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20672655 No.20672655 [Reply] [Original]

Been following Sentinel ($SENT) for quite sometime.

I think it can do easy 10x over the next few months with iOS and mainnet lined up but wondering if LINK might provide better gains?

>> No.20672674 [DELETED] 

Is this a joke?

>> No.20672772

SENT will be the Amazon of VPN. They already have over 100k users. Any smart VC would value the network at 15-20m and mcap is 3m so it’s a steal.

As for LINK, there is severely diminished value, it’s way too late to get into link now to get 10-100x, who’s on the other side of the trade? Buy both then you’re hedged.

>> No.20672796

Can’t really compare the two but I have a bag of both. LINK will give steady gains for a few more months and SENT has 20x eoy potential imo. Also check out ATOM and IRIS

>> No.20672803

link is still on grand scheme of thing, but sent is cheaper. I got my bags ready for them steaks.

>> No.20672835

Torn between SENT and MYST, not buying Orchid hype. Not sure why link is relevant to this convo desu. Very different plays. I guess both crypto. More value in sent

>> No.20672853


Finna buy some SENT and ATOM this weekend after doing final DD, both look ready to pump and slightly lagging DeFi pumps. Profits will drop down into sent very soon

>> No.20672877

All in LINK atm but getting ropey. All retards on crypto twitter seem to be in link so not sure who’s gonna keep pumping it, they need to get rekt.

Will check out SENT, not heard much about it but seems to be getting attention of smart money and still on the lowdown which means value

>> No.20672896

Sick of hearing about this SENT shitcoin on biz

>> No.20672904

Guess you don’t have a bag. Did you say the same about link? Biz is the start of every mega pump in crypto. Read the game baka

>> No.20672918
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Loving seeing SENT on here daily. Fk me it’s gunna pump so hard, whales been accumulating for months!

>> No.20672957
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SENT has over 100k users all over the globe including oppressed countries.

Name a dApp with more users and such low mcap.

I’ll wait.........

10x EOY guaranteed

Link meh alpha decayed long time ago

>> No.20672990

Muh SENT. Illiquid. Let me know when I can actually buy a bag. Good project, no exchanges

>> No.20673053

Ok see you on Binance and OKEX in a few mo. I’ll sell to you at 10x where it is now. Or you could just stop being lazy and buy small amounts each day like biz have been doing. Want us to wipe ur ass for u too?

>> No.20673147
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Less about price speculation, more about residual income. I’ve been hosting a Sentinel node for the last few months on testnet and this is literally going to pay me half an annual salary when monetisation goes live on mainnet soon.

>> No.20673170
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SENT is my #1 moon bag. Fuk LINK zealots, they are all >85IQ copes. SENT smart money will be rich by EOY 100%, buying more each week to € cost average

>> No.20673190

Got my 5000 stinkie linkies when it was first shilled here. And I'm not selling yet! So why not both? Though other than a VPN I can profit on what else does sent have to offer? Do we stake sents for a VPN node?

>> No.20673224
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Staking will come yeah. Estimated 10% ROI/Y

Tech royalties are coming and Cosmos will lead.

Sentinel WON Cosmos Game of Zones Phase I and II. People have no idea how huge this is and it is certainly not priced in.

Fair value of SENT is 8-12x from here. Add in a bit of alt season magic and we will see ATH again in no time when it runs. Floor will be $50m in 2021. Easiest 10x in crypto. Need to be patient though small caps come a bit later, always remember that. Impatience kills.

>> No.20673246

What is the significance of winning game of zones? Looked like tecbnobabble on their updates. What did the team do with the money from it?

>> No.20673346
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jesus never heard of SENT but ty this post explains all SENT holders

>> No.20673363
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Almost bought this Indian scamcoin last year instead of RSR at .002. So happy I never fell for this shit

>> No.20673370

I know I'm a new faggot but where can I store SENT or do I have to store it on an exchange?

>> No.20673418

How many sent do I need to made good residual? I just got a small 100k bag atm

>> No.20673454

currently still on ether, but it will move over to tindermint when complete.

>> No.20673456

The answer is LINK then STATERA

>> No.20673459
File: 342 KB, 1125x2253, 2E922B7F-0ED8-46A7-BF79-B5152FB722A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• MyEtherWallet
• Sentinel native in-client wallet
• Any ERC20 wallet.
• Rainbow wallet is amazing Web3.0 wallet that supports SENT (image)

>> No.20673475

1m and up

>> No.20673507

Cheers brothers

>> No.20673511

The significance?

Only that they have now proven they have the most competent blockchain coders in an entire $1b ecosystem.

