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File: 302 KB, 1200x675, Trustswap-Full-Feature-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20674786 No.20674786 [Reply] [Original]

Jeff Kirdeikis, CEO - CEO of Uptrennd
Adam Barlam CTO - Architect at Intel
Joaquim Miro CGO

Ivan on Tech
Mauvis Ledford - Former CTO of Coinmarketcap

Lark is talking about TrustSwap too on Twitter, buying a bag

20 million market cap, its obvious.

>> No.20674828

Oh it's pumping nicely. Wonder wtf was that huge buy a few moments ago.

>> No.20674832

Hodling a stack, comfiest token in a while. once the dust settles this one will shoot to $10 easy... such a low supply

>> No.20674995

Buy 1Up, another project from Jeff Kirdeikis, social network, 800k mcap, DYOR

>> No.20675009

Remember to stake at swapstake.io kings

>> No.20675015
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>> No.20675118


>> No.20675152
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ok I'm excited

>> No.20675406
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if they wont release it tomorrow im dumping my bag

>> No.20675786

Dont stake on Swapstake, its 3rd party, and its a money game, noone is joining so noone is making money now. He wants you to join it so he gets your fees. DYOR

>> No.20675802
File: 55 KB, 408x356, Itachi Sharingan Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeff is shilling merch
>No whitepaper

>> No.20675843

whitepaper is being reviewed by professional graphic, its out of hands of Jeff, hes absolute workhorse, but once it gets out of his hands, thats where it slows down.

>> No.20675848
File: 186 KB, 1065x739, 20200723_123702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All pajeet investing in whitepaper hahaha,
Go invest in real working product the only decentralized cross chain protocol available in the world not copy and paste of uniswap limited to erc20.

Even Yvan is already switching and dumping on your face your whitepaper shitcoin.

>> No.20675859

fuck off ranjeesh

>> No.20675868

Anyswap is absolutely different product, does not provide what TrustSwap does. Its just basic swapping product. BTW the blockchain that Anyswap is running is just 30 million marketcap - Fusion. While TrustSwap has 20 million marketcap. Thats just sad, having blockchain with just 50% higher mcap than TrustSwap. Enjoy the ride on Any . :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.20675904

This ranjeet shows up in every trustswap thread to shill his scam.

>> No.20676241

Who cares about the mcap of the project on which is built since it provide crosschain technology, in couple of weeks we will be able to provide liquidity for eth, btc ltc usdt etc.... Yes i will enjoy my ride while all advisor are dumping the coin on you waiting for whitepaper v19 hahaha cant believe People are that stupid to still invest in whitepaper like in 2017

>> No.20676331

FSN is so user unfriendly that its unseen, if you think that its ready for mainstream when you dont even have mainnet implemented anywhere, you need to custom add it. You are seriously delusional. Its not ready to go. If it was way more user friendly, with more mainstream logo and mainstream sites, everything a bit more upgraded, I would also see a potential. But its none of that. Its not ready to go. Its like shilling every single coin that was "faster, better, more scalable *add whatever u want*" none of those succeeded.

ETH is absolutely retarded lately. Yet its popular af. Its not about functions, its about having the ability to be mainstream. Fusion doesnt have that. And dont expect Any to overcome FSNs marketcap, even if it goes above that, it will correct itself fast. Plus if you would like to cash out the profit, you would have to go through illiquid FSN. Its gonna dump if someone big would wish to take profit. Enjoy the ride my ranjeet.

>> No.20676394

For crosschain technology there are already big players like Polkadot and Kosmos, you cant possibly compete against them with that babyboy FSN, crying in the corner, trying to get at least 0.1% of their userbase. Yeah they got you, thats something. xd

>> No.20676409

*Cosmos, ffs report me. I am getting dumb just by talking to you.

>> No.20676552

And the absolutely best thing of it all, TrustSwap is locking the team funds, there was a voting how much they will get released monthly. While we have 65% of the coin already in circulation. People with KYC were buying OTC in the start. Unlike bots in your case.

And you have only 15 stupid % of the circulation. The team have EIGHTY fucking FIVE % out of the circulation. How the fuck can you even be confident in something so against holders. Once this hits the circulation you will be crying, that you didnt visit TrustSwap site and threw in few bucks.

>> No.20676651
File: 99 KB, 693x536, stažený soubor (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this not put a whole 10 000% more trust to the team? They will lock the funds (which is one of the functions of TrustSwap) - that will be provided to other projects. - DAICO

They wont see the money if they just exit scam, they need to work on it. This is just so huge, yet you dont see it.

>> No.20676690

I am Actually waisting my time with some one Who likes whitepaper, mentioning about polkabot.
And as FYI polkabot and Cosmos (which still did not implement the IBC) are yet another wanchain, means that you need to adapt your chain to their technology in order to achieve the crosschain, nothing revolutionary. Fusion with Dcrm has been built with top 4 cryptographer in the world and is working out of the box for 95% of the chain even chainlink understood it.Go read and bit and Maybe you will sleep less stupid tonight

>> No.20676803
File: 462 KB, 1043x1549, Screenshot_20200725-152017_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those 85 % are rewards allocation, i do not know whether you are stupid or trying to convince yourself by lying that you did not made the stupid choice, you still have time to swap i will provide some liquidity Any / Swap for pajeets like you

>> No.20676815

You still dont understand. There were so many projects, that were promising, even FSN is, it looks great on paper. But noone gives a shit. There were tons and tons of projects, that with a good marketing would for sure thrive. But this project is a dead rat in terms of userbase and any interest. You are just one of those who are screaming THIS AND THAT but noone hears you. There were many many many more. With so many promising projects. I wont stop you from being one of them.

