQ chads, so as I said earlier
Thank you for your service

>> No.20675107
File: 70 KB, 1000x600, 50-cent-car-laugh-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low-Q faggot, where were you when I was sending warnings all over /biz/?

>> No.20675110

Agree, it will never pump again lol, why would I kill myself if that was true I already sold faggot!

>> No.20675121

stfu nigger I thought you was joking I didn't realise your were telling truth lol

>> No.20675134

high iq chads who like losing money to Indians, sure!

>> No.20675144

Rebuy orders set at 7k sats. Lets do it!

>> No.20675147

You are the dumbest black retard gorilla i have seen in years. Buy high, sell low, never change.

>> No.20675189

How can I lose money to Indians if I bought below 50 cents you stupid imbecile?
Now I can guarantee you're a nigger since you can't read

>> No.20675210
File: 37 KB, 500x489, annvR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy high sell low vs buy high sell at 0.5.
Faggot bitch boy bagholder, who's the retard?

>> No.20675291

it's too obvious man, if you wanted to make me (a high IQ person) believe you, you should have said that you bought in a bit lower, and lowering the amount of insults in the post. that's why it's too obvious, 3/10, work on your fud game

>> No.20675431
File: 159 KB, 828x377, 099159DA-684A-404A-959C-8C784C050D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is right, too much profanity doesn’t work here faggot

>> No.20676046

hahahhah he sold the bottom

>> No.20677056

high IQ, buy high sell low.

>> No.20677513


Ah yes, the /biz/ way, buying high and selling low.


>> No.20678139
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, tupac nsmdoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's already back up to $1.23 and that's while BTC, ETH and LINK went down

I think we're starting to decouple from the market even faster than link

>> No.20678241

Nigger every fomo alt had same green dildo this morning whales gonna milk retards one more time before 10k btc and 300 eth

>> No.20678360
File: 470 KB, 1125x2436, ie datasets as collateral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your IQ is so low you only see RLC as a "fomo alt", well, that explains why you're poor at least

Also we started the morning off by dropping down and not with green dildos smoothbrain

>> No.20678406

Imagine eoy 10000 bla bla bla it's same bs medium article that whale dumped 1 million tokens on

>> No.20678407

>RLC Price: $11490
>see you niggas at 50c

>> No.20678494

>pahjeets made me do it
they didn’t grow those weak hands my guy

>> No.20678530
File: 2.33 MB, 1651x1200, ie do ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a bot right guys?

It's just buzzwords & phrases that don't actually add up to meaning anything...