Brainlets calling SENT a scam / shitcoin are so far off the mark it’s frightening, in fact probably fudding to buy more. Sneaky fkers.

>> No.20673545
File: 94 KB, 800x1000, 1FD10F7D-B780-4EAA-8157-F2B968FD4F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT is the best investment opportunity in crypto that I have seen in the past 6 months. Easy to buy Hotbit, HitBTC, IDEX, or trade.sentinel.co

>> No.20673569

Nice, was just going to ask where to buy, going to start with a small bag today. $1000 should do it. From what I’ve done research wise I think it could get to $50m Macao by end of 2020 so that will be >10x ROI which will get me comfy

>> No.20673588

Cool. I’ve been accoomulating on uni just shitty with the low volume :(

>> No.20673597
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This is 2019 all over again

>> No.20673630
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Waiting on Cosmos IBC. Rome wasn’t built in a day anon.

>> No.20673659
File: 98 KB, 1280x713, CB069C53-5A75-4B54-A8F3-69BF3E9CF54C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IBC delays, but IBC is here now and can start integrating. It’s not as if Sentinel are sitting around. There are new updates every week sometimes even more than one per week. The new V3 client is going to be insane. iOS coming too which will double user base overnight

>> No.20673681

LINK is good but getting old now.

SENT is pre-pump and should give easy 3x from here over next few weeks, LINK cannot do that

>> No.20673695

if only you knew

>> No.20673698

sent was chosen among other shitcoins to be trade on idex for US, that tell u something is brewing behind the scene. Also binance have commented on it innovation.

>> No.20673728

V3 client? that crap is still in alpha v.0.13

>> No.20673730

How to host a sentinel node?

>> No.20673742

yeah, something is brewing, i can smell it from here, it's grandmas diarhea. they are brewing it to mint SENT tokens

>> No.20673752

"Sentinel partners with @plutusdefi, bringing them closer to a fully encrypted and private DeFi ecosystem.

The Sentinel #dVPN will be integrated into the PlutusDeFi application, offering users provably encrypted and anonymous usage."

The Sentinel V3 update will feature fully rebuilt clients along with a microservices architecture that will allow for dApp developers to integrate the Sentinel dVPN into their distributed and decentralized application via an API



>> No.20673769

How to run a dVPN Node?

OpenVPN on Tendermint - https://github.com/sentinel-official/sentinel/tree/master/sentinel-cosmos-docs/vpn-node-cosmos#openvpn-node-setup-on-tm

OpenVPN on ETH - https://github.com/sentinel-official/sentinel/blob/master/vpn-node-docker/README.md

>> No.20673794
File: 212 KB, 974x1280, BCE28A05-41A9-478D-A60E-DE58F0890CAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a dVPN node in your toolbox or are you just pleased to see me?

>> No.20673811

SENT will outperform LINK over the next 6 months easily. No doubt about it. Screenshot this.

>> No.20673814
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They gonna dump it as they did last time

>> No.20673899
File: 510 KB, 1125x1195, D2F3E7D7-553C-401D-A246-74FA84C1FA48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys, did you know VPN startups can use Sentinel’s network of nodes? Check out what Velocity are doing...

I’ve just had my SENT lightbulb moment.

Do you have any idea how huge this is?

Imagine wanting to spin up a VPN company but you don’t know how to manage or set up nodes or it’s too costly for you, but you have a good marketing team. You can just fix different UI to the Sentinel network and sell it as VPN product to your target audience in your chose country.

This is huge and I finally get why SENT will absolutely skyrocket.

Imagine when VPN companies all over the world are all using Sentinel’s network of nodes and anyone in the world can host a node..!

God damn.

Sentinel could eat the entire centralised VPN industry eventually.

This is a future Billion Dollar network :-O

>> No.20673910

Based and SENTPilled!!! Congrats.

>> No.20673928

Based. This is pretty cool. I did not know this. VPN will be a 70b market by 2025. If sentinel can capture just 1% of this that’s $700m. Fuck.

>> No.20674017

Remember that thread. Can't believe people are falling for this shitcoin a year later

>> No.20674026
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Same Ransheet in every fucking thread

>> No.20674175
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samefag go back to your discord and figure out how to be less obvious about being a shitskin.

>> No.20674186

Stinky fucking indians.

>> No.20674197

This lol

>> No.20674289
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Reminder that this never happened

>> No.20674394

Yes it did... it’s happening as we speak. Have you no patience?

>> No.20674423

Hahahahahaha I’m Israeli you thick twat

>> No.20674447
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was about to buy in actually but this got me to run far away

>> No.20674621
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The only place where It's happening is in your empty cranial cavity