>> No.20676862

Pajeet pump dump

>> No.20676867

Yeah and this whole allocation that you just showed, IS NOT IN CIRCULATION. Once it gets in circulation it will drop your coin down, while inflatin marketcap up. You seriously are not the smartest guy. Its a basic inflation logic. Its 15% in circulation if you would deploy just another 15% your coin will lose half its value. How does that sound. While the marketcap will go 1x up. So promising.

>> No.20676872

Yes you are "waisting" your time. Please fuck off. Every single trustswap thread you appear like a bad smell.

>> No.20677024

Your FSN project is so "taken care of" as this is the bottom of fusion.org

- "©2016 - 2019 Fusion Foundation Ltd, All Rights Reserved"

They dont update even the most basic info...... Good luck with that. The whole site looks so not ready for mainstream.

>> No.20677054

Gosh i guess you reached the highest level of stupidity, is like saying in 2010 bitcoin are not in circulation stupid pajeet this is the principal of reward, you get rewarded based on fusion block creation and the full circulation will never be reached before 2999.

>> No.20677097
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think this has mememtic magic because some who typed like 4 paragraphs saying its bad i guess?? idk LOL im hold until this so called whitepaper comes out KEK

>> No.20677143

Thats so basic from you. This is not BTC its not being mined and the team owns 15% - Team reward and 20% Anyswap company. Thats 2x your whole marketcap as of now. Plus only 5% was deployed to the swap. The delusion is strong with this one.

This 35% is ready to be deployed on your ass. Dont forget only 15 (5%) is in circulation.

>> No.20677188
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>> No.20677197

Quite litereally initial offering was just 1/20th of the whole circulation. Yet you defend it. Thats so suicidal from you.

>> No.20677225

See thats the point. I know that its "better on paper".

But that does not matter, how many better coins there were against ETH, BTC and so on. None of them succeded. All of them were showing LOOK HOW BIG MY MUSCLES ARE, LOOK I HAVE 10 000 TPS AND THIS AND THAT.

Where are they now? I know that FSN is looking interesting. - Theres no interest dude. Quite literally 0.

>> No.20677241

sheeeeeiiiit, should i sell my bag tomorow, buy the romour sell news typa shiet

>> No.20677279

What does this have to do with news and rumors? Anyswap is out for some time, so its not rumor. This is old news. And its not good news.

>> No.20677343

This reads like you take shits on the street and got fired from your Windows Update scam job

>> No.20677349
File: 298 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20200725-083653_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so low interested that is the #2 on transactions performances and just got passed Dash in term of number of transactions.
And this with only two Dapps very succesfull because of the capability of the underlying protocol

>> No.20677365

It feels like you have nothing constructive to say rather than just offense me.

>> No.20677401

coinstats, its like you showed me your asshole. This should work to convince me? I saw the order book in every big exchange. That itself show how popular it is. But the only thing that needs to be said is that its 218 coin and on that is built ANY.

>> No.20677425

LOL sorry, I am on fire and thought that you respond to me. xd

>> No.20677527

The best thing of it all, Fusion is built on Ethereum, so we can see the holders addresses, yes its going to its own mainnet but so far we can see it. Its 9961 addresses, YET its OLD AF.

TrustSwap is 2 weeks old and there is half of your holders. - 4352

>> No.20677576
File: 153 KB, 1080x683, Screenshot_20200725-155829_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we called adoption, if what for you what matters is just order book and whitepaper i am Sorry for you.

>> No.20677617

What do you Keep saying no sense, it is not built on ethereum it has is own chain, but the core is the same which make all the tool like metamask, ledger etc usable for fusion too which is very powerful for the adoption

>> No.20677621
File: 10 KB, 346x196, stažený soubor (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that scammy site of yours, is literally even said that your FSN is spamming the network with txs.

Its like you stabbed yourself with your argument.

>> No.20677655

It was built on ethereum chain, I had a word about it with admin in your telegram group. Do you even know what you are on? They migrated to their own chain from ETH chain.


Here is ETHERSCAN contract to your stupid fusion.

At least I see how educated you are.

>> No.20677656
File: 478 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200725-092455_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call it holder i call it moonboy pump and dumper, Fusion has a steady growth and this is what we should expect, all kpis are Green.

>> No.20677689


Here literally on Fusion site, evidence about your chain being on ETH.

Do you even know anything about project you defend?

>> No.20677730

This is evidence of FSN being popular? Well I will leave you to it XD

>> No.20677820
File: 3.86 MB, 3920x1188, 20200725_161130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh you are not even able to distinguish simple indicator of random websites.
The one you are highlighting is for shitcoin that you like trx and eos

>> No.20677885

Yeah bro, yeah. Enjoy the ride on your 30 million blockchain. Truly huge potential.

>> No.20677948

This is what we call swap adress since the token initially was created on ethereum network before the mainet in 2019, now there are still People which did not swap, but again fusion has it is own blockchain
But i am seriously done with you i let DYOR, you seems pretty noobie in the domain like most of Trustswap moonboys, just as advice do not invest in whitepaper anymore 2017 is over.

>> No.20678015

I invest in Jeff not in whitepaper, your telepathic powers are pretty weak.

And the thing you just said, is what I SAID INITIALLY so why the fuck do you repeat after me XD This is just truly shame, theres no reason to argue with you since you are not capable of even reading.

>> No.20678428
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Trustswap threads are so weird haha

>> No.20678565

Yes, theres always that one person who brings up Anyswap that has literally different usecase. Yet they are trying to put it as competition. Its like putting car to fotball field to compete against players. Like wtf is this. BTC also does not stand against ETH. Both different usecase. Yet people compare them. Truly weird crypto space.